998 resultados para nickel silver


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The constitutive behaviour of agr — nickel silver in the temperature range 700–950 °C and strain rate range 0.001–100 s–1 was characterized with the help of a processing map generated on the basis of the principles of the ldquodynamic materials modelrdquo of Prasadet al Using the flow stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by 2m/(m+1) wherem is the strain-rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained, agr-nickel silver exhibits a single domain at temperatures greater than 750 °C and at strain rates lower than 1s–1, with a maximum efficiency of 38% occurring at about 950 °C and at a strain rate of 0.1 s–1. In the domain the material undergoes dynamic recrystallization (DRX). On the basis of a model, it is shown that the DRX is controlled by the rate of interface formation (nucleation) which depends on the diffusion-controlled process of thermal recovery by climb. At high strain rates (10 and 100s–1) the material undergoes microstructural instabilities, the manifestations of which are in the form of adiabatic shear bands and strain markings.


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The constitutive behaviour of agr-beta nickel silver in the temperature range 600�850 °C and strainrate range 0.001�100s�1 was characterized with the help of a processing map generated on the principles of the dynamic materials model. On the basis of the flow-stress data, processing maps showing the variation of the efficiency of power dissipation (given by [2m/(m+1)], wherem is the strain-rate sensitivity) with temperature and strain rate were obtained, agr-beta nickel silver exhibits a single domain at temperatures greater than 700 °C and at strain rates lower than 1 s�1 with a maximum efficiency of power dissipation of about 42% occurring at about 850 °C and at 0.1 s�1. In the domain, the agr phase undergoes dynamic recrystallization and controls the deformation of the alloy, while the beta phase deforms superplastically. Optimum conditions for the processing of agr-beta nickel silver are 850 °C and 0.1 s�1. The material undergoes unstable flow at strain rates of 10 and 100 s�1 and in the temperature range 600�750 °C, manifestated in the form of adiabatic shear bands.


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Some of the metallogenic provinces of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico are defined by the geographic distribution of trace elements in the primary sulfide minerals chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The elements investigated include antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silver, tellurium, thallium, and tin. Of these elements, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, nickel, silver, and tin exhibit the best defined geographic distribution.

The data indicate that chalcopyrite is the preferred host for tin and perhaps molybdenum; sphalerite is the preferred host for cadmium, gallium, germanium, indium, and manganese; galena is the preferred host for antimony, bismuth, silver, tellurium, and thallium; and pyrite is the preferred host for cobalt, nickel, and perhaps arsenic. With respect to the two minerals chalcopyrite and sphalerite, antimony, arsenic, molybdenum, nickel, silver, and tin prefer chalcopyrite; and bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, manganese, and thallium prefer sphalerite. This distribution probably is the result of the interaction of several factors, among which are these: the various radii of the elements, the association due to chemical similarities of the major and trace elements, and the degree of ionic versus covalent and metallic character of the metal-sulfur bonds in chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The type of deposit, according to a temperature classification, appears to be of minor importance in determining the trace element content of chalcopyrite and sphalerite.

A preliminary investigation of large single crystals of sphalerite and chalcopyrite indicates that the distribution within a single crystal of some elements such as cadmium in sphalerite and indium and silver in chalcopyrite is relatively uniform, whereas the distribution of some other elements such as cobalt and manganese in sphalerite is somewhat less uniform and the distribution of tin in sphalerite is extremely erratic. The variations in trace element content probably are due largely to variations in the composition of the fluids during the growth of the crystals, but the erratic behavior of tin in sphalerite perhaps is related to the presence of numerous cavities and inclusions in the crystal studied.

Maps of the geographic distribution of trace elements in chalcopyrite and sphalerite exhibit three main belts of greater than average trace element content, which are called the Eastern, Central, and Western belts. These belts are consistent in trend and position with a beltlike distribution of copper, gold, lead, zinc, silver, and tungsten deposits and with most of the major tectonic features. However, there appear to be no definite time relationships, for as many as four metallogenic epochs, from Precambrian to late Tertiary, are represented by ore deposits within the Central belt.

The evidence suggests that the beltlike features have a deep seated origin, perhaps in the sub-crust or outer parts of the mantle, and that the deposits within each belt might be genetically related through a beltlike compositional heterogeneity in the source regions of the ores. Hence, the belts are regarded as metallogenic provinces.


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From the last decade of the twentieth century, the rapid growth of nanotechnology has resulted in the discovery of a number of forms of nanoparticles and nanoclusters. We can cite as an example: nanotubes, nanowires, nanobelts, and nanoconesnanoclusters which have a wide range of applications, particularly as catalysts magnetic material nanodevices, chemical sensors, degradation of toxic chemicals, or even as possible carriers for the isotope medical applications.. The first step is the production and characterization of nanowires multithreaded using different types of metals (nickel, silver, gold) and polymers (pyrrole), which are prepared by electrochemical deposition process. Will be held by the characterization of the same images of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)


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The adsorption of pyridine (py) on Fe, Co, Ni and Ag electrodes was studied using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) to gain insight into the nature of the adsorbed species. The wavenumber values and relative intensities of the SERS bands were compared to the normal Raman spectrum of the chemically prepared transition metal complexes. Raman spectra of model clusters M(4)(py) (four metal atoms bonded to one py moiety) and M(4)(alpha-pyridil) where M = Ag, Fe, Co or Ni were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) and used to interpret the experimental SERS results. The similarity of the calculated M(4)(py) spectra with the experimental SERS spectra confirm the molecular adsorption of py on the surface of the metallic electrodes. All these results exclude the formation of adsorbed alpha-pyridil species, as suggested previously. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Silver/metal hydride (Ag/MH) cells of about 1 Ah capacity have been fabricated and their discharge characteristics at different rates of discharge, faradaic efficiency, cycle life and a.c. impedance have been evaluated. These cells comprise metal-hydride electrodes prepared by employing similar to 60 mu m powder of an AB(2)-Laves phase alloy of nominal composition Zr0.5Ti0.5V0.6Cr0.2Ni1.2 with PTFE binder on a nickel-mesh substrate as the negative plates and commercial-grade silver electrodes as the positive plates. The cells are positive limited and exhibit two distinct voltage plateaus characteristic of two-step reduction of AgO to Ag during their low rates of discharge between C/20 and C/10. This feature is, however, absent when the cells are discharged at C/5 rate. On charging the cells to 100% of their capacity, the faradaic efficiency is found to be 100%. The impedance of the Ag/MH cell is essentially due to the impedance of the silver electrodes, since MH electrodes offer negligible impedance. The cells may be subjected to a large number of charge-discharge cycles with little deterioration.


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The present investigation is to assess the genotoxic potential of nickel chloride and zinc sulphate on gill cells of silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. Fishes were exposed in sublethal concentration of nickel chloride 5. 7 mg/1 and zinc sulphate 6.8 mg/1, and sampled at 10, 20 and 30 days. Nickel chloride and zinc sulphate treated fishes exhibited an apparent increase in the aberration frequency and a decrease in the mitotic index as compared to control. Acentric fragment, chromatid break, endoreduplication, chromatid gap, centromeric fusion, ploidy, sticky plate, dicentric chromosome, clumping and partial sticky plates were some of the abnormalities observed. The chromosomal aberrations in the treated fishes were significant compared to control.


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Adequate silicon fertilization greatly boosts rice yield and mitigates biotic and abiotic stress, and improves grain quality through lowering the content of cadmium and inorganic arsenic. This review on silicon dynamics in rice considers recent advances in our understanding of the role of silicon in rice, and the challenges of maintaining adequate silicon fertility within rice paddy systems. Silicon is increasingly considered as an element required for optimal plant performance, particularly in rice. Plants can survive with very low silicon under laboratory/glasshouse conditions, but this is highly artificial and, thus, silicon can be considered as essential for proper plant function in its environment. Silicon is incorporated into structural components of rice cell walls were it increases cell and tissue rigidity in the plant. Structural silicon provides physical protection to plants against microbial infection and insect attack as well as reducing the quality of the tissue to the predating organisms. The abiotic benefits are due to silicon's effect on overall organ strength. This helps protect against lodging, drought stress, high temperature (through efficient maintenance of transpiration), and photosynthesis by protecting against high UV. Furthermore, silicon also protects the plant from saline stress and against a range of toxic metal stresses (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel and zinc). Added to this, silicon application decreases grain concentrations of various human carcinogens, in particular arsenic, antimony and cadmium. As rice is efficient at stripping bioavailable silicon from the soil, recycling of silicon rich rice straw biomass or addition of inorganic silicon fertilizer, primarily obtained from iron and steel slag, needs careful management. Silicon in the soil may be lost if the silicon-cycle, traditionally achieved via composting of rice straw and returning it to the land, is being broken. As composting of rice straw and incorporation of composted or non-composted straw back to land are resource intensive activities, these activities are declining due to population shifts from the countryside to cities. Processes that accelerate rice straw composting, therefore, need to be identified to aid more efficient use of this resource. In addition, rice genetics may help address declining available silicon in paddy soils: for example by selecting for characteristics during breeding that lead to an increased ability of roots to access recalcitrant silicon sources from soil and/or via selection for traits that aid the maintenance of a high silicon status in shoots. Recent advances in understanding the genetic regulation of silicon uptake and transport by rice plants will aid these goals.


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Ce mémoire décrit la synthèse, la caractérisation spectroscopique et l’étude de la réactivité catalytique d’une nouvelle série de complexes pinceurs de Ni(II) formés à partir du ligand POCOPPh (P,C,P-2,6-{Ph2PO}2C6H4), très peu étudié dans le cas du nickel. Les études décrites dans ce mémoire examinent l’effet des substituants des phosphines sur les propriétés spectroscopiques et électrochimiques ainsi que les activités catalytiques. La synthèse du ligand a été améliorée par rapport à la procédure connue dans la littérature en diminuant le temps de réaction à 30 min et la température jusqu'à température ambiante. Les composés pinceur (P,C,P-2,6-{Ph2PO}2C6H3)NiX ont été obtenus avec des rendements variant entre 60% et 88%. Le premier complexe a été synthétisé en faisant réagir le précurseur NiBr2(NCCH3)x avec le ligand POCOPPh pour donner (POCOPPh)NiBr. Ce dernier réagit par la suite avec les sels d’argent et de potassium pour donner 4 nouveaux complexes soient : (POCOPPh)NiCN, (POCOPPh)NiOTf, (POCOPPh)NiOAc et (POCOPPh)NiONO2 (OTf = triflate et OAc = acetate). Vu la réactivité limitée du dérivé bromure, le dérivé (POCOPPh)NiOTf a été utilisé pour la préparation du composé (POCOPPh)NiCCPh. Le dérivé Ni-OTf a été utilisé également pour la synthèse des complexes (POCOPPh)NiR qui ont été détectés par RMN. Ces complexes (POCOPPh)NiR ont montré une stabilité trop faible et donnent des nouveaux complexes de type (POCOPPh)NiX en échangeant l’halogène avec le Mg ou de type (POCOPPh)NiOH en s’hydrolysant. Les espèces cationiques [(POCOPPh)NiNCR][OTf] (R= Me, CHCH2, CHCHMe, C(Me)CH2, NCCH2CH2N(Ph)H) ont été obtenues facilement et avec des bon rendements à partir du (POCOPPh)NiOTf. Tous les composés obtenus ont été caractérisés par la spectroscopie RMN (1H, 13C{1H}, 31P{1H}, 19F{1H}), la spectroscopie IR et la spectroscopie UV-vis. L’analyse élémentaire et l’analyse par la diffraction des rayons X, dont le but est de résoudre la structure à l’état solide, ont été utilisées pour la plupart des complexes. Des études de voltampérométrie cyclique ont été menées pour déterminer la densité électronique des centres métalliques et l’effet des phosphines sur cette propriété électrochimique. Dans le but de déterminer l’effet des substituants des phosphines sur l’activité catalytique des complexes, nous avons évalué les réactivités catalytiques des deux complexes (POCOPPh)NiOTf et (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf dans la réaction d’hydroamination des oléfines activés et plus spécifiquement l’acrylonitrile. Après optimisation des conditions expérimentales, on a constaté que la réactivité des deux composés sont similaires mais une grande différence apparaît après l’ajout des additifs. En effet, le complexe (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf donne une bonne activité catalytique en présence de la triéthylamine, tandis que cette activité diminue considérablement en présence d’eau, contrairement au complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf qui est plus actif en présence d’eau. Dans le cas du complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf, on a pu montrer que la base se coordonne au nickel dans le produit formé après la réaction d’hydroamination, ce qui diminue l’activité de ce complexe dans certains cas. Également on a exploré la réaction de l’addition du lien O-H sur l’acrylonitrile, et étonnamment le complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf est beaucoup plus actif que son homologue (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf dans le cas des alcools aromatiques. Par contre, les alcools aliphatiques restent un défi majeur pour ce genre de complexe. Le mécanisme de cette réaction qui a été proposé montre que l’alcoolyse passe par les deux intermédiaires (POCOPPh)NiOAr et [(POCOPPh)NiOAr][HOAr] mais l’isolation de ces intermédiaires observés par RMN semble être difficile.


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This paper engages with the literature on emotional geographies to report on a case study of the emotions surrounding the closure of a nickel mine in the shire of Ravensthorpe in the south-west of Western Australia in January 2009. Two themes from the affect-infused narratives of pre- and post-mine community members are outlined. The first, which challenges constructions of the closure as a purely industrial and economic concern, focuses on the intense feelings the shut-down invoked amongst participants. The second theme explores the way in which the owner of the mine, BHP Billiton, worked to suppress and regulate affective reactions to the closure and thus reveals the highly political nature of emotions.