959 resultados para niche overlap


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Increasing abundance of non-commercial sprats and decreasing biomass and landings of commercial anchovies and sardines justify the need to study the feeding ecology and trophic niche overlap of these planktivorous species in the Gulf of Lions. Their diet has been investigated on the basis of stomach content and stable isotope analyses in 2011 and 2012 according to different depths and regions in the study area. The main prey were Corycaeidae copepods, Clauso/Paracalanus, Euterpina acutifrons and Microsetella, for sprats and small copepods, such as Microsetella, Oncaea and Corycaeidae, for anchovies and sardines. This is the first time that the diet of sprats is described in the Gulf of Lions. Sprats fed on a larger size spectrum of prey and seem to be more generalist feeders compared to anchovies and sardines. Ontogenetic changes as well as spatial and temporal variations of the diet occurred in the three species. Stable isotope analysis revealed mobility of sardines and sprats among feeding areas while anchovies exhibited preferred feeding areas. Sprats showed a higher relative condition assessed by C/N ratios than sardines and anchovies. Our results showed an overlap of the trophic niches for the three species, indicating a potential trophic competition in the Gulf of Lions.


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As both companion animals and opportunistic predators, dogs (Canis lupus spp.) have had a long and complex relationship with humans. In Australia, the dingo (C. l. dingo) was introduced 4,000 years ago and, other than humans, is now the continent's top mammalian predator. Domestic dogs (C. l. familiaris) were introduced by Europeans more recently and they interbreed with dingoes. This hybridization has caused growing concern about the roles that domestic dogs and dingoes play in shaping ecosystem processes. There is also considerable debate about whether anthropogenic environmental changes can alter the ecological roles of dingoes. We used scat analysis to test whether the dingo, as the longer-established predator, occupies a different dietary niche from that of free-roaming domestic dogs, irrespective of human influence. Our results demonstrate considerable dietary overlap between dingoes and domestic dogs in areas where humans provide supplementary food, providing evidence against our hypothesis. However, the consumption by dingoes of a greater diversity of prey, in association with historical differences in the interactions between dingoes and humans, suggests a partial separation of their dietary niche from that of domestic dogs. We conclude that anthropogenic changes in resource availability could prevent dingoes from fulfilling their trophic regulatory or pre-European roles. Effective management of human-provided food is therefore required urgently to minimize the potential for subsidized populations of dingoes and domestic dogs to negatively affect co-occurring prey.


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Umbrella species are rarely selected systematically from a range of candidate species. On sandy beaches, birds that nest on the upper beach or in dunes are threatened globally and hence are prime candidates for conservation intervention and putative umbrella species status. Here we use a maximum-likelihood, multi-species distribution modeling approach to select an appropriate conservation umbrella from a group of candidate species occupying similar habitats. We identify overlap in spatial extent and niche characteristics among four beach-nesting bird species of conservation concern, American oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus), black skimmers (Rynchops niger), least terns (Sterna antillarum) and piping plovers (Charadrius melodus), across their entire breeding range in New Jersey, USA. We quantify the benefit and efficiency of using each species as a candidate umbrella on the remaining group. Piping plover nesting habitat encompassed 86% of the least tern habitat but only 15% and 13% of the black skimmer and American oystercatcher habitat, respectively. However, plovers co-occur with all three species across 66% of their total nesting habitat extent (~ 649 ha), suggesting their value as an umbrella at the local scale. American oystercatcher nesting habitat covers 100%, 99% and 47% of piping plover, least tern and black skimmer habitat, making this species more appropriate conservation umbrellas at a regional scale. Our results demonstrate that the choice of umbrella species requires explicit consideration of spatial scale and an understanding of the habitat attributes that an umbrella species represents and to which extent it encompasses other species of conservation interest. Notwithstanding the attractiveness of the umbrella species concept, local conservation interventions especially for breeding individuals in small populations may still be needed.


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The integration of detailed information on feeding interactions with measures of abundance and body mass of individuals provides a powerful platform for understanding ecosystem organisation. Metabolism and, by proxy, body mass constrain the flux, turnover and storage of energy and biomass in food webs. Here, we present the first food web data for Lough Hyne, a species rich Irish Sea Lough. Through the application of individual-and size-based analysis of the abundance-body mass relationship, we tested predictions derived from the metabolic theory of ecology. We found that individual body mass constrained the flux of biomass and determined its distribution within the food web. Body mass was also an important determinant of diet width and niche overlap, and predator diets were nested hierarchically, such that diet width increased with body mass. We applied a novel measure of predator-prey biomass flux which revealed that most interactions in Lough Hyne were weak, whereas only a few were strong. Further, the patterning of interaction strength between prey sharing a common predator revealed that strong interactions were nearly always coupled with weak interactions. Our findings illustrate that important insights into the organisation, structure and stability of ecosystems can be achieved through the theoretical exploration of detailed empirical data.


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We determined microhabitat and diet niche for tadpoles from two ponds in an agricultural landscape. Additionally, we verified the intraspecific variation in resource use, and if diet and microhabitat use were correlated. Tadpoles found in the two ponds differed in microhabitat use, because in the larger pond they explored deeper places far from the margin. There were three groups with high microhabitat niche overlap. In both ponds, plant cover was the best descriptor to explain interspecific variation in microhabitat use. Tadpoles of all species ingested mainly Bacillariophyceae and Trachellomonas however the diet differed intraspecifically in the species from the two ponds. Ten items in the temporary pond and 15 items in the permanent one were ingested by all species; however, the relative abundance of each item differed. Diet similarity was not correlated to similarity in microhabitat use. In this study, diet was as important as microhabitat use to explain resource partitioning.


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Understanding the impact of geological events on diversification processes is central to evolutionary ecology. The recent amalgamation between ecological niche models (ENMs) and phylogenetic analyses has been used to estimate historical ranges of modern lineages by projecting current ecological niches of organisms onto paleoclimatic reconstructions. A critical assumption underlying this approach is that niches are stable over time. Using Notophthalmus viridescens (eastern newt), in which four ecologically diverged subspecies are recognized, we introduce an analytical framework free from the niche stability assumption to examine how refugial retreat and subsequent postglacial expansion have affected intraspecific ecological divergence. We found that the current subspecies designation was not congruent with the phylogenetic lineages. Thus, we examined ecological niche overlap between the refugial and modern populations, in both subspecies and lineage, by creating ENMs independently for modern and estimated last glacial maximum (LGM) newt populations, extracting bioclimate variables by randomly generated points, and conducting principal component analyses. Our analyses consistently showed that when tested as a hypothesis, rather than used as an assumption, the niches of N. viridescens lineages have been unstable since the LGM (both subspecies and lineages). There was greater ecological niche differentiation among the subspecies than the modern phylogenetic lineages, suggesting that the subspecies, rather than the phylogenetic lineages, is the unit of the current ecological divergence. The present study found little evidence that the LGM refugial retreat caused the currently observed ecological divergence and suggests that ecological divergence has occurred during postglacial expansion to the current distribution ranges.


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PREMISE OF THE STUDY: We conducted environmental niche modeling (ENM) of the Brachypodium distachyon s.l. complex, a model group of two diploid annual grasses ( B. distachyon , B. stacei ) and their derived allotetraploid ( B. hybridum) , native to the circum-Mediterranean region. We (1) investigated the ENMs of the three species in their native range based on present and past climate data; (2) identifi ed potential overlapping niches of the diploids and their hybrid across four Quaternary windows; (3) tested whether speciation was associated with niche divergence/conservatism in the complex species; and (4) tested for the potential of the polyploid outperforming the diploids in the native range. M ETHODS: Geo-referenced data, altitude, and 19 climatic variables were used to construct the ENMs. We used paleoclimate niche models to trace the potential existence of ancestral gene fl ow among the hybridizing species of the complex. KEY RESULTS: Brachypodium distachyon grows in higher, cooler, and wetter places, B. stacei in lower, warmer, and drier places, and B. hybridum in places with intermediate climatic features. Brachypodium hybridum had the largest niche overlap with its parent niches, but a similar distribution range and niche breadth. C ONCLUSIONS: Each species had a unique environmental niche though there were multiple niche overlapping areas for the diploids across time, suggesting the potential existence of several hybrid zones during the Pleistocene and the Holocene. No evidence of niche divergence was found, suggesting that species diversifi cation was not driven by ecological speciation but by evolutionary history, though it could be associated to distinct environmental adaptations.


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Displacement of the fungus Fusarium pseudograminearum from stubble by antagonists is a potential means of biocontrol of crown rot in cereals. The role of carbon and nitrogen nutrition in interactions between the pathogen and the antagonists Fusarium equiseti, Fusarium nygamai, Trichoderma harzianum and the non-antagonistic straw fungus Alternaria infectoria was investigated. Sole carbon source utilization patterns on Biolog plates were similar among the three Fusarium species, suggesting a possible role for competition. However, carbon niche overlap was unlikely to be important in antagonism by T. harzianum. Straw medium supplemented with sugars generally reduced the inhibitory effect of antagonists on growth of F. pseudograminearum in dual culture, indicating that availability of simple carbon sources does not limit antagonism. Adding nitrogen as urea, nitrate or ammonium to straw medium had little effect on antagonism by F. equiseti and F. nygamai, but ammonium addition removed the inhibitory effect of T. harzianum on growth of F. pseudograminearum. Displacement of F. pseudograminearum from straw by all fungi in a Petri dish assay was greater when urea or nitrate was used as a nitrogen source than with ammonium. All forms of nitrogen significantly increased displacement of F. pseudograminearum from straw under simulated field conditions when straws were either inoculated with T. harzianum or exposed to resident soil microbes. However, in 2 out of 3 experiments urea and nitrate were more effective than ammonium. The results suggest that availability of nitrogen, but not carbon, is limiting the activities of antagonists of F. pseudograminearum in straw, and the way nitrogen is applied can influence the rate of displacement and mortality of the pathogen in host residues.


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Atualmente existe uma contínua perda de biodiversidade, que decorre principalmente devido a intensa modificação das paisagens naturais pelas atividades humanas. O litoral do estado do Rio de Janeiro é ocupado há centenas de anos, e uma das principais ameaças é a crescente taxa demográfica. De forma geral, o conhecimento acerca dos diferentes grupos de vertebrados terrestres e a sua relação com o ambiente de restinga ainda é incipiente. Realizamos o presente estudo em dez áreas de remanescentes de vegetação de restinga no estado do Rio de Janeiro, para compreender a variação das comunidades de lagartos entre os diferentes ambientes e suas estruturas locais, bem como os principais fatores que as afetam negativamente. Realizamos um conjunto de transecções lineares delimitadas por tempo, ao longo de três anos. As espécies de lagartos foram identificadas e quantificadas, e mensuramos a estrutura e os fatores de ameaça antrópica dos ambientes. Registramos no total nove espécies de lagartos compondo as comunidades de restingas amostradas no estado do Rio de Janeiro, incluindo uma espécie exótica e invasora (Hemidactylus mabouia), e duas endêmicas (Liolaemus lutzae e Cnemidophorus littoralis). A maioria das espécies foram registradas em diferentes meso-habitats, e no geral podem ser consideradas oportunistas e generalistas. As restingas diferiram entre si principalmente em termos de abundância e densidade de espécies de lagartos, enquanto a riqueza foi comparativamente menor nos ambientes insulares. Provavelmente essas diferenças são resultados da interação entre processos históricos e ecológicos atuando em sinergia. Na restinga de Grussaí, os dados mostram que, considerando o nicho em suas três dimensões avaliadas (tempo, espaço e dieta), é provável que a comunidade esteja estruturada em seu eixo temporal. A análise dos fatores de ameaça antrópica sobre as restingas mostra que a situação dos fragmentos se manteve a mesma nos últimos anos. Provavelmente, as políticas públicas atuais não parecem ser suficientes para o aumento do grau de preservação e conservação das áreas de restinga do litoral do estado do Rio de Janeiro devido à contínua especulação imobiliária. É necessário o emprego de monitoramentos periódicos para acompanhar a situação das populações das espécies endêmicas e ameaçadas, e promover mudanças físicas (e.g. remoção de lixo depositado e de espécies exóticas), sócio-educativas (e.g. diminuição do acesso de animais domésticos, descarte de material), e de poder público (e.g. aumento das áreas de proteção). Em relação à espécie endêmica e ameaçada L. lutzae, identificamos uma sobreposição de nicho espacial em relação a Tropidurus torquatus, variável entre as localidades amostradas. Provavelmente essa variação resulta da estrutura ambiental que difere entre as restingas e, consequentemente, provoca diferentes respostas em termos de interação entre as espécies que compõem as comunidades de lagartos. Os novos registros de H. mabouia em habitat natural nas restingas foram incluídos aos registros de ocorrência da espécie em ambientes naturais em território brasileiro, no intuito de identificar áreas potenciais de invasão da espécie. Os resultados mostram uma alta probabilidade principalmente na região litorânea. O presente estudo possibilita uma melhor compreensão sobre a ecologia de comunidades de lagartos no estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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No Brasil, a Família Didelphidae é composta por 54 espécies com ampla distribuição por diferentes habitats e um padrão de consumo alimentar que pode variar desde espécies mais frugívoras até as mais insetívoras/carnívoras. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a relação entre a dieta de sete espécies de didelfídeos (Caluromys philander, Didelphis albiventris, Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Marmosa (Micoureus) paraguayana, Marmosops incanus e Metachirus nudicaudatus) e a seleção de recursos alimentares (artrópodes e frutos) disponíveis. O estudo foi realizado entre novembro de 2009 e outubro de 2011, em uma área de mata ciliar de cerrado no Parque Estadual do Rio Preto, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Artrópodes, frutos, flores e vertebrados foram consumidos em diferentes proporções pelas espécies estudadas. Flores e vertebrados foram consumidos preferencialmente na estação seca e a diversidade da dieta de todas as espécies foi maior durante a estação chuvosa. Nem todos os recursos (artrópodes e frutos) foram consumidos de acordo com sua disponibilidade na área de estudo. Apesar de abundante, Hymenoptera (Formicidade) foi rejeitado por todas as espécies, sendo consumido abaixo de sua disponibilidade local. Os didelfídeos selecionaram frutos de Melastomataceae (Clidemia urceolata e Miconia spp.) e rejeitaram frutos de Rubiaceae, um recurso altamente abundante na área de estudo. Os resultados sugerem que o frequente consumo de um item alimentar pode estar associado tanto com a preferência (seleção) por parte do consumidor, bem como com a disponibilidade local do recurso. A maior parte das sementes, que permaneceram intactas após passagem pelo trato digestório dos animais, não apresentou diferenças significativas em suas taxas de germinação quando comparadas com as sementes do grupo controle e o tempo médio de dormência das sementes consumidas pelos marsupiais variou entre 30 (Cipocereus minensis) e 175 dias (Cordiera sessilis). Gracilinanus agilis e G. microtarsus, que ocorrem em simpatria na área de estudo, apesar de apresentarem uma alta sobreposição de nicho apresentaram diferenças no uso do habitat e na diversidade da dieta.


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O presente trabalho analisou o conteúdo estomacal de cinco espécies de elasmobrânquios, sendo 9 estômagos de Psammobatis rutrum, 83 de Psammobatis extenta, 59 de Atlantoraja cyclophora, 112 de Rioraja agassizi e 43 de Rhizoprionodon lalandii, com o objetivo de obter informações sobre os hábitos alimentares dessas espécies, além de verificar a formação de guildas tróficas entre as espécies estudadas. As coletas ocorreram entre janeiro de 2006 e agosto de 2007, no litoral sul do Rio de Janeiro, ao largo da Ilha Grande. Os itens alimentares encontrados foram analisados quanto a Frequência de Ocorrência, Peso Percentual e Índice Alimentar, sendo a dieta de cada espécie avaliada considerando toda amostra, de acordo com o sexo dos indivíduos, estádios de maturidade e épocas do ano. Para investigar a similaridade entre as dietas e verificar a formação de guildas tróficas foi realizada uma Análise de Escalonamento Multidimensional (MDS). As dietas de Psammobatis rutrum e Psammobatis extenta foram consideradas carcino-bentófagas, com grande importância de camarões. O principal item para Atlantoraja cyclophora foi o siri Portunus spinicarpus, sendo a dieta considerada principalmente carcino-bentófaga, mas também com grande importância de teleósteos. Em Rioraja agassizi, a dieta foi considerada principalmente carcino-bentófaga, mas também com forte influência ictiófaga. Já o comportamento alimentar de Rhizoprionodon lalandii foi considerado ictio-bentófago. A dieta entre os sexos apresentou uma alta sobreposição em P. extenta, A. cyclophora e R. lalandii, mas para R. agassizi essa sobreposição foi considerada baixa. Entre os estádios de maturidade a sobreposição foi pequena para P. extenta e R. agassizi, entretanto para A. cyclophora e R. lalandii essa sobreposição foi elevada. Os exemplares maiores, aparentemente apresentaram preferência a se alimentarem de peixes, enquanto que predadores de menor porte se restringem aos invertebrados, basicamente crustáceos. Para todas as espécies foram identificadas alterações sazonais na importância dos itens alimentares, que pode ser explicado pelas oscilações naturais na composição e abundancia das presas potenciais em consequência das variações das massas de água na plataforma continental do sul fluminense. Os resultados indicaram a formação de 2 guildas, sendo a guilda 1 composta por P. rutrum e P extenta e com uma dieta principalmente de crustáceos (camarões) e a guilda 2 composta por A. cyclophora, R. agassizi e R. lalandii apresentando uma alimentação em Crustáceos e em Teleósteos.