824 resultados para nonlinear optical susceptibility


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Third-order nonlinear absorption and refraction coefficients of a few-layer boron carbon nitride (BCN) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) suspensions have been measured at 3.2 eV in the femtosecond regime. Optical limiting behavior is exhibited by BCN as compared to saturable absorption in RGO. Nondegenerate time-resolved differential transmissions from BCN and RGO show different relaxation times. These differences in the optical nonlinearity and carrier dynamics are discussed in the light of semiconducting electronic band structure of BCN vis-a-vis the Dirac linear band structure of graphene. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wavelength dependence of saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA) of zinc phthalocyanine was studied using 10 Hz, 8 ns pulses from a tunable laser, in the wavelength range of 520–686 nm, which includes the rising edge of the Q band in the electronic absorption spectrum. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from RSA to SA has been observed as the excitation wavelength changes from the low absorption window region to higher absorption regime near the Q band. The SA again changes back to RSA when we further move over to the infrared region. Values of the imaginary part of third order susceptibility are calculated for various wavelengths in this range. This study is important in identifying the spectral range over which the nonlinear material acts as RSA based optical limiter.


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Wavelength dependence of saturable absorption (SA) and reverse saturable absorption (RSA) of zinc phthalocyanine was studied using 10 Hz, 8 ns pulses from a tunable laser, in the wavelength range of 520–686 nm, which includes the rising edge of the Q band in the electronic absorption spectrum. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from RSA to SA has been observed as the excitation wavelength changes from the low absorption window region to higher absorption regime near the Q band. The SA again changes back to RSA when we further move over to the infrared region. Values of the imaginary part of third order susceptibility are calculated for various wavelengths in this range. This study is important in identifying the spectral range over which the nonlinear material acts as RSA based optical limiter.


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In a search for inorganic oxide materials showing second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) susceptibility, we investigated several berates, silicates, and a phosphate containing trans-connected MO6, octahedral chains or MO5 square pyramids, where, M = d(0): Ti(IV), Nb(V), or Ta(V), Our investigations identified two new NLO structures: batisite, Na2Ba(TiO)(2)Si4O12, containing trans-connected TiO5 octahedral chains, and fresnoite, Ba2TiOSi2O7, containing square-pyramidal TiO5. Investigation of two other materials containing square-pyramidal TiO5 viz,, Cs2TiOP2O7 and Na4Ti2Si8O22. 4H(2)O, revealed that isolated TiO5, square pyramids alone do not cause a second harmonic generation (SHG) response; rather, the orientation of TiO5 units to produce -Ti-O-Ti-O- chains with alternating long and short Ti-O distances in the fresnoite structure is most likely the origin of a strong SHG response in fresnoite,


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Nonlinear optical properties (NLO) of a graphene oxide-silver (GO-Ag) nanocomposite have been investigated by the Z-scan setup at Q-switched Nd:YAG laser second harmonic radiation i.e., at 532 nm excitation in a nanosecond regime. A noteworthy enhancement in the NLO properties in the GO-Ag nanocomposite has been reported in comparison with those of the synthesized GO nanosheet. The extracted value of third order nonlinear susceptibility (chi(3)), at a peak intensity of I-0 = 0.2 GW cm(-2), for GO-Ag has been found to be 2.8 times larger than that of GO. The enhancement in NLO properties in the GO-Ag nanocomposite may be attributed to the complex energy band structures formed during the synthesis which promote resonant transition to the conduction band via surface plasmon resonance (SPR) at low laser intensities and excited state transition (ESA) to the conduction band of GO at higher intensities. Along with this photogenerated charge carriers in the conduction band of silver or the increase in defect states during the formation of the GO-Ag nanocomposite may contribute to ESA. Open aperture Z-scan measurement indicates reverse saturable absorption (RSA) behavior of the synthesized nanocomposite which is a clear indication of the optical limiting (OL) ability of the nanocomposite.


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Nonlinear optical properties of silicon nanocrystals (nc-Si) embedded in SiO2 films are investigated using time-resolved four-wave mixing technique with a femtosecond laser. the off-resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility chi((3)) is observed to be 1.3 x 10(-10) esu at 800 nm. The relaxation time of the film is fast as short as 50 fs. The off-resonant nonlinearity is predominantly electronic in origin and enhanced due to quantum confinement.


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The nonlinear optical properties of Al-doped nc-Si-SiO_2 composite films have been investigated using the time-resolved four-wave mixing technique with a femtosecond laser. The off-resonant third-order nonlinear susceptibility is observed to be 1.0 × 10~(-10) esu at 800nm. The relaxation time of the optical nonlinearity in the films is as short as 60fs. The optical nonlinearity is enhanced due to the quantum confinement of electrons in Si nanocrystals embedded in the SiO_2 films. The enhanced optical nonlinearity does not originate from Al dopant because there are no Al clusters in the films.


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An ultrathin composite film containing both polyoxometalate anion [PMo12O40](3-) ( PMo12) and a planar binuclear phthalocyanine, bi-CoPc, has been prepared by the electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly method. UV-vis measurements revealed regular film growth with each four-layer {PMo12/bi-CoPc/PSS/PAH} adsorption. The lm structure was characterized by small-angle X-ray reflectivity measurements, X-ray photoelectron spectra, and AFM images. The nanothick film shows a third-order nonlinear optical response of chi((3)) = 4.21 x 10(-12) esu. Experimental investigations also indicate that the combination of polyoxometalate anions [PMo12O40](3-) with the phthalocyanine bi-CoPc in multilayer films can enhance the third-order NLO susceptibility and modify the third-order NLO absorption of bi-CoPc.


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The second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) tenser coefficients of LiXO3 (X = I; Nb or Ta) type complex crystals have been calculated using the chemical bond theory of complex crystals. Contributions of each type of bond to the total second-order NLO coefficient d(ij) and the linear susceptibility X are quantitatively determined. All tensor values thus calculated are in good agreement with experimental data. The Li-O bonds are found to be an important group in the contributions to the total NLO tenser coefficient, especially for those in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3. The importance of Li-O bonds depends on the environment of Li atom in these crystals.


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Second order nonlinear optical (NLO) tensor coefficients of LiXO3 (X = I, Nb, Ta) type crystals have been evaluated on the basis of the dielectric theory of complex crystals and the modified bond charge model. The current method is capable of calculating single bond contributions to the total second order NLO susceptibility. The tenser values thus calculated agree well with experimental data. By introducing the subformula equation and the concept of the effective charge of one valence electron, we are able to successfully treat such complex crystals as LiXO3 type compounds. In addition, the bond charge expression is modified to a more reasonable form for complex crystals. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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From the chemical bond viewpoint, second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) tensor coefficients of LiNbO3 have been investigated. The single-bond contributions to the second-order NLO susceptibility and the linear susceptibility were determined. The tensor values thus calculated are in good agreement with experimental data. Based on theoretical results of LiNbO3 with Li/Nb = 1, we also have calculated linear and nonlinear optical properties of nonstoichiometric samples with Li/Nb < 1. In the calculation, we find that the Li-O bond is an important type of chemical bond in these LiNbO3 samples, which have large NLO contributions to the total nonlinearities. The refractive indices and second-order NLO tensor coefficients have been determined as a function of the stoichiometry.


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On the basis of AM1 and INDO/CI methods, we devise the program for the calculation of nonlinear second-order optical susceptibilities beta(ijk) and perform systematic theoretical studies on the nonlinear optical second-order properties of azobenzene series molecules, i. e. on the basis of [GRAPHICS] we induced different donors on the left side of phenyl ring, and different accepters on the right side of phenyl ring, and examined the rule of beta variation. The regularity summarized from the calculated results has been explained micromechanically. Finally, a molecule having a big nonlinear second-order optical susceptibility has been designed.


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An effective ellipsometric technique to determine parameters that characterize second-harmonic optical and magneto-optical effects in centrosymmetric media within the electric-dipole approximation is proposed and outlined in detail. The parameters, which are ratios of components of the nonlinear-surface-susceptibility tensors, are obtained from experimental data related to the state of polarization of the second-harmonic-generated radiation as a function of the angle between the plane of incidence and the polarization plane of the incident, linearly polarized, fundamental radiation. Experimental details of the technique are described. A corresponding theoretical model is given as an example for a single isotropic surface assuming polycrystalline samples. The surfaces of air-Au and air-Ni (in magnetized and demagnetized states) have been investigated ex situ in ambient air, and the results are presented. A nonlinear, least-squares-minimization fitting procedure between experimental data and theoretical formulas has been shown to yield realistic, unambiguous results for the ratios corresponding to each of the above materials. Independent methods for verifying the validity of the fitting parameters are also presented. The influence of temporal variations at the surfaces on the state of polarization (due to adsorption, contamination, or oxidation) is also illustrated for the demagnetized air-Ni surface. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America


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The spectral and nonlinear optical characteristics of nano ZnO and its composites are investigated. The fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength and there is a red shift in emission peak with excitation wavelength. Apart from the observation of the reported ultra violet and green emissions, our results reveal that additional blue emissions at 420 nm and 490 nm are developed with increasing particle size. Systematic studies on nano ZnO have indicated the presence of luminescence due to excitonic emissions when excited with 255 nm as well as significant contribution from surface defect states when excited with 325 nm. In the weak confinement regime, the third-order optical susceptibility χ(3) increases with increasing particle size (R) and annealing temperature (T) and a R2 and T2.5 dependence of χ(3) is obtained for nano ZnO. ZnO nanocolloids exhibit induced absorption whereas the self assembled films of ZnO exhibit saturable absorption due to saturation of linear absorption of ZnO defect states and electronic effects. ZnO nanocomposites exhibit negative nonlinear index of refraction which can be attributed to two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absorption. The increase of the third-order nonlinearity in the composites can be attributed to the enhancement of exciton oscillator strength. The nonlinear response of ZnO nanocomposites is wavelength dependent and switching from induced absorption to saturable absorption has been observed at resonant wavelengths. Such a change-over is related to the interplay of plasmon/exciton band bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and the composition over which the nonlinear material acts as an optical limiter. ZnO based nanocomposites are potential materials for enhanced and tunable light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small optical limiting threshold.


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The annealing effect on the spectral and nonlinear optical NLO characteristics of ZnO thin films deposited on quartz substrates by sol-gel process is investigated. As the annealing temperature increases from 300–1050 °C, there is a decrease in the band gap, which indicates the changes of the interface of ZnO. ZnO is reported to show two emission bands, an ultraviolet UV emission band and another in the green region. The intensity of the UV peak remains the same while the intensity of the visible peak increases with increase in annealing temperature. The role of oxygen in ZnO thin films during the annealing process is important to the change in optical properties. The mechanism of the luminescence suggests that UV luminescence of ZnO thin films is related to the transition from conduction band edge to valence band, and green luminescence is caused by the transition from deep donor level to valence band due to oxygen vacancies. The NLO response of these samples is studied using nanosecond laser pulses at off-resonance wavelengths. The nonlinear absorption coefficient increases from 2.9 ×10−6 to 1.0 ×10−4 m/W when the annealing temperature is increased from 300 to 1050 °C, mainly due to the enhancement of interfacial state and exciton oscillator strength. The third order optical susceptibility x(3) increases with increase in annealing temperature (T) within the range of our investigations. In the weak confinement regime, T2.4 dependence of x(3) is obtained for ZnO thin films. The role of annealing temperature on the optical limiting response is also studied.