968 resultados para neutron dosimetry


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Neutron dosimetry using natural uranium and thorium thin films makes possible that mineral dating by the fission-track method can be accomplished, even when poor thermalized neutron facilities are employed. In this case, the contributions of the fissions of (235)U, (238)U and (232)Th induced by thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons to the population of tracks produced during irradiation are quantified through the combined use of natural uranium and thorium films.If the Th/U ratio of the sample is known, only one irradiation (where the sample and the films of uranium and thorium are present) is necessary to perform the dating. However, if that ratio is unknown, it can be determined through another irradiation where the mineral to be dated and both films are placed inside a cadmium box.Problems related with film manufacturing and calibration are discussed. Special attention is given to the utilization of thin films having very low uranium content. The problems faced suggest that it may be better to substitute these films by uranium doped standard glasses calibrated with thicker uranium films (thickness greater than 1.5 x 10(13) mu m).


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Tungsten isotope compositions of magmatic iron meteorites yield ages of differentiation that are within ±2 Ma of the formation of CAIs, with the exception of IVB irons that plot to systematically less radiogenic compositions yielding erroneously old ages. Secondary neutron capture due to galactic cosmic ray (GCR) irradiation is known to lower the ε182W of iron meteorites, adequate correction of which requires a measure of neutron dosage which has not been available, thus far. The W, Os and Pt isotope systematics of 12 of the 13 known IVB iron meteorites were determined by MC-ICP-MS (W, Os, Pt) and TIMS (Os). On the same dissolutions that yield precise ε182W, stable Os and Pt isotopes were determined as in situ neutron dosimeters for empirical correction of the ubiquitous cosmic-ray induced burn-out of 182W in iron meteorites. The W isotope data reveal a main cluster with ε182W of ∼−3.6, but a much larger range than observed in previous studies including irons (Weaver Mountains and Warburton Range) that show essentially no cosmogenic effect on their ε182W. The IVB data exhibits resolvable negative anomalies in ε189Os (−0.6ε) and complementary ε190Os anomalies (+0.4ε) in Tlacotepec due to neutron capture on 189Os which has approximately the same neutron capture cross section as 182W, and captures neutrons to produce 190Os. The least irradiated IVB iron, Warburton Range, has ε189Os and ε190Os identical to terrestrial values. Similarly, Pt isotopes, which are presented as ε192Pt, ε194Pt and ε196Pt range from +4.4ε to +53ε, +1.54ε to −0.32ε and +0.73ε to −0.20ε, respectively, also identify Tlacotepec and Dumont as the most GCR-damaged samples. In W–Os and W–Pt isotope space, the correlated isotope data back-project toward a 0-epsilon value of ε192Pt, ε189Os and ε190Os from which a pre-GCR irradiation ε182W of −3.42±0.09 (2σ) is derived. This pre-GCR irradiation ε182W is within uncertainty of the currently accepted CAI initial ε182W. The Pt and Os isotope correlations in the IVB irons are in good agreement with a nuclear model for spherical irons undergoing GCR spallation, although this model over-predicts the change of ε182W by ∼2×, indicating a need for better W neutron capture cross section determinations. A nucleosynthetic effect in ε184W in these irons of −0.14±0.08 is confirmed, consistent with the presence of Mo and Ru isotope anomalies in IVB irons. The lack of a non-GCR Os isotope anomaly in these irons requires more complex explanations for the production of W, Ru and Mo anomalies than nebular heterogeneity in the distribution of s-process to r-process nuclides.


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In this work, we present an approach for neutron fluence measurements based on natural thorium thin films and natural uranium-doped glasses calibrated through natural uranium thin films to be used for dating with the Fission-Track Method (FTM). This neutron dosimetry approach allows the employment of FTM even when dating is carried out using low neutron themalization facilities. Besides, it makes possible the determination of the Th/U ratio of the mineral to be dated. Durango apatite which is often employed in FTM as an age standard was analyzed. This apatite presented a fairly high Th/U ratio, 29.9 +/- 1.7. Th fissions were 18%, 12% and 10% of the total for irradiations where thermal to fast neutron flux ratios were 2.4, 4.4 and 5,2, respectively. These results show that Th fission must be considered for this apatite, when not well-thermalized irradiation facilities are used. The ratio between spontaneous and induced track length, L(S)/L(1), close to 0.89, indicates a certain amount of rejuvenation of the age of Durango apatite. Therefore, its apparent age should be corrected, the application of a technique based on track-length measurements produced a corrected age of 29.7 +/- 1.1 Ma, consistent with the independent reference age of this apatite (31.4 +/- 0.5 Ma). This result represents a support for viability of the neutron dosimetry approach studied in this work for FTM.(C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thin uranium films built on muscovite mica basis and obsidian samples having known ages were irradiated with thermal neutrons at the IPEN/CNEN reactor, São Paulo. Comparing thin film performance with the obsidian one, it was observed that the latter feel a greater neutron fluence. Nominal fluences at the used facility are in agreement with the results obtained analysing the obsidian samples. A probable hypothesis to explain this disagreement, namely, the uranium loss from the thin films, was ruled out. © 1995.


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A methodology to obtain ages and thermal histories of sets of apatite samples from localities with geologically compatible characteristics is described. A methodology exploring the fact that samples with similar geological characteristics should present the same thermal history is proposed. This approach can contribute for the obtainment of more conclusive results by analysing fewer samples than it is necessary when the samples are individually analysed. In order to determine the ages, we use the absolute neutron dosimetry through thin films of natural uranium along with lambda(f) = 8.46 x 10(-17) a(-1). As an example of application of the proposed methodology, we analyse samples collected in a Brazilian region, Sao Francisco Craton, which experienced low tectonic activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a form of chemically targeted radiotherapy that utilises the high neutron capture cross-section of boron-10 isotope to achieve a preferential dose increase in the tumour. The BNCT dosimetry poses a special challenge as the radiation dose absorbed by the irradiated tissues consists of several dose different components. Dosimetry is important as the effect of the radiation on the tissue is correlated with the radiation dose. Consistent and reliable radiation dose delivery and dosimetry are thus basic requirements for radiotherapy. The international recommendations for are not directly applicable to BNCT dosimetry. The existing dosimetry guidance for BNCT provides recommendations but also calls for investigating for complementary methods for comparison and improved accuracy. In this thesis the quality assurance and stability measurements of the neutron beam monitors used in dose delivery are presented. The beam monitors were found not to be affected by the presence of a phantom in the beam and that the effect of the reactor core power distribution was less than 1%. The weekly stability test with activation detectors has been generally reproducible within the recommended tolerance value of 2%. An established toolkit for epithermal neutron beams for determination of the dose components is presented and applied in an international dosimetric intercomparison. The measured quantities (neutron flux, fast neutron and photon dose) by the groups in the intercomparison were generally in agreement within the stated uncertainties. However, the uncertainties were large, ranging from 3-30% (1 standard deviation), emphasising the importance of dosimetric intercomparisons if clinical data is to be compared between different centers. Measurements with the Exradin type 2M ionisation chamber have been repeated in the epithermal neutron beam in the same measurement configuration over the course of 10 years. The presented results exclude severe sensitivity changes to thermal neutrons that have been reported for this type of chamber. Microdosimetry and polymer gel dosimetry as complementary methods for epithermal neutron beam dosimetry are studied. For microdosimetry the comparison of results with ionisation chambers and computer simulation showed that the photon dose measured with microdosimetry was lower than with the two other methods. The disagreement was within the uncertainties. For neutron dose the simulation and microdosimetry results agreed within 10% while the ionisation chamber technique gave 10-30% lower neutron dose rates than the two other methods. The response of the BANG-3 gel was found to be linear for both photon and epithermal neutron beam irradiation. The dose distribution normalised to dose maximum measured by MAGIC polymer gel was found to agree well with the simulated result near the dose maximum while the spatial difference between measured and simulated 30% isodose line was more than 1 cm. In both the BANG-3 and MAGIC gel studies, the interpretation of the results was complicated by the presence of high-LET radiation.


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Neutron spectra unfolding and dose equivalent calculation are complicated tasks in radiation protection, are highly dependent of the neutron energy, and a precise knowledge on neutron spectrometry is essential for all dosimetry-related studies as well as many nuclear physics experiments. In previous works have been reported neutron spectrometry and dosimetry results, by using the ANN technology as alternative solution, starting from the count rates of a Bonner spheres system with a LiI(Eu) thermal neutrons detector, 7 polyethylene spheres and the UTA4 response matrix with 31 energy bins. In this work, an ANN was designed and optimized by using the RDANN methodology for the Bonner spheres system used at CIEMAT Spain, which is composed of a He neutron detector, 12 moderator spheres and a response matrix for 72 energy bins. For the ANN design process a neutrons spectra catalogue compiled by the IAEA was used. From this compilation, the neutrons spectra were converted from lethargy to energy spectra. Then, the resulting energy ?uence spectra were re-binned by using the MCNP code to the corresponding energy bins of the He response matrix before mentioned. With the response matrix and the re-binned spectra the counts rate of the Bonner spheres system were calculated and the resulting re-binned neutrons spectra and calculated counts rate were used as the ANN training data set.