992 resultados para nucleation, recrystallization


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There is now considerable interest in the development of ultrafine grained steels with an average grain size of the order of 1µm. One of the methods with currently the greatest industrial interest is by dynamic strain induced transformation from austenite to ferrite. This involves deformation below the
equilibrium transformation temperature so that transformation occurs during the deformation. However, large strains are required to completely transform the microstructure during deformation. It is potentially possible to activate transformation during deformation then continue transformation
during subsequent cooling. It is shown that there are two critical strains: the first is where dynamic transformation commences and the second is the minimum strain for a fully ultrafine final microstructure after cooling to room temperature. The deformation and potential role of dynamic
recrystallization of the dynamically formed ferrite is also considered. Overall it is clear that for full industrial exploitation there is a need to understand and exploit the competing issues of nucleation, growth and recrystallization of the ferrite by both dynamic and static processes.


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Este artículo revisa la bibliografía existente sobre los problemas que la banda de colada continua, laminada en frío, presenta en su recristalización. Se examinan los impedimentos que presenta la precipitación de elementos de aleación o impurezas, previa o simultánea a la recristalización, para la nucleación de la recristalización y por tanto para ésta. Se explica el uso de las curvas TTT (Temperatura, Tiempo, Transformación) para la determinación de temperatura y velocidad de calentamiento críticas para llegar a la recristalización sin pasar por la zona de precipitación. Se explica también la obtención de curvas CTT (Concentración, Tiempo, Transformación) y "diagramas de tamaño de grano" para aleaciones Al-Mn en función de la velocidad de calentamiento y contenido de manganeso en solución sólida.


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The influence of stacking fault energy (SFE) on the mechanism of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) during hot deformation of FCC metals is examined in the light of results from the power dissipation maps. The DRX domain for high SFE metals like Al and Ni occurred at homologous temperature below 0·7 and strain rates of 0·001 s−1 while for low SFE metals like Cu and Pb the corresponding values are higher than 0·8 and 100 s−1. The peak efficiencies of power dissipation are 50% and below 40% respectively. A simple model which considers the rate of interface formation (nucleation) involving dislocation generation and simultaneous recovery and the rate of interface migration (growth) occurring with the reduction in interface energy as the driving force, has been proposed to account for the effect of SFE on DRX. The calculations reveal that in high SFE metals, interface migration controls DRX while the interface formation is the controlling factor in low SFE metals. In the latter case, the occurrence of flow softening and oscillations could be accounted for by this model.


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The domain of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in as-cast 304 stainless steel material occurs at higher temperatures (1250 degrees C) and lower strain rates (0.001 s(-1)) than in wrought 304 stainless steel (1100 degrees C and 0.01 s(-1)). The above result has been explained earlier on the basis of a simple theoretical DRX model involving the rate of nucleation versus rate of grain boundary migration. The present investigation is aimed at examining experimentally the influence of carbide particles on the DRX of ascast 304 using secondary ion mass spectrometric (SIMS) analysis. Isothermal compression tests at a constant true strain rate have been performed on wrought 304 and as-cast 304 materials in the temperature and strain rate ranges of 1000 to 1250 degrees C and 0.001 to 1 s(-1) respectively. The SIMS analysis carried out on the deformed samples revealed that the large carbides present in the as-cast 304 material strongly influence the DRX process. In as-cast 304 material, the presence of large carbide particles in the microstructure shifts the DRX domain to higher temperature and lower strain rate in comparison with wrought 304 material.


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A Cu-Cu multilayer processed by accumulative roll bonding was deformed to large strains and further annealed. The texture of the deformed Cu-Cu multilayer differs from the conventional fcc rolling textures in terms of higher fractions of Bs and RD-rotated cube components, compared with the volume fraction of Cu component. The elongated grain shape significantly affects the deformation characteristics. Characteristic microstructural features of both continuous dynamic recrystallization and discontinuous dynamic recrystallization were observed in the microtexture measurements. X-ray texture measurements of annealing of heavily deformed multilayer demonstrate constrained recrystallization and resulted in a bimodal grain size distribution in the annealed material at higher strains. The presence of cube- and BR-oriented grains in the deformed material confirms the oriented nucleation as the major influence on texture change during recrystallization. Persistence of cube component throughout the deformation is attributed to dynamic recrystallization. Evolution of RD-rotated cube is attributed to the deformation of cube components that evolve from dynamic recrystallization. The relaxation of strain components leads to Bs at larger strains. Further, the Bs component is found to recover rather than recrystallize during deformation. The presence of predominantly Cu and Bs orientations surrounding the interface layer suggests constrained annealing behavior.


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The microstructural evolution in localized shear deformation was investigated in an 8090 Al-Li alloy by split Hopkinson pressure bar (strain rate of approximately 10(3) s(-1)) at ambient temperature and 77 K. The alloy was tested in the peak-, over-, under-, and natural-aged conditions, that provide a wide range of microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. Two types of localized shear bands were distinguished by optical microscopy: the deformed shear band and the white-etching shear band. They form at different stages of deformation during localization. There are critical strains for the occurrence of deformed and white-etching localized shear deformation, at the imposed strain rate. Observations by transmission electron microscopy reveal that the white-etching bands contain fine equiaxed grains; it is proposed that they are the result of recrystallization occurring during localization. The deformed-type bands are observed after testing at 77 K in all heat treatment conditions, but they are not as well defined as those developed at ambient temperature. Cracking often occurs along the localized shear at ambient temperature. The decrement in temperature is favorable for the nucleation, growth and coalescence of the microcracks along the shear bands, inducing fracture.


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The crystalline modifications alpha and beta of polypropylene (PP) were studied by using polarized light microscopy (PLM), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Typically beta crystals surrounded by alpha spherulites were observed at low temperature. With increasing temperature the beta crystals melted and a new crystal appeared. More interestingly, the melting temperature of the new crystal was about 5degrees higher than that of alpha spherulites originally present in the sample formed isothermally. It was assumed that this new crystal was the recrystalline alpha crystal. This assumption was supported by the DSC results. Furthermore, the crystallization kinetics of the PP used was studied on the basis of the traditional Avrami analysis. As a result, the Avrami exponents of crystallization temperature from 120 to 130degreesC ranged between 4.21 and 3.60, indicating that the crystallization mechanism of PP order melt was spherulitic growth and random nucleation.


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The ideal starting condition for selective growth experiments is one having a layer of randomly-oriented nuclei adjacent to a matrix with negligible orientational variation but sufficient stored energy to promote growth. In practice, cutting or deformation processes are used in an attempt to approximate these ideal conditions, but the degree to which this is achieved has not been rigorously quantified. In this work, Fe-3wt%Si single crystals were cut or deformed using six different processes. The variation in texture with distance from the cut or deformed surface was measured using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in a field emission gun scanning electron microscope (FEG-SEM) in order to assess the ability of each process to create conditions suitable for selective growth experiments. While grooving with a machine tool produced the best spread of orientations at the cut surface, the suitability of this process is diminished by the presence of a differently-textured deformed layer between the cut surface and the single crystal matrix. Grinding produced a less ideal distribution of orientations at the cut surface, but the presence of these orientations in a very thin layer adjacent to the matrix makes this process preferable for preparing crystals for selective growth experiments, provided the results are corrected for the deviation in the distribution of nuclei orientations from a random distribution.


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A 304 austenitic stainless steel was deformed using hot torsion to study the evolution of dynamic recrystallization (DRX). The initial nucleation of dynamically recrystallization occurred by the bulging of pre-existing high angle grain boundaries at a strain much lower than the peak strain. At the
peak stress, only a low fraction of the prior grain boundaries were covered with new DRX grains. Beyond the peak stress, new DRX grains formed layers near the initial DRX and a necklace structure was developed. Several different mechanisms appeared to be operative in the formation of new high angle boundaries and grains. The recrystallization behaviour after deformation showed a classic transition from strain dependent to strain independent softening. This occurred at a strain beyond the
peak, where the fraction of dynamic recrystallization was only 50%.


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Computer simulation is a powerful tool to predict microstructure and its evolution in dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization. CAFE proposed as an appropriate approach by combining finite element (FE) method and cellular automata (CA) for recrystallization simulation. In the current study, a random grid cellular automaton (CA), as micro-scale model, based on finite element (FE), as macro-scale method, has been used to study initial and evolving microstructural features; including nuclei densities, dislocation densities, grain size and grain boundary movement during dynamic recrystallization in a C-Mn steel. An optimized relation has been established between mechanical variables and evolving microstructure features during recrystallization and grain growth. In this model, the microstructure is defined as cells located within grains and grain boundaries while dislocations are randomly dispersed throughout microstructure. Changes of dislocation density during deformation are described considering hardening, recovery and recrystallization. Recrystallization is assumed to initiate near grain boundaries and nucleation rate was considered constant (site-saturated condition). The model produced a mathematical formulation which captured the initial and evolving microstructural entities and linked their effects to measurable macroscopic variables (e.g. stress).


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An analytical approximation for the steady state dynamic recrystallized grain size is combined with a simple nucleation criterion to assess the propensity for dynamic recrystallization. In line with observation, the criterion predicts dynamic recrystallization in 99.9995% pure Al but not in material 99.5% pure. It also agrees with the observation that zone refined ferrite can display dynamic recrystallization at high temperatures and low strain rates but not at lower hot working temperatures. The criterion is applied here to common wrought magnesium alloys to argue that conventional dynamic recrystallization is expected under "normal" hot working conditions.


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Cellular automaton (CA) was used to simulate dynamic recrystallization (DRX) during thermomechanical deformation. Initial grain size, initial grain orientation and dislocation density were used as input data to the CA model. Flow curve, dislocation density, final grain size and orientation, and DRX volume fraction were the output data which were compared with experimental data to validate the model. The model proposed in this work considered the thermomechanical parameters (e.g., temperature and strain rate) and their role on the nucleation and growth kinetics during DRX. It was shown that the CA model can predict the final microstructure and flow curve to a high degree of accuracy and was able to successfully simulate the volume fraction of DRX as a function of strain for a wide range of deformation conditions.


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The microstructure and crystallographic texture development in an austenitic Ni-30 pct Fe model alloy was investigated within the dynamic recrystallization (DRX) regime using hot torsion testing. The prominent DRX nucleation mechanism was strain-induced grain boundary migration accompanied by the formation of large-angle sub-boundaries and annealing twins. The increase in DRX volume fraction occurred through the formation of multiple twinning chains. With increasing strain, the pre-existing Σ3 twin boundaries became gradually converted to general boundaries capable of acting as potent DRX nucleation sites. The texture characteristics of deformed grains resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Similarly, the texture of DRX grains was dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their lower consumption rate during the DRX process. The substructure of deformed grains was characterized by “organized,” banded subgrain arrangements, while that of the DRX grains displayed “random,” more equiaxed subgrain/cell configurations.


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An austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was employed to investigate the texture and substructure development within the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains during hot torsion deformation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains predominantly displayed the crystallographic texture components expected for simple shear deformation. The characteristics of the deformed matrix texture evolution during deformation largely resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Likewise, the comparatively weaker crystallographic texture of DRX grains became increasingly dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their easier nucleation and lower consumption rate during DRX. There was a significant difference in the substructure formation mechanism between the deformed matrix and DRX grains for a given texture component. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by “organized”, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, while the substructure of DRX grains was more “random” in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by a local accumulation of misorientations. Substructure characteristics of individual orientation components were principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values.


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The substructure and texture development during dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of an austenitic Ni–30%Fe model alloy was investigated using hot torsion testing. The current results revealed that the DRX texture was dominated by grains with a low Taylor factor component. This was related to the preferred nucleation and lower consumption rates of these grains during DRX. The substructure of DRX grains was ‘‘random” in character and displayed complex subgrain/cell arrangements that largely depended on grain orientation.