950 resultados para neo-epitopes antigens


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Cell death induction by apoptosis is an important process in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis as well as tissue destruction during various pathological processes. Consequently, detection of apoptotic cells in situ represents an important technique to assess the extent and impact of cell death in the respective tissue. While scoring of apoptosis by histological assessment of apoptotic cells is still a widely used method, it is likely biased by sensitivity problems and observed-based variations. The availability of caspase-mediated neo-epitope-specific antibodies offers new tools for the detection of apoptosis in situ. Here, we discuss the use of immunohistochemical detection of cleaved caspase 3 and lamin A for the assessment of apoptotic cells in paraffin-embedded liver tissue. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of tissue pretreatment and antigen retrieval on the sensitivity of apoptosis detection, background staining and maintenance of tissue morphology.


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Immunoglobulin A deficiency (IgAD) is considered the most common form of primary immunodeficiency. The majority of IgA-deficient individuals are considered asymptomatic, even though IgAD has been associated with an increased frequency of recurrent infections, allergy, and autoimmune diseases. In this study we evaluate the Natural autoantibodies (NatAbs) reactivity to phosphorylcholine (PC) and to some pro-inflammatory molecules in IgAD with or without autoimmune disorders. We observed that in the absence of IgA there is an enhancement of IgG subclasses functioning as NatAbs against PC. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) against lipopolysaccharide, C-reactive protein, and IgA was found in IgAD, regardless of the autoimmune manifestations. Nonetheless, IgAD patients with autoimmune disease showed significantly higher IgG reactivity against pro-inflammatory molecules, such as cardiolipin, oxidized low-density lipoproteins, and phosphatidylserine, with positive correlation between them. In conclusion, the IgG NatAbs against PC may represent a compensatory defense mechanism against infections and control excess of inflammation, explaining the asymptomatic status in the IgA deficiency.


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Da nicht-synonyme tumorspezifische Punktmutationen nur in malignen Geweben vorkommen und das veränderte Proteinprodukt vom Immunsystem als „fremd“ erkannt werden kann, stellen diese einen bisher ungenutzten Pool von Zielstrukturen für die Immuntherapie dar. Menschliche Tumore können individuell bis zu tausenden nicht-synonymer Punktmutationen in ihrem Genom tragen, welche nicht der zentralen Immuntoleranz unterliegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Hypothese zu untersuchen, dass das Immunsystem in der Lage sein sollte, mutierte Epitope auf Tumorzellen zu erkennen und zu klären, ob auf dieser Basis eine wirksame mRNA (RNA) basierte anti-tumorale Vakzinierung etabliert werden kann. Hierzu wurde von Ugur Sahin und Kollegen, das gesamte Genom des murinen B16-F10 Melanoms sequenziert und bioinformatisch analysiert. Im Rahmen der NGS Sequenzierung wurden mehr als 500 nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen identifiziert, von welchen 50 Mutationen selektiert und durch Sanger Sequenzierung validiert wurden. rnNach der Etablierung des immunologischen Testsysteme war eine Hauptfragestellung dieser Arbeit, die selektierten nicht-synonyme Punktmutationen in einem in vivo Ansatz systematisch auf Antigenität zu testen. Für diese Studien wurden mutierte Sequenzen in einer Länge von 27 Aminosäuren genutzt, in denen die mutierte Aminosäure zentral positioniert war. Durch die Länge der Peptide können prinzipiell alle möglichen MHC Klasse-I und -II Epitope abgedeckt werden, welche die Mutation enthalten. Eine Grundidee des Projektes Ansatzes ist es, einen auf in vitro transkribierter RNA basierten oligotopen Impfstoff zu entwickeln. Daher wurden die Impfungen naiver Mäuse sowohl mit langen Peptiden, als auch in einem unabhängigen Ansatz mit peptidkodierender RNA durchgeführt. Die Immunphänotypisierung der Impfstoff induzierten T-Zellen zeigte, dass insgesamt 16 der 50 (32%) mutierten Sequenzen eine T-Zellreaktivität induzierten. rnDie Verwendung der vorhergesagten Epitope in therapeutischen Vakzinierungsstudien bestätigten die Hypothese das mutierte Neo-Epitope potente Zielstrukturen einer anti-tumoralen Impftherapie darstellen können. So wurde in therapeutischen Tumorstudien gezeigt, dass auf Basis von RNA 9 von 12 bestätigten Epitopen einen anti-tumoralen Effekt zeigte.rnÜberaschenderweise wurde bei einem MHC Klasse-II restringierten mutiertem Epitop (Mut-30) sowohl in einem subkutanen, als auch in einem unabhängigen therapeutischen Lungenmetastasen Modell ein starker anti-tumoraler Effekt auf B16-F10 beobachtet, der dieses Epitop als neues immundominantes Epitop für das B16-F10 Melanom etabliert. Um den immunologischen Mechanismus hinter diesem Effekt näher zu untersuchen wurde in verschieden Experimenten die Rolle von CD4+, CD8+ sowie NK-Zellen zu verschieden Zeitpunkten der Tumorentwicklung untersucht. Die Analyse des Tumorgewebes ergab, eine signifikante erhöhte Frequenz von NK-Zellen in den mit Mut-30 RNA vakzinierten Tieren. Das NK Zellen in der frühen Phase der Therapie eine entscheidende Rolle spielen wurde anhand von Depletionsstudien bestätigt. Daran anschließend wurde gezeigt, dass im fortgeschrittenen Tumorstadium die NK Zellen keinen weiteren relevanten Beitrag zum anti-tumoralen Effekt der RNA Vakzinierung leisten, sondern die Vakzine induzierte adaptive Immunantwort. Durch die Isolierung von Lymphozyten aus dem Tumorgewebe und deren Einsatz als Effektorzellen im IFN-γ ELISPOT wurde nachgewiesen, dass Mut-30 spezifische T-Zellen das Tumorgewebe infiltrieren und dort u.a. IFN-γ sekretieren. Dass diese spezifische IFN-γ Ausschüttung für den beobachteten antitumoralen Effekt eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt wurde unter der Verwendung von IFN-γ -/- K.O. Mäusen bestätigt.rnDas Konzept der individuellen RNA basierten mutationsspezifischen Vakzine sieht vor, nicht nur mit einem mutations-spezifischen Epitop, sondern mit mehreren RNA-kodierten Mutationen Patienten zu impfen um der Entstehung von „escape“-Mutanten entgegenzuwirken. Da es nur Erfahrung mit der Herstellung und Verabreichung von Monotop-RNA gab, also RNA die für ein Epitop kodiert, war eine wichtige Fragestellungen, inwieweit Oligotope, welche die mutierten Sequenzen sequentiell durch Linker verbunden als Fusionsprotein kodieren, Immunantworten induzieren können. Hierzu wurden Pentatope mit variierender Position des einzelnen Epitopes hinsichtlich ihrer in vivo induzierten T-Zellreaktivitäten charakterisiert. Die Experimente zeigten, dass es möglich ist, unabhängig von der Position im Pentatop eine Immunantwort gegen ein Epitop zu induzieren. Des weiteren wurde beobachtet, dass die induzierten T-Zellfrequenzen nach Pentatop Vakzinierung im Vergleich zur Nutzung von Monotopen signifikant gesteigert werden kann.rnZusammenfassend wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit präklinisch erstmalig nachgewiesen, dass nicht-synonyme Mutationen eine numerisch relevante Quelle von Zielstrukturen für die anti-tumorale Immuntherapie darstellen. Überraschenderweise zeigte sich eine dominante Induktion MHC-II restringierter Immunantworten, welche partiell in der Lage waren massive Tumorabstoßungsreaktionen zu induzieren. Im Sinne einer Translation der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde ein RNA basiertes Oligotop-Format etabliert, welches Eingang in die klinische Testung des Konzeptes fand.rn


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Multiple HLA class I alleles can bind peptides with common sequence motifs due to structural similarities in the peptide binding cleft, and these groups of alleles have been classified into supertypes. Nine major HLA supertypes have been proposed, including an A24 supertype that includes A*2301, A*2402, and A*3001. Evidence for this A24 supertype is limited to HLA sequence homology and/or similarity in peptide binding motifs for the alleles. To investigate the immunological relevance of this proposed supertype, we have examined two viral epitopes (from EBV and CMV) initially defined as HLA-A*2301-binding peptides. The data clearly demonstrate that each peptide could be recognized by CTL clones in the context of A*2301 or A*2402; thus validating the inclusion of these three alleles within an A24 supertype. Furthermore, CTL responses to the EBV epitope were detectable in both A*2301(+) and A*2402(+) individuals who had been previously exposed to this virus. These data substantiate the biological relevance of the A24 supertype, and the identification of viral epitopes with the capacity to bind promiscuously across this supertype could aid efforts to develop CTL-based vaccines or immunotherapy. The degeneracy in HLA restriction displayed by some T cells in this study also suggests that the dogma of self-MHC restriction needs some refinement to accommodate foreign peptide recognition in the context of multiple supertype alleles.


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The specificity of human antileishmanial IgG and IgE antibodies to glycosylated antigens of Leishmania chagasi was evaluated. An ELISA was performed with soluble leishmanial antigen (SLA) and a panel of 95 sera including samples from patients with subclinical infection (SC) and visceral leishmaniasis (VL), subjects cured of visceral leishmaniasis (CVL), and from healthy individuals from endemic areas (HIEA). Antileishmanial IgG were verified for 18 (40%) of 45 SC subjects (mean absorbance of 0.49 ± 0.17). All nine sera from VL patients had such antibody (0.99 ± 0.21), while 11 (65%) of 17 CVL individuals were seropositive (0.46 ± 0.05). Only three (12%) of 24 HIEA controls reacted in IgG-ELISA. Antileishmanial IgE was detected in 26 (58%) of 45 SC patients (0.35 ± 0.14), and in all VL patients (0.65 ± 0.29). These antibodies were also detected in 13(76%) of 17 CVL subjects (0.42 ± 0.14) while all HIEA controls were seronegative. There was no correlation between antileishmanial IgG and IgE antibody absorbances. Mild periodate oxidation at acid pH of SLA carbohydrates drastically diminished its antigenicity in both IgG and IgE-ELISA, affecting mainly the antigens of 125, 102, 94, and 63 kDa as demonstrated by western immunoblotting.


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Paramyosin and Sm14 are two of the six antigens selected by the World Health Organization as candidates to compose a subunit vaccine against schistosomiasis. Both antigens are recognized by individuals naturally resistant to Schistosoma mansoni infection and induced protective immunity in the murine model. Three Sm14 epitopes and eleven paramyosin epitopes were selected by their ability to bind to different HLA-DR molecules using the TEPITOPE computer program, and these peptides were synthetically produced. The cellular recognition of Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of individuals living in endemic area for schistosomiasis was tested by T cell proliferation assay. Among all Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes studied, Sm14-3 was preferentially recognized by individuals naturally resistant to S. mansoni infection while Para-5 was preferentially recognized by individuals resistant to reinfection. These two peptides represent promising antigens to be used in an experimental vaccine against schistosomiasis, since their preferential recognition by resistant individuals suggest their involvement in the induction of protective immunity.


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Peptide Ags presented by class I MHC molecules on human melanomas and that are recognized by CD8(+) T cells are the subjects of many studies of antitumor immunity and represent attractive candidates for therapeutic approaches. However, no direct quantitative measurements exist to reveal their expression hierarchy on the cell surface. Using novel recombinant Abs which bind these Ags with a peptide-specific, MHC-restricted manner, we demonstrate a defined pattern of expression hierarchy of peptide-HLA-A2 complexes derived from three major differentiation Ags: gp100, Melan-A/Mart-1, and tyrosinase. Studying melanoma cell lines derived from multiple patients, we reveal a surprisingly high level of presentation of tyrosinase-derived complexes and moderate to very low expression of complexes derived from other Ags. No correlation between Ag presentation and mRNA expression was found; however, protein stability may play a major role. These results provide new insights into the characteristics of Ag presentation and are particularly important when such targets are being considered for immunotherapy. These results may shed new light on relationships between Ag presentation and immune response to cancer Ags.


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This dissertation addressed the hypothesis that the unique tumor specific transplantation antigens (TSTA) of chemically induced sarcomas express epitopes encoded by endogenous viral genes. TSTA from two 3-methylcholanthrene-induced, C3H/HeJ fibrosarcomas (MCA-F and MCA-D) were serologically assessed for viral epitopes in an enzyme-linked immunospecific assay (ELISA) and by immunoaffinity chromatography. Initial evidence with an anti-TSTA antiserum suggested that TSTA were associated with mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) peptides, but not peptides from murine leukemia virus (MuLV). TSTA extracted from MCA-F, was assessed with specific anti viral antibodies at three levels of purification for its association with MuLV peptides (gp 70 and p 15E) and MMTV peptides (gp52, gp36 and p27). The results demonstrate that purified preparations enriched for TSTA activity are devoid of MuLV epitopes, but enriched for a subset of MMTV epitopes. Immunoaffinity supports constructed with anti-MMTV antibodies retained TSTA from partially purified MCA-F or MCA-D extracts. Immunoaffinity chromatography with antibodies against individual MMTV peptides demonstrated that the MCA-F TSTA was specifically retained by anti-gp36 and anti-p27 supports, but not by anti-gp52 supports nor a support made with bovine serum albumin. Analysis of the affinity purified TSTA preparations by HPGPC and SDS-PAGE revealed only a few components. Application of the anti-gp36 and anti-p27 retained materials to HPGPC and subsequent in vivo analysis demonstrated that the TSTA migrated in a low and a high molecular weight region. These results suggest that TSTA specificity in C3H/HeJ mice, results from MMTV recombinant proteins. ^


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Plasmodium falciparum parasites evade the host immune system by clonal expression of the variant antigen, P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1). Antibodies to PfEMP1 correlate with development of clinical immunity but are predominantly variant-specific. To overcome this major limitation for vaccine development, we set out to identify cross-reactive epitopes on the surface of parasitized erythrocytes (PEs). We prepared mAbs to the cysteine-rich interdomain region 1 (CIDR1) of PfEMP1 that is functionally conserved for binding to CD36. Two mAbs, targeting different regions of CIDR1, reacted with multiple P. falciparum strains expressing variant PfEMP1s. One of these mAbs, mAb 6A2-B1, recognized nine of 10 strains tested, failing to react with only one strain that does not bind CD36. Flow cytometry with Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing variant CIDR1s demonstrated that both mAbs recognized the CIDR1 of various CD36-binding PfEMP1s and are truly cross-reactive. The demonstration of cross-reactive epitopes on the PE surface provides further credence for development of effective vaccines against the variant antigen on the surface of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes.


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Sm14 and paramyosin are two major Schistosoma mansoni vaccine candidate antigens. Recently, we have identified Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes that are recognized by T cells of resistant individuals living in endemic areas for schistosomiasis. Herein, mice were immunized with these peptides separately or in association in order to evaluate their vaccine potential. Immunization of mice with Sm14 peptides alone or mixed with paramyosin peptides was able to induce 26%-36.7% or 28%-29.2% of worm burden reduction, 67% or 46% of intestinal eggs reduction and also 54%-61% or 43%-52% of liver pathology reduction, respectively. Protection was associated with a Th1 type of immune response induced by Sm14 peptide immunization. In contrast, paramyosin peptide vaccination did not engender protective immunity or liver pathology reduction and immunization was associated with a Th2 type of immune response. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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P>Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 protease is a known target of CD8+ T cell responses, but it is the only HIV-1 protein in which no fully characterized HIV-1 protease CD4 epitopes have been identified to date. We investigated the recognition of HIV-1 protease by CD4+ T cells from 75 HIV-1-infected, protease inhibitor (PI)-treated patients, using the 5,6-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-based proliferation assay. In order to identify putative promiscuous CD4+ T cell epitopes, we used the TEPITOPE algorithm to scan the sequence of the HXB2 HIV-1 protease. Protease regions 4-23, 45-64 and 73-95 were identified; 32 sequence variants of the mentioned regions, encoding frequent PI-induced mutations and polymorphisms, were also tested. On average, each peptide bound to five of 15 tested common human leucocyte antigen D-related (HLA-DR) molecules. More than 80% of the patients displayed CD4+ as well as CD8+ T cell recognition of at least one of the protease peptides. All 35 peptides were recognized. The response was not associated with particular HLA-DR or -DQ alleles. Our results thus indicate that protease is a frequent target of CD4+ along with CD8+ proliferative T cell responses by the majority of HIV-1-infected patients under PI therapy. The frequent finding of matching CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses to the same peptides may indicate that CD4+ T cells provide cognate T cell help for the maintenance of long-living protease-specific functional CD8+ T cells.


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This study describes a simple method for long-term establishment of human ovarian tumor lines and prediction of T-cell epitopes that could be potentially useful in the generation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), Nine ovarian tumor lines (INT.Ov) were generated from solid primary or metastatic tumors as well as from ascitic fluid, Notably all lines expressed HLA class I, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), polymorphic epithelial mucin (PEM) and cytokeratin (CK), but not HLA class II, B7.1 (CD80) or BAGE, While of the 9 lines tested 4 (INT.Ov1, 2, 5 and 6) expressed the folate receptor (FR-alpha) and 6 (INT.Ov1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 9) expressed the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR); MAGE-1 and p185(HER-2/neu) were only found in 2 lines (INT.Ov1 and 2) and GAGE-1 expression in 1 line (INT.Ov2). The identification of class I MHC ligands and T-cell epitopes within protein antigens was achieved by applying several theoretical methods including: 1) similarity or homology searches to MHCPEP; 2) BIMAS and 3) artificial neural network-based predictions of proteins MACE, GAGE, EGFR, p185(HER-2/neu) and FR-alpha expressed in INT.Ov lines, Because of the high frequency of expression of some of these proteins in ovarian cancer and the ability to determine HLA binding peptides efficiently, it is expected that after appropriate screening, a large cohort of ovarian cancer patients may become candidates to receive peptide based vaccines. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Treatment of human cancers with an inherent antigen-processing defect due to a loss of peptide transporters (TAP-1 and TAP-2) and/or MHC class I antigen expression remains a considerable challenge. There is now an increasing realization that tumor cells with down-regulated expression of TAP and/or MHC class I antigens display strong resistance to cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)mediated immune control, and often fail to respond to the conventional immunotherapeutic protocols based on active immunization with tumor-associated epitopes (TAE) or adoptive transfer of tumor-specific T cells, In the present study, we describe a novel approach based on immunization with either genetically modified tumor cells or naked DNA vectors encoding TAE fused to an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) signal sequence (ER-TAE) which affords protection against challenge by melanoma cells with down-regulated expression of TAP-1/2 and MHC class I antigens. In contrast, animals immunized with a vaccine based on TAE alone showed no protection against tumor challenge. Although MHC-peptide tetramer analysis showed a similar frequency of antigen-specific CTL in both ER-TAE- and TAE-immunized mice, functional analysis revealed that CTL activated following immunization with ER-TAE displayed significantly higher avidity for TAE when compared to animals immunized with the TAE alone, These observations provide a new strategy in anti-cancer vaccine design that allows activation of a highly effective and well-defined CTL response against tumors with down-regulated expression of TAP and MHC class I antigens.


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Rheumatic fever (RF)/rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis are thought to be autoimmune diseases, and follow group A streptococcal (GAS) infection. Different GAS M types have been associated with rheumatogenicity or nephritogenicity and categorized into either of two distinct classes (I or II) based on amino acid sequences present within the repeat region ('C' repeats) of the M protein. Sera from ARF patients have previously been shown to contain elevated levels of antibodies to the class I-specific epitope and myosin with the class I-specific antibodies also being cross-reactive to myosin, suggesting a disease association. This study shows that immunoreactivity of the class I-specific peptide and myosin does not differ between controls and acute RF (ARF)/RHD in populations that are highly endemic for GAS, raising the possibility that the association is related to GAS exposure, not the presence of ARF/RHD. Peptide inhibition studies suggest that the class I epitope may be conformational and residue 10 of the peptide is critical for antibody binding. We demonstrate that correlation of antibody levels between the class I and II epitope is due to class II-specific antibodies recognizing a common epitope with class I which is contained within the sequence RDL-ASRE. Our results suggest that antibody prevalence to class I and II epitopes and myosin is associated with GAS exposure, and that antibodies to these epitopes are not an indicator of disease nor a pathogenic factor in endemic populations.