989 resultados para native fish


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This report summarises work conducted by the QDPI, in partnership with the South Burdekin Water Board (SBWB) and the Burdekin Shire Council (BSC) between 2001 and 2003. The broad aim of the research was to assess the potential of native fish as biocontrol agents for noxious weeds, as part of an integrated program for managing water quality in the Burdekin Irrigation Area. A series of trials were conducted at, or using water derived from, the Sandy Creek Diversion near Groper Creek (lower Burdekin delta). Trials demonstrated that aquatic weeds play a positive role in trapping transient nutrients, until such time that weed growth becomes self-shading and weed dieback occurs, which releases stored nutrients and adversely affects water quality. Transient nutrient levels (av. TN<0.5mg/L; av. TP<0.1mg/L) found in the irrigation channel during the course of this research were substantially lower than expected, especially considering the intensive agriculture and sewage effluent discharge upstream from the study site. This confirms the need to consider the control of weeds rather than complete weed extermination when formulating management plans. However, even when low nutrient levels are available, there is competitive exploitation of habitat variables in the irrigation area leading to succession and eventual domination by certain weed species. During these trials, we have seen filamentous algae, phytoplankton, hyacinth and curled pondweed each hold competitive advantage at certain points. However without intervention, floating weeds, especially hyacinth, ultimately predominate in the Burdekin delta due to their fast propagation rate and their ability to out-shade submerged plants. We have highlighted the complexity of interactions in these highly disturbed ecosystems in that even if the more prevalent noxious weeds are contained, other weed species will exploit the vacant niche. This complexity places stringent requirements on the type of native fish that can be used as biocontrol agents. Of the seven fish species identified with herbivorous trophic niches, most target plankton or algae and do not have the physical capacity to directly eat the larger macrophytes of the delta. We do find however that following mechanical weed harvesting, inoculative releases of fish can slow the rate of hyacinth recolonisation. This occurs by mechanisms in addition to direct weed consumption, such as disturbing growth surfaces by grazing on attached biofilms. Predation by birds and water rats presents another impediment to the efficacy of large-scale releases of fish. However, alternative uses of fish in water quality management in the Burdekin irrigation area are discussed.


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The Murray Darling Basin Commison sought information on the movement patterns of native fish in the Murray Darling River system in Queensland. Information is needed to determine daily movement patterns, movement direction and results of flow event analysis.


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A major outcome of this project has been the identification and prioritisation of the major management issues related to the ecological impacts of fish stocking and the elucidation of appropriate research methodologies that can be used to investigate these issues. This information is paramount to development of the relevant research projects that will lead to stocking activities aligned with world’s best practice, a requisite for ecologically sustainable recreational freshwater fisheries. In order to quantify the major management issues allied to the sustainability of freshwater fish stocking, stakeholders from around Australia were identified and sent a questionnaire to determine which particular issues they regarded as important. These stakeholders included fisheries managers or researchers from Federal, Territory and State jurisdictions although others, including representatives from environment and conservation agencies and peak recreational fishing and stocking groups were also invited to give their opinions. The survey was completed in late 2007 and the results analysed to give a prioritized list of key management issues relating to the impacts of native fish stocking activities. In the analysis, issues which received high priority rankings were flagged as potential topics for discussion at a future expert workshop. Identified high priority issues fell into the following core areas: marking techniques, genetics, population dynamics, introduction of pathogens and exotic biological material and ecological, biological and conservation issues. The next planned outcome, determination of the most appropriate methodologies to address these core issues in research projects, was addressed through the outputs of an expert workshop held in early 2008. Participants at this workshop agreed on a range of methodologies for addressing priority sustainability issues and decided under what circumstances that these methodologies should be employed.


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‘Demonstration reaches’ are sections of river where multiple threats to native fish are addressed through river rehabilitation and strong community participation. They are an important way of promoting the key driving actions of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's Native Fish Strategy (NFS) by using on-ground community-driven rehabilitation. Measuring rehabilitation success against well-defined targets and using this information to adaptively mange activities is fundamental to the demonstration reach philosophy. Seven years on from the establishment of the first demonstration reach, there are now seven throughout the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), all in differing states of maturation and but all applying a standardised framework for monitoring native fish outcomes. In this study, we reflect on the role that demonstration reaches have played within the NFS, synthesise some key findings from 32 monitoring and evaluation outputs, and highlight some of the successes and barriers to success. We make recommendations as to how to strengthen the demonstration reach model to ensure it remains a relevant approach for fish habitat rehabilitation beyond the NFS and MDB.


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Lake Victoria in East Africa, supports socio-economically important fisheries for more than 30 million inhabitants in the lake basin. The lake had until the 1970's a diverse fish assemblage dominated by haplochromines species which formed at least 83% of the fish biomass (Kudhongania & Cordone 1974). The more than 500 haplochromine species in Lake Victoria, over 99% of them endemic, exploited virtually all the food sources in the lake (Witte and van Oijen 1990). Each species had its own unique combination of food and habitat preference (Goldschmidt et al., 1990).


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The impact of channel morphology and flow on physical habitat availability for the two-spined blackfish (Gadopsis bispinosus) was assessed in the Cotter River, ACT, Australia. Physical habitat requirements for three life stages were identified based on previous field sampling in the Cotter River. Two sites were selected with contrasting channel morphology: Spur Hole, with a moderate gradient and runs and glides, and Vanity’s Crossing, with a steeper gradient, rapids, and fast-flowing pools. Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM) was used to simulate the flow v. physical habitat availability relationship for each life stage at both sites. Clear differences were apparent between sites, with Spur Hole characterised by increasing habitat with increasing flow and Vanity’s Crossing showing the opposite relationship. The nature of the channel morphology determined this difference, with Spur Hole characterised by marginal zones becoming inundated at higher flows and providing additional suitable physical habitat as discharge increases. Vanity’s Crossing does not contain similar marginal zones. Further analysis demonstrated that high water velocity was the most important factor limiting physical habitat availability at both sites. This approach demonstrates the importance of channel morphology in determining physical habitat availability and an alternative use of PHABSIM to highlight limiting factors for target species.


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Competitive interactions between Galaxias maculatus, native to southeastern Australia, and Gambusia holbrooki, an exotic pest, were examined in relation to two types of artificial cover and a food source. Experiments were performed in an 800 l tank using photographic techniques. The relative distance of G. maculatus from cover or food source before and after the introduction of G. holbrooki were compared. Also, the proportions of the species were altered to examine the effects of unequal numbers on dominance behaviour. It was found that G. holbrooki was unable to out compete G. maculatus for either cover or food. The distance of G. maculatus from a food source was seen to increase following the introduction of G. holbrooki, when they outnumbered G. maculatus by 3 to 1. Although the distance from the food of G.maculatus increased following the introduction of G. holbrooki, in all cases the mean distance of G.␣maculatus from cover or food was less than that of G. holbrooki. Significant intra-species competition appeared to occur between G. maculatus and it may be that this competition had a greater effect than the competitive pressure G. holbrooki was able to place on the natives. This study revealed that the exotic pest species, G. holbrooki, could not out compete a small native Australian fish species.


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The efficacy of trout oil (TO), extracted from trout offal from the aquaculture industry, was evaluated in juvenile Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii (25.4-0.81 g) diets in an experiment conducted over 60 days at 23.7-0.8 °C. Five isonitrogenous (48% protein), isolipidic (16%) and isoenergetic (21.8 kJ gm1) diets, in which the fish oil fraction was replaced in increments of 25% (0-100%), were used. The best growth and feed efficiency was observed in fish fed diets containing 50-75% TO. The relationship of specific growth rate (SGR), food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) to the amount of TO in the diets was described in each case by second-order polynomial equations (P<0.05), which were: SGR=-0.44TO2+0.52TO+1.23 (r2=0.90, P<0.05); FCR=0.53TO2-0.64TO+1.21 (r2=0.95, P<0.05); and PER=-0.73TO2+0.90TO+1.54 (r2=0.90, P<0.05). Significant differences in carcass and muscle proximate compositions were noted among the different dietary treatments. Less lipid was found in muscle than in carcass. The fatty acids found in highest amounts in Murray cod, irrespective of the dietary treatment, were palmitic acid (16:0), oleic acid (18:1n-9), linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3). The fatty acid composition of the muscle reflected that of the diets. Both the n-6 fatty acid content and the n-3 to n-6 ratio were significantly (P<0.05) related to growth parameters, the relationships being as follows. Percentage of n-6 in diet (X) to SGR and FCR: SGR=-0.12X2+3.96X-32.51 (r2=0.96) and FCR=0.13X2-4.47X+39.39 (r2=0.98); and n-3:n-6 ratio (Z) to SGR, FCR, PER: SGR=-2.02Z2+5.01Z-1.74 (r2=0.88), FCR=2.31Z2-5.70Z+4.54 (r2=0.93) and PER=-3.12Z2-7.56Z+2.80 (r2=0.88) respectively. It is evident from this study that TO could be used effectively in Murray cod diets, and that an n-3:n-6 ratio of 1.2 results in the best growth performance in Murray cod.


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The objective of this study was to determine the distribution pattern of lipids and fatty acids in different tissues of farmed Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii).

Differences in lipid content were found amongst different portions of the fillet, being lowest in the dorsal/cranial portion (P1) and highest in the more ventral/caudal portion (P8) (P < 0.05). The latter also recorded the highest amount of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and the lowest in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), arachidonic acid, 20:4n − 6 (ArA), docosahexaenoic acid, 22:6n − 3, (DHA) and the n3/n6 ratio. In general, lipid content in the different fillet portions was inversely correlated to PUFA and directly to MUFA. Contents of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and eicosapentaenoic acid, 20:5n − 3 (EPA) did not show any discernible trends in the different fillet portions, while significant differences in contents of DHA and ArA were observed. This study shows that lipid deposition in Murray cod varies markedly and that different fatty acids are deposited differently throughout the fillet.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The consequences of introducing Cichla cf. monoculus Spix & Agassiz, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) and Pygocentrus nattereri Kner into lakes in the River Doce basin, Brazil, on richness, diversity and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes as natural refugia to native fishes was investigated. Samples were taken from lakes with and without alien fishes in areas with and without aquatic macrophytes. The presence of alien fishes reduced richness and diversity of the native fish community. The refugia function, which could be attributed to the clustering of aquatic macrophytes, does not exist in these lakes probably because the alien fishes exploit such habitats for reproduction. Since introductions threaten the native fish diversity of the region, studies on regional dispersion and factors that minimise the spread of alien fishes are needed.


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Approximately 50 years ago, Nile tilapia were accidentally introduced to Brazil, and the decline of pearl cichlid populations, which has been intensified by habitat degradation, in some locations has been associated with the presence of Nile tilapia. There is, however, little strong empirical evidence for the negative interaction of non-native fish populations with native fish populations; such evidence would indicate a potential behavioural mechanism that could cause the population of the native fish to decline. In this study, we show that in fights staged between pairs of Nile tilapia and pearl cichlids of differing body size, the Nile tilapia were more aggressive than the pearl cichlid. Because this effect prevailed over body-size effects, the pearl cichlids were at a disadvantage. The niche overlap between the Nile tilapia and the pearl cichlid in nature, and the competitive advantage shown by the Nile tilapia in this study potentially represent one of several possible results of the negative interactions imposed by an invasive species. These negative effects may reduce population viability of the native species and cause competitive exclusion.


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The impact of alternative prey and simulated vegetation on Culex annulirostris Skuse predation efficacy by Australian smelt, Retropinna semoni (Retropinnidae); crimson-spotted rainbowfish, Melanotaenia duboulayi (Melanotaeniidae); empire gudgeon, Hypseleotris compressa (Eleotridae); estuary perchlet, Ambassis marianus (Ambassidae); firetail gudgeon, Hypseleotris galii (Eleotridae); fly-specked hardyhead, Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum (Atherinidae); and Pacific blue-eye, Pseudomugil signifer (Atherinidae), was evaluated in Queensland, Australia. The presence of chironomid midge larvae and tusked frog, Adelotus brevis (Leptodactylidae), tadpoles did not have a significant negative impact on the predation rates of Cx. annulirostris by these 7 fish species. Hypseleotris galii, M. duboulayi, and R. semoni demonstrated strong preference for larvae of Cx. annulirostris over both alternative prey species. In the presence of alternative prey species, the mean predation rate of M. duboulayi on larvae of Cx. annulirostris remained greater than that of other fish species tested. When evaluated at varying densities of simulated vegetation, predation rates of all fish species were similar to those reported in open conditions.


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The purpose of the project is to demonstrate how the restoration of riverine habitat and connectivity benefits native biodiversity and promote the importance of a healthy river system for native fish and the greater river catchment. The goal is to restore native fish populations to 60% of pre-European settlement levels and improve aquatic health within the Reach.