992 resultados para ofet afm spm efm


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Negli ultimi anni uno dei settori di ricerca più interessanti in ambito tecnologico è sicuramente quello dell'elettronica organica. Lo sviluppo è spinto dai vantaggi che portano i dispositivi basati su materiali organici: bassi costi di produzione, facilità di fabbricazione su grandi aree e flessibilità. In questa tesi andiamo ad esaminare un transistor organico a effetto di campo (OFET) dal punto di vista macroscopico e microscopico, cercando di mettere in relazione le sue caratteristiche morfologiche ed elettriche. Il dispositivo sottoposto ai test è un OFET realizzato con TIPS-pentacene come semiconduttore. Dai risultati ottenuti si evince che le prestazioni elettriche del transistor sono fortemente legate alla microstruttura assunta dal materiale organico durante la deposizione. I primi due capitoli illustrano i principi di funzionamento degli OFET e la tecnica SPM (scanning probe microscopy) utilizzata per l'indagine microscopica. Il terzo e quarto capitolo descrivono rispettivamente gli apparati sperimentali e i risultati ottenuti dall'indagine su due aree diverse del dispositivo.


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The synthesis of alternating copolymers of tetraalkylindenofluorene with bithiophene and terthiophene using Suzuki polycondensation route is reported. We report on the optical and electrochemical properties of these copolymers. AFM analysis of the microscopic morphology of thin deposits showed that the copolymer with terthiophene units produced the more ordered films, with well-defined fibrillar structures, resulting from highly-regular dense packing due to strong π-π interchain interactions, in contrast to the amorphous bithiophene copolymer. Upon testing these materials in FETs the terthienyl copolymers displayed the higher charge mobilities among the studied compounds, with values of over 10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1 being obtained.


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Organised multilayers were formed from the controlled self-assembly of ferrocene alkyl thiols on Au(111) surfaces. The control was accomplished by increasing the concentration of the thiol solutions used for the assembly. Cyclic voltammetry, ellipsometry, scanning probe microscopy (STM and AFM) and in situ FTIR spectroscopy were used to probe the differences between mono- and multilayers of the same compounds. Electrochemical desorption studies confirmed that the multilayer structure is attached to the surface via one monolayer. The electrochemical behaviour of the multilayers indicated the presence of more than one controlling factor during the oxidation step, whereas the reduction was kinetically controlled which contrasts with the behaviour of monolayers, which exhibit kinetic control for the oxidation and reduction steps. Conventional and imaging ellipsometry confirmed that multilayers with well-defined increments in thickness could be produced. However, STM indicated that at the monolayer stage, the thiols used promote the mobility of Au atoms on the surface. It is very likely that the multilayer structure is held together through hydrogen bonding. To the best of out knowledge, this is the first example of a controlled one-step growth of multilayers of ferrocenyl alkyl thiols using self-assembly techniques.


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Many studies on the morphology, molecular orientation, device performance, substrate nature and growth parameter dependence have been carried out since the proposal of Sexithiophene (6T) for organic electronics [ ] However, these studies were mostly performed on films thicker than 20nm and without specifically addressing the relationship between morphology and molecular orientation within the nano and micro structures of ultrathin films of 0-3 monolayers. In 2004, the observation that in OFETs only the first few monolayers at the interface in contact with the gate insulator contribute to the charge transport [ ], underlined the importance to study submonolayer films and their evolution up to a few monolayers of thickness with appropriate experimental techniques. We present here a detailed Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy study on various substrates aiming at the investigation of growth mechanisms. Most reported similar studies are performed on ideal metals in UHV. However it is important to investigate the details of organic film growth on less ideal and even technological surfaces and device testpatterns. The present work addresses the growth of ultra thin organic films in-situ and quasi real-time by NC-AFM. An organic effusion cell is installed to evaporate the organic material directly onto the SPM sample scanning stage.


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In recent decades, Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs) have attracted lots of interest due to their low cost, large area and flexible properties which have brought them to be considered the building blocks of the future organic electronics. Experimentally, devices based on the same organic material deposited in different ways, i.e. by varying the deposition rate of the molecules, show different electrical performance. As predicted theoretically, this is due to the speed and rate by which charge carriers can be transported by hopping in organic thin films, transport that depends on the molecular arrangement of the molecules. This strongly suggests a correlation between the morphology of the organic semiconductor and the performance of the OTFT and hence motivated us to carry out an in-situ real time SPM study of organic semiconductor growth as an almost unprecedent experiment with the aim to fully describe the morphological evolution of the ultra-thin film and find the relevant morphological parameters affecting the OTFT electrical response. For the case of 6T on silicon oxide, we have shown that the growth mechanism is 2D+3D, with a roughening transition at the third layer and a rapid roughening. Relevant morphological parameters have been extracted by the AFM images. We also developed an original mathematical model to estimate theoretically and more accurately than before, the capacitance of an EFM tip in front of a metallic substrate. Finally, we obtained Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) AFM images of 6T at lying molecules layer both on silicon oxide and on top of 6T islands. Moreover, we performed ex-situ AFM imaging on a bilayer film composed of pentacene (a p-type semiconductor) and C60 (an n-type semiconductor).


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The structure-building phenomena within clay aggregates are governed by forces acting between clay particles. Measurements of such forces are important to understand in order to manipulate the aggregate structure for applications such as dewatering of mineral processing tailings. A parallel particle orientation is required when conducting XRD investigation on the oriented samples and conduct force measurements acting between basal planes of clay mineral platelets using at. force microscopy (AFM). To investigate how smectite clay platelets were oriented on silicon wafer substrate when dried from suspension range of methods like SEM, XRD and AFM were employed. From these investigations, we conclude that high clay concns. and larger particle diams. (up to 5 μm) in suspension result in random orientation of platelets in the substrate. The best possible laminar orientation in the clay dry film, represented in the XRD 0 0 1/0 2 0 intensity ratio of 47 was obtained by drying thin layers from 0.02 wt.% clay suspensions of the natural pH. Conducted AFM investigations show that smectite studied in water based electrolytes show very long-range repulsive forces lower in strength than electrostatic forces from double-layer repulsion. It was suggested that these forces may have structural nature. Smectite surface layers rehydrate in water environment forms surface gel with spongy and cellular texture which cushion approaching AFM probe. This structural effect can be measured in distances larger than 1000 nm from substrate surface and when probe penetrate this gel layer, structural linkages are forming between substrate and clay covered probe. These linkages prevent subsequently smooth detachments of AFM probe on way back when retrieval. This effect of tearing new formed structure apart involves larger adhesion-like forces measured in retrieval. It is also suggested that these effect may be enhanced by the nano-clay particles interaction.


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An investigation has been made of the interactions between silicone oil and various solid substrates immersed in aqueous solutions. Measurements were made using an atomic force microscope (AFM) using the colloid-probe method. The silicone oil drop is simulated by coating a small silica sphere with the oil, and measuring the force as this coated sphere is brought close to contact with a flat solid surface. It is found that the silicone oil surface is negatively charged, which causes a double-layer repulsion between the oil drop and another negatively charged surface such as mica. With hydrophilic solids, this repulsion is strong enough to prevent attachment of the drop to the solid. However, with hydrophobic surfaces there is an additional attractive force which overcomes the double-layer repulsion, and the silicone oil drop attaches to the solid. A "ramp" force appears in some, but not all, of the data sets. There is circumstantial evidence that this force results from compression of the silicone oil film coated on the glass sphere.


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The structure-building phenomena within clay aggregates are governed by forces acting between clay particles. The nature of such forces is important to understand in order to manipulate the aggregate structure for applications such as settling and dewatering. A parallel particle orientation is required when conducting force measurements acting between the basal planes of clay mineral platelets using atomic force microscopy (AFM). In order to prepare a film of clay particles with the optimal orientation for conducting AFM measurements, the influences of particle concentration in suspension, suspension pH and particle size on the clay platelet orientation were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. From these investigations, we conclude that high clay (dry mass) concentrations and larger particle diameters (up to 5 µm) in suspension result in random orientation of platelets on the substrate. The best possible laminar orientation in the clay dried film as represented in the XRD by the 001/020 intensity ratio of more than 150 and by SE micrograph assessments, was obtained by drying thin layers from 0.2 wt% of -5 µm clay suspensions at pH 10.5. These dried films are stable and suitable for close-approach AFM studies in solution.


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In situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows images from the upper face and sides of TCNQ crystals to be monitored during the course of the electrochemical solid–solid state conversion of 50 × 50 μm2 three-dimensional drop cast crystals of TCNQ to CuTCNQ or M[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 (M = Co, Ni). Ex situ images obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) also allow the bottom face of the TCNQ crystals, in contact with the indium tin oxide or gold electrode surface and aqueous metal electrolyte solution, to be examined. Results show that by carefully controlling the reaction conditions, nearly mono-dispersed, rod-like phase I CuTCNQ or M[TCNQ]2(H2O)2 can be achieved on all faces. However, CuTCNQ has two different phases, and the transformation of rod-like phase 1 to rhombic-like phase 2 achieved under conditions of cyclic voltammetry was monitored in situ by AFM. The similarity of in situ AFM results with ex situ SEM studies accomplished previously implies that the morphology of the samples remains unchanged when the solvent environment is removed. In the process of crystal transformation, the triple phase solid∣electrode∣electrolyte junction is confirmed to be the initial nucleation site. Raman spectra and AFM images suggest that 100% interconversion is not always achieved, even after extended electrolysis of large 50 × 50 μm2 TCNQ crystals.


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Osteocytes are the mature cells and perform as mechanosensors within the bone. The mechanical property of osteocytes plays an important role to fulfill these functions. However, little researches have been done to investigate the mechanical deformation properties of single osteocytes. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is a state-of-art experimental facility for high resolution imaging of tissues, cells and any surfaces as well as for probing mechanical properties of the samples both qualitatively and quantitatively. In this paper, the experimental study based on AFM is firstly used to obtain forceindentation curves of single round osteocytes. The porohyperelastic (PHE) model of a single osteocyte is then developed by using the inverse finite element analysis (FEA) to identify and extract mechanical properties from the experiment results. It has been found that the PHE model is a good candidature for biomechanics studies of osteocytes.


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The aim of this paper is to determine the creep and relaxation responses of single chondrocytes in vitro. Firstly, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to obtain the force-indentation curves of single chondrocytes at the strain-rate of 7.05 s-1. This result was then employed in inverse finite element analysis (FEA) using porohyperelastic (PHE) idealization of the cells to determine their mechanical properties. The PHE model results agreed well with AFM experimental data. This PHE model was then utilized to study chondrocyte’s creep and relaxation behaviors. The results revealed that the effect of fluid was predominant for cell’s mechanical behaviors and that the PHE is a good model for biomechanics studies of chondrocytes.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the stress relaxation behavior of single chondrocytes using the Porohyperelastic (PHE) model and inverse Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Firstly, based on Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) technique, we have found that the chondrocytes exhibited stress relaxation behavior. We explored the mechanism of this stress relaxation behavior and concluded that the intracellular fluid exuding out from the cells during deformation plays the most important role in the stress relaxation. Next, we have applied the inverse FEA technique to determine necessary material parameters for PHE model to simulate this stress relaxation behavior as this model is proven capable of capturing the non-linear behavior and the fluid-solid interaction during the stress relaxation of the single chondrocytes. It is observed that this PHE model can precisely capture the stress relaxation behavior of single chondrocytes and would be a suitable model for cell biomechanics.