13 resultados para neurotropism
An unusually high incidence of microcephaly in newborns has recently been observed in Brazil. There is a temporal association between the increase in cases of microcephaly and the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic. Viral RNA has been detected in amniotic fluid samples, placental tissues and newborn and fetal brain tissues. However, much remains to be determined concerning the association between ZIKV infection and fetal malformations. In this study, we provide evidence of the transplacental transmission of ZIKV through the detection of viral proteins and viral RNA in placental tissue samples from expectant mothers infected at different stages of gestation. We observed chronic placentitis (TORCH type) with viral protein detection by immunohistochemistry in Hofbauer cells and some histiocytes in the intervillous spaces. We also demonstrated the neurotropism of the virus via the detection of viral proteins in glial cells and in some endothelial cells and the observation of scattered foci of microcalcifications in the brain tissues. Lesions were mainly located in the white matter. ZIKV RNA was also detected in these tissues by real-time-polymerase chain reaction. We believe that these findings will contribute to the body of knowledge of the mechanisms of ZIKV transmission, interactions between the virus and host cells and viral tropism.
Intranasal inoculation of equid herpesvirus type-1 (EHV-1) Brazilian strains A4/72 and A9/92 induced an acute and lethal infection in four different inbred mouse strains. Clinical and neurological signs appeared between the 2nd and 3rd day post inoculation (dpi) and included weight loss, ruffled fur, a hunched posture, crouching in corners, nasal and ocular discharges, dyspnoea, dehydration and increased salivation. These signs were followed by increased reactivity to external stimulation, seizures, recumbency and death. The virus was recovered consistently from the brain and viscera of all mice with neurological signs. Histopathological changes consisted of leptomeningitis, focal haemorrhage, ventriculitis, neuronal degeneration and necrosis, neuronophagia, non-suppurative inflammation, multifocal gliosis and perivascular infiltration of polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells. Immunohistochemical examination demonstrated that EHV-1 strains A4/72 and A9/92 replicated in neurons of the olfactory bulb, the cortex and the hippocampus. In contrast, mice inoculated with the EHV-1 Brazilian strain A3/97 showed neither weight loss nor apparent clinical or neurological signs; however, the virus was recovered consistently from their lungs at 3 dpi. These three EHV-1 strains showed distinct degrees of virulence and tissue tropism in mice. EHV-1 strains A4/72 and A9/92 exhibited a high degree of central nervous system tropism with neuroinvasion and neurovirulence. EHV-1 strain A3/97 was not neurovirulent despite being detected in the brains of infected BALB/c nude mice. These findings indicate that several inbred mouse strains are susceptible to neuropathogenic EHV-1 strains and should be useful models for studying the pathogenesis and mechanisms contributing to EHV-induced myeloencephalopathy in horses. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the glycosylation of the pathogenic isoform of the prion protein (PrP(Sc)) might encode the selective neurotropism of prion strains. We prepared unglycosylated cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) substrate molecules from normal mouse brain by treatment with PNGase F and used reconstituted serial protein cyclic misfolding amplification reactions to produce RML and 301C mouse prions containing unglycosylated PrP(Sc) molecules. Both RML- and 301C-derived prions containing unglycosylated PrP(Sc) molecules were infectious to wild-type mice, and neuropathological analysis showed that mice inoculated with these samples maintained strain-specific patterns of PrP(Sc) deposition and neuronal vacuolation. These results show that PrP(Sc) glycosylation is not necessary for strain-dependent prion neurotropism.
An unusually high incidence of microcephaly in newborns has recently been observed in Brazil. There is a temporal association between the increase in cases of microcephaly and the Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic. Viral RNA has been detected in amniotic fluid samples, placental tissues and newborn and fetal brain tissues. However, much remains to be determined concerning the association between ZIKV infection and fetal malformations. In this study, we provide evidence of the transplacental transmission of ZIKV through the detection of viral proteins and viral RNA in placental tissue samples from expectant mothers infected at different stages of gestation. We observed chronic placentitis (TORCH type) with viral protein detection by immunohistochemistry in Hofbauer cells and some histiocytes in the intervillous spaces. We also demonstrated the neurotropism of the virus via the detection of viral proteins in glial cells and in some endothelial cells and the observation of scattered foci of microcalcifications in the brain tissues. Lesions were mainly located in the white matter. ZIKV RNA was also detected in these tissues by real-time-polymerase chain reaction. We believe that these findings will contribute to the body of knowledge of the mechanisms of ZIKV transmission, interactions between the virus and host cells and viral tropism.
An in vitro model of adult dorsal root ganglion neurons infection by rabies virus is described. Viral marked neurotropism is observed, and the percentage and the degree of infection of the neurons is higher than in non neuronal cells, even if neurons are the minority of the cells in the culture. The neuritic tree is also heavily infected by the virus.
We carried out a morphometric study of the esophagus of cross-bred dogs experimentally infected or consecutively reinfected with Trypanosoma cruzi 147 and SC-1 strains, in order to verify denervation and/or neuronal hypertrophy in the intramural plexus. The animals were sacrificed in the chronic stage, 38 months after the initial infection. Neither nests of amastigotes, nor myositis or ganglionitis, were observed in all third inferior portions of esophageal rings analyzed. No nerve cell was identified in the submucous of this organ. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the number, maximum diameter, perimeter, or area and volume of the nerve cells of the myenteric plexus of infected and/or reinfected dogs and of the non-infected ones. In view of these results we may conclude that the 147 and SC-1 strains have little neurotropism and do not determine denervation and/or hypertrophy in the intramural esophageal plexuses in the animals studied, independent of the reinfections.
Demonstration of survival and outcome of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in a 56-year-old patient with common variable immunodeficiency, consisting of severe hypogammaglobulinemia and CD4+ T lymphocytopenia, during continuous treatment with mirtazapine (30 mg/day) and mefloquine (250 mg/week) over 23 months. Regular clinical examinations including Rankin scale and Barthel index, nine-hole peg and box and block tests, Berg balance, 10-m walking tests, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were done. Laboratory diagnostics included complete blood count and JC virus (JCV) concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The noncoding control region (NCCR) of JCV, important for neurotropism and neurovirulence, was sequenced. Repetitive MRI investigated the course of brain lesions. JCV was detected in increasing concentrations (peak 2568 copies/ml CSF), and its NCCR was genetically rearranged. Under treatment, the rearrangement changed toward the archetype sequence, and later JCV DNA became undetectable. Total brain lesion volume decreased (8.54 to 3.97 cm(3)) and atrophy increased. Barthel (60 to 100 to 80 points) and Rankin (4 to 2 to 3) scores, gait stability, and box and block (7, 35, 25 pieces) and nine-hole peg (300, 50, 300 s) test performances first improved but subsequently worsened. Cognition and walking speed remained stable. Despite initial rapid deterioration, the patient survived under continuous treatment with mirtazapine and mefloquine even though he belongs to a PML subgroup that is usually fatal within a few months. This course was paralleled by JCV clones with presumably lower replication capability before JCV became undetectable. Neurological deficits were due to PML lesions and progressive brain atrophy.
Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) is a subtype of salivary gland carcinoma with a marked predilection for the minor salivary glands. The diagnosis of this lesion can be a challenge in incisional biopsies because of its similarity to other salivary neoplasms and the difficulty of analyzing its infiltrative nature and neurotropism. Diagnosis can be facilitated, however, by immunohistochemistry, a technique that has become a fundamental tool to the pathologist. The purpose of this study was analyze the immunohistochemical aspects of 4 cases that were examined in the São José dos Campos School of Dentistry. The patients included 4 women, ages 32 to 57 years (mean, 50 years), who reported an intraoral painless lesion, ranging in size from 1 to 3 cm (mean, 1.75 cm) with a variable evolution period. Histologically, the lesions showed similar aspects, characterized by polymorphous growth pattern, including solid, cribriform, trabecular, papillary, and single-file arrays. The tumors showed positivity to cytokeratins (Cks) 7 and 8 and vimentin, variable expression for Ck 14, and a negative reaction to Cks 13 and 19 and muscle-specific actin. PLGA is a tumor of the salivary gland that must be distinguished from other neoplasms for therapeutic and prognostic considerations, and the panel of antibodies employed in this study was effective for its diagnosis.
Oropouche virus, of the family Bunyaviridae, genus Orthobunyavirus, serogroup Simbu, is an important causative agent of arboviral febrile illness in Brazil. An estimated 500,000 cases of Oropouche fever have occurred in Brazil in the last 30 years, with recorded cases also in Panama, Peru, Suriname and Trinidad. We have developed an experimental model of Oropouche virus infection in neonatal BALB/c mouse by subcutaneous inoculation. The vast majority of infected animals developed disease on the 5th day post infection, characterized mainly by lethargy and paralysis, progressing to death within 10 days. Viral replication was documented in brain cells by in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry and virus titration. Multi-step immunohistochemistry indicated neurons as the main target cells of OROV infection. Histopathology revealed glial reaction and astrocyte activation in the brain and spinal cord, with neuronal apoptosis. Spleen hyperplasia and mild meningitis were also found, without viable virus detected in liver and spleen. This is the first report of an experimental mouse model of OROV infection, with severe involvement of the central nervous system, and should become useful in pathogenesis studies, as well as in preclinical testing of therapeutic interventions for this emerging pathogen. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sono stati studiati gli effetti tossici dell’esposizione cronica a cobalto e cromo. In passato, questa tossicità, che colpiva lavoratori esposti per ragioni occupazionali, è stata un problema molto sentito. Tuttavia, recenti pubblicazioni hanno descritto una specifica tossicità mediata da elevati livelli di cobalto e cromo, anche in pazienti portatori di protesi metalliche, quali gli impianti d’anca. Anche se sintomi clinici tra cui, cecità, sordità e neuropatia periferica, suggeriscono uno specifico neurotropismo, ancora poco è conosciuto delle basi neuropatologiche di questo processo ed oltretutto non ne è ancora stata apportata un’evidenza sperimentale. In questo progetto di ricerca, quindi, si è voluto approfondire il meccanismo patogenetico da cui scaturiscono tali sintomi neurologici, utilizzando come modello sperimentale il coniglio. Conigli New Zealand White sono stati trattati con dosi endovenose ripetute di cobalto e cromo, inoculati singolarmente od in associazione tra loro. Nessuna evidente alterazione clinica o patologica è stata associata alla somministrazione di solo cromo, nonostante gli elevati livelli in sangue e tessuti, mentre i trattati con cobalto-cromo o solo cobalto hanno mostrato segni clinici gravanti sul sistema vestibolo-cocleare; il cobalto, quindi, è stato identificato come il maggiore elemento scatenante neurotossicità. Inoltre all’esame istopatologico gli animali hanno mostrato severa deplezione delle cellule gangliari retiniche e cocleari, assieme a danno al nervo ottico e perdita di cellule sensitive capellute dell’orecchio. È risultato infine evidente che la gravità delle alterazioni è stata correlata al dosaggio ed al tempo di esposizione; dati questi che confermano, quindi, le precedenti osservazioni fatte su pazienti umani esposti a rilascio abnorme di cobalto e cromo da usura di protesi d’anca. È stato ipotizzato che il cobalto agisca sui mitocondri provocando l’incremento di produzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno e il rilascio di fattori proapoptotici, causando sulle cellule neuronali un danno proporzionale al loro fabbisogno energetico e grado di mielinizzazione.
Canavan disease (CD) is a rare leukodystrophy caused by loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), an oligodendrocyte-enriched enzyme. It is characterised by the accumulation of the ASPA substrate N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in brain, blood and urine, leading to a spongiform vacuolisation of the brain, severe motoric and cognitive impairments and premature death. To date, no therapy is available due to the lack of a gene-transfer system allowing transgene expression in oligodendrocytes (OLs) and the restoration of the missing enzyme. Hence, the aim of this study was to establish a novel gene-transfer system and its preclinical evaluation in a CD animal model.rnIn the first part of this thesis, a novel ASPA mouse mutant was generated. A βgeo cassette (including the genes encoding β-galactosidase and neomycin) flanked by frt sites was inserted into intron 1 of the intact aspa gene. Additionally, exon 2 was flanked by loxP sites for optional conditional deletion of the targeted locus. The resulting ASPA-deficient aspalacZ/lacZ-mouse was found to be an accurate model of CD and an important tool to identify novel aspects of its complex pathology. Homozygous mutants showed a CD-like histopathology, neurological impairment, behavioural deficits as well as a reduced body weight. Additionally, MRI data revealed changes in brain metabolite composition. rnRecombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors have become a versatile tool for gene transfer to the central nervous system because they are efficient, non-toxic and replication-deficient. Based on the natural neurotropism of AAV vectors, AAV-based gene delivery has entered the clinics for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the lack of AAV vectors with oligodendroglial tropism has precluded gene therapy for leukodystrophies. In the second part of this work, it was shown that the transduction profile of established AAV serotypes can be targeted towards OLs in a transcriptional approach, using the oligodendrocyte-specific myelin basic protein (MBP) promoter to drive transgene expression in OLs.rnIn the last part of this work, the therapeutic efficacy of AAV-mediated aspa gene transfer to OLs of juvenile aspalacZ/lacZ mice was evaluated. AAV-aspa injections into multiple sites of the brain parenchyma resulted in transduction of OLs in the grey and white matter throughout the brain. Histological abnormalities in the brain of ASPA-deficient mice were ameliorated and accompanied by a reduction of NAA levels. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in normalisation of body weight, motor function and nest-building behaviour. These data provide a proof-of-concept for a successful gene therapy of Canavan disease. This might pave the way towards translation into clinical application and serve as the basis for the genetic treatment of other leukodystrophies.
Demonstration of survival and outcome of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) in a 56-year-old patient with common variable immunodeficiency, consisting of severe hypogammaglobulinemia and CD4+ T lymphocytopenia, during continuous treatment with mirtazapine (30 mg/day) and mefloquine (250 mg/week) over 23 months. Regular clinical examinations including Rankin scale and Barthel index, nine-hole peg and box and block tests, Berg balance, 10-m walking tests, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) were done. Laboratory diagnostics included complete blood count and JC virus (JCV) concentration in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The noncoding control region (NCCR) of JCV, important for neurotropism and neurovirulence, was sequenced. Repetitive MRI investigated the course of brain lesions. JCV was detected in increasing concentrations (peak 2568 copies/ml CSF), and its NCCR was genetically rearranged. Under treatment, the rearrangement changed toward the archetype sequence, and later JCV DNA became undetectable. Total brain lesion volume decreased (8.54 to 3.97 cm(3)) and atrophy increased. Barthel (60 to 100 to 80 points) and Rankin (4 to 2 to 3) scores, gait stability, and box and block (7, 35, 25 pieces) and nine-hole peg (300, 50, 300 s) test performances first improved but subsequently worsened. Cognition and walking speed remained stable. Despite initial rapid deterioration, the patient survived under continuous treatment with mirtazapine and mefloquine even though he belongs to a PML subgroup that is usually fatal within a few months. This course was paralleled by JCV clones with presumably lower replication capability before JCV became undetectable. Neurological deficits were due to PML lesions and progressive brain atrophy.
BACKGROUND Listeria (L.) monocytogenes causes fatal infections in many species including ruminants and humans. In ruminants, rhombencephalitis is the most prevalent form of listeriosis. Using multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) we recently showed that L. monocytogenes isolates from ruminant rhombencephalitis cases are distributed over three genetic complexes (designated A, B and C). However, the majority of rhombencephalitis strains and virtually all those isolated from cattle cluster in MLVA complex A, indicating that strains of this complex may have increased neurotropism and neurovirulence. The aim of this study was to investigate whether ruminant rhombencephalitis strains have an increased ability to propagate in the bovine hippocampal brain-slice model and can be discriminated from strains of other sources. For this study, forty-seven strains were selected and assayed on brain-slice cultures, a bovine macrophage cell line (BoMac) and a human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line (Caco-2). They were isolated from ruminant rhombencephalitis cases (n = 21) and other sources including the environment, food, human neurolisteriosis cases and ruminant/human non-encephalitic infection cases (n = 26). RESULTS All but one L. monocytogenes strain replicated in brain slices, irrespectively of the source of the isolate or MLVA complex. The replication of strains from MLVA complex A was increased in hippocampal brain-slice cultures compared to complex C. Immunofluorescence revealed that microglia are the main target cells for L. monocytogenes and that strains from MLVA complex A caused larger infection foci than strains from MLVA complex C. Additionally, they caused larger plaques in BoMac cells, but not CaCo-2 cells. CONCLUSIONS Our brain slice model data shows that all L. monocytogenes strains should be considered potentially neurovirulent. Secondly, encephalitis strains cannot be conclusively discriminated from non-encephalitis strains with the bovine organotypic brain slice model. The data indicates that MLVA complex A strains are particularly adept at establishing encephalitis possibly by virtue of their higher resistance to antibacterial defense mechanisms in microglia cells, the main target of L. monocytogenes.