1000 resultados para nature appreciation


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A Educação para a Conservação é um campo de pesquisa que se dedica ao estudo das reflexões éticas e das atitudes humanas direcionadas para com o respeito que se deve ter com o ambiente, principalmente pelo estabelecimento de ações conservacionistas pautadas em interações educativas. Os Zoos, de modo geral, estão inseridos nessa perspectiva, uma vez que se apresentam como instituições de cunho educativo voltadas para a conservação da biodiversidade. No entanto, o discurso expositivo apresentado por esses aparatos culturais no Brasil, muitas vezes, não contempla tais elementos em suas exposições. Por este motivo, buscou-se a análise de exposições zoológicas também no exterior, que contemplassem discursos sobre a conservação da biodiversidade em suas exposições, tendo sido escolhida a exposição do Zoo de Barcelona, Espanha, para a realização desta investigação. A pesquisa teve por objetivos compreender como a conservação da biodiversidade é abordada na exposição deste zoológico catalão, com base na formulação de saberes de referência constituídos a partir de diferentes áreas: os Movimentos Ambientalistas, a Filosofia da Conservação e as Éticas Ambientais. Igualmente, buscou-se compreender como o discurso expositivo sobre conservação encontra-se apresentado nos aparatos expográficos distribuídos ao longo da exposição, bem como em livros e documentos. Compreendendo a investigação como um Estudo de Caso, foram acessados documentos institucionais de acesso público encontrados no site da instituição e textos presentes nos painéis expositivos. As análises foram realizadas com base no referencial teórico da Transposição Didática/Museográfica, que permite o estudo da exposição por ao menos três lógicas: a lógica do discurso; a lógica do espaço; e a lógica do gesto. Além disso, o mesmo referencial prevê o estabelecimento de um saber de referência ou saber sábio pautado no conhecimento epistemológico sobre a conservação da biodiversidade e, nesta pesquisa, no discurso de pesquisadores da área, que foram entrevistados sobre este assunto. Este saber de referência ou saber sábio possibilitou a criação de um conjunto de categorias de análise que pautou a análise do discurso expositivo apresentado pelo Zoo de Barcelona. As categorias criadas foram classificadas em duas dimensões: a dos Valores e a das Ações. Duas categorias, a Antropocêntrica e a Não antropocêntrica constituíram a Dimensão dos Valores e quatro categorias, a Desenvolvimentista, a Sustentabilista, a Sócio-humanística e a Técnico-científica constituíram a Dimensão das Ações. Os resultados apontaram que o discurso expositivo é composto predominantemente por informações Técnico-científicas e Sustentabilistas, ambas as categorias contextualizadas por uma visão não antropocêntrica de valorização da natureza. A forma como o discurso expositivo encontra-se apresentado na parte textual da exposição corrobora a linha conceitual de assuntos abordados nos grandes eventos globais promovidos pela ONU ao longo dos últimos 40 anos, sobre a conservação do meio ambiente. Categorias como a Sócio-humanística, a Antropocêntrica e a Dimensão dos Valores foram pouco abordadas. A categoria Desenvolvimentista não foi encontrada na exposição. Pelas evidências levantadas durante a análise dos dados pode-se concluir que o Zoo de Barcelona apresenta um discurso expositivo conservacionista e que há elementos suficientes na exposição para se apontar o desenvolvimento de uma Educação para a Conservação.


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Connectedness to nature (i.e., an affective and experiential connection to nature) is known to have a positive effect on psychological well-being, but its specific associations with body image have not been fully examined. To attend to this oversight, we conducted a preliminary investigation of associations between connectedness to nature and body appreciation. A total of 380 British adults completed measures of connectedness to nature, body appreciation, and self-esteem. Bivariate correlations revealed significant positive associations between all variables in women. In men, body appreciation was significantly correlated with self-esteem, but not connectedness to nature. Mediation analysis showed that, in women, self-esteem fully mediated the relationship between connectedness to nature and body appreciation. In men, body appreciation was significantly associated with self-esteem, but not connectedness to nature. These results point to a potential route for improving body image among women through connectedness to nature and self-esteem, but further research is necessary.


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Introduction. – Attitude toward nature and attitude toward environmental protection are two separate but correlated attitudes. Little is known about the two attitudes’ stability/volatility over time, despite the practical value of such knowledge. Objectives & method. – Using longitudinal survey data from 251 adults in a cross-lagged structural equation model, we assessed the degree of spontaneous (i.e., unprompted) change in the two attitudes. We also considered whether such change could provide evidence regarding causal direction; causation could go in either of two directions between the two attitudes, or it could even be bi-directional. Results. – We corroborated the substantive connection between attitude toward nature and attitude toward environmental protection; however, the absence of change in the attitudes despite the passage of two years disallows reliable statements about causal direction. Conclusion. – It is possible to protect the environment by encouraging appreciation of nature, but change in attitude toward nature and attitude toward environmental protection may be difficult to achieve with mature individuals.


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There exists a general consensus in the science education literature around the goal of enhancing students. and teachers. views of nature of science (NOS). An emerging area of research in science education explores NOS and argumentation, and the aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness of a science content course incorporating explicit NOS and argumentation instruction on preservice primary teachers. views of NOS. A constructivist perspective guided the study, and the research strategy employed was case study research. Five preservice primary teachers were selected for intensive investigation in the study, which incorporated explicit NOS and argumentation instruction, and utilised scientific and socioscientific contexts for argumentation to provide opportunities for participants to apply their NOS understandings to their arguments. Four primary sources of data were used to provide evidence for the interpretations, recommendations, and implications that emerged from the study. These data sources included questionnaires and surveys, interviews, audio- and video-taped class sessions, and written artefacts. Data analysis involved the formation of various assertions that informed the major findings of the study, and a variety of validity and ethical protocols were considered during the analysis to ensure the findings and interpretations emerging from the data were valid. Results indicated that the science content course was effective in enabling four of the five participants. views of NOS to be changed. All of the participants expressed predominantly limited views of the majority of the examined NOS aspects at the commencement of the study. Many positive changes were evident at the end of the study with four of the five participants expressing partially informed and/or informed views of the majority of the examined NOS aspects. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the various course components designed to facilitate the development of participants‟ views of NOS in the study, led to the identification of three factors that mediated the development of participants‟ NOS views: (a) contextual factors (including context of argumentation, and mode of argumentation), (b) task-specific factors (including argumentation scaffolds, epistemological probes, and consideration of alternative data and explanations), and (c) personal factors (including perceived previous knowledge about NOS, appreciation of the importance and utility value of NOS, and durability and persistence of pre-existing beliefs). A consideration of the above factors informs recommendations for future studies that seek to incorporate explicit NOS and argumentation instruction as a context for learning about NOS.


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Depuis quelques temps, on note que les objets d’apparence artisanale symbolisent souvent des qualités écologiques telles que des matériaux naturels et une fabrication éthique. Les visées de l’étude ont été d’explorer les perceptions à l’égard des objets à caractère artisanal et cela, en vue de reconnaître quelles qualités écologiques sont attribuées à ces derniers, tout en tentant de comprendre les raisons qui se cachent derrière ces associations. Une étude auprès d’usagers a permis d’explorer l’ensemble des qualités pouvant être liées à ce type d’objet, en considérant plus précisément le rapport entre les qualités écologiques leur étant accordées et leur durée de vie projetée. Pour ce faire, au cours d’entretiens individuels, des thèmes comme l’appréciation à long terme, la signification et la considération de la diversité culturelle ont été examinés. Les résultats montrent entre autres que les objets à caractère artisanal sont caractérisés comme étant composés de matériaux naturels et sains pour la santé des usagers. Leur usure est reconnue comme éveillant les représentations quant à leur « histoire », alors que leur originalité leur confère une « âme ». Enfin, car ils sont considérés comme ayant été fabriqués par des créateurs autonomes, ces objets sont associés à des conditions de travail éthiques et sont perçus comme étant capables de faire tourner l’économie locale. Les renseignements recueillis peuvent informer les théories et la pratique en design industriel quant à la disposition des objets à caractère artisanal à être appréciés par les usagers, de leur durée de vie projetée et du désir de les entretenir et de les léguer. Ce projet constitue un premier répertoire des perceptions entourant ce type d’objet, un champ de recherche encore très peu documenté, malgré qu’il s’inscrive à l’intérieur d’un contexte environnemental et social bien actuel. Les résultats obtenus contribuent à leur façon à la perspective d’une conception, d’une fabrication et d’une consommation davantage viables.


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This is a study of the opportunities currently provided by interactive science and technology centres for visitors' engagement in the field of acoustics. E-mails, requesting a description of exhibits on acoustics (sound and hearing) in use, were sent to members of staff of interactive science and technology centres around the world as well as to companies that design and sell exhibits. Eighty-seven descriptions of distinctive interactive exhibits were received and analysed. Results show that: there are few analogy-based exhibits concerning the more complex aspects of acoustics; narratives involving visitors' everyday lives, that might provide continuity between and beyond the situations presented by exhibits, are not generally provided; science is emphasised at the expense of technology; the risks, benefits and ethical implications of relevant technological artefacts are rarely mentioned; the majority of the exhibits are concerned with the fields of fundamental acoustics, hearing, and psychoacoustics. It is suggested that interactive science and technology centres need to rethink the design of exhibits about acoustics if their mission includes some appreciation of this important branch of science and technology.


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Ecotourism is an important niche market in the world tourism industry. It is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to mass tourism. The emergence of ecotourism was facilitated by the environmental damage associated with mass tourism. Ecotourism is defined in many ways and there is no consensus as to its exact meaning. However, a number of salient elements, such as environmental conservation, maintenance of biodiversity, a satisfying experience for the visitors, study and appreciation of nature and sustainable community development, are included in many definitions. Tourism creates negative environmental externalities in the form of environmental damage. Such adverse effects can have serious implications for the tourism industry because they damage the very natural resource that forms the raw material for ecotourism. Ecotourism ventures should thus be properly planned and implemented and carefully monitored. Proper planning of ecotourism is hampered by the paucity of relevant qualitative and quantitative information. The use of analytical tools such as the Contingent Valuation Method, carrying capacity, decision analysis techniques with which multiobjective and uncertain consequences can be analysed, and other management strategies, such as the Safe Minimum Standard, can be useful in enabling better planning of ecotourism. Ecotourism can thus enhance the opportunities for better management of natural resources while providing a satisfying experience for the visitor.


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The world in color presents a dazzling dimension of phenotypic variation. Biological interest in this variation has burgeoned, due to both increased means for quantifying spectral information and heightened appreciation for how animals view the world differently than humans. Effective study of color traits is challenged by how to best quantify visual perception in nonhuman species. This requires consideration of at least visual physiology but ultimately also the neural processes underlying perception. Our knowledge of color perception is founded largely on the principles gained from human psychophysics that have proven generalizable based on comparative studies in select animal models. Appreciation of these principles, their empirical foundation, and the reasonable limits to their applicability is crucial to reaching informed conclusions in color research. In this article, we seek a common intellectual basis for the study of color in nature. We first discuss the key perceptual principles, namely, retinal photoreception, sensory channels, opponent processing, color constancy, and receptor noise. We then draw on this basis to inform an analytical framework driven by the research question in relation to identifiable viewers and visual tasks of interest. Consideration of the limits to perceptual inference guides two primary decisions: first, whether a sensory-based approach is necessary and justified and, second, whether the visual task refers to perceptual distance or discriminability. We outline informed approaches in each situation and discuss key challenges for future progress, focusing particularly on how animals perceive color. Given that animal behavior serves as both the basic unit of psychophysics and the ultimate driver of color ecology/evolution, behavioral data are critical to reconciling knowledge across the schools of color research.


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The effects of nature on people's mind have been an active research theme for decades. However, the impact of people's mind on landscape ecological health has received less attention. How and why perception, meanings and mental constructs determine the way nature is valued and consequently managed? How this interplay should be? These are in some cases more relevant questions than knowing what particular landscapes are preferred (Carlson 1993). This was the underlying inquiry in the focus group experience held in a natural protected area in La Rioja (Spain). Participants were asked to locate in a map areas representing low/high quality in terms of ecology and aesthetics. Some relevant conclusions for landscape management were derived from the analysis of participant's discourse in terms of ecological aesthetical appreciation and their consideration about how human takes place in nature.


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The goal of this project was to explore activism, attitudes, and imagery connecting Black churchgoers in Miami, Florida and the natural environment. The research approach was qualitative, began as exploratory research, and used the techniques of snowball sampling, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews. Three case studies representing various socio-economic levels, denominations, participant education levels, and environmental facets were chosen for in-depth ethnographic research. There are three major findings in the research. First, there is a link between the preservation of Black history and the preservation of the environment among Black churchgoers, who feel strong connections to a sense of place, rural life, and the past. However their work is strongly directed to bring about benefits for people and the environment in the present and the future. Second, public access to public lands is a basic and important right espoused by these Black churchgoing activists. Third, the vocabulary used by Black churchgoing activists regarding the natural environment differs from today's “mainstream” environmentalists. The concept of “beauty” is pivotal to Black appreciation of and activism toward the environment and is reminiscent of the early environmental protection movement in the United States and conservationists such as John Muir. These findings concerning how Black spirituality relates to the environment adds to the sparse literature on the subject, and provides for potential linkages between Blacks and “mainstream” environmental groups to benefit both parties. An understanding of the connections between Black spirituality and perceptions of the environment should facilitate the development of better programs to improve and protect the environment. Environmental projects may also address the social and economic needs of Black communities, churches, and congregations, as well as the ecosystem. ^


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Here, we sought to replicate previous work showing a relationship between connectedness to nature and body appreciation, and extend it by examining associations between exposure to natural environments and other body image-related variables. An online sample of 399 U.S. women and men (Mage = 34.55 years) completed measures of body appreciation, connectedness to nature, nature exposure, appearance investment, sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, and self-esteem. Path analysis showed that nature exposure and connectedness to nature, respectively, were associated with body appreciation in women and men, both directly and indirectly via self-esteem. Connectedness to nature also mediated the link between nature exposure and body appreciation. In men, but not women, the link between connectedness to nature and body appreciation was also mediated by appearance investment and internalisation of a muscular ideal. These results may point to novel methods for promoting more positive body image in adults through engagement with nature.


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The main objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of outdoor education on student knowledge retention, appreciation for nature, and environmental activism in a college level course on south Florida ecology. Six class sections were given quizzes on four course topics either post-lecture or post-field trip. Students were also given pre-course and post-course opinion surveys. Although mean quiz scores for the post-field trip were higher than for the post-lecture, statistical analysis determined that there was no significant difference in quiz scores for location taken (post-lecture or post-field trip). Survey results show a correlation between knowledge of environmental issues and environmental activism. Even though student survey responses point to outdoor education and field trips being the most effective method of learning and influential on appreciation for nature, the quiz scores do not reflect such.