973 resultados para nematode, species description, synonym, 18S, morphometry
FAPESP 2009/14019-0
The adult, pupal and larval morphology of S. argentiscutum sp. nov., a member of the S. amazonicum-group, is compared with S. amazonicum Goeldi and its distribution, biology and medical importance are discussed. S. argentiscutum is one the most important anthropophilic species in the S. amazonicum-group as it is responsible, together with S. amazonicum, for the transmission of Mansonella ozzardi in Brazil.
A new species of a cucullanid nematode is described, illustrated and compared with Cucullanus brevispiculus Moravec, Kohn & Fernandes, 1993 and C. rhamphichthydis Moravec, Kohn & Fernandes, 1997, two species previously reported as parasitizing freshwater fish in South America. The new species is characterized mainly by markedly short spicules, deirids and excretory pore situated posterior to the oesophago-intestinal junction, presence of strongly sclerotized plates in the oesophastome and oesophagus divided into two distinct portions.
Comparing the mitochondrial genomes of Wolbachia-dependent and independent filarial nematode species
Converging TGF-β and insulin-like neuroendocrine signaling pathways regulate whether Caenorhabditis elegans develops reproductively or arrests at the dauer larval stage. We examined whether neurotransmitters act in the dauer entry or recovery pathways. Muscarinic agonists promote recovery from dauer arrest induced by pheromone as well as by mutations in the TGF-β pathway. Dauer recovery in these animals is inhibited by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. Muscarinic agonists do not induce dauer recovery of either daf-2 or age-1 mutant animals, which have defects in the insulin-like signaling pathway. These data suggest that a metabotropic acetylcholine signaling pathway activates an insulin-like signal during C. elegans dauer recovery. Analogous and perhaps homologous cholinergic regulation of mammalian insulin release by the autonomic nervous system has been noted. In the parasitic nematode Ancylostoma caninum, the dauer larval stage is the infective stage, and recovery to the reproductive stage normally is induced by host factors. Muscarinic agonists also induce and atropine potently inhibits in vitro recovery of A. caninum dauer arrest. We suggest that host or parasite insulin-like signals may regulate recovery of A. caninum and could be potential targets for antihelminthic drugs.
The two potato cyst nematode species, Globodera pallida and G. rostochiensis, are among the most important pests of potato. PCN are difficult to manage, while the two species respond differently to the main control methods. An increase in the incidence of G. pallida had been reported and is generally attributed to greater effectiveness of control measures against G. rostochiensis. The status of PCN in Ireland was studied using PCR. The results demonstrated qPCR to be an efficient means of high-throughput PCN sampling, being able to accurately identify both species in mixed-species populations. Species discrimination using qPCR revealed an increase in the incidence of G. pallida in Ireland in the absence of G. pallida-selective control measures. The population dynamics of G. pallida and G. rostochiensis in Ireland were studied in mixed- and single-species competition assays in vivo. G. pallida proved to be the more successful species, with greater multiplication in mixed- than single-species populations, with G. rostochiensis showing the opposite. This effect was similarly observed in staggered inoculation trials and population proportion trials. It was hypothesised that the greater G. pallida competitiveness could be attributed to its later hatch. G. pallida exhibited a later peak in hatching activity and more prolonged hatch, relative to G. rostochiensis. G. rostochiensis hatch was significantly reduced in mixedspecies hatching assays. G. pallida hatch was significantly higher when hatch was induced in potato root leachates containing G. rostochiensis-specific compounds, indicating that G. pallida hatch is stimulated upon perception of G. rostochiensis–derived compounds. Rhizotron studies revealed that root damage, caused by feeding of the early-hatching G. rostochiensis, resulted in increased lateral root proliferation and significantly increased G. pallida multiplication. Split-root trials indicated a significant G. pallida-induced ISR effect. G. rostochiensis multiplication was significantly reduced in split-root rhizotrons when G. pallida colonised roots before or after G. rostochiensis infection.
Phylum-wide transcriptome analysis of oogenesis and early embryogenesis in selected nematode species
Oogenesis is a prerequisite for embryogenesis in Metazoa. During both biological processes important decisions must be made to form the embryo and hence ensure the next generation: (1) Maternal gene products (mRNAs, proteins and nutrients) must be supplied to the embryo. (2) Polarity must be established and axes must be specified. While incorporation of maternal gene products occurs during oogenesis, the time point of polarity establishment and axis specification varies among species, as it is accomplished either prior, during, or after fertilisation. But not only the time point when these events take place varies among species but also the underlying mechanisms by which they are triggered. For the nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans the underlying pathways and gene regulatory networks (GRNs) are well understood. It is known that there the sperm entry point initiates a primary polarity in the 1-celled egg and with it the establishment of the anteroposterior axis. However, studies of other nematodes demonstrated that polarity establishment can be independent of sperm entry (Goldstein et al., 1998; Lahl et al., 2006) and that cleavage patterns, symmetry formation and cell specification also differ from C. elegans. In contrast to the studied Chromadorea (more derived nematodes including C. elegans), embryos of some marine Enoplea (more basal representatives) even show no discernible early polarity and blastomeres can adopt variable cell fates (Voronov and Panchin 1998). The underlying pathways controlling the obviously variant embryonic processes in non-Caenorhabditis nematodes are essentially unknown. In this thesis I addressed this issue by performing a detailed unbiased comparative transcriptome analysis based on microarrays and RNA sequencing of selected developmental stages in a variety of nematodes from different phylogenetic branches with C. elegans as a reference system and a nematomorph as an outgroup representative. In addition, I made use of available genomic data to determine the presence or absence of genes for which no expression had been detected. In particular, I focussed on components of selected pathways or GRNs which are known to play essential roles during C. elegans development and/or other invertebrate or vertebrate model systems. Oogenesis must be regulated differently in non-Caenorhabditis nematodes, as crucial controlling components of Wnt and sex determination signaling are absent in these species. In this respect, I identified female-specific expression of potential polarity associated genes during gonad development and oogenesis in the Enoplean nematode Romanomermis culicivorax. I could show that known downstream components of the polarity complexes PAR-3/-6/PKC-3 and PAR-1/-2 are absent in non-Caenorhabditis species. Even PAR-2 as part of the polarity complex does not exist in these nematodes. Instead, transcriptomes of nematodes (including C. elegans), show expression of other polarity-associated complexes such as the Lgl (Lethal giant larvae) complex. This result could pose an alternative route for nematodes and nematomorphs to initiate polarity during early embryogenesis. I could show that crucial pathways of axis specification, such as Wnt and BMP are very different in C. elegans compared to other nematodes. In the former, Wnt signaling, for instance, is mediated by four paralogous beta-catenins, while other Chromadorea have fewer and Enoplea only one beta-catenin. The transcriptomes of R. culicivorax and the nematomorph show that regulators of BMP (e.g. Chordin), are specifically expressed during early embryogenesis only in Enoplea and the close outgroup of nematomorphs. In conclusion, my results demonstrate that the molecular machinery controlling oogenesis and embryogenesis in nematodes is unexpectedly variable and C. elegans cannot be taken as a general model for nematode development. Under this perspective, Enoplean nematodes show more similarities with outgroups than with C. elegans. It appears that certain pathway components were lost or gained during evolution and others adopted new functions. Based on my findings I can conjecture, which pathway components may be ancestral and which were newly acquired in the course of nematode evolution.
Simulium (Pternaspatha) diamantinum n. sp. is described from females, males, pupae and larvae, collected at Mendoza, San Juan and Neuquén. Some specimens of this species from Laguna del Diamante were included before by Wygodzinsky and Coscarón (1967) in S. strigidorsum Enderlein. The new species is compared with closely related species of the S. (Pternaspatha) "nigristrigatum group". The following synonym is established: Simulium (Pternaspatha) bachmanni Wygodzinsky & Coscarón = Simulium (Pternaspatha) nigristrigatum (Enderlein).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Tropiduridae (Squamata: Iguania) is a lizard taxon widely distributed in the neotropics. Among its representatives, some species are classified as generalists regarding habitat usage. Others exhibit a very restricted and probably relict distribution, and are strongly associated with predominantly sandy and dry habitats. Within this rather ecologically similar than phylogenetically closely related group we examined specimens of Eurolophosaurus amathites, E. divaricatus, Tropidurus hygomi, T. psammonastes for endoparasites. In all four species examined we recorded parasitic nematodes (Nemathelminthes: Nematoda). At least three nematode species were recovered: Parapharyngodon sp., Physaloptera lutzi and Strongyluris oscari, with Ph. lutzi being the most abundant parasite encountered in all lizard species examined. In spite of the hosts' habitat specialization, these parasites are also found frequently in non-psammophilous tropidurid species as well as in other squamates. Individual species richness per lizard was low, with usually just one species parasitizing at a time. These are the first parasites registered for these tropidurids and constitute a total of six new host records.
This study aims to analyse the degree of completeness of world inventory of the mite family Phytoseiidae and the factors that might determine the process of species description. The world data set includes 2,122 valid species described from 1839 to 2010. Species accumulation curves were analysed. The effect of localisation (latitude ranges) and body size on the species description patterns over space and time was assessed. A low proportion of species seems remain to be described, but this trend could be explained by a critical reduction in the number of specialists dedicated to the study of those mites. In addition, this trend refers to the areas where phytoseiids have been well studied around the world, and it may change considerably if the study of these mites would be intensified in some areas. The number of newly described species is lower near the tropics, and their body size is also smaller. Differences in body size were noted between the three sub-families of Phytoseiidae, the highest mean body lengths of adult females being observed for Amblyseiinae, the most diverse family. In the future, collections would have certainly to take into consideration such conclusions for instance in using more adequate optical equipment especially for field collections. The decrease in the number of phytoseiid mite described was confirmed and the factors that could explain such a trend are discussed. Information for improving further inventories is provided and discussed, especially in relation to sampling localization and study methods.
Food items and nematode parasites were identified from the stomachs of 42 individuals of Phocoena phocoena, 6 of Lagenorhynchus acutus and 8 of L. albirostris stranded off the coastal waters of Northern Scotland between 2004 and 2014. Post-mortem examinations have revealed heavy parasitic worm burdens. Four nematode species complex as Anisakis spp., Contracaeucum spp., Pseudoterronova spp., and Hysterothylacium spp. were recorded. Data on presence of the anisakid species in cetaceans, reported a significative relationship between the presence of Hysterothylacium and the month of host stranding; suggesting a decrease of larval H. aduncum abundance in the period between April and August due to a seasonal effect related to prey availability. Similarly, the parasite burden of the all anisakid genera was related to the year fraction of stranding, and a relationship statistically significant was found just for L. albirostris with an increase between April and October. This finding is explained by a seasonality in occurrence of white-beaked dolphins, with a peak during August, that might be related to movements of shared prey species and competition with other species (Tursiops truncatus). Geographical differences were observed in parasites number of all anisakid species, which was the highest in cetaceans from the East area and lowest in the North coast. The parasites number also increased significantly with the length of the animal and during the year, but with a significant seasonal pattern only for P. phocoena. Regarding diet composition, through a data set consisting of 34 harbour porpoises and 1 Atlantic white-sided dolphins, we found a positive association between parasite number and the cephalopods genus Alloteuthis. This higher level of parasite infection in squid from this area, is probably due to a quantitative distribution of infective forms in squid prey, an abundance of the final host and age or size maturity of squid.
A new species of thorny catfish (family Doradidae) is described as a member of genus Leptodoras Boulenger by having a modified oral hood and first gill arch with enlarged accessory lamellae extending well onto medial face of gill filaments. The new species is distinguished by three characteristics unique within Leptodoras: gas bladder moderately sized (not reduced) with simple walls (diverticula absent), and paired bony capsules on anteriormost vertebrae reduced to paired cup-like laminar ossifications separated by triangular septum. The new species was discovered from material recently collected in the Tapajós basin at Serra do Cachimbo and in the headwaters of rio Xingu. The species description is supplemented by a detailed osteological description, discussion on its placement among congeners, and a re-evaluation of the diagnosis of Leptodoras and its relationships with sister taxon Anduzedoras oxyrhynchus. In addition, the distributions of several species of Leptodoras are expanded based on recent collecting efforts and identification of museum specimens not previously studied.