998 resultados para neutron emission width


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Highly anisotropic, beam-like neutron emission with peak flux of the order of 10^9 n/sr was obtained from light nuclei reactions in a pitcher–catcher scenario, by employing MeV ions driven by subpetawatt laser. The spatial profile of the neutron beam, fully captured for the first time by employing a CR39 nuclear track detector, shows a FWHMdivergence angle of ~70 deg, with a peak flux nearly an order of magnitude higher than the isotropic component elsewhere. The observed beamed flux of neutrons is highly favourable for a wide range of applications, and indeed for further transport and moderation to thermal energies. A systematic study employing various combinations of pitcher–catcher materials indicates the dominant reactions being d(p, n+p)1Hand d(d,n)3He. Albeit insufficient cross-section data are available for modelling, the observed anisotropy in the neutrons’ spatial and spectral profiles are most likely related to the directionality and high energy of the projectile ions.


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The first measurement of neutron emission in electromagnetic dissociation of Pb-208 nuclei at the LHC is presented. The measurement is performed using the neutron zero degree calorimeters of the ALICE experiment, which detect neutral particles close to beam rapidity. The measured cross sections of single and mutual electromagnetic dissociation of Pb nuclei at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV with neutron emission are sigma(singleEMD) = 187.4 +/- 0.2(stat)(-11.2)(+13.2) (syst) b and sigma(mutualEMD) = 5. 7 +/- 0.1(stat) +/- 0.4(syst) b, respectively. The experimental results are compared to the predictions from a relativistic electromagnetic dissociation model. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.252302


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The aim of this work is to test the present status of Evaluated Nuclear Decay and Fission Yield Data Libraries to predict decay heat and delayed neutron emission rate, average neutron energy and neutron delayed spectra after a neutron fission pulse. Calculations are performed with JEFF-3.1.1 and ENDF/B-VII.1, and these are compared with experimental values. An uncertainty propagation assessment of the current nuclear data uncertainties is performed.


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This work is an investigation into collimator designs for a deuterium-deuterium (DD) neutron generator for an inexpensive and compact neutron imaging system that can be implemented in a hospital. The envisioned application is for a spectroscopic imaging technique called neutron stimulated emission computed tomography (NSECT).

Previous NSECT studies have been performed using a Van-de-Graaff accelerator at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) in Duke University. This facility has provided invaluable research into the development of NSECT. To transition the current imaging method into a clinically feasible system, there is a need for a high-intensity fast neutron source that can produce collimated beams. The DD neutron generator from Adelphi Technologies Inc. is being explored as a possible candidate to provide the uncollimated neutrons. This DD generator is a compact source that produces 2.5 MeV fast neutrons with intensities of 1012 n/s (4π). The neutron energy is sufficient to excite most isotopes of interest in the body with the exception of carbon and oxygen. However, a special collimator is needed to collimate the 4π neutron emission into a narrow beam. This work describes the development and evaluation of a series of collimator designs to collimate the DD generator for narrow beams suitable for NSECT imaging.

A neutron collimator made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and lead was modeled and simulated using the GEANT4 toolkit. The collimator was designed as a 52 x 52 x 52 cm3 HDPE block coupled with 1 cm lead shielding. Non-tapering (cylindrical) and tapering (conical) opening designs were modeled into the collimator to permit passage of neutrons. The shape, size, and geometry of the aperture were varied to assess the effects on the collimated neutron beam. Parameters varied were: inlet diameter (1-5 cm), outlet diameter (1-5 cm), aperture diameter (0.5-1.5 cm), and aperture placement (13-39 cm). For each combination of collimator parameters, the spatial and energy distributions of neutrons and gammas were tracked and analyzed to determine three performance parameters: neutron beam-width, primary neutron flux, and the output quality. To evaluate these parameters, the simulated neutron beams are then regenerated for a NSECT breast scan. Scan involved a realistic breast lesion implanted into an anthropomorphic female phantom.

This work indicates potential for collimating and shielding a DD neutron generator for use in a clinical NSECT system. The proposed collimator designs produced a well-collimated neutron beam that can be used for NSECT breast imaging. The aperture diameter showed a strong correlation to the beam-width, where the collimated neutron beam-width was about 10% larger than the physical aperture diameter. In addition, a collimator opening consisting of a tapering inlet and cylindrical outlet allowed greater neutron throughput when compared to a simple cylindrical opening. The tapering inlet design can allow additional neutron throughput when the neck is placed farther from the source. On the other hand, the tapering designs also decrease output quality (i.e. increase in stray neutrons outside the primary collimated beam). All collimators are cataloged in measures of beam-width, neutron flux, and output quality. For a particular NSECT application, an optimal choice should be based on the collimator specifications listed in this work.


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The most established route to create a laser-based neutron source is by employing laser accelerated, low atomic-number ions in fusion reactions. In addition to the high reaction cross-sections at moderate energies of the projectile ions, the anisotropy in neutron emission is another important feature of beam-fusion reactions. Using a simple numerical model based on neutron generation in a pitcher–catcher scenario, anisotropy in neutron emission was studied for the deuterium–deuterium fusion reaction. Simulation results are consistent with the narrow-divergence ( ∼ 70 ° full width at half maximum) neutron beam recently served in an experiment employing multi-MeV deuteron beams of narrow divergence (up to 30° FWHM, depending on the ion energy) accelerated by a sub-petawatt laser pulse from thin deuterated plastic foils via the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration mechanism. By varying the input ion beam parameters, simulations show that a further improvement in the neutron beam directionality (i.e. reduction in the beam divergence) can be obtained by increasing the projectile ion beam temperature and cut-off energy, as expected from interactions employing higher power lasers at upcoming facilities.


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The beta-delayed neutron and gamma spectra of neutron-rich nucleus N-21 using beta-gamma and beta-n coincidence measurements were presented in this paper. Thirteen new neutron groups ranging from 0.28 MeV to 4.98 MeV and with a total branching ratio 88.7 +/- 4.2% were observed. One gamma transition among the excited states of O-21 and foury transitions among the excited states of O-20 were identified in the beta decay chain of N-21. The ungated half-life of 83.8 +/- 2.1 ms was also determined for N-21.


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A custom-made 228Th source of several MBq activity was produced for the Borexino experiment for studying the external background of the detector. The aim was to reduce the unwanted neutron emission produced via (alpha,n) reactions in ceramics used typically for commercial 228Th sources. For this purpose a ThCl4 solution was converted chemically into ThO2 and embedded into a gold foil. The paper describes the production and the characterization of the custom-made source by means of gamma-activity, dose rate and neutron source strength measurements. From gamma-spectroscopic measurements it was deduced that the activity transfer from the initial solution to the final source was >91% (at 68% C.L.) and the final activity was (5.41+-0.30) MBq. The dose rate was measured by two dosimeters yielding 12.1 mSv/h and 14.3 mSv/h in 1 cm distance. The neutron source strength of the 5.41 MBq 228Th source was determined as (6.59+-0.85)/sec.


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Describes a series of experiments in the Joint European Torus (JET), culminating in the first tokamak discharges in deuterium-tritium fuelled mixture. The experiments were undertaken within limits imposed by restrictions on vessel activation and tritium usage. The objectives were: (i) to produce more than one megawatt of fusion power in a controlled way; (ii) to validate transport codes and provide a basis for accurately predicting the performance of deuterium-tritium plasmas from measurements made in deuterium plasmas; (iii) to determine tritium retention in the torus systems and to establish the effectiveness of discharge cleaning techniques for tritium removal; (iv) to demonstrate the technology related to tritium usage; and (v) to establish safe procedures for handling tritium in compliance with the regulatory requirements. A single-null X-point magnetic configuration, diverted onto the upper carbon target, with reversed toroidal magnetic field was chosen. Deuterium plasmas were heated by high power, long duration deuterium neutral beams from fourteen sources and fuelled also by up to two neutral beam sources injecting tritium. The results from three of these high performance hot ion H-mode discharges are described: a high performance pure deuterium discharge; a deuterium-tritium discharge with a 1% mixture of tritium fed to one neutral beam source; and a deuterium-tritium discharge with 100% tritium fed to two neutral beam sources. The TRANSP code was used to check the internal consistency of the measured data and to determine the origin of the measured neutron fluxes. In the best deuterium-tritium discharge, the tritium concentration was about 11% at the time of peak performance, when the total neutron emission rate was 6.0 × 1017 neutrons/s. The integrated total neutron yield over the high power phase, which lasted about 2 s, was 7.2 × 1017 neutrons, with an accuracy of ±7%. The actual fusion amplification factor, QDT was about 0.15


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The reaction 7Li(3He, p)9Be has been used to measure excitations and intrinsic widths of levels in 9Be below the 7Li + d threshold. Previously unreported levels have been found at excitations of (13.78 ± .03) MeV and (16.671 ± .008) MeV with widths of (590 ± 60) keV and (41 ± 4) keV respectively. Two overlapping levels have been found at (11.81 ± .02) MeV and (11.29 ± .03) MeV with widths of (400 ± 30) keV and (620 ± 70) keV respectively. Branching ratios from 9Be levels populated in this reaction to the ground and first excited states of 8Be have been measured by observing the associated protons in coincidence with the decay neutrons. Branching ratios were found to be:

Excitation in 9Be .... Branching Ratio.......... Final Nucleus.........

(MeV) .......................... (percent) .....................................

.. 2.43 ........................... 7.5 ± 1.5 .............. 8Be(g.s.)

.. 3.03 ........................... 87 ± 13......................................

.. 4.65 ........................... 13 ± 4.......................................

.. 6.76 .............................. ≤ 2 ......................................

.. 11.29 ...............................≤ 2 ......................................

.. 11.81 ...............................≤ 3 ......................................

.. 6.76 ........................... .41 ≤ B.R. ≤ .69 ....... 8Be(2+)

.. 11.29 ........................... 14 ± 4 .......................................

.. 11.81 ........................... 12 ± 4 .......................................

Corresponding reduced widths for neutron emission are calculated and a comparison of the results with the expectations of current nuclear models is made. In particular the measured branching ratio to 8Be(g.s.) from 9Be(2.43 MeV) corresponds to an f-wave reduced with θ2f = 2.1 x 10-2, in units of ħ2/mR2, with R = 4.35 fm. A comparison of this value with that predicted by a Nilsson model calculation, in which 9Be is taken to be a deformed nucleus, is discussed. The measured value for θ2f is found to be consistent with that expected on the basis of measured E2-transition rates between rotational levels in 9Be.


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The beta-delayed neutron and gamma energy spectra taken from the decay of neutron-rich nucleus N-21 were measured by using the beta - gamma and beta - n coincidence detection method. Thirteen new neutron groups ranging from 0.28MeV to 4.98 MeV and with a total branching ratio of 88.7 +/- 4.2% were observed and presented. One gamma transition with an energy of 1222 keV emitted from the excited state of O-21, and four gamma transitions with energies of 1674, 2397, 2780, and 3175 keV emitted from the excited states of O-20 were identified in the 3 decay chain of N-21. The beta decay half-life for N-21 is determined to be 82.9 +/- 1.9 ms. The uncertainty of half-life is much smaller than the previous result.


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Within the dinuclear system (DNS) conception, instead of solving the Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) analytically, the master equation is solved numerically to calculate the fusion probability of super-heavy nuclei, so that the harmonic oscillator approximation to the potential energy of the DNS is avoided. The relative motion concerning the energy, the angular momentum and the fragment deformation relaxations is explicitly treated to couple with the diffusion process. The nucleon transition probabilities, which are derived microscopically, are related with the energy dissipation of the relative motion. Thus they are time dependent. Comparing with the analytical solution of FPE at the equilibrium, our time-dependent results preserve more dynamical effects. The calculated evaporation residue cross-sections for one-neutron emission channel of Pb-based reactions are basically in agreement with the known experimental data within one order of magnitude.


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Neutron time of flight signals have been observed with a high resolution neutron spectrometer using the petawatt arm of the Vulcan laser facility at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory from plastic sandwich targets containing a deuterated layer. The neutron spectra have two elements: a high-energy component generated by beam-fusion reactions and a thermal component around 2.45 MeV. The ion temperatures calculated from the neutron signal width clearly demonstrate a dependence on the front layer thickness and are significantly higher than electron temperatures measured under similar conditions. The ion heating process is intensity dependent and is not observed with laser intensities on target below 10(20) W cm(-2). The measurements are consistent with an ion instability driven by electron perturbations.


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In the present work the neutron emission spectra from a graphite cube, and from natural uranium, lithium fluoride, graphite, lead and steel slabs bombarded with 14.1 MeV neutrons were measured to test nuclear data and calculational methods for D - T fusion reactor neutronics. The neutron spectra measured were performed by an organic scintillator using a pulse shape discrimination technique based on a charge comparison method to reject the gamma rays counts. A computer programme was used to analyse the experimental data by the differentiation unfolding method. The 14.1 MeV neutron source was obtained from T(d,n)4He reaction by the bombardment of T - Ti target with a deuteron beam of energy 130 KeV. The total neutron yield was monitored by the associated particle method using a silicon surface barrier detector. The numerical calculations were performed using the one-dimensional discrete-ordinate neutron transport code ANISN with the ZZ-FEWG 1/ 31-1F cross section library. A computer programme based on Gaussian smoothing function was used to smooth the calculated data and to match the experimental data. There was general agreement between measured and calculated spectra for the range of materials studied. The ANISN calculations carried out with P3 - S8 calculations together with representation of the slab assemblies by a hollow sphere with no reflection at the internal boundary were adequate to model the experimental data and hence it appears that the cross section set is satisfactory and for the materials tested needs no modification in the range 14.1 MeV to 2 MeV. Also it would be possible to carry out a study on fusion reactor blankets, using cylindrical geometry and including a series of concentric cylindrical shells to represent the torus wall, possible neutron converter and breeder regions, and reflector and shielding regions.