998 resultados para objectivity without objects


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Dans cette thèse, je propose une lecture renouvelée de l’itinéraire philosophique d’Hilary Putnam concernant la problématique du réalisme. Mon propos consiste essentiellement à défendre l’idée selon laquelle il y aurait beaucoup plus de continuité, voir une certaine permanence, dans la manière dont Putnam a envisagé la question du réalisme tout au long de sa carrière. Pour arriver à une telle interprétation de son oeuvre, j’ai essentiellement suivi deux filons. D’abord, dans un ouvrage du début des années 2000, Ethics without Ontology (2004), Putnam établit un parallèle entre sa conception de l’objectivité en philosophie des mathématiques et en éthique. Le deuxième filon vient d’une remarque qu’il fait, dans l’introduction du premier volume de ses Philosophical Papers (1975), affirmant que la forme de réalisme qu’il présupposait dans ses travaux des années 1960-1970 était la même que celle qu’il défendait en philosophie des mathématiques et qu’il souhaitait défendre ultérieurement en éthique. En suivant le premier filon, il est possible de mieux cerner la conception générale que se fait Putnam de l’objectivité, mais pour comprendre en quel sens une telle conception de l’objectivité n’est pas propre aux mathématiques, mais constitue en réalité une conception générale de l’objectivité, il faut suivre le second filon, selon lequel Putnam aurait endossé, durant les années 1960-1970, le même type de réalisme en philosophie des sciences et en éthique qu’en philosophie des mathématiques. Suivant cette voie, on se rend compte qu’il existe une similarité structurelle très forte entre le premier réalisme de Putnam et son réalisme interne. Après avoir établi la parenté entre le premier et le second réalisme de Putnam, je montre, en m’inspirant de commentaires du philosophe ainsi qu’en comparant le discours du réalisme interne au discours de son réalisme actuel (le réalisme naturel du commun des mortels), que, contrairement à l’interprétation répandue, il existe une grande unité au sein de sa conception du réalisme depuis les années 1960 à nos jours. Je termine la thèse en montrant comment mon interprétation renouvelée de l’itinéraire philosophique de Putnam permet de jeter un certain éclairage sur la forme de réalisme que Putnam souhaite défendre en éthique.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise a pour visée d’étudier la spécificité antiautoritaire du discours narratif de l’écrivaine argentine Luisa Valenzuela. Le corpus étudié comprend des nouvelles publiées dans les livres Cambio de armas (1982) et Simetrías (1993), écrites respectivement durant la dictature militaire (1976-1983) et dix ans après le retour à la démocratie. L’analyse des nouvelles dialogue avec l’essai de l’écrivaine, Peligrosas palabras (2001), et avec les différentes perspectives théoriques que nous adoptons dans chacun des chapitres (sociolinguistique, théorie féministe et critique culturelle). Cette recherche fera ressortir comment l’expression du désir dans les textes de Luisa Valenzuela critique les relations de domination présentes dans la dictature et dans la société patriarcale. Les textes étudiés 1) dénoncent les effets de la politique répressive sur le sujet en exposant la sexualité et en rejetant la séparation entre les sphères publique et privée; 2) ils soulignent la matérialité du corps, qui est marqué par les relations sociales et les rapports de pouvoir, à partir de laquelle il est possible de construire une objectivité féminine hors de l’opposition entre corps et esprit; 3) ils créent de nouvelles formes de représentation de la mémoire qui permettent de redéfinir la relation à l’histoire et à l’Autre. Dans le langage de Valenzuela, le désir se présente alors comme une revendication de relations sociales justes et d’une vision alternative du langage, de la subjectivité et de la mémoire.


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We present an approach to the problem of recognizing three-dimensional objects from line-drawings. In this approach there are no models. The system needs only to be given a single picture of an object; it can then recognize the object in arbitrary orientations.


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A robot mounted camera is useful in many machine vision tasks as it allows control over view direction and position. In this paper we report a technique for calibrating both the robot and the camera using only a single corresponding point. All existing head-eye calibration systems we have encountered rely on using pre-calibrated robots, pre- calibrated cameras, special calibration objects or combinations of these. Our method avoids using large scale non-linear optimizations by recovering the parameters in small dependent groups. This is done by performing a series of planned, but initially uncalibrated robot movements. Many of the kinematic parameters are obtained using only camera views in which the calibration feature is at, or near the image center, thus avoiding errors which could be introduced by lens distortion. The calibration is shown to be both stable and accurate. The robotic system we use consists of camera with pan-tilt capability mounted on a Cartesian robot, providing a total of 5 degrees of freedom.


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A small scale sculpture that contributes towards my ongoing explorations into how our collective ability to sustain (the future) is as much a cultural problematic as it is an economic or technological one. The curatorial brief of the project was a technical one - in that each curated artist was to design a piece in CAD suitable for 3D resin printing - The object should be entirely generated through 3D visualisation and modelling tools and should be machined and shipped within the dimensions of 6cm x 6cm x 6cm. My design for this brief was influenced by recent research I had conducted in Mildura in the Sunraysia irrigated region of NW Victoria. Each name set within the work is an Australian soldier/settler – who, on returning from the ‘Great War’ was duly awarded a ‘block’ in Australia’s new inland irrigated settlements - with the explicit task of clearing it to plant and reap. Through their concerted and well-intentioned efforts, these workers began to profoundly re-shape Australia’s marginal country - inadvertently presaging the bleak future faced today by many of Australia’s inland lands and river systems. Furthermore, through that time's predominant colonial conception of ‘terra nullius’ (this land is unoccupied and therefore free to be claimed) they each played a small but formative part in building the profound cultural divide between land and peoples that still haunts Australia today. THE EXHIBITION: Inside Out is a compelling international touring exhibition featuring forty-six miniature sculptures produced in resin using 3D printing technologies. Developments in virtual computer visualisation and integrated digital technologies are giving contemporary makers new insight and opportunities to create objects and forms which were previously impossible to produce or difficult to envisage. The exhibition is the result of collaboration between the Art Technology Coalition, the University of Technology Sydney and RMIT University in Australia along with De Montfort University, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dartington College of Arts at University College Falmouth in the United Kingdom.


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YEAR: 2010 ROLE: Artist FORMAT: Miniature 3D Sculpture produced in resin using 3D printing technologies. WITH: International Touring Show ‘Inside Out’ WHAT: A miniature sculpture that contributes towards my ongoing explorations into how our collective ability to sustain (the future) is as much a cultural problematic as it is an economic or technological one. OVERVIEW: The curatorial brief was for each curated artist was to design a piece in CAD suitable for 3D resin printing - The object should be entirely generated through 3D visualisation and modelling tools and should be machined and shipped within the dimensions of 6cm x 6cm x 6cm. My design for this brief was influenced by recent research I had conducted in Mildura in the Sunraysia irrigated region of NW Victoria. Each name set within the work is an Australian soldier/settler – who, on returning from the ‘Great War’ was duly awarded a ‘block’ in Australia’s new inland irrigated settlements - with the explicit task of clearing it to plant and reap. Through their concerted and well-intentioned efforts, these workers began to profoundly re-shape Australia’s marginal country - inadvertently presaging the bleak future faced today by many of Australia’s inland lands and river systems. Furthermore, through that time's predominant colonial conception of ‘terra nullius’ (this land is unoccupied and therefore free to be claimed) they each played a small but formative part in building the profound cultural divide between land and peoples that still haunts Australia today. THE EXHIBITION: Inside Out is a compelling international touring exhibition featuring forty-six miniature sculptures produced in resin using 3D printing technologies. Developments in virtual computer visualisation and integrated digital technologies are giving contemporary makers new insight and opportunities to create objects and forms which were previously impossible to produce or difficult to envisage. The exhibition is the result of collaboration between the Art Technology Coalition, the University of Technology Sydney and RMIT University in Australia along with De Montfort University, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dartington College of Arts at University College Falmouth in the United Kingdom.


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The boundaries between 'the digital' and our everyday physical world are dissolving as we develop more physical ways of interacting with computing. This forum presents some of the topics discussed in the colorful multidisciplinary field of tangible and embodied interaction


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This paper presents a method for the continuous segmentation of dynamic objects using only a vehicle mounted monocular camera without any prior knowledge of the object’s appearance. Prior work in online static/dynamic segmentation is extended to identify multiple instances of dynamic objects by introducing an unsupervised motion clustering step. These clusters are then used to update a multi-class classifier within a self-supervised framework. In contrast to many tracking-by-detection based methods, our system is able to detect dynamic objects without any prior knowledge of their visual appearance shape or location. Furthermore, the classifier is used to propagate labels of the same object in previous frames, which facilitates the continuous tracking of individual objects based on motion. The proposed system is evaluated using recall and false alarm metrics in addition to a new multi-instance labelled dataset to evaluate the performance of segmenting multiple instances of objects.


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The advent of the Internet of Things creates an interest in how people might interrelate through and with networks of internet enabled objects. With an emphasis on fostering social connection and physical activity among older people, this preliminary study investigated objects that people over the age of 65 years viewed as significant to them. We conducted contextual interviews in people's homes about their significant objects in order to understand the role of the objects in their lives, the extent to which they fostered emotional and social connections and physical activity, and how they might be augmented through internet connection. Discussion of significant objects generated considerable emotion in the participants. We identified objects of comfort and routine, objects that exhibited status, those that fostered independence and connection, and those that symbolized relationships with loved ones. These findings lead us to consider implications for the design of interconnected objects.


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Purpose The aim of the study was to determine the association, agreement, and detection capability of manual, semiautomated, and fully automated methods of corneal nerve fiber length (CNFL) quantification of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP). Methods Thirty-three participants with diabetes and 17 healthy controls underwent laser scanning corneal confocal microscopy. Eight central images of the SNP were selected for each participant and analyzed using manual (CCMetrics), semiautomated (NeuronJ), and fully automated (ACCMetrics) software to quantify the CNFL. Results For the entire cohort, mean CNFL values quantified by CCMetrics, NeuronJ, and ACCMetrics were 17.4 ± 4.3 mm/mm2, 16.0 ± 3.9 mm/mm2, and 16.5 ± 3.6 mm/mm2, respectively (P < 0.01). CNFL quantified using CCMetrics was significantly higher than those obtained by NeuronJ and ACCMetrics (P < 0.05). The 3 methods were highly correlated (correlation coefficients 0.87–0.98, P < 0.01). The intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.87 for ACCMetrics versus NeuronJ and 0.86 for ACCMetrics versus CCMetrics. Bland–Altman plots showed good agreement between the manual, semiautomated, and fully automated analyses of CNFL. A small underestimation of CNFL was observed using ACCMetrics with increasing the amount of nerve tissue. All 3 methods were able to detect CNFL depletion in diabetic participants (P < 0.05) and in those with peripheral neuropathy as defined by the Toronto criteria, compared with healthy controls (P < 0.05). Conclusions Automated quantification of CNFL provides comparable neuropathy detection ability to manual and semiautomated methods. Because of its speed, objectivity, and consistency, fully automated analysis of CNFL might be advantageous in studies of diabetic neuropathy.


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We present results of a search for anomalous production of two photons together with an electron, muon, $\tau$ lepton, missing transverse energy, or jets using $p\bar{p}$ collision data from 1.1-2.0 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). The event yields and kinematic distributions are examined for signs of new physics without favoring a specific model of new physics. The results are consistent with the standard model expectations. The search employs several new analysis techniques that significantly reduce instrumental backgrounds in channels with an electron and missing transverse energy.


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During lightning strike to a tall grounded object (TGO), reflected current waves from TGO are transmitted on to the channel. With regard to these transmitted waves, there seems to be some uncertainties like: 1) will they get reflected at the main wavefront; and 2) if so, what would be their final status. This study makes an attempt to address these issues considering a special case of strike to a TGO involving equal channel core and TGO radii. A macroscopic physical model for the lightning return stroke is adopted for the intended work. Analysis showed that the waves transmitted on to the channel merges with the main wavefront without any sign of reflection. Investigation revealed that: 1) the nonlinear spatio-temporal resistance profile of the channel at the wavefront is mainly responsible for the same; and 2) the distributed source provides additional support. The earlier findings are not limited to the special case of TGO considered. In spite of considering equal TGO and channel core radii, salient features of the model predicted remote electromagnetic fields agree well with the measured data reported in literature.


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During lightning strike to a tall grounded object (TGO), reflected current waves from TGO are transmitted on to the channel. With regard to these transmitted waves, there seems to be some uncertainties like: 1) will they get reflected at the main wavefront; and 2) if so, what would be their final status. This study makes an attempt to address these issues considering a special case of strike to a TGO involving equal channel core and TGO radii. A macroscopic physical model for the lightning return stroke is adopted for the intended work. Analysis showed that the waves transmitted on to the channel merges with the main wavefront without any sign of reflection. Investigation revealed that: 1) the nonlinear spatio-temporal resistance profile of the channel at the wavefront is mainly responsible for the same; and 2) the distributed source provides additional support. The earlier findings are not limited to the special case of TGO considered. In spite of considering equal TGO and channel core radii, salient features of the model predicted remote electromagnetic fields agree well with the measured data reported in literature.