938 resultados para newborn, neural network activity, oscillation, spike pattern, acute slice, slice culture and cell culture


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Information processing and storage in the brain may be presented by the oscillations and cell assemblies. Here we address the question of how individual neurons associate together to assemble neural networks and present spontaneous electrical activity. Therefore, we dissected the neonatal brain at three different levels: acute 1-mm thick brain slice, cultured organotypic 350-µm thick brain slice and dissociated neuronal cultures. The spatio-temporal properties of neural activity were investigated by using a 60-channel Micro-electrode arrays (MEA), and the cell assemblies were studied by using a template-matching method. We find local on-propagating as well as large- scale propagating spontaneous oscillatory activity in acute slices, spontaneous network activity characterized by synchronized burst discharges in organotypic cultured slices, and autonomous bursting behaviour in dissociated neuronal cultures. Furthermore, repetitive spike patterns emerge after one week of dissociated neuronal culture and dramatically increase their numbers as well as their complexity and occurrence in the second week. Our data indicate that neurons can self-organize themselves, assembly to a neural network, present spontaneous oscillations, and emerge spatio-temporal activation patterns. The spontaneous oscillations and repetitive spike patterns may serve fundamental functions for information processing and storage in the brain.


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Coordinated patterns of electrical activity are important for the early development of sensory systems. The spatiotemporal dynamics of these early activity patterns and the role of the peripheral sensory input for their generation are essentially unknown. There are two projects in this thesis. In project1, we performed extracellular multielectrode recordings in the somatosensory cortex of postnatal day 0 to 7 rats in vivo and observed three distinct patterns of synchronized oscillatory activity. (1) Spontaneous and periphery-driven spindle bursts of 1â2 s in duration and ~10 Hz in frequency occurred approximately every 10 s. (2) Spontaneous and sensory-driven gamma oscillations of 150â300 ms duration and 30â40 Hz in frequency occurred every 10â30 s. (3) Long oscillations appeared only every ~20 min and revealed the largest amplitude (250â750 µV) and longest duration (>40 s). These three distinct patterns of early oscillatory activity differently synchronized the neonatal cortical network. Whereas spindle bursts and gamma oscillations did not propagate and synchronized a local neuronal network of 200â400 µm in diameter, long oscillations propagated with 25â30 µm/s and synchronized 600-800 µm large ensembles. All three activity patterns were triggered by sensory activation. Single electrical stimulation of the whisker pad or tactile whisker activation elicited neocortical spindle bursts and gamma activity. Long oscillations could be only evoked by repetitive sensory stimulation. The neonatal oscillatory patterns in vivo depended on NMDAreceptor-mediated synaptic transmission and gap junctional coupling. Whereas spindle bursts and gamma oscillations may represent an early functional columnar-like pattern, long oscillations may serve as a propagating activation signal consolidating these immature neuronal networks. In project2, Using voltage-sensitive dye imaging and simultaneous multi-channel extracellular recordings in the barrel cortex and somatosensory thalamus of newborn rats in vivo, we found that spontaneous and whisker stimulation induced activity patterns were restricted to functional cortical columns already at the day of birth. Spontaneous and stimulus evoked cortical activity consisted of gamma oscillations followed by spindle bursts. Spontaneous events were mainly generated in the thalamus or by spontaneous whisker movements. Our findings indicate that during early developmental stages cortical networks self-organize in ontogenetic columns via spontaneous gamma oscillations triggered by the thalamus or sensory periphery.


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Long-term potentiation in the neonatal rat rnbarrel cortex in vivo rnLong-term potentiation (LTP) is important for the activity-dependent formation of early cortical circuits. In the neonatal rodent barrel cortex LTP has been so far only studied in vitro. I combined voltage-sensitive dye imaging with extracellular multi-electrode recordings to study whisker stimulation-induced LTP for both the slope of field potential and the number of multi-unit activity in the whisker-to-barrel cortex pathway of the neonatal rat barrel cortex in vivo. Single whisker stimulation at 2 Hz for 10 min induced an age-dependent expression of LTP in postnatal day (P) 0 to P14 rats with the strongest expression of LTP at P3-P5. The magnitude of LTP was largest in the stimulated barrel-related column, smaller in the surrounding septal region and no LTP could be observed in the neighboring barrel. Current source density analyses revealed an LTP-associated increase of synaptic current sinks in layer IV / lower layer II/III at P3-P5 and in the cortical plate / upper layer V at P0-P1. This study demonstrates for the first time an age-dependent and spatially confined LTP in the barrel cortex of the newborn rat in vivo. These activity-dependent modifications during the critical period may play an important role in the development and refinement of the topographic map in the barrel cortex. (An et al., 2012)rnEarly motor activity triggered by gamma and spindle bursts in neonatal rat motor cortexrnSelf-generated neuronal activity generated in subcortical regions drives early spontaneous motor activity, which is a hallmark of the developing sensorimotor system. However, the neuronal activity patterns and functions of neonatal primary motor cortex (M1) in the early movements are still unknown. I combined voltage-sensitive dye imaging with simultaneous extracellular multi-electrode recordings in the neonatal rat S1 and M1 in vivo. At P3-P5, gamma and spindle bursts observed in M1 could trigger early paw movements. Furthermore, the paw movements could be also elicited by the focal electrical stimulation of M1 at layer V. Local inactivation of M1 could significantly attenuate paw movements, suggesting that the neonatal M1 operates in motor mode. In contrast, the neonatal M1 can also operate in sensory mode. Early spontaneous movements and sensory stimulations of paw trigger gamma and spindle bursts in M1. Blockade of peripheral sensory input from the paw completely abolished sensory evoked gamma and spindle bursts. Moreover, both sensory evoked and spontaneously occurring gamma and spindle bursts mediated interactions between S1 and M1. Accordingly, local inactivation of the S1 profoundly reduced paw stimulation-induced and spontaneously occurring gamma and spindle bursts in M1, indicating that S1 plays a critical role in generation of the activity patterns in M1. This study proposes that both self-generated and sensory evoked gamma and spindle bursts in M1 may contribute to the refinement and maturation of corticospinal and sensorimotor networks required for sensorimotor coordination.rn


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In this report an artificial neural network (ANN) based automated emergency landing site selection system for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and general aviation (GA) is described. The system aims increase safety of UAV operation by emulating pilot decision making in emergency landing scenarios using an ANN to select a safe landing site from available candidates. The strength of an ANN to model complex input relationships makes it a perfect system to handle the multicriteria decision making (MCDM) process of emergency landing site selection. The ANN operates by identifying the more favorable of two landing sites when provided with an input vector derived from both landing site's parameters, the aircraft's current state and wind measurements. The system consists of a feed forward ANN, a pre-processor class which produces ANN input vectors and a class in charge of creating a ranking of landing site candidates using the ANN. The system was successfully implemented in C++ using the FANN C++ library and ROS. Results obtained from ANN training and simulations using randomly generated landing sites by a site detection simulator data verify the feasibility of an ANN based automated emergency landing site selection system.


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A neural network is introduced which provides a solution of the classical motor equivalence problem, whereby many different joint configurations of a redundant manipulator can all be used to realize a desired trajectory in 3-D space. To do this, the network self-organizes a mapping from motion directions in 3-D space to velocity commands in joint space. Computer simulations demonstrate that, without any additional learning, the network can generate accurate movement commands that compensate for variable tool lengths, clamping of joints, distortions of visual input by a prism, and unexpected limb perturbations. Blind reaches have also been simulated.


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A neural network enhanced proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller is presented that combines the attributes of neural network learning with a generalized minimum-variance self-tuning control (STC) strategy. The neuro PID controller is structured with plant model identification and PID parameter tuning. The plants to be controlled are approximated by an equivalent model composed of a simple linear submodel to approximate plant dynamics around operating points, plus an error agent to accommodate the errors induced by linear submodel inaccuracy due to non-linearities and other complexities. A generalized recursive least-squares algorithm is used to identify the linear submodel, and a layered neural network is used to detect the error agent in which the weights are updated on the basis of the error between the plant output and the output from the linear submodel. The procedure for controller design is based on the equivalent model, and therefore the error agent is naturally functioned within the control law. In this way the controller can deal not only with a wide range of linear dynamic plants but also with those complex plants characterized by severe non-linearity, uncertainties and non-minimum phase behaviours. Two simulation studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the controller design procedure.


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Single photon emission with computed tomography (SPECT) hexamethylphenylethyleneamineoxime technetium-99 images were analyzed by an optimal interpolative neural network (OINN) algorithm to determine whether the network could discriminate among clinically diagnosed groups of elderly normal, Alzheimer disease (AD), and vascular dementia (VD) subjects. After initial image preprocessing and registration, image features were obtained that were representative of the mean regional tissue uptake. These features were extracted from a given image by averaging the intensities over various regions defined by suitable masks. After training, the network classified independent trials of patients whose clinical diagnoses conformed to published criteria for probable AD or probable/possible VD. For the SPECT data used in the current tests, the OINN agreement was 80 and 86% for probable AD and probable/possible VD, respectively. These results suggest that artificial neural network methods offer potential in diagnoses from brain images and possibly in other areas of scientific research where complex patterns of data may have scientifically meaningful groupings that are not easily identifiable by the researcher.


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In this paper, a two-stage pattern classification and rule extraction system is proposed. The first stage consists of a modified fuzzy min-max (FMM) neural-network-based pattern classifier, while the second stage consists of a genetic-algorithm (GA)-based rule extractor. Fuzzy if-then rules are extracted from the modified FMM classifier, and a ??don't care?? approach is adopted by the GA rule extractor to minimize the number of features in the extracted rules. Five benchmark problems and a real medical diagnosis task are used to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed FMM-GA system. The results are analyzed and compared with other published results. In addition, the bootstrap hypothesis analysis is conducted to quantify the results of the medical diagnosis task statistically. The outcomes reveal the efficacy of FMM-GA in extracting a set of compact and yet easily comprehensible rules while maintaining a high classification performance for tackling pattern classification tasks.<br />


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Medical diagnostic and prognostic problems are prime examples of decision making in the face of uncertainty. In this paper, we investigate the applicability of the Fuzzy ARTMAP neural network as an intelligent decision support system in clinical medicine. In particular, Fuzzy ARTMAP is employed as a predictive model for prognosis of complications in patients admitted to the Coronary Care Units. A number of off-line and on-line experiments have been conducted with various network parameter settings, training methods, and learning rules. The results are compared with those from other systems including the logistic regression model. In addition, the outcomes of a set of on-line learning experiments revealed the potential of employing <i>Fuzzy ARTMAP as an autono-mously learning system that is able to learn perpetually and, at the same time, to provide useful decision support. </i>


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This work presents a methodology to analyze transient stability (first oscillation) of electric energy systems, using a neural network based on ART architecture (adaptive resonance theory), named fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network for real time applications. The security margin is used as a stability analysis criterion, considering three-phase short circuit faults with a transmission line outage. The neural network operation consists of two fundamental phases: the training and the analysis. The training phase needs a great quantity of processing for the realization, while the analysis phase is effectuated almost without computation effort. This is, therefore the principal purpose to use neural networks for solving complex problems that need fast solutions, as the applications in real time. The ART neural networks have as primordial characteristics the plasticity and the stability, which are essential qualities to the training execution and to an efficient analysis. The fuzzy ART-ARTMAP neural network is proposed seeking a superior performance, in terms of precision and speed, when compared to conventional ARTMAP, and much more when compared to the neural networks that use the training by backpropagation algorithm, which is a benchmark in neural network area. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nonlinearity, uncertainty and subjectivity are the three predominant characteristics of contractors prequalification which cause the process more of an art than a scientific evaluation. A fuzzy neural network (FNN) model, amalgamating both the fuzzy set and neural network theories, has been developed aiming to improve the objectiveness of contractor prequalification. Through the FNN theory, the fuzzy rules as used by the prequalifiers can be identified and the corresponding membership functions can be transformed. Eighty-five cases with detailed decision criteria and rules for prequalifying Hong Kong civil engineering contractors were collected. These cases were used for training (calibrating) and testing the FNN model. The performance of the FNN model was compared with the original results produced by the prequalifiers and those generated by the general feedforward neural network (GFNN, i.e. a crisp neural network) approach. Contractorâs ranking orders, the model efficiency (R2) and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) were examined during the testing phase. These results indicate the applicability of the neural network approach for contractor prequalification and the benefits of the FNN model over the GFNN model. The FNN is a practical approach for modelling contractor prequalification.


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Recently Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on various classification tasks. In this paper, we present for the first time a place recognition technique based on CNN models, by combining the powerful features learnt by CNNs with a spatial and sequential filter. Applying the system to a 70 km benchmark place recognition dataset we achieve a 75% increase in recall at 100% precision, significantly outperforming all previous state of the art techniques. We also conduct a comprehensive performance comparison of the utility of features from all 21 layers for place recognition, both for the benchmark dataset and for a second dataset with more significant viewpoint changes.


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This paper deals with the solution to the problem of multisensor data fusion for a single target scenario as detected by an airborne track-while-scan radar. The details of a neural network implementation, various training algorithms based on standard backpropagation, and the results of training and testing the neural network are presented. The promising capabilities of RPROP algorithm for multisensor data fusion for various parameters are shown in comparison to other adaptive techniques