998 resultados para nanoparticle assembly


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Engenharia Bioquímica), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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Adsorption of small biomolecules onto the surface of nanoparticles offers a novel route to generation of nanoparticle assemblies with predictable architectures. Previously, ligand-exchange experiments on citrate-capped gold nanoparticles with the amino acid arginine were reported to support linear nanoparticle assemblies. Here, we use a combination of atomistic modeling with experimental characterization to explore aspects of the assembly hypothesis for these systems. Using molecular simulation, we probe the structural and energetic characteristics of arginine overlayers on the Au(111) surface under aqueous conditions at both low- and high-coverage regimes. In the low-density regime, the arginines lie flat on the surface. At constant composition, these overlayers are found to be lower in energy than the densely packed films, although the latter case appears kinetically stable when arginine is adsorbed via the zwitterion group, exposing the charged guanidinium group to the solvent. Our findings suggest that zwitterion-zwitterion hydrogen bonding at the gold surface and minimization of the electrostatic repulsion between adjacent guanidinium groups play key roles in determining arginine overlayer stability at the aqueous gold interface. Ligand-exchange experiments of citrate-capped gold nanoparticles with arginine derivatives agmatine and N-methyl-l-arginine reveal that modification at the guanidinium group significantly diminishes the propensity for linear assembly of the nanoparticles.


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We initiate a systematic exploration of a natural polymer, chitosan, as a structural material for designing functional layers on electrode surfaces in this work. Au colloid films are organized on chitosan layer by adsorption. We have successfully constructed a multilayer An nanoparticle assembly through electrostatic interactions on chitosan functionalized quartz substrates by the alternate treatment of the substrate with solution of citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles (negatively charged) and chitosan solution (positively charged). The resulting substrates were characterized by UV-Vis spectrometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. These assemblies of colloid An multilayer are highly stable, and can be kept for a long time in distilled water, only being removed by scratching or extreme electrochemical conditions.


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Self-assembly of nanoparticles is a promising route to form complex, nanostructured materials with functional properties. Nanoparticle assemblies characterized by a crystallographic alignment of the nanoparticles on the atomic scale, i.e. mesocrystals, are commonly found in nature with outstanding functional and mechanical properties. This thesis aims to investigate and understand the formation mechanisms of mesocrystals formed by self-assembling iron oxide nanocubes. We have used the thermal decomposition method to synthesize monodisperse, oleate-capped iron oxide nanocubes with average edge lengths between 7 nm and 12 nm and studied the evaporation-induced self-assembly in dilute toluene-based nanocube dispersions. The influence of packing constraints on the alignment of the nanocubes in nanofluidic containers has been investigated with small and wide angle X-ray scattering (SAXS and WAXS, respectively). We found that the nanocubes preferentially orient one of their {100} faces with the confining channel wall and display mesocrystalline alignment irrespective of the channel widths.  We manipulated the solvent evaporation rate of drop-cast dispersions on fluorosilane-functionalized silica substrates in a custom-designed cell. The growth stages of the assembly process were investigated using light microscopy and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). We found that particle transport phenomena, e.g. the coffee ring effect and Marangoni flow, result in complex-shaped arrays near the three-phase contact line of a drying colloidal drop when the nitrogen flow rate is high. Diffusion-driven nanoparticle assembly into large mesocrystals with a well-defined morphology dominates at much lower nitrogen flow rates. Analysis of the time-resolved video microscopy data was used to quantify the mesocrystal growth and establish a particle diffusion-based, three-dimensional growth model. The dissipation obtained from the QCM-D signal reached its maximum value when the microscopy-observed lateral growth of the mesocrystals ceased, which we address to the fluid-like behavior of the mesocrystals and their weak binding to the substrate. Analysis of electron microscopy images and diffraction patterns showed that the formed arrays display significant nanoparticle ordering, regardless of the distinctive formation process.  We followed the two-stage formation mechanism of mesocrystals in levitating colloidal drops with real-time SAXS. Modelling of the SAXS data with the square-well potential together with calculations of van der Waals interactions suggests that the nanocubes initially form disordered clusters, which quickly transform into an ordered phase.


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Temperature dependence and uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy properties of the chemically synthesized 4 nm L1(0)-Fe55Pt45 nanoparticle assembly by a modified polyol route are reported. As-prepared nanoparticles are superparamagnetic presenting fcc structure, and annealing at 550 degrees C converts the assembly into ferromagnetic nanocrystals with large coercivity (H-C>1 T) in an L1(0) phase. Magnetic measurements showed an increasing in the ferromagnetically ordered fraction of the nanoparticles with the annealing temperature increases, and the remanence ratio, S=M-R/M-S congruent to 0.76, suggests an (111) textured film. A monotonic increase of the blocking temperature T-B, the uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K-U, and the coercivity H-C with increasing annealing temperature was observed. Magnetic parameters indicate an enhancement in the magnetic properties due to the improved Fe55Pt45 phase stabilizing, and the room-temperature stability parameter of 67, which indicates that the magnetization should be stable for more than ten years, makes this material suitable for ultrahigh-density magnetic recording application.(c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Nanoparticles are fascinating where physical and optical properties are related to size. Highly controllable synthesis methods and nanoparticle assembly are essential [6] for highly innovative technological applications. Among nanoparticles, nonhomogeneous core-shell nanoparticles (CSnp) have new properties that arise when varying the relative dimensions of the core and the shell. This CSnp structure enables various optical resonances, and engineered energy barriers, in addition to the high charge to surface ratio. Assembly of homogeneous nanoparticles into functional structures has become ubiquitous in biosensors (i.e. optical labeling) [7, 8], nanocoatings [9-13], and electrical circuits [14, 15]. Limited nonhomogenous nanoparticle assembly has only been explored. Many conventional nanoparticle assembly methods exist, but this work explores dielectrophoresis (DEP) as a new method. DEP is particle polarization via non-uniform electric fields while suspended in conductive fluids. Most prior DEP efforts involve microscale particles. Prior work on core-shell nanoparticle assemblies and separately, nanoparticle characterizations with dielectrophoresis and electrorotation [2-5], did not systematically explore particle size, dielectric properties (permittivity and electrical conductivity), shell thickness, particle concentration, medium conductivity, and frequency. This work is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to systematically examine these dielectrophoretic properties for core-shell nanoparticles. Further, we conduct a parametric fitting to traditional core-shell models. These biocompatible core-shell nanoparticles were studied to fill a knowledge gap in the DEP field. Experimental results (chapter 5) first examine medium conductivity, size and shell material dependencies of dielectrophoretic behaviors of spherical CSnp into 2D and 3D particle-assemblies. Chitosan (amino sugar) and poly-L-lysine (amino acid, PLL) CSnp shell materials were custom synthesized around a hollow (gas) core by utilizing a phospholipid micelle around a volatile fluid templating for the shell material; this approach proves to be novel and distinct from conventional core-shell models wherein a conductive core is coated with an insulative shell. Experiments were conducted within a 100 nl chamber housing 100 um wide Ti/Au quadrapole electrodes spaced 25 um apart. Frequencies from 100kHz to 80MHz at fixed local field of 5Vpp were tested with 10-5 and 10-3 S/m medium conductivities for 25 seconds. Dielectrophoretic responses of ~220 and 340(or ~400) nm chitosan or PLL CSnp were compiled as a function of medium conductivity, size and shell material.


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Interference lithography can create large-area, defect-free nanostructures with unique optical properties. In this thesis, interference lithography will be utilized to create photonic crystals for functional devices or coatings. For instance, typical lithographic processing techniques were used to create 1, 2 and 3 dimensional photonic crystals in SU8 photoresist. These structures were in-filled with birefringent liquid crystal to make active devices, and the orientation of the liquid crystal directors within the SU8 matrix was studied. Most of this thesis will be focused on utilizing polymerization induced phase separation as a single-step method for fabrication by interference lithography. For example, layered polymer/nanoparticle composites have been created through the one-step two-beam interference lithographic exposure of a dispersion of 25 and 50 nm silica particles within a photopolymerizable mixture at a wavelength of 532 nm. In the areas of constructive interference, the monomer begins to polymerize via a free-radical process and concurrently the nanoparticles move into the regions of destructive interference. The holographic exposure of the particles within the monomer resin offers a single-step method to anisotropically structure the nanoconstituents within a composite. A one-step holographic exposure was also used to fabricate self- healing coatings that use water from the environment to catalyze polymerization. Polymerization induced phase separation was used to sequester an isocyanate monomer within an acrylate matrix. Due to the periodic modulation of the index of refraction between the monomer and polymer, the coating can reflect a desired wavelength, allowing for tunable coloration. When the coating is scratched, polymerization of the liquid isocyanate is catalyzed by moisture in air; if the indices of the two polymers are matched, the coatings turn transparent after healing. Interference lithography offers a method of creating multifunctional self-healing coatings that readout when damage has occurred.


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Two-photon initiated photo-isomerization of an azobenzene moiety adsorbed on silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) is demonstrated. The azobenzene is linked to a materials-binding peptide that brings it into intimate contact with the Ag NP surface, producing a dramatic enhancement of its two-photon absorbance. An integrated modeling approach, combining advanced conformational sampling with Quantum Mechanics/Capacitance Molecular Mechanics and response theory, shows that charge transfer and image charges in the Ag NP generate local fields that enhance two-photon absorption of the cis isomer, but not the trans isomer, of adsorbed molecules. Moreover, dramatic local field enhancement is expected near the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) wavelength, and the LSPR band of the Ag NPs overlaps the azobenzene absorbance that triggers cis to trans switching. As a result, the Ag NPs enable two-photon initiated cis to trans isomerization, but not trans to cis isomerization. Confocal anti-Stokes fluorescence imaging shows that this effect is not due to local heating, while the quadratic dependence of switching rate on laser intensity is consistent with a two-photon process. Highly localized two-photon initiated switching could allow local manipulation near the focal point of a laser within a 3D nanoparticle assembly, which cannot be achieved using linear optical processes.


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Peptides have demonstrated unique capabilities to fabricate inorganic nanomaterials of numerous compositions through noncovalent binding of the growing surface in solution. In this contribution, we demonstrate that these biomolecules can control all facets of Au nanoparticle fabrication, including Au3+ reduction, without the use of secondary reagents. In this regard using the AuBP1 peptide, the N-terminal tryptophan residue is responsible for driving Au3+ reduction to generate Au nanoparticles passivated by the oxidized peptide in solution, where localized residue context effects control the reducing strength of the biomolecule. The process was fully monitored by both time-resolved monitoring of the growth of the localized surface plasmon resonance and transmission electron microscopy. Nanoparticle growth occurs by a unique disaggregation of nanoparticle aggregates in solution. Computational modeling demonstrated that the oxidized residue of the peptide sequence does not impact the biomolecule's ability to bind the inorganic surface, as compared to the parent peptide, confirming that the biomolecule can be exploited for all steps in the nanoparticle fabrication process. Overall, these results expand the utility of peptides for the fabrication of inorganic nanomaterials, more strongly mimicking their use in nature via biomineralization processes. Furthermore, these capabilities enhance the simplicity of nanoparticle production and could find rapid use in the generation of complex multicomponent materials or nanoparticle assembly.


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In the past few years, remarkable progress has been made in unveiling novel and unique optical properties of strongly coupled plasmonic nanostructures. However, application of such plasmonic nanostructures in biomedicine remains challenging due to the lack of facile and robust assembly methods for producing stable nanostructures. Previous attempts to achieve plasmonic nano-assemblies using molecular ligands were limited due to the lack of flexibility that could be exercised in forming them. Here, we report the utilization of tailor-made hyperbranched polymers (HBP) as linkers to assemble gold nanoparticles (NPs) into nano-assemblies. The ease and flexibility in tuning the particle size and number of branch ends of a HBP makes it an ideal candidate as a linker, as opposed to DNA, small organic molecules and linear or dendrimeric polymers. We report a strong correlation of polymer (HBP) concentration with the size of the hybrid nano-assemblies and “hot-spot” density. We have shown that such solutions of stable HBP-gold nano-assemblies can be barcoded with various Raman tags to provide improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) compared with non-aggregated NP systems. These Raman barcoded hybrid nano-assemblies, with further optimization of NP shape, size and “hot-spot” density, may find application as diagnostic tools in nanomedicine.


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Plasmonic gold nano-assemblies that self-assemble with the aid of linking molecules or polymers have the potential to yield controlled hierarchies of morphologies and consequently result in materials with tailored optical (e.g. localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR)) and spectroscopic properties (e.g. surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)). Molecular linkers that are structurally well-defined are promising for forming hybrid nano-assemblies which are stable in aqueous solution and are increasingly finding application in nanomedicine. Despite much ongoing research in this field, the precise role of molecular linkers in governing the morphology and properties of the hybrid nano-assemblies remains unclear. Previously we have demonstrated that branched linkers, such as hyperbranched polymers, with specific anchoring end groups can be successfully employed to form assemblies of gold NPs demonstrating near-infrared SPRs and intense SERS scattering. We herein introduce a tailored polymer as a versatile molecular linker, capable of manipulating nano-assembly morphologies and hot-spot density. In addition, this report explores the role of the polymeric linker architecture, specifically the degree of branching of the tailored polymer in determining the formation, morphology and properties of the hybrid nano-assemblies. The degree of branching of the linker polymer, in addition to the concentration and number of anchoring groups, is observed to strongly influence the self-assembly process. The assembly morphology shifts primarily from 1D-like chains to 2D plates and finally to 3D-like globular structures, with increase in degree of branching. Insights have been gained into how the morphology influences the SERS performance of these nano-assemblies with respect to hot-spot density. These findings supplement the understanding of the morphology determining nano-assembly formation and pave the way for the possible application of these nano-assemblies as SERS bio-sensors for medical diagnostics.


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Realization of thermally and chemically durable, ordered gold nanostructures using bottom-up self-assembly techniques are essential for applications in a wide range of areas including catalysis, energy generation, and sensing. Herein, we describe a modular process for realizing uniform arrays of gold nanoparticles, with interparticle spacings of 2 nm and above, by using RF plasma etching to remove ligands from self-assembled arrays of ligand-coated gold nanoparticles. Both nanoscale imaging and macroscale spectroscopic characterization techniques were used to determine the optimal conditions for plasma etching, namely RF power, operating pressure, duration of treatment, and type of gas. We then studied the effect of nanoparticle size, interparticle spacing, and type of substrate on the thermal durability of plasma-treated and untreated nanoparticle arrays. Plasma-treated arrays showed enhanced chemical and thermal durability, on account of the removal of ligands. To illustrate the application potential of the developed process, robust SERS (surface-enhanced Raman scattering) substrates were formed using plasma-treated arrays of silver-coated gold nanoparticles that had a silicon wafer or photopaper as the underlying support. The measured value of the average SERS enhancement factor (2 x 10(5)) was quantitatively reproducible on both silicon and paper substrates. The silicon substrates gave quantitatively reproducible results even after thermal annealing. The paper-based SERS substrate was also used to swab and detect probe molecules deposited on a solid surface.


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By using AuNP-modified homo-adenine DNA conjugate as a model system, simple colorimetric and resonance Rayleigh scattering assays have been developed for screening small molecules that trigger the formation of the non-Watson-Crick homo-adenine duplexes. The assay presented here is more simplified in format as it involves only one type of ssDNA modified Au-NP, and can be easily adapted to high-throughput screening.


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We describe a new electrochemical detection approach towards single protein molecules (microperoxidase-11, MP-11), which are attached to the surface of graphene nanosheets. The non-covalently functionalized graphene nanosheets exhibit enhanced electroactive surface area, where amplified redox current is produced when graphene nanosheets collide with the electrode.