17 resultados para neurulation


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Mutation in human ZIC2, a zinc finger protein homologous to Drosophila odd-paired, causes holoprosencephaly (HPE), which is a common, severe malformation of the brain in humans. However, the pathogenesis is largely unknown. Here we show that reduced expression (knockdown) of mouse Zic2 causes neurulation delay, resulting in HPE and spina bifida. Differentiation of the most dorsal neural plate, which gives rise to both roof plate and neural crest cells, also was delayed as indicated by the expression lag of a roof plate marker, Wnt3a. In addition the development of neural crest derivatives such as dorsal root ganglion was impaired. These results suggest that the Zic2 expression level is crucial for the timing of neurulation. Because the Zic2 knockdown mouse is the first mutant with HPE and spina bifida to survive to the perinatal period, the mouse will promote analyses of not only the neurulation but also the pathogenesis of human HPE.


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Cell migration is essential to direct embryonic cells to specific sites at which their developmental fates are ultimately determined. However, the mechanism by which cell motility is regulated in embryonic development is largely unknown. Cortactin, a filamentous actin binding protein, is an activator of Arp2/3 complex in the nucleation of actin cytoskeleton at the cell leading edge and acts directly on the machinery of cell motility. To determine whether cortactin and Arp2/3 mediated actin assembly plays a role in the morphogenic cell movements during the early development of zebrafish, we initiated a study of cortactin expression in zebrafish embryos at gastrulating stages when massive cell migrations occur. Western blot analysis using a cortactin specific monoclonal antibody demonstrated that cortactin protein is abundantly present in embryos at the most early developmental stages. Immunostaining of whole-mounted embryo showed that cortactin immunoreactivity was associated with the embryonic shield, predominantly at the dorsal side of the embryos during gastrulation. In addition, cortactin was detected in the convergent cells of the epiblast and hypoblast, and later in the central nervous system. Immunofluorescent staining with cortactin and Arp3 antibodies also revealed that cortactin and Arp2/3 complex colocalized at the periphery and many patches associated with the cell-to-cell junction in motile embryonic cells. Therefore, our data suggest that cortactin and Arp2/3 mediated actin polymerization is implicated in the cell movement during gastrulation and perhaps the development of the central neural system as well.


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Les anomalies du tube neural (ATN) sont des malformations congénitales parmi les plus fréquentes chez l’humain en touchant 1-2 nouveau-nés par 1000 naissances. Elles résultent d’un défaut de fermeture du tube neural pendant l’embryogenèse. Les formes les plus courantes d'ATN chez l'homme sont l'anencéphalie et le spina-bifida. Leur étiologie est complexe impliquant à la fois des facteurs environnementaux et des facteurs génétiques. Un dérèglement dans la signalisation Wnt, incluant la signalisation canonique Wnt/β-caténine et non-canonique de la polarité planaire cellulaire (PCP), peut causer respectivement le cancer ou les anomalies du tube neural (ATN). Les deux voies semblent s’antagoniser mutuellement. Dans cette étude, nous investiguons les rôles de Lrp6 et deANKRD6, entant qu’interrupteurs moléculaires entre les deux voies de signalisation Wnt, et CELSR1, en tant que membre de la PCP, chez la souris mutante Skax26m1Jus, générée par l’agent mutagène N-Ethyl-N-Nitrosuera, et dans une cohorte de patients humains ATN. Pour Lrp6, nous avons démontré que Skax26m1Jus représente un allèle hypermorphe de Lrp6 avec une augmentation de l’activité de la signalisation Wnt/canonique et une diminution de l’activité JNK induite par la voie PCP. Nous avons également montré que Lrp6Skax26m1Jus interagit génétiquement avec un mutant PCP (Vangl2Lp) où les doubles hétérozygotes ont montré une fréquence élevée d’ATN et des défauts dans la polarité des cellules ciliées de la cochlée. Particulièrement, notre étude démontre l'association des nouvelles et rares mutations faux-sens dans LRP6 avec les ATN humaines. Nous montrons que trois mutations de LRP6 causent une activité canonique réduite et non-canonique élevée. Pour ANKRD6, nous avons identifié quatre nouvelles et rares mutations faux-sens chez 0,8% des patients ATN et deux chez 1,3% des contrôles. Notamment, seulement deux, des six mutations validées (p.Pro548Leu et p.Arg632His) ont démontré un effet significatif sur l’activité de ANKRD6 selon un mode hypomorphique. Pour CELSR1, nous avons identifié une mutation non-sens dans l'exon 1 qui supprime la majeure partie de la protéine et une délétionde 12 pb. Cette perte de nucléotides ne change pas le cadre de lecture et élimine un motif putatif de phosphorylation par la PKC " SSR ". Nous avons également détecté un total de 13 nouveaux et rares variants faux-sens qui avaient été prédits comme étant pathogènes in silico. Nos données confirment le rôle inhibiteur de Lrp6 dans la signalisation PCP pendant la neurulation et indiquent aussi que les mutations faux-sens identifiées chez LRP6 et ANKRD6 pourraient affecter un équilibre réciproque et un antagonisme très sensible à un dosage précis entre les deux voies Wnt. Ces variants peuvent aussi agir comme facteurs prédisposants aux ATN. En outre, nos résultats impliquent aussi CELSR1 comme un facteur de risque pour les anomalies du tube neural ou l’agénésie caudale. Nos résultats fournissent des preuves supplémentaires que la voie de signalisation PCP a un rôle pathogène dans ces malformations congénitales et un outil important pour mieux comprendre leurs mécanismes moléculaires.


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Les anomalies du tube neural (ATN) sont des anomalies développementales où le tube neural reste ouvert (1-2/1000 naissances). Afin de prévenir cette maladie, une connaissance accrue des processus moléculaires est nécessaire. L’étiologie des ATN est complexe et implique des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux. La supplémentation en acide folique est reconnue pour diminuer les risques de développer une ATN de 50-70% et cette diminution varie en fonction du début de la supplémentation et de l’origine démographique. Les gènes impliqués dans les ATN sont largement inconnus. Les études génétiques sur les ATN chez l’humain se sont concentrées sur les gènes de la voie métabolique des folates du à leur rôle protecteur dans les ATN et les gènes candidats inférés des souris modèles. Ces derniers ont montré une forte association entre la voie non-canonique Wnt/polarité cellulaire planaire (PCP) et les ATN. Le gène Protein Tyrosine Kinase 7 est un membre de cette voie qui cause l’ATN sévère de la craniorachischisis chez les souris mutantes. Ptk7 interagit génétiquement avec Vangl2 (un autre gène de la voie PCP), où les doubles hétérozygotes montrent une spina bifida. Ces données font de PTK7 comme un excellent candidat pour les ATN chez l’humain. Nous avons re-séquencé la région codante et les jonctions intron-exon de ce gène dans une cohorte de 473 patients atteints de plusieurs types d’ATN. Nous avons identifié 6 mutations rares (fréquence allélique <1%) faux-sens présentes chez 1.1% de notre cohorte, dont 3 sont absentes dans les bases de données publiques. Une variante, p.Gly348Ser, a agi comme un allèle hypermorphique lorsqu'elle est surexprimée dans le modèle de poisson zèbre. Nos résultats impliquent la mutation de PTK7 comme un facteur de risque pour les ATN et supporte l'idée d'un rôle pathogène de la signalisation PCP dans ces malformations.


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The vertebrate Zic gene family encodes C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors closely related to the Gli proteins. Zic genes are expressed in multiple areas of developing vertebrate embryos, including the dorsal neural tube where they act as potent neural crest inducers. Here we describe the characterization of a Zic ortholog from the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae and further describe the expression of a Zic ortholog from the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Molecular phylogenetic analysis and sequence comparisons suggest the gene duplications that formed the vertebrate Zic family were specific to the vertebrate lineage. In Ciona maternal CiZic/Ci-macho1 transcripts are localized during cleavage stages by asymmetric cell division, whereas zygotic expression by neural plate cells commences during neurulation. The amphioxus Zic ortholog AmphiZic is expressed in dorsal mesoderm and ectoderm during gastrulation, before being eliminated first from midline cells and then from all neurectoderm during neurulation. After neurulation, expression is reactivated in the dorsal neural tube and dorsolateral somite. Comparison of CiZic and AmphiZic expression with vertebrate Zic expression leads to two main conclusions. First, Zic expression allows us to define homologous compartments between vertebrate and amphioxus somites, showing primitive subdivision of vertebrate segmented mesoderm. Second, we show that neural Zic expression is a chordate synapomorphy, whereas the precise pattern of neural expression has evolved differently on the different chordate lineages. Based on these observations we suggest that a change in Zic regulation, specifically the evolution of a dorsal neural expression domain in vertebrate neurulae, was an important step in the evolution of the neural crest.


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The study is based on 141 pregnant Bos indicus cows, from days 20 to 70 post-insemination. First, special attention was given to the macroscopically observable phenomena of attachment of the conceptus to the uterus, i.e. the implantation, from about days 20 to 30 post-insemination up to day 70, and placentome development by growth, vascularization and increase in the number of cotyledons opposite to the endometrial caruncles. Secondly, as for the conceptuses, semiquantitative, statistical analyses were performed of the lengths of chorio-allantois, amnion and yolk sac; and the different parts of the centre and two extremes of the yolk sacs were also analysed. Thirdly, the embryos/foetuses corresponding to their membranes were measured by their greatest length and by weight, and described by the appearance of external developmental phenomena during the investigated period like neurulation, somites, branchial arcs, brain vesicles, limb buds, C-form, pigmented eye and facial grooves. In conclusion, all the data collected in this study from days 20 to 70 of bovine pregnancy were compared extensively with corresponding data of the literature. This resulted in an `embryo/foetal age-scale`, which has extended the data in the literature by covering the first 8 to 70 days of pregnancy. This age-scale of early bovine intrauterine development provides model for studies, even when using slaughtered cows without distinct knowledge of insemination or fertilization time, through macroscopic techniques. This distinctly facilitates research into the cow, which is now being widely used as `an experimental animal` for testing new techniques of reproduction like in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and cloning.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Tetraspan vesicle membrane proteins (TVPs) sind ubiquitäre Komponenten von Transportvesikeln. Bei den Säugetieren unterscheidet man drei Familien, die Physine, Gyrine und SCAMPs (secretory carrier-associated membrane proteins). Ihre Funktion ist weitgehend unbekannt, es wird jedoch vermutet, dass sie eine Rolle bei der Vesikelbildung und der Vesikelrezirkulierung spielen. In Caenorhabditis elegans existiert von jeder Familie jeweils nur ein einziges Polypeptid: für die Physine Synaptophysin (SPH-1), für die Gyrine Synaptogyrin (SNG-1) und für die SCAMPs SCAMP (SCM-1). Ziel der Arbeit war es die Verteilung der C. elegans TVPs zu untersuchen und ihre Funktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der vesikelvermittelten synaptischen Kopplung zu bestimmen. Wenn die C. elegans TVPs in humanen Epithelzellen synthetisiert werden, lokalisieren sie in zytoplasmatischen Vesikeln. In Kotransfektionsexperimenten wurde gezeigt, dass sie größtenteils in den gleichen Strukturen enthalten sind. In C. elegans synthetisierte TVP-Reporterkonstrukte können in unterschiedlichen Geweben nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ist SNG-1 fast ausschließlich in Neuronen zu finden. SPH-1 und SCM-1 hingegen weisen komplexe und teilweise überlappende Verteilungsmuster auf. Während für SPH-1 eine starke Fluoreszenz im Pharynx, auf der apikalen Seite der Darmzellen oberhalb des sog. terminal webs und in adluminalen Regionen von exkretorischen Geweben gefunden wurde, war SCM-1 stark in der Muskulatur und den Coelomozyten vertreten. Die Expression von SCM-1 in Pharynx und Darm war deutlich schwächer. Die C. elegans TVPs werden früh in der Entwicklung ab der Gastrulation (SPH-1 und SCM-1) bzw. ab der Neurulation im sog. Komma-Stadium (SNG-1) produziert. Um die Funktion der TVPs in C. elegans zu untersuchen, wurden TVP-Mutanten analysiert. Durch Kombination aller drei TVP-Gen-Mutanten wurden TVP-Dreifachmutanten generiert. Diese wiesen keinen offensichtlichen Defekt im Bewegungsmuster auf, entwickelten sich normal und bildeten ein normales Nervensystem aus. Auch auf unterschiedliche chemische und physikalische Reize in sensorischen Tests reagierten die TVP-Dreifachmutanten in gleicher Weise wie Wildtyptiere. Ebenso zeigen die TVP-Dreifachmutanten elektrophysiologisch unter normalen Bedingungen keine anormalen Reaktionsmuster. In ultrastrukturellen Untersuchungen wurde lediglich eine signifikant erhöhte Anzahl Clathrin-ummantelter Vesikel in cholinergen Synapsen gefunden. Erst unter Stressbedingungen, hervorgerufen durch den GABA-Antagonisten Pentylentetrazol (PTZ), wiesen sowohl die TVP-Dreifach- als auch die TVP-Einzelmutanten eine deutlich erhöhte Krampfbereitschaft auf. Zusammengenommen zeigen die Analysen, dass TVPs zwar für grundlegende neuronale Prozesse nicht notwendig sind, dass sie aber auf der anderen Seite vermutlich an alternativen redundanten Wegen der Neurotransmitterfreisetzung beteiligt sind.


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In common with other members of the p120-catenin subclass of catenins, ARVCF-catenin appears to have multiple cellular and developmental functions. In Xenopus, our lab recently demonstrated that xARVCF- and Xp120-catenins are each essential for early vertebrate embryogenesis, being functionally linked to Rho-family GTPases (RhoA, Rac) and cadherin metabolic stability. For the project described here, the yeast two-hybrid system was employed to screen a Xenopus laevis neurula library for proteins that interact with xARVCF, resulting in the identification of the Xenopus homolog of Kazrin (xKazrin). Kazrin is a variably-spliced protein of unknown function that has been shown to interact with periplakin and envoplakin, components of desmosomal junctions. Kazrin's primary sequence is highly conserved across vertebrate species and is composed of an amino-terminal nuclear export sequence (NES), a carboxy-terminal nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and a central predicted coiled-coil domain. In vitro and in vivo authenticity tests demonstrated that xARVCF-catenin interacts directly with xKazrin via xARVCF's Armadillo and carboxy-terminal regions and xKazrin's coiled-coil domain. The interaction of xARVCF-catenin with xKazrin is specific and does not extend to the related Xp120-catenin. xKazrin co-localized with E-cadherin at sites of cell-cell contact and could be co-immunoprecipitated with components of the cadherin complex. xKazrin was also present in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Suggestive of a nuclear role, mutation of xKazrin's predicted NLS resulted in nuclear exclusion, while deletion of the predicted NES resulted in loss of sensitivity to nuclear export inhibitors. Within Xenopus embryos, xKazrin was expressed across all developmental stages and appeared at varying levels in adult tissues. Morpholino depletion of xKazrin from Xenopus embryos resulted in axial elongation abnormalities and loss of tissue integrity after neurulation. Over-expression of xKazrin had no effect, while over-expression of a NLS mutant resulted in a mild phenotype similar to that seen in xKazrin depleted embryos. Interestingly, the axial phenotype resulting from reduced xKazrin levels was largely rescuable by xARVCF over-expression. In conjunction with xARVCF-catenin, xKazrin has properties consistent with its function at cell-cell contact sites and in the nucleus. ^


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The mouse rump white (Rw) mutation causes a pigmentation defect in heterozygotes and embryonic lethality in homozygotes. At embryonic day (E) 7.5, Rw/Rw embryos are retarded in growth, fail to complete neurulation and die around E 9.5. The Rw mutation is associated with a chromosomal inversion spanning 30 cM of the proximal portion of mouse chromosome 5. The Rw embryonic lethality is complemented by the W19H deletion, which spans the distal boundary of the Rw inversion, suggesting that the Rw lethality is not caused by the disruption of a gene at the distal end of the inversion. Here, we report the molecular characterization of sequences disrupted by both inversion breakpoints. These studies indicate that the distal breakpoint of the inversion is associated with ectopic Kit expression and therefore may be responsible for the dominant pigmentation defect in Rw/+ mice; whereas the recessive lethality of Rw is probably due to the disruption of the gene encoding dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein 6, Dpp6 [Wada, K., Yokotani, N., Hunter, C., Doi, K., Wenthold, R. J. & Shimasaki, S. (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 197–201] located at the proximal inversion breakpoint.


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The formation of ventral mesoderm has been traditionally viewed as a result of a lack of dorsal signaling and therefore assumed to be a default state of mesodermal development. The discovery that bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) can induce ventral mesoderm led to the suggestion that the induction of the ventral mesoderm requires a different signaling pathway than the induction of the dorsal mesoderm. However, the individual components of this pathway remained largely unknown. Here we report the identification of a novel Xenopus homeobox gene PV.1 (posterior-ventral 1) that is capable of mediating induction of ventral mesoderm. This gene is activated in blastula stage Xenopus embryos, its expression peaks during gastrulation and declines rapidly after neurulation is complete. PV.1 is expressed in the ventral marginal zone of blastulae and later in the posterior ventral area of gastrulae and neurulae. PV.1 is inducible in uncommited ectoderm by the ventralizing growth factor BMP4 and counteracts the dorsalizing effects of the dominant negative BMP4 receptor. Overexpression of PV.1 yields ventralized tadpoles and rescues embryos partially dorsalized by LiCl treatment. In animal caps, PV.1 ventralizes induction by activin and inhibits expression of dorsal specific genes. All of these effects mimic those previously reported for BMP4. These observations suggest that PV.1 is a critical component in the formation of ventral mesoderm and possibly mediates the effects of BMP4.


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The Xenopus developmental gene DG42 is expressed during early embryonic development, between the midblastula and neurulation stages. The deduced protein sequence of Xenopus DG42 shows similarity to Rhizobium Nod C, Streptococcus Has A, and fungal chitin synthases. Previously, we found that the DG42 protein made in an in vitro transcription/translation system catalyzed synthesis of an array of chitin oligosaccharides. Here we show that cell extracts from early Xenopus and zebrafish embryos also synthesize chitooligosaccharides. cDNA fragments homologous to DG42 from zebrafish and mouse were also cloned and sequenced. Expression of these homologs was similar to that described for Xenopus based on Northern and Western blot analysis. The Xenopus anti-DG42 antibody recognized a 63-kDa protein in extracts from zebrafish embryos that followed a similar developmental expression pattern to that previously described for Xenopus. The chitin oligosaccharide synthase activity found in extracts was inactivated by a specific DG42 antibody; synthesis of hyaluronic acid (HA) was not affected under the conditions tested. Other experiments demonstrate that expression of DG42 under plasmid control in mouse 3T3 cells gives rise to chitooligosaccharide synthase activity without an increase in HA synthase level. A possible relationship between our results and those of other investigators, which show stimulation of HA synthesis by DG42 in mammalian cell culture systems, is provided by structural analyses to be published elsewhere that suggest that chitin oligosaccharides are present at the reducing ends of HA chains. Since in at least one vertebrate system hyaluronic acid formation can be inhibited by a pure chitinase, it seems possible that chitin oligosaccharides serve as primers for hyaluronic acid synthesis.


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The Xenopus DG42 gene is expressed only between the late midblastula and neurulation stages of embryonic development. Recent database searches show that DG42 has striking sequence similarity to the Rhizobium NodC protein. NodC catalyzes the synthesis of chitin oligosaccharides which subsequently are transformed into bacterium-plant root signaling molecules. We find that the DG42 protein made in an in vitro coupled transcription-translation system catalyzes the synthesis of an array of chitin oligosaccharides. The result suggests the intriguing possibility that a bacterium-plant type of "Nod" signaling system may operate during early stages of vertebrate embryonic development and raises issues about the use of chitin synthase inhibitors as fungal-specific drugs.


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Interaction of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases with their membrane bound ephrin ligands initiates bidirectional signaling events that regulate cell migratory and adhesive behavior. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed overlapping expression of the Epha1 receptor and its high-affinity ligands ephrin A1 (Efna1) and ephrin A3 (Efna3) in the primitive streak and the posterior paraxial mesoderm during early mouse development. These results show complex and dynamic expression for all three genes with expression domains that are successively complementary, overlapping, and divergent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.