935 resultados para nursery tree


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Na atualidade, a citricultura paulista enfrenta sérios problemas com o surgimento de novas enfermidades limitantes ao processo produtivo. Uma das alternativas para prevenir essas enfermidades é, seguramente, a produção de mudas certificadas, com borbulhas e sementes de assegurada qualidade genética e sanitária, produzidas em containers ou sacos plásticos, sob fiscalização dos órgãos competentes, garantindo-se, assim, a sanidade das mesmas. No entanto, tem-se verificado que grande parte do processo operacional de produção de mudas cítricas foi parcialmente adaptado da produção de essências florestais (eucalipto), onde se insere, principalmente, o emprego de tubetes com comprimento de 12 cm. Tal prática desencadeia uma grave deformidade morfológica no sistema radical das mudas cítricas, reduzindo o seu potencial de crescimento, quando são plantadas a campo, em local definitivo. Como a principal causa desencadeadora do declínio dos citros parece ser o estresse hídrico, plantas oriundas desse sistema de produção de mudas, mostram-se muito mais vulneráveis ao estresse e, conseqüentemente, a esta anomalia. Como atualmente todas as mudas produzidas no Estado de São Paulo provêm desse sistema de produção, seguramente o declínio dos citros tenderá a ser, futuramente, muito mais freqüente e severo nos casos de combinações vulneráveis à sua ocorrência.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da presença do extrato pirolenhoso (EP) na calda de pulverização sobre o teor foliar de nutrientes de limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck), foi desenvolvido um experimento com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições, em blocos ao acaso, em ambiente protegido. Os tratamentos constituíram da pulverização das soluções: T0 = água; T1 = solução de micronutrientes sem EP; T2 = solução de micronutrientes + EP (1cm³ dm-3); T3 = solução de micronutrientes + EP (2 cm³ dm-3); T4 = solução de micronutrientes + EP (5cm³ dm-3); T5 = solução de micronutrientes + EP (10 cm³ dm-3). A solução de micronutrientes foi preparada com sulfatos de Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn (250 mg dm-3 do elemento) e ácido bórico (42,5 mg dm-3 de B). As plantas foram cultivadas em tubetes cônicos de 0,280 dm³, com substrato sem a adição de micronutrientes na formulação. As soluções foram pulverizadas uma única vez, aos 140 dias após o plantio (DAP), momento em que as plantas apresentavam aproximadamente 20 cm de altura. Ao final do experimento (160 DAP), quantificaram-se a massa seca e os teores de macro e micronutrientes da parte aérea e sistema radicular. A presença do extrato pirolenhoso na solução de micronutrientes não interferiu na concentração foliar de B, Fe e Zn em mudas de limoeiro 'Cravo'. Entretanto, na concentração de 10 cm³ dm-3, aumentou a concentração foliar de Cu e Mn. Observou-se também que as plantas pulverizadas com soluções contendo EP (1 a 10 cm³ dm-3) + micronutrientes apresentaram menor teor de Fe e maior teor de Ca no sistema radicular.


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A report done by Donald Ziraldo on the topic of Tree Fruit, specifically peach, in nurseries. The report was likely done while he was a student of the University of Guelph in the 1970s.


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"March 2010"--V. 7.


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Knowledge of root dry matter (DM) allocation, in relation to differing vigour conferred by rootstock cultivars, is required to understand the structural relationships between rootstock and scion. We investigated the mass of roots (four size classes up to 23 mm diameter) by coring proximal to five polyembryonic mango rootstock cultivars known to differ in their effects on the vigour and productivity of scion cultivar ‘Kensington Pride’, in a field trial of 13-year-old trees. Significant differences in fine (<0.64 and 0.64–1.88 mm diameter) and small (1.88–7.50 mm) root DM contents were observed between rootstock cultivars. There was a complex relationship between the amount of feeder (fine and small size classes) roots and scion size (trunk cross sectional area, TCSA), with intermediate size trees on rootstock MYP having the most feeder roots, while the smallest trees, on the rootstock Vellaikulamban had the least of these roots. Across rootstock cultivars, tree vigour (TCSA growth rate) was negatively and significantly related to the ratio of fine root DM/scion TCSA, suggesting this may be a useful indicator of the vigour that different rootstocks confer on the scion. In contrast non-ratio root DM and scion TCSA results had no significant relationships. The significant rootstock effects on orchard root growth and tree size could not be predicted from earlier differences in nursery seedling vigour, nor did seedling vigour predict root DM allocation.


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In forestry, availability of healthy seeds is an important factor in raising planting stock. Initial seed health and storage conditions are the major factors governing the germinability of seeds. Like seeds of agricultural and horticultural crops, forest tree seeds are also liable to be affected by micro-organisms during storage, which affects the germination, and reduces the viability. Further introduction of seed-borne diseases into newly sown crops/areas on account of using unhealthy seeds is also not ruled out. Availability of healthy stock of seedlings is intrinsic for raising plantations and to meet this requirement elimination of nursery diseases by appropriate chemicals is of prime imortance. As exotic tree species may become susceptible to various native pathogens, it is generally considered better to select indigenous tree species for large scale plantations as they are well adapted to local environment. However, before taking up large scale afforestation progranme involving any indigenous tree species, it is essential to have knowledge about seed disorders and seedling diseases and their management. with a View to select appropriate tree species with fewer seed disorders and seedling disease problems for use in further plantation programme, four indigenous tree species such as Albizia odoratissima (L.f) Benth., Lagerstroemia microcazpa Wt., Pterocazpus marsupiwn Roxb. and Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taub. were evaluated to meet the above parameters


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Bamboos are vulnerable to various diseases which affect them in nurseries, plantations as well as in natural stands. In India, rot and blight of emerging culms have already been identified as the limiting factor of the bamboo production in many bamboo growing areas, especially in the coastal belts of Orissa (Jamaluddin et a1., 1992). Similarly, foliage blight and rust have been recorded to pose threat to nursery as well as outplanted seedlings which are in the early establishnent phase (Bakshi et a1., 1972; Harsh et a1., 1989). With the increased emphasis and priority on raising multipurpose tree species, large—scale planting of bamboos has been initiated recently in the State. Limited experience in raising the bamboo seedlings together with the lack of information on bamboo diseases and their control measures often resulted in partial to complete failure of many nurseries. Also, poor handling of bareroot seedlings for outplanting affected seriously the planting programme. This was clearly reflected by the large-scale nortality of outplanted young seedlings reported from many plantations. So far, no systanatic attempt has been made to study the diseases affecting bamboos in nurseries, plantations and natural stands in the country. Hence, the present investigation was taken up to conduct a systematic study of the diseases affecting bamboos in Kerala.


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A new methodology for tree seedling production (Aquaforest system) based on a continuous floating subirrigation system was developed and tested using creeks with different nutrient levels. Eucalyptus grandis seedlings were produced in water from polluted and clean creeks, and compared to conventional tree nursery production. The growth variables analyzed in the seedling phase were: survival, height, diameter, shoot and root dry weight, leaf area, and root/shoot ratio. Water and substrate were analyzed, as well as leaf nutritional status. Plant survival was 100% in all treatments. Height and diameter were greater in the higher nutrient water treatment. Leaf area and dry weight of plants produced in the higher nutrient water treatment were similar to those of the control. The results showed that polluted water can represent a good nutrient source. The preliminary results show that the Aquaforest system can be a viable alternative for tree seedling production. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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• Regeneration of the dominant ectomycorrhizal tree Microberlinia bisulcata in groves in Korup, Central Africa, is very poor. The hypothesis was tested that this species is more shade intolerant than other co-occurring species. • In two 1-yr trials, each with M. bisulcata and four other species at a nursery close to Korup, growth was measured under five PAR levels, with ± added P and ± watering in the dry season. In parallel experiments the effects of PAR with two R : FR ratios were investigated. • Increasing PAR had a consistent effect on the rates of increase in plant mass and on changes in the other variables. Doubling soil P, watering and halving the R : FR ratio had almost no effect. However, across species, mass at low PAR and relative growth rate related positively and negatively, respectively, to seed mass. • One contributing factor for the poor recruitment of M. bisulcata is therefore its low survival and slow growth at low PAR, due to its small seed size. The two codominant ectomycorrhizal grove species of Tetraberlinia, with larger seeds, were less affected by low PAR.


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Active optical sensing (LIDAR and light curtain transmission) devices mounted on a mobile platform can correctly detect, localize, and classify trees. To conduct an evaluation and comparison of the different sensors, an optical encoder wheel was used for vehicle odometry and provided a measurement of the linear displacement of the prototype vehicle along a row of tree seedlings as a reference for each recorded sensor measurement. The field trials were conducted in a juvenile tree nursery with one-year-old grafted almond trees at Sierra Gold Nurseries, Yuba City, CA, United States. Through these tests and subsequent data processing, each sensor was individually evaluated to characterize their reliability, as well as their advantages and disadvantages for the proposed task. Test results indicated that 95.7% and 99.48% of the trees were successfully detected with the LIDAR and light curtain sensors, respectively. LIDAR correctly classified, between alive or dead tree states at a 93.75% success rate compared to 94.16% for the light curtain sensor. These results can help system designers select the most reliable sensor for the accurate detection and localization of each tree in a nursery, which might allow labor-intensive tasks, such as weeding, to be automated without damaging crops.


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Description based on: Vol. 2., no. 3 (1902); title from caption.