972 resultados para non-B DNA


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pBR322 form V DNA is a highly torsionally strained molecule with a linking number of zero. We have used sequence- specific DNA methylases as probes for B-DNA in this molecule, exploiting the inability of methylases to methylate single-stranded DNA and Z-DNA, both of which are known to occur in form V DNA. Some sequences in form V DNA were shown to be totally in the B-form, others were totally in an altered, unmethylatable conformation, while still other sites appeared to exist partly in altered and partly in normal B-conformation. Some potential Z-forming sequences (alternating pyrimidine/purine) of less than seven base-pairs were not in the Z conformation in form V DNA, whereas others did adopt an altered structure, indicating a modulating influence of flanking sequences. Furthermore, regions of imperfect alternating pyrimidine/purine structure were sometimes capable of adopting an altered structure. In addition, some regions of altered structure had no apparent Z-forming sequences, nor were they in polypurine stretches, which have also been proposed to form left-handed DNA. These non-B-DNA conformations may represent novel left-handed helical structures or sequences that become single stranded under torsional strain. Long regions of either altered (unmethylatable) DNA or B-DNA were not always observed. In fact, one region showed three transitions between B-like DNA and altered structure within 26 base-pairs.


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There are many diseases associated with the expansion of DNA repeats in humans. Myotonic dystrophy type 2 is one of such diseases, characterized by expansions of a (CCTG)•(CAGG) repeat tract in intron 1 of zinc finger protein 9 (ZNF9) in chromosome 3q21.3. The DM2 repeat tract contains a flanking region 5' to the tract that consists of a polymorphic repetitive sequence (TG)14-25(TCTG)4-11(CCTG) n. The (CCTG)•(CAGG) repeat is typically 11-26 repeats in persons without the disease, but can expand up to 11,000 repeats in affected individuals, which is the largest expansion seen in DNA repeat diseases to date. This DNA tract remains one of the least characterized disease-associated DNA repeats, and mechanisms causing the repeat expansion in humans have yet to be elucidated. Alternative, non B-DNA structures formed by the expanded repeats are typical in DNA repeat expansion diseases. These sequences may promote instability of the repeat tracts. I determined that slipped strand structure formation occurs for (CCTG)•(CAGG) repeats at a length of 42 or more. In addition, Z-DNA structure forms in the flanking human sequence adjacent to the (CCTG)•(CAGG) repeat tract. I have also performed genetic assays in E. coli cells and results indicate that the (CCTG)•(CAGG) repeats are more similar to the highly unstable (CTG)•(CAG) repeat tracts seen in Huntington's disease and myotonic dystrophy type 1, than to those of the more stable (ATTCT)•(AGAAT) repeat tracts of spinocerebellar ataxia type 10. This instability, however, is RecA-independent in the (CCTG)•(CAGG) and (ATTCT)•(AGAAT) repeats, whereas the instability is RecA-dependent in the (CTG)•(CAG) repeats. Structural studies of the (CCTG)•(CAGG) repeat tract and the flanking sequence, as well as genetic selection assays may reveal the mechanisms responsible for the repeat instability in E. coli, and this may lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms contributing to the human disease state. ^


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A thorough investigation of salt concentration dependence of lithium DNA fibres is made using X-ray diffraction. While for low salt the C-form pattern is obtained, crystalline B-type diffraction patterns result on increasing the salt concentration. The salt content in the gel (from which fibres are drawn) is estimated by equilibrium dialysis using the Donnan equilibrium principle. The salt range giving the best crystalline B pattern is determined. It is found that in this range meridional reflections occur on the fourth and sixth layer lines. In addition, the tenth layer meridian is absent at a particular salt concentration. These results strongly suggest the presence of non-helical features in the DNA molecule. Preliminary analysis of the diffraction patterns indicates a structural variability within the B-form itself. Further, the possibility of the structural parameters of DNA being similar in solid state and in solution is discussed.


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Development of simple functionalization methods to attach biomolecules such as proteins and DNA on inexpensive substrates is important for widespread use of low cost, disposable biosensors. Here, we describe a method based on polyelectrolyte multilayers to attach single stranded DNA molecules to conventional glass slides as well as a completely non-standard substrate, namely flexible plastic transparency sheets. We then use the functionalized transparency sheets to specifically detect single stranded Hepatitis B DNA sequences from samples. We also demonstrate a blocking method for reducing non-specific binding of target DNA sequences using negatively charged polyelectrolyte molecules. The polyelectrolyte based functionalization method, which relies on surface charge as opposed to covalent surface linkages, could be an attractive platform to develop assays on inexpensive substrates for low cost biosensing.


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We report here that a cubane-like europium-L-aspartic acid complex at physiological pH can discriminate between DNA structures as judged by the comparison of thermal denaturation, binding stoichiometry, temperature-dependent fluorescence enhancement, and circular dichroism and gel electrophoresis studies. This complex can selectively stabilize non-B-form DNA polydApolydT but destabilize polydGdCpolydGdC and polydAdTpolydAdT. Further studies show that this complex can convert B-form polydGdCpolydGdC to Z-form under the low salt condition at physiological temperature 37 degrees C, and the transition is reversible, similar to RNA polymerase, which turns unwound DNA into Z-DNA and converts it back to B-DNA after transcription. The potential uses of a left-handed helix-selective probe in biology are obvious. Z-DNA is a transient structure and does not exist as a stable feature of the double helix. Therefore, probing this transient structure with a metal-amino acid complex under the low salt condition at physiological temperature would provide insights into their transitions in vivo and are of great interest.


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Preferential cleavage of active genes by DNase I has been correlated with a structurally altered conformation of DNA at the hypersensitive site in chromatin. To have a better understanding of the structural requirements for gene activation as probed by DNase I action, digestability by DNase I of synthetic polynucleotides having the ability to adopt B and non-B conformation (like Z-form) was studied which indicated a marked higher digestability of the B-form of DNA. Left handed Z form present within a natural sequence in supercoiled plasmid also showed marked resistance towards DNase I digestion. We show that alternating purine-pyrimidine sequences adopting Z-conformation exhibit DNAse I foot printing even in a protein free system. The logical deductions from the results indicate that 1) altered structure like Z-DNA is not a favourable substrate for DNase I, 2) both the ends of the alternating purine-pyrimidine insert showed hypersensitivity, 3) B-form with a minor groove of 12-13 A is a more favourable substrate for DNase I than an altered structure, 4) any structure of DNA deviating largely from B form with a capacity to flip over to the B-form are potential targets for the DNase I enzymic probes in naked DNA.


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A fully self-consistent formulation is described here for the analysis and generation of base-pairs in non-uniform DNA structures, in terms of various local parameters. It is shown that the internal "wedge parameters" are mathematically related to the parameters describing the base-pair orientation with respect to an external helix axis. Hence any one set of three translation and three rotation parameters are necessary and sufficient to completely describe the relative orientation of the base-pairs comprising a step (or doublet). A general procedure is outlined for obtaining an average or global helix axis from the local helix axes for each step. A graphical representation of the local helix axes in the form of a polar plot is also shown and its application for estimating the curvature of oligonucleotide structures is illustrated, with examples of both A and B type structures.


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We have analyzed the set of inter and intra base pair parameters for each dinucleotide step in single crystal structures of dodecamers, solved at high and medium resolution and all crystallized in P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group. The objective was to identify whether all the structures which have either the Drew-Dickerson (DD) sequence d[CGCGAATTCGCG] with some base modification or related sequence (non-DD), would display the same sequence dependent structural variability about its palindromic sequence, despite the molecule being bent at one end because of similar crystal lattice packing effect. Most of the local doublet parameters for base pairs steps G2-C3 and G10-C11 positions, symmetrically situated about the lateral twofold, were significantly correlated between themselves. In non-DD sequences, significant correlations between these positional parameters were absent. The different range of local step parameter values at each sequence position contributed to the gross feature of smooth helix axis bending in all structures. The base pair parameters in some of the positions, for medium resolution DD sequence, were quite unlike the high-resolution set and encompassed a higher range of values. Twist and slide are the two main parameters that show wider conformational range for the middle region of non-DD sequence structures in comparison to DD sequence structures. On the contrary, the minor and major groove features bear good resemblance between DD and non-DD sequence crystal structure datasets. The sugar-phosphate backbone torsion angles are similar in all structures, in sharp contrast to base pair parameter variation for high and low resolution DD and non-DD sequence structures, consisting of unusual (epsilon =g(-), xi =t) B-II conformation at the 10(th) position of the dodecamer sequence. Thus examining DD and non-DD sequence structures packed in the same crystal lattice arrangement, we infer that inter and intra base pair parameters are as symmetrically equivalent in its value as the symmetry related step for the palindromic DD sequence about lateral two-fold axis. This feature would lead us to agree with the conclusion that DNA conformation is not substantially affected by end-to-end or lateral inter-molecular interaction due to crystal lattice packing effect. Non-DD sequence structures acquire step parameter values which reflect the altered sequence at each of the dodecamer sequence position in the orthorhombic lattice while showing similar gross features of DD sequence structures


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A series of eight related analogs of distamycin A has been synthesized. Footprinting and affinity cleaving reveal that only two of the analogs, pyridine-2- car box amide-netropsin (2-Py N) and 1-methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netrops in (2-ImN), bind to DNA with a specificity different from that of the parent compound. A new class of sites, represented by a TGACT sequence, is a strong site for 2-PyN binding, and the major recognition site for 2-ImN on DNA. Both compounds recognize the G•C bp specifically, although A's and T's in the site may be interchanged without penalty. Additional A•T bp outside the binding site increase the binding affinity. The compounds bind in the minor groove of the DNA sequence, but protect both grooves from dimethylsulfate. The binding evidence suggests that 2-PyN or 2-ImN binding induces a DNA conformational change.

In order to understand this sequence specific complexation better, the Ackers quantitative footprinting method for measuring individual site affinity constants has been extended to small molecules. MPE•Fe(II) cleavage reactions over a 10^5 range of free ligand concentrations are analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The decrease in cleavage is calculated by densitometry of a gel autoradiogram. The apparent fraction of DNA bound is then calculated from the amount of cleavage protection. The data is fitted to a theoretical curve using non-linear least squares techniques. Affinity constants at four individual sites are determined simultaneously. The distamycin A analog binds solely at A•T rich sites. Affinities range from 10^(6)- 10^(7)M^(-1) The data for parent compound D fit closely to a monomeric binding curve. 2-PyN binds both A•T sites and the TGTCA site with an apparent affinity constant of 10^(5) M^(-1). 2-ImN binds A•T sites with affinities less than 5 x 10^(4) M^(-1). The affinity of 2-ImN for the TGTCA site does not change significantly from the 2-PyN value. At the TGTCA site, the experimental data fit a dimeric binding curve better than a monomeric curve. Both 2-PyN and 2-ImN have substantially lower DNA affinities than closely related compounds.

In order to probe the requirements of this new binding site, fourteen other derivatives have been synthesized and tested. All compounds that recognize the TGTCA site have a heterocyclic aromatic nitrogen ortho to the N or C-terminal amide of the netropsin subunit. Specificity is strongly affected by the overall length of the small molecule. Only compounds that consist of at least three aromatic rings linked by amides exhibit TGTCA site binding. Specificity is only weakly altered by substitution on the pyridine ring, which correlates best with steric factors. A model is proposed for TGTCA site binding that has as its key feature hydrogen bonding to both G's by the small molecule. The specificity is determined by the sequence dependence of the distance between G's.

One derivative of 2-PyN exhibits pH dependent sequence specificity. At low pH, 4-dimethylaminopyridine-2-carboxamide-netropsin binds tightly to A•T sites. At high pH, 4-Me_(2)NPyN binds most tightly to the TGTCA site. In aqueous solution, this compound protonates at the pyridine nitrogen at pH 6. Thus presence of the protonated form correlates with A•T specificity.

The binding site of a class of eukaryotic transcriptional activators typified by yeast protein GCN4 and the mammalian oncogene Jun contains a strong 2-ImN binding site. Specificity requirements for the protein and small molecule are similar. GCN4 and 2-lmN bind simultaneously to the same binding site. GCN4 alters the cleavage pattern of 2-ImN-EDTA derivative at only one of its binding sites. The details of the interaction suggest that GCN4 alters the conformation of an AAAAAAA sequence adjacent to its binding site. The presence of a yeast counterpart to Jun partially blocks 2-lmN binding. The differences do not appear to be caused by direct interactions between 2-lmN and the proteins, but by induced conformational changes in the DNA protein complex. It is likely that the observed differences in complexation are involved in the varying sequence specificity of these proteins.


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Alternating (CG) sequences form an unusual conformation in the presence of cobalt hexamine. The oligomer, BZ-IV, containing a (CG)4 run (BZ-IV sequence: 5'TCGACGCGCGCGATCAGTCA- 3') was inserted at the Sal I site of the Escherichia coli pGEM-5zf(+) plasmid producing the plasmid pCW001. Hinf I digestion of pCW001 produced a 367 base pair (bp) fragment containing the BZ-IV insert. For controls, the 452 bp Hinf I fragment from the pCW001 plasmid and the 347 bp Hinf I fragment from the pGEM plasmid were used. Digestion studies were performed using the restriction enzymes Bgl I, EcoRV, Hha I, Mbo I, Not I, Pst I, and Taq I and methylation studies were performed using dam methylase. Data were obtained by beta scanning or ethidium bromide staining the polyacrylamide gels of the digestion or methylation products. The results show that in the presence of 100 uM cobalt hexamine, in which BZ-IV takes on a non-B-Z-structure, the enzyme's ability to react and cleave its recognition site is enhanced.


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There are several studies that suggest that different people deposit different quantities of their own DNA on items they touch, i.e. some are good shedders and others are bad shedders. It is of interest to determine if individuals deposit consistent quantities of their own DNA, no matter the occasion, as well as the degree of variability among individuals. To investigate this, participants were tested for their ability to deposit DNA by placing right and left handprints on separate DNA-free glass plates at three set times during the day (morning, midday and afternoon) on four different days spaced over several weeks. Information regarding recent activities performed by the individual was recorded, along with information on gender, hand dominance and hand size. A total of 240 handprint deposits were collected from 10 individuals and analyzed for differences in DNA quantity and the type of the DNA profile obtained at different times of the day, on different days, between the two hands of the same individual, and between different individuals. Furthermore, the correlation between the deposit quantity and the ratio of self to non-self DNA in the mixed deposits was analyzed to determine if the amount of non-self DNA has an effect on overall DNA quantities obtained. In general, this study has shown that while there is substantial variation in the quantities deposited by individuals on different occasions, some clear trends were evident with some individuals consistently depositing significantly more or less DNA than others. Non-self DNA was usually deposited along with self DNA and, in most instances, was the minor component. Incidents where the non-self portion was the major component were very rare and, when observed, were associated with a poor depositor/shedder. Forensic DNA scientists need to consider the range and variability of DNA a person deposits when touching an object, the likelihood of non-self DNA being co-deposited onto the handled object of interest and the factors that may affect the relative quantity of this component within the deposit.


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It is well established that the traditional taxonomy and nomenclature of Chironomidae relies on adult males whose usually characteristic genitalia provide evidence of species distinction. In the early days some names were based on female adults of variable distinctiveness – but females are difficult to identify (Ekrem et al. 2010) and many of these names remain dubious. In Russia especially, a system based on larval morphology grew in parallel to the conventional adult-based system. The systems became reconciled with the studies that underlay the production of the Holarctic generic keys to Chironomidae, commencing notably with the larval volume (Wiederholm, 1983). Ever since Thienemann’s pioneering studies, it has been evident that the pupa, notably the cast skins (exuviae) provide a wealth of features that can aid in identification (e.g. Wiederholm, 1986). Furthermore, the pupae can be readily associated with name-bearing adults when a pharate (‘cloaked’) adult stage is visible within the pupa. Association of larvae with the name-bearing later stages has been much more difficult, time-consuming and fraught with risk of failure. Yet it is identification of the larval stage that is needed by most applied researchers due to the value of the immature stages of the family in aquatic monitoring for water quality, although the pupal stage also has advocates (reviewed by Sinclair & Gresens, 2008). Few use the adult stage for such purposes as their provenance and association with the water body can be verified only by emergence trapping, and sampling of adults lies outside regular aquatic monitoring protocols.


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This article considers the recent international controversy over the patents held by a Melbourne firm, Genetic Technologies Limited (GTG), in respect of non-coding DNA and genomic mapping. It explores the ramifications of the GTG dispute in terms of licensing, litigation, and policy reform, and—as a result of this dispute—the perceived conflict between law and science. GTG has embarked upon an ambitious licensing program with twenty seven commercial licensees and five research licensees. Most significantly, GTG has obtained an exclusive licence from Myriad Genetics to use and exploit its medical diagnostics in Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia-Pacific region. In the US, GTG brought a legal action for patent infringement against the Applera Corporation and its subsidiaries. In response, Applera counterclaimed that the patents of GTG were invalid because they failed to comply with the requirements of US patent law, such as novelty, inventive step, and written specifications. In New Zealand, the Auckland District Health Board brought legal action in the High Court, seeking a declaration that the patents of GTG were invalid, and that, in any case, the Board has not infringed them. The New Zealand Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economic Development have reported to Cabinet on the issues relating to the patenting of genetic material. Similarly, the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has also engaged in an inquiry into gene patents and human health; and the Advisory Council on Intellectual Property (ACIP) has considered whether there should be a new defence in respect of experimental use and research.


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From X-ray diffraction studies it is generally believed that B-DNA has the structural parameters n = 10 and h = 3.4 Å. However, for the first time we report that polymorphism in the B-form can be observed in DNA fibres. This was achieved by the precise control of salt and humidity in fibres and by the application of the precession method of X-ray diffraction to DNA fibres. The significant result obtained is that n = 10 is not observed for crystalline fibre patterns. In fact, n = 10 and h = 3.4 Å are not found to occur simultaneously. Instead, a range of values, n = 9.6–10.0 and h = 3.35 Å–3.41 Å is observed.


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DNA adopts different conformations not only based on novel base pairs, but also with different chain polarities. Besides several duplex structures (A, B, Z, parallel stranded (ps)-DNA, etc.), DNA also forms higher-order structures like triplex, tetraplex, and i-motif. Each of these structures has its own biological significance. The ps-duplexes have been found to be resistant to certain nucleases and endonucleases. Molecules that promote triple-helix formation have significant potential. These investigations have many therapeutic advantages which may be useful in the regulation of the expression of genes responsible for certain diseases by locking either their transcription (antigene) or translation (antisense). Each DNA minor groove binding ligand (MGBL) interacts with DNA through helical minor groove recognition in a sequence-specific manner, and this interferes with several DNA-associated processes. Incidentally, these ligands interact with some non-B-DNA and with higher-order DNA structures including ps-DNA and triplexes. While the design and recognition of minor grooves of duplex DNA by specific MGBLs have been a topic of many reports, limited information is available on the binding behavior of MGBLs with nonduplex DNA. In this review, we summarize various attempts of the interaction of MGBLs with ps-DNA and DNA triplexes.