1000 resultados para nonnegative sources


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This paper presents a projection pursuit (PP) based method for blind separation of nonnegative sources. First, the available observation matrix is mapped to construct a new mixing model, in which the inaccessible source matrix is normalized to be column-sum-to-1. Then, the PP method is proposed to solve this new model, where the mixing matrix is estimated column by column through tracing the projections to the mapped observations in specified directions, which leads to the recovery of the sources. The proposed method is much faster than Chan's method, which has similar assumptions to ours, due to the usage of optimal projection. It is also more advantageous in separating cross-correlated sources than the independence- and uncorrelation-based methods, as it does not employ any statistical information of the sources. Furthermore, the new method does not require the mixing matrix to be nonnegative. Simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of our method.


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This paper presents a convex geometry (CG)-based method for blind separation of nonnegative sources. First, the unaccessible source matrix is normalized to be column-sum-to-one by mapping the available observation matrix. Then, its zero-samples are found by searching the facets of the convex hull spanned by the mapped observations. Considering these zero-samples, a quadratic cost function with respect to each row of the unmixing matrix, together with a linear constraint in relation to the involved variables, is proposed. Upon which, an algorithm is presented to estimate the unmixing matrix by solving a classical convex optimization problem. Unlike the traditional blind source separation (BSS) methods, the CG-based method does not require the independence assumption, nor the uncorrelation assumption. Compared with the BSS methods that are specifically designed to distinguish between nonnegative sources, the proposed method requires a weaker sparsity condition. Provided simulation results illustrate the performance of our method.


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The problem of nonnegative blind source separation (NBSS) is addressed in this paper, where both the sources and the mixing matrix are nonnegative. Because many real-world signals are sparse, we deal with NBSS by sparse component analysis. First, a determinant-based sparseness measure, named D-measure, is introduced to gauge the temporal and spatial sparseness of signals. Based on this measure, a new NBSS model is derived, and an iterative sparseness maximization (ISM) approach is proposed to solve this model. In the ISM approach, the NBSS problem can be cast into row-to-row optimizations with respect to the unmixing matrix, and then the quadratic programming (QP) technique is used to optimize each row. Furthermore, we analyze the source identifiability and the computational complexity of the proposed ISM-QP method. The new method requires relatively weak conditions on the sources and the mixing matrix, has high computational efficiency, and is easy to implement. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


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Nonnegative matrix factorization based methods provide one of the simplest and most effective approaches to text mining. However, their applicability is mainly limited to analyzing a single data source. In this chapter, we propose a novel joint matrix factorization framework which can jointly analyze multiple data sources by exploiting their shared and individual structures. The proposed framework is flexible to handle any arbitrary sharing configurations encountered in real world data. We derive an efficient algorithm for learning the factorization and show that its convergence is theoretically guaranteed. We demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed framework in two real-world applications—improving social media retrieval using auxiliary sources and cross-social media retrieval. Representing each social media source using their textual tags, for both applications, we show that retrieval performance exceeds the existing state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed solution provides a generic framework and can be applicable to a wider context in data mining wherever one needs to exploit mutual and individual knowledge present across multiple data sources.


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In this paper, we propose a maximum contrast analysis (MCA) method for nonnegative blind source separation, where both the mixing matrix and the source signals are nonnegative. We first show that the contrast degree of the source signals is greater than that of the mixed signals. Motivated by this observation, we propose an MCA-based cost function. It is further shown that the separation matrix can be obtained by maximizing the proposed cost function. Then we derive an iterative determinant maximization algorithm for estimating the separation matrix. In the case of two sources, a closed-form solution exists and is derived. Unlike most existing blind source separation methods, the proposed MCA method needs neither the independence assumption, nor the sparseness requirement of the sources. The effectiveness of the new method is illustrated by experiments using X-ray images, remote sensing images, infrared spectral images, and real-world fluorescence microscopy images.


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Joint modeling of related data sources has the potential to improve various data mining tasks such as transfer learning, multitask clustering, information retrieval etc. However, diversity among various data sources might outweigh the advantages of the joint modeling, and thus may result in performance degradations. To this end, we propose a regularized shared subspace learning framework, which can exploit the mutual strengths of related data sources while being immune to the effects of the variabilities of each source. This is achieved by further imposing a mutual orthogonality constraint on the constituent subspaces which segregates the common patterns from the source specific patterns, and thus, avoids performance degradations. Our approach is rooted in nonnegative matrix factorization and extends it further to enable joint analysis of related data sources. Experiments performed using three real world data sets for both retrieval and clustering applications demonstrate the benefits of regularization and validate the effectiveness of the model. Our proposed solution provides a formal framework appropriate for jointly analyzing related data sources and therefore, it is applicable to a wider context in data mining.


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Although tagging has become increasingly popular in online image and video sharing systems, tags are known to be noisy, ambiguous, incomplete and subjective. These factors can seriously affect the precision of a social tag-based web retrieval system. Therefore improving the precision performance of these social tag-based web retrieval systems has become an increasingly important research topic. To this end, we propose a shared subspace learning framework to leverage a secondary source to improve retrieval performance from a primary dataset. This is achieved by learning a shared subspace between the two sources under a joint Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in which the level of subspace sharing can be explicitly controlled. We derive an efficient algorithm for learning the factorization, analyze its complexity, and provide proof of convergence. We validate the framework on image and video retrieval tasks in which tags from the LabelMe dataset are used to improve image retrieval performance from a Flickr dataset and video retrieval performance from a YouTube dataset. This has implications for how to exploit and transfer knowledge from readily available auxiliary tagging resources to improve another social web retrieval system. Our shared subspace learning framework is applicable to a range of problems where one needs to exploit the strengths existing among multiple and heterogeneous datasets.


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Nonnegative matrix factorization based methods provide one of the simplest and most effective approaches to text mining. However, their applicability is mainly limited to analyzing a single data source. In this paper, we propose a novel joint matrix factorization framework which can jointly analyze multiple data sources by exploiting their shared and individual structures. The proposed framework is flexible to handle any arbitrary sharing configurations encountered in real world data. We derive an efficient algorithm for learning the factorization and show that its convergence is theoretically guaranteed. We demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed framework in two real-world applications–improving social media retrieval using auxiliary sources and cross-social media retrieval. Representing each social media source using their textual tags, for both applications, we show that retrieval performance exceeds the existing state-of-the-art techniques. The proposed solution provides a generic framework and can be applicable to a wider context in data mining wherever one needs to exploit mutual and individual knowledge present across multiple data sources.


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Recently, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) attracts more and more attentions for the promising of wide applications. A problem that still remains is that, however, the factors resulted from it may not necessarily be realistically interpretable. Some constraints are usually added to the standard NMF to generate such interpretive results. In this paper, a minimum-volume constrained NMF is proposed and an efficient multiplicative update algorithm is developed based on the natural gradient optimization. The proposed method can be applied to the blind source separation (BSS) problem, a hot topic with many potential applications, especially if the sources are mutually dependent. Simulation results of BSS for images show the superiority of the proposed method.


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Blind source separation (BSS) has been widely discussed in many real applications. Recently, under the assumption that both of the sources and the mixing matrix are nonnegative, Wang develop an amazing BSS method by using volume maximization. However, the algorithm that they have proposed can guarantee the nonnegativities of the sources only, but cannot obtain a nonnegative mixing matrix necessarily. In this letter, by introducing additional constraints, a method for fully nonnegative constrained iterative volume maximization (FNCIVM) is proposed. The result is with more interpretation, while the algorithm is based on solving a single linear programming problem. Numerical experiments with synthetic signals and real-world images are performed, which show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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The problem of nonnegative blind source separation (NBSS) is addressed in this paper, where both the sources and the mixing matrix are nonnegative. Because many real-world signals are sparse, we deal with NBSS by sparse component analysis. First, a determinant-based sparseness measure, named D-measure, is introduced to gauge the temporal and spatial sparseness of signals. Based on this measure, a new NBSS model is derived, and an iterative sparseness maximization (ISM) approach is proposed to solve this model. In the ISM approach, the NBSS problem can be cast into row-to-row optimizations with respect to the unmixing matrix, and then the quadratic programming (QP) technique is used to optimize each row. Furthermore, we analyze the source identifiability and the computational complexity of the proposed ISM-QP method. The new method requires relatively weak conditions on the sources and the mixing matrix, has high computational efficiency, and is easy to implement. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.


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Online blind source separation (BSS) is proposed to overcome the high computational cost problem, which limits the practical applications of traditional batch BSS algorithms. However, the existing online BSS methods are mainly used to separate independent or uncorrelated sources. Recently, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) shows great potential to separate the correlative sources, where some constraints are often imposed to overcome the non-uniqueness of the factorization. In this paper, an incremental NMF with volume constraint is derived and utilized for solving online BSS. The volume constraint to the mixing matrix enhances the identifiability of the sources, while the incremental learning mode reduces the computational cost. The proposed method takes advantage of the natural gradient based multiplication updating rule, and it performs especially well in the recovery of dependent sources. Simulations in BSS for dual-energy X-ray images, online encrypted speech signals, and high correlative face images show the validity of the proposed method.