954 resultados para nuclear accidents


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"Published January 1964."--i.


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Since its discovery, radioactivity has brought numerous benefits to human societies. It has many applications in medicine, serving as a tool for non-invasive methods for diagnosis and therapies against diseases such as cancer. It also applies to technologies for energy in nuclear power plants with relatively low impacts on terms of perfect security. All applications, however, have risks, requiring maximum caution to drive processes and operations involving radioactive elements because, once released into the environment, they have extremely harmful effects on organisms affected. This paper presents fundamental concepts and principles of nuclear physics in order to understand the effects of radioactive elements released into the environment, culminating on the issue of radioactive contamination. Literature review allowed us to understand the radioactive contamination problem on living beings. Three major nuclear accidents have happened in the last thirty years, two of them in consecutive years. The nuclear accident at Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1986, polluted large areas, condemning hundreds of thousands of people to live with consequences of the accident and effects of radiation, killing thousands of people throughout the years. In 1987, a major radiological accident occurred in Goiania (GO) when a source of radioactive cesium was violated, leading to the death of those who had direct or indirect contact with cesium. The most recent accident, in March, 2011, was located at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, after an earthquake and tsunami hit the region. There is no extensive and accurate knowledge about the consequences of the contamination entailed in that accident, although it is possible to verify signals on a global scale. An analysis of reports of contamination of large areas generated by nuclear plants with release of hazardous wastes suggests it is necessary to rethink the energy matrix of the various countries...


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This event study investigates the impact of the Japanese nuclear disaster in Fukushima-Daiichi on the daily stock prices of French, German, Japanese, and U.S. nuclear utility and alternative energy firms. Hypotheses regarding the (cumulative) abnormal returns based on a three-factor model are analyzed through joint tests by multivariate regression models and bootstrapping. Our results show significant abnormal returns for Japanese nuclear utility firms during the one-week event window and the subsequent four-week post-event window. Furthermore, while French and German nuclear utility and alternative energy stocks exhibit significant abnormal returns during the event window, we cannot confirm abnormal returns for U.S. stocks.


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The first days of radioactivity, the discoveries of X-rays, radioactivity, of alpha- and beta- particles and gamma- radiation, of new radioactive elements, of artificial radioactivity, the neutron and positron and nuclear fission are reviewed as well as several adverse historical marks, such as the Manhattan project and some nuclear and radiological accidents. Nuclear energy generation in Brazil and the world, as an alternative to minimize environmental problems, is discussed, as are the medicinal, industrial and food applications of ionizing radiation. The text leads the reader to reflect on the subject and to consider its various aspects with scientific and technological maturity.


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Water is vital to humans and each of us needs at least 1.5 L of safe water a day to drink. Beginning as long ago as 1958 the World Health Organization (WHO) has published guidelines to help ensure water is safe to drink. Focused from the start on monitoring radionuclides in water, and continually cooperating with WHO, the International Standardization Organization (ISO) has been publishing standards on radioactivity test methods since 1978. As reliable, comparable and"fit for purpose" results are an essential requirement for any public health decision based on radioactivity measurements, international standards of tested and validated radionuclide test methods are an important tool for production of such measurements. This paper presents the ISO standards already published that could be used as normative references by testing laboratories in charge of radioactivity monitoring of drinking water as well as those currently under drafting and the prospect of standardized fast test methods in response to a nuclear accident.


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Several hundreds of artificial radionuclides are produced as the result of human activities, such as the applications of nuclear reactors and particle accelerators, testing of nuclear weapons and nuclear accidents. Many of these radionuclides are short-lived and decay quickly after their production, but some of them are longer-lived and are released into the environment. From the radiological point of view the most important radionuclides are cesium-137, strontium-90 and plutonium-239, due to their chemical and nuclear characteristics. The two first radioisotopes present long half life (30 and 28 years), high fission yields and chemical behaviour similar to potassium and calcium, respectively. No stable element exists for plutonium-239, that presents high radiotoxicity, long half-life (24000 years) and some marine organisms accumulate plutonium at high levels. The radionuclides introduced into marine environment undergo various physical, chemical and biological processes taking place in the sea. These processes may be due to physical dispersion or complicated chemical and biological interactions of the radionuclides with inorganic and organic suspend matter, variety of living organisms, bottom sediments, etc. The behaviour of radionuclides in the sea depends primarily on their chemical properties, but it may also be influenced by properties of interacting matrices and other environmental factors. The major route of radiation exposure of man to artificial radionuclides occuring in the marine environment is through ingestion of radiologically contamined marine organisms. This paper summarizes the main sources of contamination in the marine environment and presents an overview covering the oceanic distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides in the FAO regions. A great number of measurements of artificial radionuclides have been carried out on various marine environmental samples in different oceans over the world, being cesium-137 the most widely measured radionuclide. Radionuclide concentrations vary from region to region, according to the specific sources of contamination. In some regions, such as the Irish Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, the concentrations depend on the inputs due to discharges from reprocessing facilities and from Chernobyl accident. In Brazil, the artificial radioactivity is low and corresponds to typical deposition values due to fallout for the Southern Hemisphere.


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The first days of radioactivity, the discoveries of X-rays, radioactivity, of alpha- and beta- particles and gamma- radiation, of new radioactive elements, of artificial radioactivity, the neutron and positron and nuclear fission are reviewed as well as several adverse historical marks, such as the Manhattan project and some nuclear and radiological accidents. Nuclear energy generation in Brazil and the world, as an alternative to minimize environmental problems, is discussed, as are the medicinal, industrial and food applications of ionizing radiation. The text leads the reader to reflect on the subject and to consider its various aspects with scientific and technological maturity.


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Diplomityössä tarkastellaan Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen todennäköisyyspohjaisen riskianalyysin tason 2 epävarmuuksia. Tason 2 riskitutkimuksissa tutkitaan ydinvoimalaitosonnettomuuksia, joiden seurauksena osa reaktorin radioaktiivisista aineista vapautuu ympäristöön. Näiden tutkimuksien päätulos on suuren päästön vuotuinen taajuus ja se on pääosin todelliseen laitoshistoriaan perustuva tilastollinen odotusarvo. Tämän odotusarvon uskottavuutta voidaan parantaa huomioimalla merkittävimmät laskentaan liittyvät epävarmuudet. Epävarmuuksia laskentaan aiheutuu muiden muassa vakavan reaktorionnettomuuden ilmiöistä, turvallisuusjärjestelmien laitteista, inhimillisistä toiminnoista sekä luotettavuusmallin määrittelemättömistä osista. Diplomityössä kuvataan, kuinka epävarmuustarkastelut integroidaan osaksi Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen todennäköisyyspohjaisia riskianalyysejä. Tämä toteutetaan diplomityössä kehitetyillä apuohjelmilla PRALA:lla ja PRATU:lla, joiden avulla voidaan lisätä laitoshistorian perusteella muodostetut epävarmuusparametrit osaksi riskianalyysien luotettavuusdataa. Lisäksi diplomityössä on laskettu laskentaesimerkkinä Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksen suuren päästön vuotuisen taajuuden vaihtelua kuvaava luottamusväli. Tämä laskentaesimerkki pohjautuu pääosin konservatiivisiin epävarmuusarvioihin, ei todellisiin tilastollisiin epävarmuuksiin. Laskentaesimerkin tulosten perusteella Loviisan suuren päästön taajuudella on laaja vaihteluväli; virhekertoimeksi saatiin 8,4 nykyisillä epävarmuusparametreilla. Suuren päästön taajuuden luottamusväliä voidaan kuitenkin tulevaisuudessa supistaa, kun hyödynnetään todelliseen laitoshistoriaan perustuvia epävarmuusparametreja.


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Neljännen sukupolven reaktoreissa käytetään uusia teknisiä ratkaisuja ja uudenlaisia materiaaleja, joten myös niiden turvallisuuskriteerien laatimiseen tarvitaan uusia näkökulmia. Tällä hetkellä kehitetäänkin teknologianeutraaleja turvallisuuskriteerejä, joista voitaisiin johtaa jokaiselle uudelle reaktorikonseptille reaktorin erityispiirteet huomioivat teknologiaspesifit turvallisuuskriteerit. Näin pystytään takaamaan turvallisuuden korkea taso kaikissa uusissa reaktoreissa. Eksotermiset eli lämpöä vapauttavat kemialliset reaktiot muodostavat merkittävän uhan ydinvoimalaitosten turvallisuudelle. Tutkimalla nykyisin käytössä olevia turvallisuuskriteerejä sekä kehitteillä olevia teknologianeutraaleja turvallisuuskriteerejä voitiin havaita, että eksotermiset kemialliset reaktiot on niissä huomioitu hyvin, mutta ei kovin systemaattisesti. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli pohtia, kuinka eksotermiset kemialliset reaktiot voitaisiin huomioida systemaattisemmin teknologianeutraaleissa turvallisuuskriteereissä. Johtopäätöksenä on, että epätoivottujen eksotermisten kemiallisten reaktioiden tapahtuminen tulisi ensisijaisesti pyrkiä estämään, mutta jos tällainen reaktio kuitenkin tapahtuu, tulisi sen seurauksia lieventää. Eksotermisten kemiallisten reaktioiden tapahtuminen pystytään estämään, jos eksotermisesti reagoivia aineita ei ole tai ne pystytään pitämään erillään toisistaan, tai jos lämpötilat saadaan pidettyä riittävän alhaisina. Tutkielman toisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella onnettomuusskenaarioita, jotka voisivat johtaa eksotermisiin kemiallisiin reaktioihin erityisesti neljännen sukupolven reaktoreissa. Tätä varten tutkitaan kirjallisuuden avulla joidenkin reaktorimateriaalien kemiallisia ominaisuuksia sekä muutamia neljännen sukupolven reaktoreja. Kirjallisuuden avulla tarkastellaan myös muutamaa sellaista ydinvoimalaitosonnettomuutta, joissa eksotermiset kemialliset reaktiot ovat olleet merkittävässä roolissa.


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Persistent harmful scenarios associated with disposal of radioactive waste, high-background radiation areas and severe nuclear accidents are of great concern regarding consequences to both human health and the environment. Of particular concern is the extracellular DNA in aquatic environments contaminated by radiological substances. Strand breaks induced by radiation promote decrease in the transformation efficiency for extracellular DNA. The focus of this study is the quantification of DNA damage following long-term exposure (over one year) to low doses of natural uranium (an alpha particle emitter) to simulate natural conditions, since nothing is known about alpha radiation induced damage to extracellular DNA. A high-resolution Atomic Force Microscope was used to evaluate DNA fragments. Double-stranded plasmid pBS as a model for extracellular DNA was exposed to different amounts of natural uranium. It was demonstrated that low concentrations of U in water (50 to 150 ppm) produce appreciable numbers of double strand breaks, scaling with the square of the average doses. The importance of these findings for environment monitoring of radiological pollution is addressed.


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137Cs is an artificial radioactive isotope produced by 235U fission. This radionuclide has a high fission yield and a half-life of 30 years. It has been detected in the environment since 1945 and its principal contamination source has been nuclear tests in the atmosphere. There are other sources of 137Cs contamination in the environment, such as: release from nuclear and reprocessing plants, radioactive dumping and nuclear accidents (Chernobyl, for example). This paper presents an inventory of 137Cs on the Continental Shelf of São Paulo State, a region located between Cabo de Santa Marta Grande (Santa Catarina state) and Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro state). In this area, 9 cores were collected by the Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo University Institute of Oceanography). The cores were sliced at every 2 cm; sub-samples were lyophilized, grinded and stored in plastic containers. 137Cs was determined by 661 keV photopeak using a gamma spectrometry detector (Ge hyperpure). The analysis was performed by efficiency and background in different counting times. 137Cs concentration activities varied from 0.3 to 3.6 Bq kg-1 with a mean value of 1.2±0.6 Bq kg-1. The inventory of 137Cs in this area was 13±7 Bq m-2. Values obtained are in agreement with the Southern Hemisphere, a region contaminated by atmospheric fallout due to past nuclear explosions.


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Após os acidentes nucleares ocorridos no mundo, critérios e requisitos extremamente rígidos para a operação das instalações nucleares foram determinados pelos órgãos internacionais que regulam essas instalações. A partir da ocorrência destes eventos, as operadoras de plantas nucleares necessitam simular alguns acidentes e transientes, por meio de programas computacionais específicos, para obter a licença de operação de uma planta nuclear. Com base neste cenário, algumas ferramentas computacionais sofisticadas têm sido utilizadas como o Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program (RELAP5), que é o código mais utilizado para a análise de acidentes e transientes termo-hidráulicos em reatores nucleares no Brasil e no mundo. Uma das maiores dificuldades na simulação usando o código RELAP5 é a quantidade de informações geométricas da planta necessárias para a análise de acidentes e transientes termo-hidráulicos. Para a preparação de seus dados de entrada é necessário um grande número de operações matemáticas para calcular a geometria dos componentes. Assim, a fim de realizar estes cálculos e preparar dados de entrada para o RELAP5, um pré-processador matemático amigável foi desenvolvido, neste trabalho. O Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), combinado com o Microsoft Excel, foi utilizado e demonstrou ser um instrumento eficiente para executar uma série de tarefas no desenvolvimento desse pré-processador. A fim de atender as necessidades dos usuários do RELAP5, foi desenvolvido o Programa de Cálculo do RELAP5 PCRELAP5 onde foram codificados todos os componentes que constituem o código, neste caso, todos os cartões de entrada inclusive os opcionais de cada um deles foram programados. Adicionalmente, uma versão em inglês foi criada para PCRELAP5. Também um design amigável do PCRELAP5 foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de minimizar o tempo de preparação dos dados de entrada e diminuir os erros cometidos pelos usuários do código RELAP5. Nesse trabalho, a versão final desse pré-processador foi aplicada com sucesso para o Sistema de Injeção de Emergência (SIE) da usina Angra 2.


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