962 resultados para new molecular tool
The molecular profiling system was developed using directed terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (dT-RFLP) to characterize soil nematode assemblages by relative abundance of feeding guilds and validation by comparison to traditional morphological method. The good performance of these molecular tools applied to soil nematodes assemblages create an opportunity to develop a novel approach for rapid assessment of the biodiversity changes of benthic nematodes assemblages of marine and estuarine sediments. The main aim of this research is to combine morphological and molecular analysis of estuarine nematodes assemblages, to establish a tool for fast assessment of the biodiversity changes within habitat recovery of Zostera noltii seagrass beds; and validate the dT-RFLP as a high-throughput tool to assess the system recovery. It was also proposed to develop a database of sequences related to individuals identified at species level to develop a new taxonomic reference system. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the estuarine nematodes has being performed. After morphological identification, barcoding of 18S rDNA are being determined for each nematode species and the results have shown a good degree of concordance between traditional morphology-based identification and DNA sequences. The digest strategy developed for soil nematodes is not suitable for marine nematodes. Then five samples were cloned and sequenced and the sequence data was used to design a new dT-RFLP strategy to adapt this tool to marine assemblages. Several solutions were presented by DRAT and tested empirically to select the solution that cuts most efficiently, separating the different clusters. The results of quantitative PCR showed differences in nematode density between two sampling stations according the abundance of the nematode density obtained by the traditional methods. These results suggest that qPCR could be a robust tool for enumeration of nematode abundance, saving time.
The molecular diagnosis of retinal dystrophies is difficult because of the very important number of genes implicated and is rarely helped by genotype-phenotype correlations. This prompted us to develop IROme, a custom designed in solution-based targeted exon capture assay (SeqCap EZ Choice library, Roche NimbleGen) for 60 retinitis pigmentosa-linked genes and three candidate genes (942 exons). Pyrosequencing was performed on a Roche 454 GS Junior benchtop high-throughput sequencing platform. In total, 23 patients affected by retinitis pigmentosa were analyzed. Per patient, 39.6 Mb were generated, and 1111 sequence variants were detected on average, at a median coverage of 17-fold. After data filtering and sequence variant prioritization, disease-causing mutations were identified in ABCA4, CNGB1, GUCY2D, PROM1, PRPF8, PRPF31, PRPH2, RHO, RP2, and TULP1 for twelve patients (55%), ten mutations having never been reported previously. Potential mutations were identified in 5 additional patients, and in only 6 patients no molecular diagnosis could be established (26%). In conclusion, targeted exon capture and next-generation sequencing are a valuable and efficient approach to identify disease-causing sequence variants in retinal dystrophies.
The molecular diagnosis of retinal dystrophies (RD) is difficult because of genetic and clinical heterogeneity. Previously, the molecular screening of genes was done one by one, sometimes in a scheme based on the frequency of sequence variants and the number of exons/length of the candidate genes. Payment for these procedures was complicated and the sequential billing of several genes created endless paperwork. We therefore evaluated the costs of generating and sequencing a hybridization-based DNA library enriched for the 64 most frequently mutated genes in RD, called IROme, and compared them to the costs of amplifying and sequencing these genes by the Sanger method. The production cost generated by the high-throughput (HT) sequencing of IROme was established at CHF 2,875.75 per case. Sanger sequencing of the same exons cost CHF 69,399.02. Turnaround time of the analysis was 3 days for IROme. For Sanger sequencing, it could only be estimated, as we never sequenced all 64 genes in one single patient. Sale cost for IROme calculated on the basis of the sale cost of one exon by Sanger sequencing is CHF 8,445.88, which corresponds to the sale price of 40 exons. In conclusion, IROme is cheaper and faster than Sanger sequencing and therefore represents a sound approach for the diagnosis of RD, both scientifically and economically. As a drop in the costs of HT sequencing is anticipated, target resequencing might become the new gold standard in the molecular diagnosis of RD.
Background: A common task in analyzing microarray data is to determine which genes are differentially expressed across two (or more) kind of tissue samples or samples submitted under experimental conditions. Several statistical methods have been proposed to accomplish this goal, generally based on measures of distance between classes. It is well known that biological samples are heterogeneous because of factors such as molecular subtypes or genetic background that are often unknown to the experimenter. For instance, in experiments which involve molecular classification of tumors it is important to identify significant subtypes of cancer. Bimodal or multimodal distributions often reflect the presence of subsamples mixtures. Consequently, there can be genes differentially expressed on sample subgroups which are missed if usual statistical approaches are used. In this paper we propose a new graphical tool which not only identifies genes with up and down regulations, but also genes with differential expression in different subclasses, that are usually missed if current statistical methods are used. This tool is based on two measures of distance between samples, namely the overlapping coefficient (OVL) between two densities and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The methodology proposed here was implemented in the open-source R software. Results: This method was applied to a publicly available dataset, as well as to a simulated dataset. We compared our results with the ones obtained using some of the standard methods for detecting differentially expressed genes, namely Welch t-statistic, fold change (FC), rank products (RP), average difference (AD), weighted average difference (WAD), moderated t-statistic (modT), intensity-based moderated t-statistic (ibmT), significance analysis of microarrays (samT) and area under the ROC curve (AUC). On both datasets all differentially expressed genes with bimodal or multimodal distributions were not selected by all standard selection procedures. We also compared our results with (i) area between ROC curve and rising area (ABCR) and (ii) the test for not proper ROC curves (TNRC). We found our methodology more comprehensive, because it detects both bimodal and multimodal distributions and different variances can be considered on both samples. Another advantage of our method is that we can analyze graphically the behavior of different kinds of differentially expressed genes. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the arrow plot represents a new flexible and useful tool for the analysis of gene expression profiles from microarrays.
L'agricultura i la industrialització han causat un augment significatiu del nombre d'ambients rics en amoni. La presència de compostos nitrogenats redueix la qualitat de l'aigua, causant problemes de toxicitat, deteriorant el medi ambient i fins i tot afectant la salut humana. En conseqüència, la nitrificació s'ha convertit en un procés global que afecta al cicle del nitrogen a la biosfera. Els bacteris oxidadors d'amoni (AOB) són els responsables de l'oxidació de l'amoni a nitrit, i juguen un paper essencial en el cicle del nitrogen. Els primers oxidadors d'amoni foren aïllats a finals del segle XIX, però la lentitud del seu creixement i les dificultats per cultivar-los feren que fins als anys 80, amb els primers estudis emprant el gen 16SrDNA, no s'assolís un coneixement complert d'aquest grup bacterià. Actualment les bases de dades contenen multitud d'entrades amb seqüències corresponents a AOB. L'objectiu d'aquest treball era trobar, desenvolupar i avaluar eines útils i fiables per a l'estudi dels AOB en mostres ambientals. En aquest treball primer descrivim la utilització de la hibridació in situ amb fluorescència (FISH), mitjançant l'aplicació de sondes amb diana en el 16SrRNA dels AOB. La FISH ens va permetre detectar i recomptar aquest grup bacterià; no obstant, aquest mètode no permetia la detecció de noves seqüències, pel que es necessitava una nova eina. Amb aquesta intenció vam aplicar la seqüència de la sonda Nso1225 en una PCR. El fet d'amplificar específicament un fragment del 16SrDNA dels AOB va suposar el desenvolupament d'una nova eina molecular que permetia detectar la presència i diversitat d'aquests bacteris en ambients naturals. Malgrat tot, algunes seqüències pertanyents a bacteris no oxidadors d'amoni del subgrup β dels proteobacteris, eren també obtingudes amb aquesta tècnica. Així mateix, un dels inconvenients de l'ús del 16SrDNA com a marcador és la impossibilitat de detectar simultàniament els AOB que pertanyen als subgrups β i γ dels proteobacteris. El gen amoA, que codifica per la subunitat A de l'enzim amoni monooxigenasa (AMO), era aleshores àmpliament utilitzat com a marcador per a la detecció dels AOB. En aquest treball també descrivim la utilització d'aquest marcador en mostres procedents d'un reactor SBR. Aquest marcador ens va permetre identificar seqüències de AOB en la mostra, però la necessitat de detectar amoA mitjançant clonatge fa que l'ús d'aquest marcador requereixi massa temps per a la seva utilització com a eina en estudis d'ecologia microbiana amb moltes mostres. Per altra banda, alguns autors han assenyalat l'obtenció de seqüències de no AOB en utilitzar amoA en un protocol de PCR-DGGE. Amb la finalitat d'obtenir una eina ràpida i rigorosa per detectar i identificar els AOB, vam desenvolupar un joc nou d'oligonucleòtids amb diana en el gen amoB, que codifica per a la subunitat transmembrana de l'enzim AMO. Aquest gen ha demostrat ser un bon marcador molecular pels AOB, oferint, sense tenir en compte afiliacions filogenètiques, una elevada especificitat, sensibilitat i fiabilitat. En aquest treball també presentem una anàlisi de RT-PCR basada en la detecció del gen amoB per a la quantificació del gènere Nitrosococcus. El nou joc d'oligonucleòtids dissenyat permet una enumeració altament específica i sensible de tots els γ-Nitrosococcus coneguts. Finalment, vam realitzar un estudi poligènic, comparant i avaluant els marcadors amoA, amoB i 16SrDNA, i vàrem construir un arbre filogenètic combinat. Com a resultat concloem que amoB és un marcador adequat per a la detecció i identificació dels AOB en mostres ambientals, proporcionant alhora agrupacions consistents en fer inferències filogenètiques. Per altra banda, la seqüència sencera del gen 16S rDNA és indicada com a marcador en estudis amb finalitats taxonòmiques i filogenètiques en treballar amb cultius purs de AOB.
There is an urgent need for expanding the number of brain banks serving psychiatric research. We describe here the Psychiatric Disorders arm of the Brain Bank of the Brazilian Aging Brain Study Group (Psy-BBBABSG), which is focused in bipolar disorder (BD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Our protocol was designed to minimize limitations faced by previous initiatives, and to enable design-based neurostereological analyses. The Psy-BBBABSG first milestone is the collection of 10 brains each of BD and OCD patients, and matched controls. The brains are sourced from a population-based autopsy service. The clinical and psychiatric assessments were done by an expert team including psychiatrists, through an informant. One hemisphere was perfused-fixed to render an optimal fixation for conducting neurostereological studies. The other hemisphere was comprehensively dissected and frozen for molecular studies. In 20 months, we collected 36 brains. A final report was completed for 14 cases: 3 BDs, 4 major depressive disorders, 1 substance use disorder, 1 mood disorder NOS, 3 obsessive compulsive spectrum symptoms, 1 OCD and 1 schizophrenia. The majority were male (64%), and the average age at death was 67.2 +/- 9.0 years. The average postmortem interval was 16 h. Three matched controls were collected. The pilot stage confirmed that the protocols are well fitted to reach our goals. Our unique autopsy source makes possible to collect a fairly number of high quality cases in a short time. Such a collection offers an additional to the international research community to advance the understanding on neuropsychiatric diseases.
Background: The venoms of Conus snails contain small, disulfide-rich inhibitors of voltage-dependent sodium channels. Conotoxin GS is a 34-residue polypeptide isolated from Conus geographus that interacts with the extracellular entrance of skeletal muscle sodium channels to prevent sodium ion conduction. Although conotoxin GS binds competitively with mu conotoxin GIIIA to the sodium channel surface, the two toxin types have little sequence identity with one another, and conotoxin GS has a four-loop structural framework rather than the characteristic three-loop mu-conotoxin framework. The structural study of conotoxin GS will form the basis for establishing a structure-activity relationship and understanding its interaction with the pore region of sodium channels. Results: The three-dimensional structure of conotoxin GS was determined using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The protein exhibits a compact fold incorporating a beta hairpin and several turns. An unusual feature of conotoxin GS is the exceptionally high proportion (100%) of cis-imide bond geometry for the three proline or hydroxyproline residues. The structure of conotoxin GS bears little resemblance to the three-loop mu conotoxins, consistent with the low sequence identity between the two toxin types and their different structural framework. However, the tertiary structure and cystine-knot motif formed by the three disulfide bonds is similar to that present in several other polypeptide ion channel inhibitors. Conclusions: This is the first three-dimensional structure of a 'four-loop' sodium channel inhibitor, and it represents a valuable new structural probe for the pore region of voltage-dependent sodium channels. The distribution of amino acid sidechains in the structure creates several polar and charged patches, and comparison with the mu conotoxins provides a basis for determining the binding surface of the conotoxin GS polypeptide.
P>We have developed a two-step PCR assay that amplifies a region of the ceja-1 sequence that is specific for virulent strains of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. An internal region of the ceja-1 sequence was chosen for designing primers that were utilised in a single tube heminested PCR protocol to amplify DNA from six virulent strains. PCR specificity was determined by the absence of amplified products with genomic DNA from four non-virulent strains of P. brasiliensis and from eight fungal pathogens, one bacterium, two protozoa, one worm and mouse and human genomic DNA (leucocytes). The fact that the PCR product was only obtained with the genetic material from virulent isolates of P. brasiliensis suggested that this partial amplified sequence might be a marker of virulence for this fungus. The diagnostic potential of this PCR was confirmed by the successful amplification of this fragment with genomic DNA obtained in lymph node aspirate from a patient with paracoccidioidomycosis.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that involves many cell types, amongst which mast cells are known to be important. Adenosine, a potent bronchoconstricting agent, exerts its ability to modulate adenosine receptors of mast cells thereby potentiating derived mediator release, histamine being one of the first mediators to be released. The heterogeneity of sources of mast cells and the lack of highly potent ligands selective for the different adenosine receptor subtypes have been important hurdles in this area of research. In the present study we describe compound C0036E08, a novel ligand that has high affinity (pK(i) 8.46) for adenosine A(2B) receptors, being 9 times, 1412 times and 3090 times more selective for A(2B) receptors than for A(1), A(2A) and A(3) receptors, respectively. Compound C0036E08 showed antagonist activity at recombinant and native adenosine receptors, and it was able to fully block NECA-induced histamine release in freshly isolated mast cells from human bronchoalveolar fluid. C0036E08 has been shown to be a valuable tool for the identification of adenosine A(2B) receptors as the adenosine receptors responsible for the NECA-induced response in human mast cells. Considering the increasing interest of A(2B) receptors as a therapeutic target in asthma, this chemical tool might provide a base for the development of new anti-asthmatic drugs.
Red wood ants (Formica rufa group) constitute a group of species that are considered to be among the most promising bioindicators in forest ecosystems. However, because of their morphological similarity and intraspecific variability, morphological species identification can be difficult. Considerable expertise is necessary to discriminate between the sibling species F. lugubris and F. paralugubris, two species that often live in sympatry in the same Alpine forests. New taxonomic tools providing rapid and reliable species identification are needed. We present a simple and reliable molecular technique based on mtDNA (COI gene) and a restriction enzyme for discriminating between F. lugubris and F. paralugubris. We confirm the validity of this method with a Bayesian analysis based on microsatellites. This new molecular tool represents a clear breakthrough for discriminating between F. lugubris and F. paralugubris and is likely to be helpful in large-scale biomonitoring.
Originally composed of the single family Chlamydiaceae, the Chlamydiales order has extended considerably over the last several decades. Chlamydia-related bacteria were added and classified into six different families and family-level lineages: the Criblamydiaceae, Parachlamydiaceae, Piscichlamydiaceae, Rhabdochlamydiaceae, Simkaniaceae, and Waddliaceae. While several members of the Chlamydiaceae family are known pathogens, recent studies showed diverse associations of Chlamydia-related bacteria with human and animal infections. Some of these latter bacteria might be of medical importance since, given their ability to replicate in free-living amoebae, they may also replicate efficiently in other phagocytic cells, including cells of the innate immune system. Thus, a new Chlamydiales-specific real-time PCR targeting the conserved 16S rRNA gene was developed. This new molecular tool can detect at least five DNA copies and show very high specificity without cross-amplification from other bacterial clade DNA. The new PCR was validated with 128 clinical samples positive or negative for Chlamydia trachomatis or C. pneumoniae. Of 65 positive samples, 61 (93.8%) were found to be positive with the new PCR. The four discordant samples, retested with the original test, were determined to be negative or below detection limits. Then, the new PCR was applied to 422 nasopharyngeal swabs taken from children with or without pneumonia; a total of 48 (11.4%) samples were determined to be positive, and 45 of these were successfully sequenced. The majority of the sequences corresponded to Chlamydia-related bacteria and especially to members of the Parachlamydiaceae family.
A new device for the analyses of nurses' satisfaction has been developed and validated on two types of general and intensive treatments at the University Hospital in Vaudois, Switzerland. A questionnaire has been elaborated for identifying the variables linked with characteristics of the nurse's work, as well as personal variables of the employer which could have an influence on the level of satisfaction. In identifying the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, it has been possible to propose recommendations and corrective measures in order to improve the level of global satisfaction of the nursing team.
BACKGROUND: The use of virtual reality (VR) has gained increasing interest to acquire laparoscopic skills outside the operating theatre and thus increasing patients' safety. The aim of this study was to evaluate trainees' acceptance of VR for assessment and training during a skills course and at their institution. METHODS: All 735 surgical trainees of the International Gastrointestinal Surgery Workshop 2006-2008, held in Davos, Switzerland, were given a minimum of 45 minutes for VR training during the course. Participants' opinion on VR was analyzed with a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: Fivehundred-twenty-seven participants (72%) from 28 countries attended the VR sessions and answered the questionnaires. The possibility of using VR at the course was estimated as excellent or good in 68%, useful in 21%, reasonable in 9% and unsuitable or useless in 2%. If such VR simulators were available at their institution, most course participants would train at least one hour per week (46%), two or more hours (42%) and only 12% wouldn't use VR. Similarly, 63% of the participants would accept to operate on patients only after VR training and 55% to have VR as part of their assessment. CONCLUSION: Residents accept and appreciate VR simulation for surgical assessment and training. The majority of the trainees are motivated to regularly spend time for VR training if accessible.
3 Summary 3. 1 English The pharmaceutical industry has been facing several challenges during the last years, and the optimization of their drug discovery pipeline is believed to be the only viable solution. High-throughput techniques do participate actively to this optimization, especially when complemented by computational approaches aiming at rationalizing the enormous amount of information that they can produce. In siiico techniques, such as virtual screening or rational drug design, are now routinely used to guide drug discovery. Both heavily rely on the prediction of the molecular interaction (docking) occurring between drug-like molecules and a therapeutically relevant target. Several softwares are available to this end, but despite the very promising picture drawn in most benchmarks, they still hold several hidden weaknesses. As pointed out in several recent reviews, the docking problem is far from being solved, and there is now a need for methods able to identify binding modes with a high accuracy, which is essential to reliably compute the binding free energy of the ligand. This quantity is directly linked to its affinity and can be related to its biological activity. Accurate docking algorithms are thus critical for both the discovery and the rational optimization of new drugs. In this thesis, a new docking software aiming at this goal is presented, EADock. It uses a hybrid evolutionary algorithm with two fitness functions, in combination with a sophisticated management of the diversity. EADock is interfaced with .the CHARMM package for energy calculations and coordinate handling. A validation was carried out on 37 crystallized protein-ligand complexes featuring 11 different proteins. The search space was defined as a sphere of 15 R around the center of mass of the ligand position in the crystal structure, and conversely to other benchmarks, our algorithms was fed with optimized ligand positions up to 10 A root mean square deviation 2MSD) from the crystal structure. This validation illustrates the efficiency of our sampling heuristic, as correct binding modes, defined by a RMSD to the crystal structure lower than 2 A, were identified and ranked first for 68% of the complexes. The success rate increases to 78% when considering the five best-ranked clusters, and 92% when all clusters present in the last generation are taken into account. Most failures in this benchmark could be explained by the presence of crystal contacts in the experimental structure. EADock has been used to understand molecular interactions involved in the regulation of the Na,K ATPase, and in the activation of the nuclear hormone peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptors a (PPARa). It also helped to understand the action of common pollutants (phthalates) on PPARy, and the impact of biotransformations of the anticancer drug Imatinib (Gleevec®) on its binding mode to the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. Finally, a fragment-based rational drug design approach using EADock was developed, and led to the successful design of new peptidic ligands for the a5ß1 integrin, and for the human PPARa. In both cases, the designed peptides presented activities comparable to that of well-established ligands such as the anticancer drug Cilengitide and Wy14,643, respectively. 3.2 French Les récentes difficultés de l'industrie pharmaceutique ne semblent pouvoir se résoudre que par l'optimisation de leur processus de développement de médicaments. Cette dernière implique de plus en plus. de techniques dites "haut-débit", particulièrement efficaces lorsqu'elles sont couplées aux outils informatiques permettant de gérer la masse de données produite. Désormais, les approches in silico telles que le criblage virtuel ou la conception rationnelle de nouvelles molécules sont utilisées couramment. Toutes deux reposent sur la capacité à prédire les détails de l'interaction moléculaire entre une molécule ressemblant à un principe actif (PA) et une protéine cible ayant un intérêt thérapeutique. Les comparatifs de logiciels s'attaquant à cette prédiction sont flatteurs, mais plusieurs problèmes subsistent. La littérature récente tend à remettre en cause leur fiabilité, affirmant l'émergence .d'un besoin pour des approches plus précises du mode d'interaction. Cette précision est essentielle au calcul de l'énergie libre de liaison, qui est directement liée à l'affinité du PA potentiel pour la protéine cible, et indirectement liée à son activité biologique. Une prédiction précise est d'une importance toute particulière pour la découverte et l'optimisation de nouvelles molécules actives. Cette thèse présente un nouveau logiciel, EADock, mettant en avant une telle précision. Cet algorithme évolutionnaire hybride utilise deux pressions de sélections, combinées à une gestion de la diversité sophistiquée. EADock repose sur CHARMM pour les calculs d'énergie et la gestion des coordonnées atomiques. Sa validation a été effectuée sur 37 complexes protéine-ligand cristallisés, incluant 11 protéines différentes. L'espace de recherche a été étendu à une sphère de 151 de rayon autour du centre de masse du ligand cristallisé, et contrairement aux comparatifs habituels, l'algorithme est parti de solutions optimisées présentant un RMSD jusqu'à 10 R par rapport à la structure cristalline. Cette validation a permis de mettre en évidence l'efficacité de notre heuristique de recherche car des modes d'interactions présentant un RMSD inférieur à 2 R par rapport à la structure cristalline ont été classés premier pour 68% des complexes. Lorsque les cinq meilleures solutions sont prises en compte, le taux de succès grimpe à 78%, et 92% lorsque la totalité de la dernière génération est prise en compte. La plupart des erreurs de prédiction sont imputables à la présence de contacts cristallins. Depuis, EADock a été utilisé pour comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation de la Na,K ATPase et dans l'activation du peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor a (PPARa). Il a également permis de décrire l'interaction de polluants couramment rencontrés sur PPARy, ainsi que l'influence de la métabolisation de l'Imatinib (PA anticancéreux) sur la fixation à la kinase Bcr-Abl. Une approche basée sur la prédiction des interactions de fragments moléculaires avec protéine cible est également proposée. Elle a permis la découverte de nouveaux ligands peptidiques de PPARa et de l'intégrine a5ß1. Dans les deux cas, l'activité de ces nouveaux peptides est comparable à celles de ligands bien établis, comme le Wy14,643 pour le premier, et le Cilengitide (PA anticancéreux) pour la seconde.