997 resultados para native gels


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Superoxide dismutase has been discovered within the periplasm of several Gram-negative pathogens. We studied the Cu,Zn-SOD enzyme in Escherichia coli isolated from clinical samples (stool samples) collected from patients suffering from diarrhea. Antibiogram studies of the isolates were carried out to determine the sensitive and resistant strains. The metal co-factor present in the enzyme was confirmed by running samples in native gels and inhibiting with 2 mM potassium cyanide. A 519 bp sodC gene was amplified from resistant and sensitive strains of Escherichia coli. Cloning and sequencing of the sodC gene indicated variation in the protein and amino acid sequences of sensitive and resistant isolates. The presence of sodC in highly resistant Escherichia coli isolates from diarrheal patients indicates that sodC may play role in enhancing the pathogenicity by protecting cells from exogenous sources of superoxide, such as the oxidative burst of phagocytes. The presence of SodC could be one of the factors for bacterial virulence.


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La régulation de l’expression des gènes est ce qui permet à nos cellules de s’adapter à leur environnement, de combattre les infections ou, plus généralement, de produire la quantité exacte de protéine nécessaire pour répondre à un besoin spécifique. Parmi les joueurs les plus importants dans cette régulation de l’expression des gènes on retrouve les microARN (miARN). Ces petits ARN de 22 nucléotides sont présents chez la majorité des espèces multicellulaires et sont responsables du contrôle direct de plus de 30% des gènes exprimant des protéines chez les vertébrés. La famille de miARN lethal-7 (let-7) est composée de miARN parmi les plus connus et ayant des fonctions cruciales pour la cellule. La régulation du niveau des miARN let-7 est essentielle au bon développement cellulaire. La biogenèse de ces miARN, du transcrit primaire jusqu’à leur forme mature, est régulée principalement par Lin28, une protéine pluripotente très conservée. Cette protéine est composée d’un domaine cold shock (CSD) et de deux domaines de liaison au zinc. C’est grâce à ces domaines de liaison à l’ARN que Lin28 peut lier et inhiber la maturation des miARN let-7. L’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser l’interaction entre Lin28 et le microARN précurseur let-7g afin de mieux comprendre le rôle de cette protéine dans l’inhibition de la biogenèse du miARN. À l’aide de techniques biochimiques et biophysiques, nous avons d’abord défini les principaux déterminants de l’interaction entre Lin28 et la boucle terminale du miARN précurseur let-7g (TL-let-7g). Nous avons conclu que le domaine C-terminal de Lin28, composé d’un motif riche en lysines et arginines ainsi que de deux motifs de liaison au zinc, permet à la protéine de lier spécifiquement et avec haute affinité un renflement riche en guanine conservé chez les précurseurs de la famille let-7. Aussi, parce que la séquence et la spécificité de liaison à l’ARN de ce domaine C-terminal sont semblables à celles de la protéine NCp7 du VIH, nous avons défini ce dernier comme le domaine NCp7-like de Lin28. Par la suite, nous avons caractérisé la multimérisation de trois protéines Lin28 sur la boucle terminale de pre-let-7g. Ceci a permis de réconcilier d’apparentes contradictions retrouvées dans la littérature actuelle concernant les sites de liaison de Lin28 lors de sa liaison aux miARN précurseurs. Nous avons identifié trois sites de liaison à haute affinité sur TL-let-7g qui sont liés dans un ordre précis par trois protéines Lin28. Lors de la formation du complexe multimérique, le CSD permet une déstabilisation de l’ARN, ce qui rend accessible plusieurs sites de liaison. Le domaine NCp7-like permet plutôt un assemblage ordonné de la protéine et facilite la liaison initiale de cette dernière. Ces nouveaux résultats rendent possible la mise au point d’un nouveau modèle de l’interaction entre Lin28 et le miARN précurseur let-7g. En conclusion, les études réalisées dans cette thèse apportent une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation post-transcriptionnelle d’une importante famille de miARN et permettront de guider les futures études dans le domaine de recherche en pleine effervescence qu’est celui de la biogenèse des miARN.


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Currently, diagnostic tests for mesenteric ischaemia and infarction are inadequate due to poor sensitivity and specificity. In addition, many potential markers appear too late to be clinically useful. At present, definitive diagnosis can only be made at the time of surgery, which is not ideal as surgery is often to be avoided in critically ill and elderly patients. A clinically useful, minimally invasive test is likely to decrease the currently very high mortality rate and allow monitoring of 'at risk' patients during their hospital stay. A two-dimensional electrophoresis based proteomic approach was undertaken to assess plasma protein differences between patients with surgically confirmed bowel infarction and control Intensive Care patients. The major protein differences were found to be members or variants of acute phase proteins. Serum amyloid A showed the largest difference between the two patient groups, and this protein was investigated in greater depth. An analysis was performed to compare the diagnostic ability of several commonly used indicators of critical illness and bowel infarction with serum amyloid A and phospholipase A2. Although none of the variables were ideal for clinical use, plasma phospholipase A2 activity showed the best discriminatory power, as determined by Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. From a review of the literature, phospholipase AI (PLA2) appeared to be increased in the bowel as a result of ischaemia and infarction. In one patient, matched tissues were obtained, and PLA2 activity was found to be significantly higher in infarcted bowel tissue compared to ischaemic bowel tissue. PLA2 activity was significantly greater in bowel lumen than tissue, suggesting that the protein was being released, and may enter the circulation. PLA2 activity was increased in the plasma of bowel infarction patients compared with control patients, though the difference was not significant. The phospholipase activity exhibited a number of similarities to typical phospholipase A2 proteins, but also showed a number of inconsistent characteristics. For this reason, we wished to identify the protein responsible for the increased phospholipase activity in infarcted human bowel. The PLA2 activity in human bowel could not be abolished by immunoprecipitation of the PLA2 isoforms IIA (well described in bowel) and V (a closely related isoform). To investigate these proteins, a native urea protein gel devised for snake venom phospholipase A2 was modified for use with mammalian phospholipase AI. The modified gel was used to show that the protein with phospholipase activity from infarcted gut was different from normal gut PLA2 and type IIA PLA2. A number of extensions were devised for these native gels and were found to be useful both in this investigation and for venom investigations. Protein purification was undertaken to identify the protein responsible for the increased phospholipase activity in infarcted bowel. Protein was purified from infarcted human bowel using a number of techniques that exploited unusual characteristics of the protein. The purification techniques each retained the native activity of the protein and the purification could therefore be monitored with a phospholipid hydrolysis assay at each stage. The protein identified by mass spectrometry was an excellent match for cyclophilin B, an inflammatory protein that had previously been identified in rat bowel at the mRNA level (Hasel et al, 1991, Kainer & Doris, 2000). As the purification progress had been monitored throughout with a phospholipid hydrolysis assay, cyclophilin B was an unexpected identification, as it is not known to have phospholipase activity. Cyclophilin B was removed from the highly purified samples via immunoprecipitation and this process abolished all phospholipase activity. The addition of cyclosporin A, (the pharmaceutical ligand of cyclophilin B), did not effect the phospholipase activity. Cyclophilin B protein was found in normal and infarcted human bowel using Western blotting. Cyclophilin B protein also appeared to be present in the bowel lumen and plasma of several patients with bowel infarction, but not in control patients. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the ubiquitous nature of cyclophilin B that had been reported by other groups. This project has investigated the use of two dimensional gel electrophoresis based proteomics to identify proteins present in the plasma of patients with confirmed bowel infarction and control intensive care patients. The major protein classes observed were members of the acute phase proteins, which highlights the need for pre-fractionation of plasma to identify lower abundance, disease associated proteins. A series of potential plasma markers were compared using Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves. Although no ideal marker was clear from this analysis, phospholipase activity appeared to warrant further investigation. Phospholipase activity was investigated in human infarcted bowel. Protein purification identified cyclophilin B as a bowel protein that showed unusual phospholipid hydrolysing activity. Cyclophilin B is a ubiquitous protein in intestinal cell types in both normal and infarcted tissue. There appears to be release of cyclophilin B into bowel lumen and plasma under conditions of mesenteric ischaemia and infarction.


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Changes in protein content, peroxidase activity, and isozyme profiles in response to soybean aphid feeding were documented at V1 (fully developed leaves at unifoliate node, first trifoliate leaf unrolled) and V3 (fully developed leaf at second trifoliate node, third trifoliate leaf unrolled) stages of soybean aphid-tolerant (KS4202) and -susceptible (SD76R) soybeans. Protein content was similar between infested and control V1 and V3 stage plants for both KS4202 and SD76R at 6, 16, and 22 d after aphid introduction. Enzyme kinetics studies documented that control and aphid-infested KS4202 V1 stage and SD76R V1 and V3 stages had similar levels of peroxidase activity at the three time points evaluated. In contrast, KS4202 aphid-infested plants at the V3 stage had significantly higher peroxidase activity levels than control plants at 6 and 22 d after aphid introduction. The differences in peroxidase activity observed between infested and control V3 stage KS4202 plants at these two time points suggest that peroxidases may be playing multiple roles in the tolerant plant. Native gels stained for peroxidase were able to detect differences in the isozyme profiles of aphid-infested and control plants for both KS4202 and SD76R.


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A protein complex involved in apolipoprotein B (apoB) RNA editing, referred to as AUX240 (auxiliary factor containing p240), has been identified through the production of monoclonal antibodies against in vitro assembled 27S editosomes. The 240-kDa protein antigen of AUX240 colocalized with editosome complexes on immunoblots of native gels. Immunoadsorbed extracts were impaired in their ability to assemble editosomes beyond early intermediates and in their ability to edit apoB RNA efficiently. Supplementation of adsorbed extract with AUX240 restored both editosome assembly and editing activities. Several proteins, in addition to p240, ranging in molecular mass from 150 to 45 kDa coimmunopurify as AUX240 under stringent wash conditions. The activity of the catalytic subunit of the editosome APOBEC-1 and mooring sequence RNA binding proteins of 66 and 44 kDa could not be demonstrated in AUX240. The data suggest that p240 and associated proteins constitute an auxiliary factor required for efficient apoB RNA editing. We propose that the role of AUX240 may be regulatory and involve mediation or stabilization of interactions between APOBEC-1 subunits and editing site recognition proteins leading the assembly of the rat liver C/U editosome.


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Pristine and long-chain functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were incorporated successfully in supramolecular organogels formed by an all-trans tri(p-phenylenevinylene) bis-aldoxime to give rise to new nanocomposites with interesting mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. Variable-temperature UV-vis and fluorescence spectra reveal both pristine and functionalized SWNTs promote aggregation of the gelator molecules and result in quenching of the UV-vis and fluorescence intensity. Electron microscopy and confocal microscopy show the existence of a densely packed and directionally aligned fibrous network in the resulting nanocomposites. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of the composites shows that incorporation of SWNTs increases the gel formation temperature. The DSC of the xerogels of 1-SWNT composites indicates formation of different thermotropic mesophases which is also evident from polarized optical microscopy. The reinforced aggregation of the gelators on SWNT doping was reflected in the mechanical properties of the composites. Rheology of the composites demonstrates the formation of a rigid and viscoelastic solid-like assembly on SWNT incorporation. The composites from gel-SWNTs were found to be semiconducting in nature and showed enhanced electrical conductivity compared to that of the native organogel. Upon irradiation with a near IR laser at 1064 nm for 5 min it was possible to selectively induce a gel-to-sol phase transition of the nanocomposites, while irradiation for even 30 min of the native organogel under identical conditions did not cause any gel-to-sol conversion.


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The present article describes the preparation and characterization A anionic Collagen gels obtained from porcine intestinal submucosa after 72 h of alkaline treatment and in the form of rhamsan composites to develop injectable biomaterials for plastic for construction. All materials were characterized by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, infrared spectroscopy, thermal stability, potentiometric titration, rheological properties, and fluidity tests. Biocompatibility was appraised after the injection of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at 2.5% in 60 North Folk rabbits. Independently of processing, the Collagen's secondary structure was preserved in all cases, and after 72 h of hydrolysis the Collagen was characterized by a carboxyl group content of 346 :L 9, which, at physiological pH, corresponds to an increase of 106 17 negative charges, in comparison to native Collagen, due to the selective hydrolysis of asparagine and glutamine carboxyamide side chain. Rheological studies of composites at pH 7.4 in concentrations of 2, 4, and 6% (in proportions of 75:1 and 50:1) showed a viscoelastic behavior dependent on the frequency, which is independent of concentration and proportion. In both, the concentration of the storage modulus always predominated over the loss modulus (G' > G and delta < 45 degrees). The results from creep experiments confirmed this behavior and showed that anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at pH 7.4 in the proportion of 50:1 are less elastic and more susceptible to deformation in comparison to gels in the proportion of 75:1, independent of concentration. This was further confirmed by flow experiments, indicating that the necessary force for the extrusion of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites, in comparison to anionic Collagen, was significantly smaller and with a smooth flow. Biocompatibility studies showed that the tissue reaction of anionic collagen:rhamsan composites at 2.5% in the proportion of 75:1 was compatible with the application of these gels in plastic reconstruction. These results suggest that the association of Collagen with rhamsan may be a good alternative in the replacement of glutaraidehyde to stabilize the microfibril assembly of commercial Collagen gel preparations. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This is a review of the book titled 'Rebuilding Native Nations. Strategies Governance and Development', edited by Miriam Jorgensen.


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Report provided back by Bronwyn Fredericks on her participation at the First Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Meeting held 21-23 May 2009 in Minnesota, United States of America.


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Abstract The enemy release hypothesis predicts that native herbivores will either prefer or cause more damage to native than introduced plant species. We tested this using preference and performance experiments in the laboratory and surveys of leaf damage caused by the magpie moth Nyctemera amica on a co-occuring native and introduced species of fireweed (Senecio) in eastern Australia. In the laboratory, ovipositing females and feeding larvae preferred the native S. pinnatifolius over the introduced S. madagascariensis. Larvae performed equally well on foliage of S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis: pupal weights did not differ between insects reared on the two species, but growth rates were significantly faster on S. pinnatifolius. In the field, foliage damage was significantly greater on native S. pinnatifolius than introduced S. madagascariensis. These results support the enemy release hypothesis, and suggest that the failure of native consumers to switch to introduced species contributes to their invasive success. Both plant species experienced reduced, rather than increased, levels of herbivory when growing in mixed populations, as opposed to pure stands in the field; thus, there was no evidence that apparent competition occurred.