946 resultados para nerve transection
Attempts to rescue retinal ganglion cells from retrograde degeneration have had limited success, and the residual function of surviving neurons is not known. Recently, it has been found that axotomized retinal ganglion cells die by apoptotic mechanisms. We have used adult transgenic mice overexpressing the Bcl-2 protein, a powerful inhibitor of apoptosis, as a model for preventing injury-induced cell death in vivo. Several months after axotomy, the majority of retinal ganglion cells survived and exhibited normal visual responses. In control wild-type mice, the vast majority of axotomized retinal ganglion cells degenerated, and the physiological responses were abolished. These results suggest that strategies aimed at increasing Bcl-2 expression, or mimicking its function, might effectively counteract trauma-induced cell death in the central nervous system. Neuronal survival is a necessary condition in the challenge for promoting regeneration and eventually restoring neuronal function.
Despite the favorable treatment of cranial nerve neuropathology in adulthood, some cases are resistant to therapy leading to permanent functional impairments In many cases, suitable treatment is problematic as the therapeutic target remains unknown Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF 2) is involved in neuronal maintenance and wound repair following nervous system lesions It is one of few neurotrophic molecules acting in autocrine, paracrine and intracrine fashions depending upon specific circumstances Peripheral cranial somatic motor neurons, i e hypoglossal (XII) neurons, may offer a unique opportunity to study cellular FGF 2 mechanisms as the molecule is present in the cytoplasm of neurons and in the nuclei of astrocytes of the central nervous system FGF-2 may trigger differential actions during development, maintenance and lesion of XII neurons because axotomy of those cells leads to cell death during neonatal ages, but not in adult life Moreover, the modulatory effects of astroglial FGF 2 and the Ca+2 binding protein S100 beta have been postulated in paracrine mechanisms after neuronal lesions In our study, adult Wistar rats received a unilateral crush or transection (with amputation of stumps) of XII nerve, and were sacrificed after 72 h or 11 days Brains were processed for immunohistochemical localization of neurofilaments (NF), with or without counterstaining for Nissl substance, ghat fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, as a marker of astrocytes), S100 beta and FGF-2 The number of Nissl positive neurons of axotomized XII nucleus did not differ from controls The NF immunoreactivity increased in the perikarya and decreased in the neuropil of axotomized XII neurons 11 days after nerve crush or transection An astrocytic reaction was seen in the ipsilateral XII nucleus of the crushed or transected animals 72 h and 11 days after the surgery The nerve lesions did not change the number of FGF-2 neurons in the ipsilateral XII nucleus, however, the nerve transection increased the number of FGF-2 ghat profiles by 72 h and 11 days Microdensitometric image analysis revealed a short lasting decrease in the intensity of FGF 2 immunoreactivity in axotomized XII neurons by 72 h after nerve crush or transection and also an elevation of FGF-2 in the ipsilateral of ghat nuclei by 72h and 11 days after the two lesions S100 beta decreased in astrocytes of 11-day transected XII nucleus The two-color immunoperoxidase for the simultaneous detection of the GFAP/FGF-2 indicated FGF-2 upregulation in the nuclei of reactive astrocytes of the lesioned XII nucleus Astroglial FGF-2 may exert paracrine trophic actions in mature axotomized XII neurons and might represent a therapeutic target for neuroprotection in peripheral nerve pathology (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH All rights reserved
Nerve regeneration in a sensory nerve was obtained by the application of different techniques: inside-out vein graft (IOVG group) and standard vein graft (SVG group). These techniques provide a good microenvironment for axon regeneration in motor nerves, but their efficiency for regeneration of sensory nerves is controversial. The saphenous nerve was sectioned and repaired by the inside-out and standard vein graft techniques in rats. After 4, 12, and 20 weeks the graft and the distal stump were observed under electron microscopy. In each studied period, the pattern, diameters, and thickness of the myelin sheaths of the regenerated axons were measured in the graft and distal stump. A comparative study about the regenerated nerve fibers by these two different techniques was performed. Regenerated nerve fibers were prominent in both vein grafts 4 weeks after the surgical procedures. On the other hand, in the distal stump, regenerated nerve fibers were observed only from 12 weeks. In both inside-out vein graft and standard vein graft statistical difference was not observed about the diameters and thickness of the myelinated fibers after 20 weeks. On the other hand, the inside-out group had greater regenerated axon number when compared to the standard group. There is a capillary invasion in both graft and distal stump, especially in the IOVG group. The regenerated axons follow these capillaries all the time like satellite microfascicles. After 20 weeks, the diameters of regenerated fibers repaired by the standard vein graft technique were closer to the normal fibers compared to the inside-out vein graft. On the other hand, the pattern of these regenerated axons was better in the IOVG group.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Axonal damage to adult peripheral neurons causes changes in neuronal gene expression. For example, axotomized sympathetic, sensory, and motor neurons begin to express galanin mRNA and protein, and recent evidence suggests that galanin plays a role in peripheral nerve regeneration. Previous studies in sympathetic and sensory neurons have established that galanin expression is triggered by two consequences of nerve transection: the induction of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and the reduction in the availability of the target-derived factor, nerve growth factor. It is shown in the present study that no stimulation of galanin expression occurs following direct application of LIF to intact neurons in the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. Injection of animals with an antiserum to nerve growth factor concomitant with the application of LIF, on the other hand, does stimulate galanin expression. The data suggest that the response of neurons to an injury factor, LIF, is affected by whether the neurons still receive trophic signals from their targets.
Les cellules gliales sont essentielles au fonctionnement du système nerveux. Dans la rétine, les cellules gliales de Müller assurent à la fois l’homéostasie du tissu et la protection des neurones, notamment celle des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGRs). L’hypothèse principale de la thèse est que les cellules de Müller joueraient un rôle primordial dans la survie neuronale tant au plan de la signalisation des neurotrophines/proneurotrophines par suite d’une blessure que lors des mécanismes d’excitotoxicité. Contrairement au brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), le nerve growth factor (NGF) n’est pas en mesure d’induire la survie des CGRs après une section du nerf optique. Le premier objectif de la thèse a donc été de localiser les récepteurs p75NTR et TrkA du NGF dans la rétine adulte et d’établir leur fonction respective en utilisant des ligands peptidomimétiques agonistes ou antagonistes spécifiques pour chacun des récepteurs. Nos résultats ont démontré que TrkA est surexprimé par les CGRs après l’axotomie, tandis que p75NTR est spécifiquement exprimé par les cellules de Müller. Alors que NGF n’est pas en mesure d’induire la survie des CGRs, l’activation spécifique de TrkA par des ligands peptidomimétique est nettement neuroprotectrice. De façon surprenante, le blocage sélectif de p75NTR ou l’absence de celui-ci protège les CGRs de la mort induite par l’axotomie. De plus, la combinaison de NGF avec l’antagoniste de p75NTR agit de façon synergique sur la survie des CGRS. Ces résultats révèlent un nouveau mécanisme par lequel le récepteur p75NTR exprimé par les cellules gliales de Müller peut grandement influencer la survie neuronale. Ensuite, nous avons voulu déterminer l’effet des proneurotrophines dans la rétine adulte. Nous avons démontré que l’injection de proNGF induit la mort des CGRs chez le rat et la souris par un mécanisme dépendant de p75NTR. L’expression de p75NTR étant exclusive aux cellules de Müller, nous avons testé l’hypothèse que le proNGF active une signalisation cellulaire non-autonome qui aboutit à la mort des CGRs. En suivant cette idée, nous avons montré que le proNGF induit une forte expression du tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) dans les cellules de Müller et que l’inhibition du TNF bloque la mort neuronale induite par le proNGF. L’utilisation de souris knock-out pour la protéine p75NTR, son co-récepteur sortiline, ou la protéine adaptatrice NRAGE a permis de montrer que la production de TNF par les cellules gliales était dépendante de ces protéines. Le proNGF semble activer une signalisation cellulaire non-autonome qui cause la mort des neurones de façon dépendante du TNF in vivo. L’hypothèse centrale de l’excitotoxicité est que la stimulation excessive des récepteurs du glutamate sensibles au N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) est dommageable pour les neurones et contribue à plusieurs maladies neurodégénératives. Les cellules gliales sont soupçonnées de contribuer à la mort neuronale par excitotoxicité, mais leur rôle précis est encore méconnu. Le dernier objectif de ma thèse était d’établir le rôle des cellules de Müller dans cette mort neuronale. Nos résultats ont démontré que l’injection de NMDA induit une activation du nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) dans les cellules de Müller, mais pas dans les CGRs, et que l’utilisation d’inhibiteurs du NF-κB empêche la mort des CGRs. De plus, nous avons montré que les cellules de Müller en réaction à l’activation du NF-κB produisent la protéine TNFα laquelle semble être directement impliquée dans la mort des CGRs par excitotoxicité. Cette mort cellulaire se produit principalement par l’augmentation à la surface des neurones des récepteurs AMPA perméables au Ca2+, un phénomène dépendant du TNFα. Ces donnés révèlent un nouveau mécanisme cellululaire non-autonome par lequel les cellules gliales peuvent exacerber la mort neuronale lors de la mise en jeu de mécanismes excitotoxiques.
Les dommages au nerf optique (neuropathie optique) peuvent entraîner la perte permanente de la vision ou la cécité causée par la mort des cellules ganglionnaires de la rétine (CGR). Nous avons identifié qu’une surproduction de l'anion superoxyde constitue un événement moléculaire critique précédant la mort cellulaire induite par des lésions. Récemment, Suarez-Moreira et al (JACS 131:15078, 2009) ont démontré que la vitamine B12 peut capter l’anion superoxyde aussi efficacement que l’enzyme superoxyde dismutase. La carence en vitamine B12 peut conduire à une neuropathie optique causée par des mécanismes inconnus. Nous avons étudié la relation entre la captation de superoxyde par la cyanocobalamine (forme de vitamine B12 la plus abondante) et ses propriétés neuroprotectrices dans les cellules neuronales. La cyanocobalamine aux concentrations de 10 μM et 100 μM a réduit le taux de production de superoxyde respectivement par 34% et 79% dans les essais sans-cellule. Dans les cellules RGC-5 traités avec la ménadione, les concentrations de cyanocobalamine supérieures à 10 nM ont diminué l’anion superoxyde à des valeurs similaires à celles traitées par PEG-SOD. La cyanocobalamine aux concentrations de 100 μM et 1 μM a réduit la mort des cellules RGC-5 exposées à la ménadione par 20% et 32%, respectivement. Chez les rats avec section du nerf optique unilatérale, une dose intravitréenne de 667 μM de cyanocobalamine a réduit le nombre de CGRs exposées au superoxyde. Cette dose a également augmenté le taux de survie des CGRs comparativement aux rats injectés avec la solution témoin. Ces données suggèrent que la vitamine B12 peut être un neuroprotecteur important, et sa carence nutritionnelle pourrait causer la mort de CGRs. La vitamine B12 pourrait aussi potentiellement être utilisée comme une thérapie pour ralentir la progression de la mort CGR chez les patients avec les neuropathies optiques caractérisés par une surproduction de superoxyde.
We report here the protein expression of TRPV1 receptor in axotomized rat retinas and its possible participation in mechanisms involved in retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death. Adult rats were subjected to unilateral, intraorbital axotomy of the optic nerve, and the retinal tissue was removed for further processing. TRPV1 total protein expression decreased progressively after optic nerve transection, reaching 66.2% of control values 21 days after axotomy. The number of cells labeled for TRPV1 in the remnant GCL decreased after 21 days post-lesion (to 63%). Fluoro-jade B staining demonstrated that the activation of TRPV1 in acutely-lesioned eyes elicited more intense neuronal degeneration in the GCL and in the inner nuclear layer than in sham-operated retinas. A single intraocular injection of capsazepine (100 mu M), a TRPV1 antagonist, 5 days after optic nerve lesion, decreased the number of GFAP-expressing Muller cells (72.5% of control values) and also decreased protein nitration in the retinal vitreal margin (75.7% of control values), but did not affect lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, retinal explants were treated with capsaicin (100 mu M), and remarkable protein nitration was then present, which was reduced by blockers of the constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthases (7-NI and aminoguanidine, respectively). TRPV1 activation also increased GFAP expression, which was reverted by both TRPV1 antagonism with capsazepine and by 7-NI and aminoguanidine. Given that Muller cells do not express TRPV1, we suppose that the increased GFAP expression in these cells might be elicited by TRPV1 activation and by its indirect effect upon nitric oxide overproduction and peroxynitrite formation. We incubated Fluorogold pre-labeled retinal explants in the presence of capsazepine (1 mu M) during 48 h. The numbers of surviving RGCs stained with fluorogold and the numbers of apoptotic cells in the GCL detected with TUNEL were similar in lesioned and control retinas. We conclude that TRPV1 receptor expression decreased after optic nerve injury due to death of TRPV1-containing cells. Furthermore, these data indicate that TRPV1 might be involved in intrinsic protein nitration and Muller cell reaction observed after optic nerve injury. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Crotoxin (CTX). a neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus. induces analgesia. In this study, we evaluated the antinociceptive effect of CTX in a model of neuropathic pain induced by rat sciatic nerve transection. Hyperalgesia was detected 2 h after nerve transection and persisted for 64 days. Immersion of proximal and distal nerve stumps in CTX solution (0.01 mM for 10 s), immediately after nerve transection, blocked hyperalgesia. The antinociceptive effect of CTX was long-lasting, since it was detected 2 h after treatment and persisted for 64 days. CTX also delayed, but did not block, neurectomy-induced neuroma formation. The effect of CTX was blocked by zileuton (100 mg/kg, p.o.) and atropine (10 mg/kg. i.p.), and reduced by yohimbine (2 mg/kg, i.p.) and methysergide (5 mg/kg, i.p.). on the other hand. indomethacin (4 mg/kg, i.v.). naloxone (1 mg/kg, i.p.). and N-methyl atropine (30 mg/kg, i.p.) did not interfere with the effect of CTX. These results indicate that CTX induces a long-lasting antinociceptive effect in neuropathic pain, which is mediated by activation of central muscarinic receptors and partially, by activation of alpha-adrenoceptors and 5-HT receptors. Eicosanoids derived from the lipoxygenase pathway modulate the action of crotoxin. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To determine the effects of end-to-side nerve repair performed only with fibrin glue containing nerve growth in rats. Methods: Seventy two Wistar rats were divided into six equal groups: group A was not submitted to nerve section; group B was submitted to nerve fibular section only. The others groups had the nerve fibular sectioned and then repaired in the lateral surface of an intact tibial nerve, with different procedures: group C: ETS with sutures; group D: ETS with sutures and NGF; group E: ETS with FG only; group F: ETS with FG containing NGF. The motor function was accompanied and the tibial muscle mass, the number and diameter of muscular fibers and regenerated axons were measured. Results: All the analyzed variables did not show any differences among the four operated groups (p>0.05), which were statistically superior to group B (p<0.05), but inferior to group A (p>0.05). Conclusion: The end-to-side nerve repair presented the same recovery pattern, independent from the repair used, showing that the addition of nerve growth factor in fibrin glue was not enough for the results potentiating.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Neuropathic pain is a debilitating neurological disorder that may appear after peripheral nerve trauma and is characterized by persistent, intractable pain. The well-studied phenomenon of long-term hyperexcitability (LTH), in which sensory somata become hyperexcitable following peripheral nerve injury may be important for both chronic pain and long-lasting memory formation, since similar cellular alterations take place after both injury and learning. Though axons have previously been considered simple conducting cables, spontaneous afferent signals develop from some neuromas that form at severed nerve tips, indicating intrinsic changes in sensory axonal excitability may contribute to this intractable pain. Here we show that nerve transection, exposure to serotonin, and transient depolarization induce long-lasting sensory axonal hyperexcitability that is localized to the treated nerve segment and requires local translation of new proteins. Long-lasting functional plasticity may be a general property of axons, since both injured and transiently depolarized motor axons display LTH as well. Axonal hyperexcitability may represent an adaptive mechanism to overcome conduction failure after peripheral injury, but also displays key features shared with cellular analogues of memory including: site-specific changes in neuronal function, dependence on transient, focal depolarization for induction, and requirement for synthesis of new proteins for expression of long-lasting effects. The finding of axonal hyperexcitability after nerve injury sheds new light on the clinical problem of chronic neuropathic pain, and provides more support for the hypothesis that mechanisms of long-term memory storage evolved from primitive adaptive responses to injury. ^
Objectives: Our objective was to develop an experimental model for the noninvasive and objective evaluation of facial nerve regeneration in rats using a motor nerve conduction test (electromyography). Methods: Twenty-two rats were submitted to neurophysiological evaluation using motor nerve conduction of the mandibular branch of the facial nerve to obtain the compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs). To record the CM APs, we used two needle electrodes that were inserted into the lower lip muscle of the rat. A supramaximal electrical stimulus was applied, and the values of CMAP latency, amplitude, length, area, and stimulus intensity obtained from each side were compared by use of the Wilcoxon test. Results: There was no significant difference (all p > 0.05) in latency, amplitude, duration, area, or intensity of stimuli between the two sides. The amplitudes ranged between 1.61 and 8.30 mV, the latencies between 1.03 and 1.97 ms, and the stimulus intensities between 1.50 and 2.90 mA. Conclusions: This is a noninvasive, easy, and highly reproducible method that contributes to an improvement of the techniques previously described and may contribute to future studies of the degeneration and regeneration of the facial nerve.
Study Design. Experimental study of muscle changes after lumbar spinal injury. Objectives. To investigate effects of intervertebral disc and nerve root lesions on cross-sectional area, histology and chemistry of porcine lumbar multifidus. Summary of Background Data. The multifidus cross-sectional area is reduced in acute and chronic low back pain. Although chronic changes are widespread, acute changes at 1 segment are identified within days of injury. It is uncertain whether changes precede or follow injury, or what is the mechanism. Methods. The multifidus cross-sectional area was measured in 21 pigs from L1 to S1 with ultrasound before and 3 or 6 days after lesions: incision into L3 - L4 disc, medial branch transection of the L3 dorsal ramus, and a sham procedure. Samples from L3 to L5 were studied histologically and chemically. Results. The multifidus cross-sectional area was reduced at L4 ipsilateral to disc lesion but at L4 - L6 after nerve lesion. There was no change after sham or on the opposite side. Water and lactate were reduced bilaterally after disc lesion and ipsilateral to nerve lesion. Histology revealed enlargement of adipocytes and clustering of myofibers at multiple levels after disc and nerve lesions. Conclusions. These data resolve the controversy that the multifidus cross-sectional area reduces rapidly after lumbar injury. Changes after disc lesion affect 1 level with a different distribution to denervation. Such changes may be due to disuse following reflex inhibitory mechanisms.
Purpose: To determine the subbasal nerve density and tortuosity at 5 corneal locations and to investigate whether these microstructural observations correlate with corneal sensitivity. Method: Sixty eyes of 60 normal human subjects were recruited into 1 of 3 age groups, group 1: aged ,35 years, group 2: aged 35–50 years, and group 3: aged .50 years. All eyes were examined using slit-lamp biomicroscopy, noncontact corneal esthesiometry, and slit scanning in vivo confocal microscopy. Results: The mean subbasal nerve density and the mean corneal sensitivity were greatest centrally (14,731 6 6056 mm/mm2 and 0.38 6 0.21 millibars, respectively) and lowest in the nasal mid periphery (7850 6 4947 mm/mm2 and 0.49 6 0.25 millibars, respectively). The mean subbasal nerve tortuosity coefficient was greatest in the temporal mid periphery (27.3 6 6.4) and lowest in the superior mid periphery (19.3 6 14.1). There was no significant difference in mean total subbasal nerve density between age groups. However, corneal sensation (P = 0.001) and subbasal nerve tortuosity (P = 0.004) demonstrated significant differences between age groups. Subbasal nerve density only showed significant correlations with corneal sensitivity threshold in the temporal cornea and with subbasal nerve tortuosity in the inferior and nasal cornea. However, these correlations were weak. Conclusions: This study quantitatively analyzes living human corneal nerve structure and an aspect of nerve function. There is no strong correlation between subbasal nerve density and corneal sensation. This study provides useful baseline data for the normal living human cornea at central and mid-peripheral locations