998 resultados para nickel complexes


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A series of salicylaldimine-based neutral Ni(II) complexes (3a-j) [ArN = CH(C6H40)]Ni(PPh3)Ph [3a,Ar = C6H5; 3b,Ar = C6H4F(o); 3c, Ar = C6H4F(m); 3d, Ar = C6H4F(p); 3e, Ar = C6H3F2(2,4); 3f, Ar = C6H3F2(2,5); 3g, Ar = C6H3F2(2,6); 3h, Ar = C6H3F2(3,5); 3i, Ar = C6H2F3(3,4,5); 3j, Ar = C6H5] have been synthesized in good yield, and the structures of complexes 3a and 3i have been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. Using modified methylaluminoxane as a cocatalyst, these neutral Ni(II) complexes exhibited high catalytic activities for the vinylic polymerization of norbornene.


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A series of nickel(II) complexes bearing two nonsymmetric bidentate beta-ketoiminato chelate ligands have been prepared, and the structures of complexes [(2,6-Me2C6H3)NC(CH3)C(H)C(Ph)O](2)Ni (4a) and [(2,6-Me2C6H3)NC(CH3)C(H)C(CF3)O](2)Ni (4c) have been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. These nickel(II) complexes were investigated as catalysts for the vinylic polymerization of norbornene. Using modified methylaluminoxane (MMAO) as a cocatalyst, these complexes display very high activities and produce high molecular weight polymers. Catalytic activity of up to 1.16 x 10(4) kg/mol(Ni) .h and the viscosity-average molecular 9 weight of polymer of up to 870 kg/mol were observed. Catalyst activity, polymer yield, and polymer molecular weight could be controlled over a wide range by the variation of the reaction parameters such as Al/Ni molar ratio, norbornene/catalyst molar ratio, monomer concentration, polymerization reaction temperature and time.


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Nickel appears the most promising for the replacement of palladium among the inexpensive transition metals for that it is active for Heck reaction and about 500 times cheaper than palladium. In this article, we describe our recent results in the area of nickel-catalyzed Heck vinylations. Main focus is on the influence of ligand concentration in different organic solvents and the effects of the addition of water. The conversion is high in NMP and increases with increasing of PPh3/Ni ratio; in ethanol and toluene the conversion presents a maximum value on Ni(PPh3)(2). The effect of the addition of water is sensitive to the concentration of PPh3 and the nature of solvent, it was well explained with the formation and transfer of the active species in the different solvent systems.


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The structures of intermediates formed in propylene polymerisation using neutral salicyladiminato palladium(II) and nickel(II) complexes as catalysts have been investigated using density functional theory. Calculations show that all low energy intermediates contain agostic interactions either between the metal and a hydrogen from the added propylene forming four- or five-membered chelate rings, or, when a phenyl ring is present, between the metal and an aromatic C-C bond. The agostic interactions with the metal are concomitant with changes in ligand dimensions and electronic properties. In particular when a metal to hydrogen bond is formed, there is a lengthening of the C-H bond. Significant differences are found for the agostic interactions with palladium and nickel in that for Pd there is a clear preference for specific intermediates but for Ni there are several different structures with similar energies which are likely to lead to a greater variety of products on further polymerisation. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the crystal structures of the copper and nickel complexes of RNase A. The overall topology of these two complexes is similar to that of other RNase A structures. However, there are significant differences in the mode of binding of copper and nickel. There are two copper ions per molecule of the protein, but there is only one nickel ion per molecule of the protein. Significant changes occur in the interprotein interactions as a result of differences in the coordinating groups at the common binding site around His-105. Consequently, the copper- and nickel-ion-bound dimers of RNase A act as nucleation sites for generating different crystal lattices for the two complexes. A second copper ion is present at an active site residue His-119 for which all the ligands are from one molecule of the protein. At this second site, His-119 adopts an inactive conformation (B) induced by the copper. We have identified a novel copper binding motif involving the α-amino group and the N-terminal residues.


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This thesis describes an investigation in which we compare Ni(0), Ni(I) and Ni(II) complexes containing 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane (dppp) as a phosphine ligand for their abilities to effect three types of cross-coupling reactions: Buchwald-Hartwig Amination, Heck-Mizoroki, and Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions with different types of substrates. The Ni(0) complex Ni(dppp)2 is known and we have synthesized it via a new procedure involving zinc reduction of the known NiCl2(dppp) in the presence of an excess of dppp. The Ni(0) complex was characterized by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Since Ni(I) complexes of dppp seem unknown, we have synthesized what at this stage appear to be NiXdpppn/[NiX(dppp)n]x (X = Cl, Br, I; n = 1,2, x = 1, 2) by comproportionation of molar equivalents of Ni(dppp)2 and NiX2dppp, X= Cl, Br, I.


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This thesis describes an investigation in which we compare Ni(0), Ni(I) and Ni(II) complexes containing 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane (dppp) as a phosphine ligand for their abilities to effect three types of cross-coupling reactions: Buchwald-Hartwig Amination, Heck-Mizoroki, and Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions with different types of substrates. The Ni(0) complex Ni(dppp)2 is known and we have synthesized it via a new procedure involving zinc reduction of the known NiCl2(dppp) in the presence of an excess of dppp. The Ni(0) complex was characterized by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. Since Ni(I) complexes of dppp seem unknown, we have synthesized what at this stage appear to be NiXdpppn/[NiX(dppp)n]x (X = Cl, Br, I; n = 1,2, x = 1, 2) by comproportionation of molar equivalents of Ni(dppp)2 and NiX2dppp, X= Cl, Br, I.


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In order to develop better catalysts for the cleavage of aryl-X bonds fundamental studies of the mechanism and individual steps of the mechanism have been investigated in detail. As the described studies are difficult at best in catalytic systems, model systems are frequently used. To study aryl-oxygen bond activation, a terphenyl diphosphine scaffold containing an ether moiety in the central arene was designed. The first three chapters of this dissertation focus on the studies of the nickel complexes supported by this diphosphine backbone and the research efforts in regards to aryl-oxygen bond activation.

Chapter 2 outlines the synthesis of a variety of diphosphine terphenyl ether ligand scaffolds. The metallation of these scaffolds with nickel is described. The reactivity of these nickel(0) systems is also outlined. The systems were found to typically undergo a reductive cleavage of the aryl oxygen bond. The mechanism was found to be a subsequent oxidative addition, β-H elimination, reductive elimination and (or) decarbonylation.

Chapter 3 presents kinetic studies of the aryl oxygen bond in the systems outlined in Chapter 2. Using a series of nickel(0) diphosphine terphenyl ether complexes the kinetics of aryl oxygen bond activation was studied. The activation parameters of oxidative addition for the model systems were determined. Little variation was observed in the rate and activation parameters of oxidative addition with varying electronics in the model system. The cause of the lack of variation is due to the ground state and oxidative addition transition state being affected similarly. Attempts were made to extend this study to catalytic systems.

Chapter 4 investigates aryl oxygen bond activation in the presence of additives. It was found that the addition of certain metal alkyls to the nickel(0) model system lead to an increase in the rate of aryl oxygen bond activation. The addition of excess Grignard reagent led to an order of magnitude increase in the rate of aryl oxygen bond activation. Similarly the addition of AlMe3 led to a three order of magnitude rate increase. Addition of AlMe3 at -80 °C led to the formation of an intermediate which was identified by NOESY correlations as a system in which the AlMe3 is coordinated to the ether moiety of the backbone. The rates and activation parameters of aryl oxygen bond activation in the presence of AlMe3 were investigated.

The last two chapters involve the study of metalla-macrocycles as ligands. Chapter 5 details the synthesis of a variety of glyoxime backbones and diphenol precursors and their metallation with aluminum. The coordination chemistry of iron on the aluminum scaffolds was investigated. Varying the electronics of the aluminum macrocycle was found to affect the observed electrochemistry of the iron center.

Chapter 6 extends the studies of chapter 5 to cobalt complexes. The synthesis of cobalt dialuminum glyoxime metal complexes is described. The electrochemistry of the cobalt complexes was investigated. The electrochemistry was compared to the observed electrochemistry of a zinc analog to identify the redox activity of the ligand. In the presence of acid the cobalt complexes were found to electrochemically reduce protons to dihydrogen. The electronics of the ancillary aluminum ligands were found to affect the potential of proton reduction in the cobalt complexes. These potentials were compared to other diglyoximate complexes.


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A series of binuclear neutral nickel and palladium complexes [(XC6H2CH=NC6H3-iPr(2))MRL](2) 4b-f (X=NO2, M=Ni, R=Ph, L=PPh3, 4b; X=H, M=Pd, R=Me, L=PPh3,4c; X=H,M=Pd, R=Me, L=Py, 4d; X=NO2,M=Pd, R=Me, L=PPh3, 4e; X=NO2, M=Pd, R=Me, L=Py, 4f) and [(C10H7CH=NC6H3-iPr(2))MRL](2) 8a-c (M=Ni, R=Ph, L=PPh3, 8a; M=Pd, R=Me, L=PPh3, 8b; M=Pd, R=Me, L=Py, 8c) have been synthesized and characterized. The structures of complexes 4e and 8b have also been confirmed by X-ray crystallographic analysis. With modified methylalummoxane (MMAO) as cocatalysts, these complexes and complex [(C6H3CH=NC6H3-iPr(2))NiPh(PPh3)](2) 4a are capable of catalyzing the addition polymerization of norbomene (NBE) with the high activity up to 2.3 x 10(8) g PNBE/(mol(M) h). The structure of complexes affects considerably catalytic activity towards norbomene polymerization. The polymers obtained with nickel complexes are soluble, while those obtained with palladium complexes are insoluble. Palladium complexes 4c, 4e and 8b bearing PPh3 ligands exhibit much higher activities than the corresponding complexes 4d, M and 8c bearing pyridine ligands under the same conditions.


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A new family of self-immobilized ethylene polymerization catalysts, derived from neutral, single-component salicylaldiminato phenyl nickel complexes, is described.


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Plusieurs nouveaux complexes pinceurs de cobalt et de nickel ont été préparés avec le ligand pinceur de type POCOP : 2,6-(i-Pr2PO)2C6H4. Dans le cas du cobalt, une nouvelle voie de synthèse a été développée. Contrairement au cas du nickel, il s’agit ici de cobalt au degré d’oxydation +III. Les composés obtenus sont paramagnétiques. En outre, le dérivé bromé est instable à la lumière et se décompose en perdant un brome pour former le complexe pinceur de Co(II). La réactivité de ces complexes a été étudiée. Pour ce qui est du nickel, la catalyse de l’hydroamination a été élargie aux dérivés de l’acrylonitrile et aux amines aromatiques. En outre, la réaction d’hydroaryloxylation a été étudiée dans les mêmes conditions. Enfin, avec le 4-cyanostyrène et le cinnamonitrile, la formation d’amidines a été observée. Un complexe pinceur portant cette amidine a été isolé. Enfin, le cation réagit avec des anions fortement coordonnants tels le cyanure ou l’isocyanate. En outre, l’anion triflate peut être déplacé par l’eau, l’acrylonitrile et ses dérivés. Enfin, une réactivité particulière a été observée avec la morpholine, l’acétone et un mélange 1:1 aniline/triéthylamine.


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Ce mémoire décrit la synthèse, la caractérisation spectroscopique et l’étude de la réactivité catalytique d’une nouvelle série de complexes pinceurs de Ni(II) formés à partir du ligand POCOPPh (P,C,P-2,6-{Ph2PO}2C6H4), très peu étudié dans le cas du nickel. Les études décrites dans ce mémoire examinent l’effet des substituants des phosphines sur les propriétés spectroscopiques et électrochimiques ainsi que les activités catalytiques. La synthèse du ligand a été améliorée par rapport à la procédure connue dans la littérature en diminuant le temps de réaction à 30 min et la température jusqu'à température ambiante. Les composés pinceur (P,C,P-2,6-{Ph2PO}2C6H3)NiX ont été obtenus avec des rendements variant entre 60% et 88%. Le premier complexe a été synthétisé en faisant réagir le précurseur NiBr2(NCCH3)x avec le ligand POCOPPh pour donner (POCOPPh)NiBr. Ce dernier réagit par la suite avec les sels d’argent et de potassium pour donner 4 nouveaux complexes soient : (POCOPPh)NiCN, (POCOPPh)NiOTf, (POCOPPh)NiOAc et (POCOPPh)NiONO2 (OTf = triflate et OAc = acetate). Vu la réactivité limitée du dérivé bromure, le dérivé (POCOPPh)NiOTf a été utilisé pour la préparation du composé (POCOPPh)NiCCPh. Le dérivé Ni-OTf a été utilisé également pour la synthèse des complexes (POCOPPh)NiR qui ont été détectés par RMN. Ces complexes (POCOPPh)NiR ont montré une stabilité trop faible et donnent des nouveaux complexes de type (POCOPPh)NiX en échangeant l’halogène avec le Mg ou de type (POCOPPh)NiOH en s’hydrolysant. Les espèces cationiques [(POCOPPh)NiNCR][OTf] (R= Me, CHCH2, CHCHMe, C(Me)CH2, NCCH2CH2N(Ph)H) ont été obtenues facilement et avec des bon rendements à partir du (POCOPPh)NiOTf. Tous les composés obtenus ont été caractérisés par la spectroscopie RMN (1H, 13C{1H}, 31P{1H}, 19F{1H}), la spectroscopie IR et la spectroscopie UV-vis. L’analyse élémentaire et l’analyse par la diffraction des rayons X, dont le but est de résoudre la structure à l’état solide, ont été utilisées pour la plupart des complexes. Des études de voltampérométrie cyclique ont été menées pour déterminer la densité électronique des centres métalliques et l’effet des phosphines sur cette propriété électrochimique. Dans le but de déterminer l’effet des substituants des phosphines sur l’activité catalytique des complexes, nous avons évalué les réactivités catalytiques des deux complexes (POCOPPh)NiOTf et (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf dans la réaction d’hydroamination des oléfines activés et plus spécifiquement l’acrylonitrile. Après optimisation des conditions expérimentales, on a constaté que la réactivité des deux composés sont similaires mais une grande différence apparaît après l’ajout des additifs. En effet, le complexe (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf donne une bonne activité catalytique en présence de la triéthylamine, tandis que cette activité diminue considérablement en présence d’eau, contrairement au complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf qui est plus actif en présence d’eau. Dans le cas du complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf, on a pu montrer que la base se coordonne au nickel dans le produit formé après la réaction d’hydroamination, ce qui diminue l’activité de ce complexe dans certains cas. Également on a exploré la réaction de l’addition du lien O-H sur l’acrylonitrile, et étonnamment le complexe (POCOPPh)NiOTf est beaucoup plus actif que son homologue (POCOPi-Pr)NiOTf dans le cas des alcools aromatiques. Par contre, les alcools aliphatiques restent un défi majeur pour ce genre de complexe. Le mécanisme de cette réaction qui a été proposé montre que l’alcoolyse passe par les deux intermédiaires (POCOPPh)NiOAr et [(POCOPPh)NiOAr][HOAr] mais l’isolation de ces intermédiaires observés par RMN semble être difficile.


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A series of hexadentate ligands, H2Lm (m = 1−4), [1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene]{2-[2-(2-{[1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene]amino}phenoxy)ethoxy]phenyl}amine (H2L1), [1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene]{2-[4-(2-{[1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene]amino}phenoxy)butoxy]phenyl}amine (H2L2), [1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene][2-({2-[(2-{[1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene]amino}phenyl)thio]ethyl}thio)phenyl]amine (H2L3) and [1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylene][2-({4-[(2-{[1H-pyrrol-2-lmethylene]amino}phenyl)thio]butyl}thio) phenyl]amine (H2L4) were prepared by condensation reaction of pyrrol-2-carboxaldehyde with {2-[2-(2-aminophenoxy)ethoxy]phenyl}amine, {2-[4-(2-aminophenoxy)butoxy]phenyl}amine, [2-({2-[(2-aminophenyl)thio]ethyl}thio)phenyl]amine and [2-({4-[(2-aminophenyl)thio]butyl}thio)phenyl]amine respectively. Reaction of these ligands with nickel(II) and copper(II) acetate gave complexes of the form MLm (m = 1−4), and the synthesized ligands and their complexes have been characterized by a variety of physico-chemical techniques. The solid and solution states investigations show that the complexes are neutral. The molecular structures of NiL3 and CuL2, which have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction, indicate that the NiL3 complex has a distorted octahedral coordination environment around the metal while the CuL2 complex has a seesaw coordination geometry. DFT calculations were used to analyse the electronic structure and simulation of the electronic absorption spectrum of the CuL2 complex using TDDFT gives results that are consistent with the measured spectroscopic behavior of the complex. Cyclic voltammetry indicates that all copper complexes are electrochemically inactive but the nickel complexes with softer thioethers are more easily oxidized than their oxygen analogs.


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Five new complexes of general formula: [Ni(RSO(2)N=CS(2))(dppe)], where R = C(6)H(5) (1), 4-ClC(6)H(4) (2), 4-BrC(6)H(4) (3), 4-IC(6)H(4) (4) and dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino) ethane and [Ni(4-IC(6)H(4)SO(2)N=CS(2))(PPh(3))(2)] (5), where PPh3 = triphenylphosphine, were obtained in crystalline form by the reaction of the appropriate potassium N-R-sulfonyldithiocarbimate K(2)(RSO(2)N=CS(2)) and dppe or PPh(3) with nickel(II) chloride in ethanol/water. The elemental analyses and the IR, (1)H NMR, (13)C NMR and (31)P NMR spectra are consistent with the formation of the square planar nickel(II) complexes with mixed ligands. All complexes were also characterized by X-ray diffraction techniques and present a distorted cis-NiS(2)P(2) square-planar configuration around the Ni atom. Quantum chemical calculations reproduced the crystallographic structures and are in accord with the spectroscopic data. Rare C-H center dot center dot center dot Ni intramolecular short contact interactions were observed in the complexes 1-5. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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Ce mémoire traite de la chimie des complexes pinceurs de nickel (II) cationiques ayant un ligand de type POCOP. Elle se divise en deux parties. La première traite de la synthèse, de la caractérisation et de la réactivité des complexes cationiques pinceurs de Ni(II) de type POCOP (POCOP = 1,3-bis(phosphinitobenzene), où C fait partie d’un cycle benzénique et est lié au métal, et P est un ligand phosphoré aussi lié au métal). Ces complexes ont un ligand acétonitrile coordonné au centre métallique et sont du type [(R-POCOPR’)Ni(NCMe)][OSO2CF3], où R est un substituant du cycle benzénique et R’ est un substituant sur le ligand phosphoré (R’ = iPr: R = H (1), p-Me(2), p-OMe(3), p-CO2Me(4), p-Br(5), m,m-tBu2(6), m-OMe(7), m-CO2Me(8); R’ = t-Bu : R = H (9), p-CO2Me(10)). Les complexes cationiques sont préparés en faisant réagir le dérivé Ni(II) neutre correspondant R-(POCOPR’)Ni-Br avec Ag(OSO2CF3¬) dans l’acétonitrile à température ambiante. L’impact des groupements R et R’ du ligand POCOP sur la structure et sur les propriétées électroniques du complexe a été étudié par spectroscopies RMN, UV-VIS et IR, analyse électrochimique, et diffraction des rayons X. Les valeurs de fréquence du lien C≡N (ν(C≡N)) augmentent avec le caractère électroattracteur du complexe, dans l’ordre 7 < 3 ~ 2 ~ 6 < 1 < 5 ~ 8 < 4 et 9 < 10. Ces résultats sont en accord avec le fait qu’une augmentation du caractère électrophile du centre métallique devrait résulter en une augmentation de la donation σ MeCN→Ni. De plus, les complexes cationiques montrent tous un potentiel d’oxydation Ni(II)/Ni(III) plus élevé que leurs analogues neutres Ni-Br. Ensuite, une étude d’équilibre entre un complexe neutre (R-POCOPR’)NiBr et un complexe cationique [(R-POCOPR’)Ni(NCMe)][OSO2CF3] démontre l’échange facile des ligands MeCN et Br. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire consiste en deux chapitres. Le premier (Chapitre 3) est une étude structurelle permettant une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme d’hydroamination des oléfines activées promue par les complexes présentés au chapitre 1, suivi de tentatives de synthèse de nouveaux composés POCOP cationiques comportant un ligand amine et nitrile, et de déplacement du groupement amine par un groupement nitrile. Le deuxième chapitre (4) décrit la réactivité et la cinétique de la réaction d’hydroamination et d’hydroalkoxylation d’oléfines activées, qui permet ainsi de mieux comprendre l’impact des différentes variables du système (groupements R et R’, température, substrats, solvent, etc.) sur la réactivité catalytique.