830 resultados para occupational hazard
Exposures to traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) can be particularly high in transport microenvironments (i.e. in and around vehicles) despite the short durations typically spent there. There is a mounting body of evidence that suggests that this is especially true for fine (b2.5 μm) and ultrafine (b100 nm, UF) particles. Professional drivers, who spend extended periods of time in transport microenvironments due to their job, may incur exposures markedly higher than already elevated non-occupational exposures. Numerous epidemiological studies have shown a raised incidence of adverse health outcomes among professional drivers, and exposure to TRAP has been suggested as one of the possible causal factors. Despite this, data describing the range and determinants of occupational exposures to fine and UF particles are largely conspicuous in their absence. Such information could strengthen attempts to define the aetiology of professional drivers' illnesses as it relates to traffic combustion-derived particles. In this article, we suggest that the drivers' occupational fine and UF particle exposures are an exemplar case where opportunities exist to better link exposure science and epidemiology in addressing questions of causality. The nature of the hazard is first introduced, followed by an overview of the health effects attributable to exposures typical of transport microenvironments. Basic determinants of exposure and reduction strategies are also described, and finally the state of knowledge is briefly summarised along with an outline of the main unanswered questions in the topic area.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"September 1978."
Mode of access: Internet.
The importance of the isoform CYP2E1 of the human cytochrome P-450 superfamily of enzymes for occupational and environmental medicine is derived from its unique substrate spectrum that includes a number of highly important high-production chemicals, such as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, solvents and industrial monomers (i.a. alkanes, alkenes, aromatic and halogenated hydrocarbons). Many polymorphic genes, such as CYP2E1, show considerable differences in allelic distribution between different human populations. The polymorphic nature of the human CYP2E1 gene is significant for inter-individual differences in toxicity of its substrates. Since the substrate spectrum of CYP2E1 includes many compounds of basic relevance to industrial toxicology, a rationale for metabolic interactions of different CYP2E1 substrates is provided. In-depth research into the inter-individual phenotypic differences of human CYP2E1 enzyme activities was enabled by the recognition that the 6-hydroxylation of the drug chlorzoxazone is mediated by CYP2E1. Studies on CYP2E1 phenotyping have pointed to inter-individual variations in enzyme activities. There are consistent ethnic differences in CYP2E1 enzyme expression, mostly demonstrated between European and Japanese populations, which point to a major impact of genetic factors. The most frequently studied genetic polymorphisms are the restriction fragment length polymorphisms PstI/RsaI (mutant allele: CYP2E1*5B) located in the 5′-flanking region of the gene, as well as the DraI polymorphism (mutant allele: CYP2E1*6) located in intron 6. These polymorphisms are partly related, as they form the common allele designated CYP2E1*5A. Striking inter-ethnic differences between Europeans and Asians appear with respect to the frequencies of the CYP2E1*5A allele (only approximately 5% of Europeans are heterozygous, but 37% of Asians are, whilst 6% of Asians are homozygous). Available studies indicate a wide variation in human CYP2E1 expression, which are very likely based on complex gene-environment interactions. Major inter-ethnic differences are apparent on the genotyping and the phenotyping levels. Selected cases are presented where inter-ethnic variations of CYP2E1 may provide likely explanations for unexplained findings concerning industrial chemicals that are CYP2E1 substrates. Possible consequences of differential inter-individual and inter-ethnic susceptibilities are related to individual expressions of clinical symptoms of chemical toxicity, to results of biological monitoring of exposed workers, and to the interpretation of results of epidemiological or molecular-epidemiological studies.
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is recognized as an occupational hazard in the hospitality industry. Although Portuguese legislation banned smoking in most indoor public spaces, it is still allowed in some restaurants/bars, representing a potential risk to the workers’ health, particularly for chronic respiratory diseases. The aims of this work were to characterize biomarkers of early genetic effects and to disclose proteomic signatures associated to occupational exposure to ETS and with potential to predict respiratory diseases development. A detailed lifestyle survey and clinical evaluation (including spirometry) were performed in 81 workers from Lisbon restaurants. ETS exposure was assessed through the level of PM 2.5 in indoor air and the urinary level of cotinine. The plasma samples were immunodepleted and analysed by 2D-SDSPAGE followed by in-gel digestion and LC-MS/MS. DNA lesions and chromosome damage were analysed innlymphocytes and in exfoliated buccal cells from 19 cigarette smokers, 29 involuntary smokers, and 33 non-smokers not exposed to tobacco smoke. Also, the DNA repair capacity was evaluated using an ex vivo challenge comet assay with an alkylating agent (EMS). All workers were considered healthy and recorded normal lung function. Interestingly, following 2D-DIGE-MS (MALDI-TOF/TOF), 61 plasma proteins were found differentially expressed in ETS-exposed subjects, including 38 involved in metabolism, acute-phase respiratory inflammation, and immune or vascular functions. On the other hand, the involuntary smokers showed neither an increased level of DNA/chromosome damage on lymphocytes nor an increased number of micronuclei in buccal cells, when compared to non-exposed non-smokers. Noteworthy, lymphocytes challenge with EMS resulted in a significantly lower level of DNA breaks in ETS-exposed as compared to non-exposed workers (P<0.0001) suggestive of an adaptive response elicited by the previous exposure to low levels of ETS. Overall, changes in proteome may be promising early biomarkers of exposure to ETS. Likewise, alterations of the DNA repair competence observed upon ETS exposure deserves to be further understood. Work supported by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, ACSS and FCT/Polyannual Funding Program.
Mycotoxins are an important group of naturally occurring substances known to contaminate a huge variety of agricultural products, feed and food commodities. The main concern is their widespread presence and toxic effects on humans and animals as they have been described as cytotoxic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, teratogenic, immunosuppressive, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic. However, until now, risk assessments and regulations have usually been performed on individual mycotoxins despite humans and animals are being frequently exposed to a multitude of mycotoxins simultaneously. Moreover, even though some exposures through inhalation and dermal contact may potentially occur, only oral ingestion has been considered as the sole route of exposure in all the evaluations. However, more recent studies have also demonstrated airborne exposure to mycotoxins in different occupational settings with emphasis on agricultural professions. In these cases, skin contact with mold-infested substrates and inhalation of spore-borne toxins are the most important sources of exposure. Still, mycotoxins are not normally recongnize as na occupational hazard and exposure is different from the one ocurring by food intake. In this case, exposure is charaterized to be acute and simultaneous to other mycotoxins and also to fungi and dust. All these features increase the challenge implicated in the risk assessment process. Some topics will be presented and discussed in detailed such as: What occupational settings should be consider in this case; possible exposure routes; exposure characterization; how to assess exposure; co-exposure; aggregate exposure and cumulative risk assessment.
The growing knowledge of the genetic polymorphisms of enzymes metabolising xenobiotics in humans and their connections with individual susceptibility towards toxicants has created new and important interfaces between human epidemiology and experimental toxicology. The results of molecular epidemiological studies may provide new hypotheses and concepts, which call for experimental verification, and experimental concepts may obtain further proof by molecular epidemiological studies. If applied diligently, these possibilities may be combined to lead to new strategies of human-oriented toxicological research. This overview will present some outstanding examples for such strategies taken from the practically very important field of occupational toxicology. The main focus is placed on the effects of enzyme polymorphisms of the xenobiotic metabolism in association with the induction of bladder cancer and renal cell cancer after exposure to occupational chemicals. Also, smoking and induction of head and neck squamous cell cancer are considered.
The high acute toxicity of acrylonitrile may be a result of its intrinsic biological reactivity or of its metabolite cyanide. Intravenous N-acetylcysteine has been recommended for treatment of accidental intoxications in acrylonitrile workers, but such recommendations vary internationally. Acrylonitrile is metabolized in humans and experimental animals via two competing pathways; the glutathione-dependent pathway is considered to represent an avenue of detoxication whilst the oxidative pathway leads to a genotoxic epoxide, cyanoethylene oxide, and to elimination of cyanide. Cases of acute acrylonitrile overexposure or intoxication have occurred within persons having industrial contact with acrylonitrile; the route of exposure was by inhalation and/or by skin contact. The combined observations lead to the conclusion of a much higher impact of the oxidative metabolism of acrylonitrile in humans than in rodents. This is confirmed by differences in the clinical picture of acute life-threatening intoxications in both species, as well as by differential efficacies of antidotes. A combination of N-acetylcysteine with sodium thiosulfate seems an appropriate measure for antidote therapy of acute acrylonitrile intoxications. Clinical observations also highlight the practical importance of human individual susceptibility differences. Furthermore, differential adduct monitoring, assessing protein adducts with different rates of decay, enables the development of more elaborated biological monitoring strategies for the surveillance of workers with potential acrylonitrile contact.
Studies on 300 persons subjected by occupational hazard to the allergenic weed, Parthenium hysterophorus L. for periods ranging from 3 to 12 months revealed that 4% of them developed contact dermatitis of the exposed parts of the body, while 56% of them got sensitized to the weed without apparently exhibiting any dermatitis. None of them suffered from allergic manifestations like rhinitis or bronchial asthma during the period of study which extended for 2 years.
O objeto deste estudo trata do impacto do ambiente de trabalho no processo de saúde-doença dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de uma unidade ambulatorial especializada da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os objetivos foram: identificar os riscos ocupacionais no ambiente laboral dos trabalhadores de enfermagem da unidade em estudo; descrever a percepção do trabalhador de enfermagem sobre os impactos dos riscos ocupacionais em sua saúde; analisar o ambiente laboral destes trabalhadores com vistas à identificação de fatores de riscos que interferem negativamente na saúde; propor medidas de prevenção para minimização de impactos negativos na saúde dos mesmos, com destaque para a elaboração do Mapa de Riscos. Como suporte teórico, foram abordados conceitos e pressupostos relacionados às doenças do trabalho e sua relação com riscos ocupacionais, contextualizando-os com a configuração do mundo do trabalho em saúde, sua organização e processo laboral, assim como as vivências de prazer e sofrimento que podem alterar a saúde dos trabalhadores. Pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, de natureza qualitativa. Os sujeitos foram 40 trabalhadores de enfermagem, incluindo enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem. Os instrumentos de coleta foram a entrevista semiestruturada e a observação não participante, aplicados entre março/abril e junho/setembro de 2011, respectivamente. E cruzando as informações coletadas a partir dos dois instrumentos, buscou-se captar dados que possibilitasse a elaboração do Mapa de Risco dos setores com mais problemas em termos de deixar vulnerável a saúde dos trabalhadores, sendo elaborado Mapa de Risco da UCAMB e da CME. Enfatiza-se que houve assinatura prévia do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e que a pesquisa foi aprovada pelo comitê de ética do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto sob número de protocolo 2528. O método de análise escolhido foi do tipo: análise temática de conteúdo, o qual possibilitou o surgimento de três categorias: riscos ocupacionais visíveis e invisíveis para o trabalhador de enfermagem; o processo de adoecimento do trabalhador no e pelo trabalho; melhorias das condições de trabalho: contribuições para proteção da saúde dos trabalhadores. Os resultados evidenciaram que o risco mais freqüentemente revelado foi de acidente, principalmente por materiais perfurocortantes, seguidos de exposição aos riscos biológicos. Porém, houve sujeitos que não perceberam a presença dos riscos ou reduziam a gravidade dos mesmos para o processo saúde-doença. As repercussões dos riscos ocupacionais no corpo dos trabalhadores foram identificadas como: estresse, varizes e distúrbios osteomusculares. Algumas sugestões elaboradas pelos sujeitos para a melhoria das condições de trabalho foram: realização de reformas estruturais, modernização dos equipamentos, incremento quantitativo dos recursos humanos, melhoria na organização do trabalho, implementação de um Núcleo da Saúde do Trabalhador. Considera-se que os objetivos deste estudo foram atingidos, no entanto, existe a clareza de que há muito a ser pesquisado sobre riscos ocupacionais e suas repercussões nos trabalhadores, assim como as intervenções necessárias para a prevenção e promoção da saúde do trabalhador. Sugerem-se novas pesquisas, como também repensar nas estratégias de ensino de formação dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, e também se faz relevante a participação da categoria em movimentos sociais para a construção de políticas públicas nesta área.
RESUMO - O presente trabalho é um contributo para uma intervenção mais eficaz na prevenção dos riscos profissionais. As diversas áreas de conhecimento e metodologias de avaliação e controlo dos riscos profissionais tendentes a identificar, caracterizar e avaliar situações de risco profissional, permitem o desenvolvimento de programas de prevenção dos riscos profissionais. Nesse contexto devem ser valorizadas as variáveis individuais (trabalhadores) para além das variáveis ambientais.
Introducción: El sector de la minería es fuente de desarrollo económico y social para Colombia (La Locomotora minera), ante este espectro se hace necesario su estudio en salud ocupacional. Objetivo: Caracterizar los subprogramas de medicina preventiva y del trabajo, higiene y seguridad industrial de las empresas de minería subterránea de carbón y determinar la asociación entre los riesgos identificados por los trabajadores y los establecidos por la empresa en el departamento de Cundinamarca. Materiales y métodos Estudio de corte transversal , utilizando dos tipos de cuestionarios estructurados: uno para empresa que caracterizó el estado del Programa de Salud Ocupacional, el otro dirigido a los empleados que identificó el conocimiento de los riesgos de exposición, uso de elementos de protección personal y acciones realizadas por el empleador. Resultados El desarrollo del Programa de Salud Ocupacional en Cundinamarca es bajo, en un rango del 25,26% al 38,85%. En la identificación del riesgo se presentó asociación en temperaturas extremas (5,00%) y uso de herramientas corto punzantes (58,8%). En uso de protección personal y su suministro se encontró asociación en mascarilla (60,00%) y eslinga (94,70%). Conclusiones Es necesario la implementación de controles estatales que mitiguen los riesgos, se cumpla con buenas condiciones laborales para disminuir índices de accidentalidad y enfermedad laboral.
Objetivo Realizar una revisión sistemática de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) con el propósito de compactar y sintetizar los conocimientos fragmentados, así como el de informar el estado actual de este tema como riesgo laboral. Metodología La neumonía lipoidea es una condición poco común que resulta de la presencia de lípidos en el interior del espacio alveolar, se desconoce su actual incidencia. La neumonía lipoidea exógena se produce por aspiración o inhalación de sustancias oleosas, es una patología rara en pacientes sin enfermedades de base que predispongan a la broncoaspiración y cuando se presenta en individuos sanos se debe sospechar un origen ocupacional. Se realizó una revisión de literatura según la metodología estandarizada, incluyendo en la búsqueda: reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y el uso de técnicas diagnósticas. Las bases de datos fueron OVID además de GOOGLE ACADÉMICO; buscadores específicos: MEDLINE, CHEST, PUB MED, REDALYC, SCIELO, Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) y ELSEVIER. La búsqueda estuvo además, orientada por una serie de preguntas orientadoras sobre la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) como riesgo laboral. Los artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, se clasificaron de acuerdo con tipo de estudio, la calidad del artículo y finalmente se evaluaron con base en una lista de chequeo ajustada para este fin. Resultados Se seleccionó un total de 71 estudios incluyendo reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y técnicas diagnósticas; publicaciones provenientes de 21 países. Un total de 63 casos, 31 en mujeres (49,20%) y 32 en hombres (50,8%) fueron reportados; el 7,93% de los casos fueron atribuidos a la exposición de agentes en el ambiente laboral: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Los síntomas de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) descritos fueron muy variables, puede cursar asintomática o con presencia de fiebre, disnea y tos irritativa; dolor torácico, en algunos casos hemoptisis, cianosis y pérdida de peso; El examen físico generalmente es normal, aunque puede revelar sibilancias o roncus. En pruebas de función respiratoria tales como la espirometría, se presenta un patrón restrictivo, además puede hallarse un descenso en la capacidad de difusión para el monóxido de carbono. En el hemograma puede detectarse leucocitosis con predominio de neutrófilos y aumento de la velocidad de sedimentación globular, hallazgos que también pueden ser producidos por una infección concomitante. Conclusiones Se destaca el hallazgo en la literatura de los diferentes agentes causales presentes en el ambiente laboral que pueden incidir en la aparición de la enfermedad: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Se presentó neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) de tipo agudo después de 30 minutos a 24 horas de exposición masiva a aceites y sustancias oleosas, luego de de ocho meses a 9,5 años de inhalación continua secundaria. Los métodos más para de la diagnóstico enfermedad incluyen el lavado broncoalveolar (BAL), la biopsia de pulmón y la con radiografía torácica. Finalmente, es posible que en pacientes con neumonía lipoidea exógena, puedan presentarse complicaciones asociadas tales como: sobreinfección, fibrosis, retracción de las lesiones, cáncer de pulmón, bronconeumonías recurrentes e hipercalcemia.