41 resultados para nanofibres
Magnetoelectric 0-1 composites comprising CoFe2O4 (CFO) nanoparticles in polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymerfibre matrix have been prepared by electrospinning. The average diameter of the electrospun composite fibres D is ~ 325 nm, independently of nanoparticle content, and the amount of crystalline polar β phase is strongly enhanced when compared to pure PVDF polymer fibres. The piezoelectric response of these electroactive nanofibres is modified by an applied magnetic field, thus evidencing the magnetoelectric character of the CFO/PVDF 0-1 composites.
La finalitat d'aquest projecte és l'adquisició d'un nou coneixement científic i tecnològic que permeti desenvolupar nous materials a partir de la producció de nanofibres de carboni, que responguin a necessitats de diferents sectors tecnològics i millorin les propietats mecàniques, elèctriques i tèrmiques dels materials existents. En tant això, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte és obtenir una sèrie de mostres de diferents nanofibres de carboni amb propietats controlades. Aquestes estaran generades a partir de diferents paràmetres, com són la temperatura, el temps, el tipus de catalitzador, el tipus de preparació d’aquest i l’aplicació d’un camp magnètic. Un altre dels objectius és realitzar una purificació de les mostres obtingudes. Com també crear diferents compòsits a partir d’una matriu polimèrica termoplàstica d’acrilonitril butadiè estirè (ABS) i nanofibres de carboni, tant purificades com sense purificar, per finalment estudiar les conductivitats elèctriques i tèrmiques dels compòsits elaborats. En aquest estudi s’han emprat materials accessibles comercialment, amb la finalitat d'agilitzar la fase experimental i aconseguir sistemes més fàcilment reproduïbles.
Calcitic nanofibres are ubiquitous habits of sec- ondary calcium carbonate (CaCO3 ) accumulations observed in calcareous vadose environments. Despite their widespread occurrence, the origin of these nanofeatures remains enig- matic. Three possible mechanisms fuel the debate: (i) purely physicochemical processes, (ii) mineralization of rod-shaped bacteria, and (iii) crystal precipitation on organic templates. Nanofibres can be either mineral (calcitic) or organic in na- ture. They are very often observed in association with needle fibre calcite (NFC), another typical secondary CaCO3 habit in terrestrial environments. This association has contributed to some confusion between both habits, however they are truly two distinct calcitic features and their recurrent asso- ciation is likely to be an important fact to help understanding the origin of nanofibres. In this paper the different hypotheses that currently exist to explain the origin of calcitic nanofibres are critically reviewed. In addition to this, a new hypothe- sis for the origin of nanofibres is proposed based on the fact that current knowledge attributes a fungal origin to NFC. As this feature and nanofibres are recurrently observed together, a possible fungal origin for nanofibres which are associated with NFC is investigated. Sequential enzymatic digestion of the fungal cell wall of selected fungal species demonstrates that the fungal cell wall can be a source of organic nanofibres. The obtained organic nanofibres show a striking morpho- logical resemblance when compared to their natural coun- terparts, emphasizing a fungal origin for part of the organic nanofibres observed in association with NFC. It is further hy- pothesized that these organic nanofibres may act as templates for calcite nucleation in a biologically influenced mineraliza- tion process, generating calcitic nanofibres. This highlights the possible involvement of fungi in CaCO3 biomineraliza- tion processes, a role still poorly documented. Moreover, on a global scale, the organomineralization of organic nanofi- bres into calcitic nanofibres might be an overlooked process deserving more attention to specify its impact on the biogeo- chemical cycles of both Ca and C.
Calcium carbonate nanofibres are found in numerous terrestrial environments, often associated with needle fibre calcite. This study attempts to mimic the natural system and generate comparable crystalline structures. A comparison of natural and synthesized nanofibre structures, using HRTEM as well as electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI), has demonstrated that this type of nanocrystal can result from precipitation on organic templates, most likely cellulose nanofibres. This study emphasizes the fundamental role of organic templates in the precipitation of calcium carbonate in vadose environments, even at the nanoscale.
RésuméLes champignons sont impliqués dans les cycles biogéochimiques de différentes manières. En particulier, ils sont reconnus en tant qu'acteurs clés dans la dégradation de la matière organique, comme fournisseurs d'éléments nutritifs via l'altération des minéraux mais aussi comme grands producteurs d'acide oxalique et de complexes oxalo-métalliques. Toutefois, peu de choses sont connues quant à leur contribution à la genèse d'autres types de minéraux, tel que le carbonate de calcium (CaCO3). Le CaCO3 est un minéral ubiquiste dans de nombreux écosystèmes et il joue un rôle essentiel dans les cycles biogéochimiques du carbone (C) et du calcium (Ca). Le CaCO3 peut être d'origine physico-chimique ou biogénique et de nombreux organismes sont connus pour contrôler ou induire sa biominéralisation. Les champignons ont souvent été soupçonnés d'être impliqué dans ce processus, cependant il existe très peu d'informations pour étayer cette hypothèse.Cette thèse a eu pour but l'étude de cet aspect négligé de l'impact des champignons dans les cycles biogéochimiques, par l'exploration de leur implication potentielle dans la formation d'un type particulier de CaCO3 secondaires observés dans les sols et dans les grottes des environnements calcaires. Dans les grottes, ces dépôts sont appelés moonmilk, alors que dans les sols on les appelle calcite en aiguilles. Cependant ces deux descriptions correspondent en fait au même assemblage microscopique de deux habitus particulier de la calcite: la calcite en aiguilles (au sens strict du terme cette fois-ci) et les nanofibres. Ces deux éléments sont des habitus aciculaires de la calcite, mais présentent des dimensions différentes. Leur origine, physico-chimique ou biologique, est l'objet de débats intenses depuis plusieurs années déjà.L'observation d'échantillons environnementaux avec des techniques de microscopie (microscopie électronique et micromorphologie), ainsi que de la microanalyse EDX, ont démontré plusieurs relations intéressantes entre la calcite en aiguilles, les nanofibres et des éléments organiques. Premièrement, il est montré que les nanofibres peuvent être organiques ou minérales. Deuxièmement, la calcite en aiguilles et les nanofibres présentent de fortes analogies avec des structures hyphales, ce qui permet de confirmer l'hypothèse de leur origine fongique. En outre, des expériences en laboratoire ont confirmé l'origine fongique des nanofibres, par des digestions enzymatiques d'hyphes fongiques. En effet, des structures à base de nanofibres, similaires à celles observées dans des échantillons naturels, ont pu être produites par cette approche. Finalement, des enrichissements en calcium ont été mesurés dans les parois des hyphes et dans des inclusions intrahyphales provenant d'échantillons naturels de rhizomorphes. Ces résultats suggèrent une implication de la séquestration de calcium dans la formation de la calcite en aiguilles et/ou des nanofibres.Plusieurs aspects restent à élucider, en particulier la compréhension des processus physiologiques impliqués dans la nucléation de calcite dans les hyphes fongiques. Cependant, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse ont permis de confirmer l'implication des champignons dans la formation de la calcite en aiguilles et des nanofibres. Ces découvertes sont d'une grande importance dans les cycles biogéochimiques puisqu'ils apportent de nouveaux éléments dans le cycle couplé C-Ca. Classiquement, les champignons sont considérés comme étant impliqués principalement dans la minéralisation de la matière organique et dans l'altération minérale. Cette étude démontre que les champignons doivent aussi être pris en compte en tant qu'agents majeurs de la genèse de minéraux, en particulier de CaCO3. Ceci représente une toute nouvelle perspective en géomycologie quant à la participation des champignons au cycle biologique du C. En effet, la présence de ces précipitations de CaCO3 secondaires représente un court-circuit dans le cycle biologique du C puisque du C inorganique du sol se retrouve piégé dans de la calcite plutôt que d'être retourné dans l'atmosphère.AbstractFungi are known to be involved in biogeochemical cycles in numerous ways. In particular, they are recognized as key players in organic matter recycling, as nutrient suppliers via mineral weathering, as well as large producers of oxalic acid and metal-oxalate. However, little is known about their contribution to the genesis of other types of minerals such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Yet, CaC03 are ubiquitous minerals in many ecosystems and play an essential role in the biogeochemical cycles of both carbon (C) and calcium (Ca). CaC03 may be physicochemical or biogenic in origin and numerous organisms have been recognized to control or induce calcite biomineralization. While fungi have often been suspected to be involved in this process, only scarce information support this hypothesis.This Ph.D. thesis aims at investigating this disregarded aspect of fungal impact on biogeochemical cycles by exploring their possible implication in the formation of a particular type of secondary CaC03 deposit ubiquitously observed in soils and caves from calcareous environments. In caves, these deposits are known as moonmilk, whereas in soils, they are known as Needle Fibre Calcite (NFC - sensu lato). However, they both correspond to the same microscopic assemblage of two distinct and unusual habits of calcite: NFC {sensu stricto) and nanofibres. Both features are acicular habits of calcite displaying different dimensions. Whether these habits are physicochemical or biogenic in origin has been under discussion for a long time.Observations of natural samples using microscopic techniques (electron microscopy and micromorphology) and EDX microanalyses have demonstrated several interesting relationships between NFC, nanofibres, and organic features. First, it has shown that nanofibres can be either organic or minera! in nature. Second, both nanofibres and NFC display strong structural analogies with fungal hyphal features, supporting their fungal origin. Furthermore, laboratory experiments have confirmed the fungal origin of nanofibres through an enzymatic digestion of fungal hyphae. Indeed, structures made of nanofibres with similar features as those observed in natural samples have been produced. Finally, calcium enrichments have been measured in both cell walls and intrahyphal inclusions of hyphae from rhizomorphs sampled in the natural environment. These results point out an involvement of calcium sequestration in nanofibres and/or NFC genesis.Several aspects need further investigation, in particular the understanding of the physiological processes involved in hyphal calcite nucleation. However, the results obtained during this study have allowed the confirmation of the implication of fungi in the formation of both NFC and nanofibres. These findings are of great importance regarding global biogeochemical cycles as they bring new insights into the coupled C and Ca cycles. Conventionally, fungi are considered to be involved in organic matter mineralization and mineral weathering. In this study, we demonstrate that they must also be considered as major agents in mineral genesis, in particular CaC03. This is a completely new perspective in geomycology regarding the role of fungi in the short-term (or biological) C cycle. Indeed, the presence of these secondary CaC03 precipitations represents a bypass in the short- term carbon cycle, as soil inorganic C is not readily returned to the atmosphere.
Electrospun fibres based on polypyrrole have been prepared. The incorporation of preformed polypyrrole into fibres electrospun from a carrier polymer can only be achieved when materials are prepared with particulates smaller than the cross-section of the fibre; even so there are some problems, with the substantial loss of material from the electrode tip. As an alternative approach, soluble polypyrroles can be prepared but these are not of sufficient viscosity to prepare electrospun fibres, once again a carrier polymer must be employed. More effective loadings are gained by the process of coating the outer surface of a pre-spun fibre; in this way electrospun fibres coated with polypyrrole can be prepared. This approach has been adapted to produce silver coated polymer fibres by the use of copolymers of styrene and 3-vinyl benzaldehyde.
Ordered graphite nanofibre formation has been observed at exceptionally low temperatures on admission of ethyne to zeolite Y, which had been exchanged with Ni(II). The samples have been characterised by TEM, carbon analysis, and electronic spectroscopy. Formation of the nanofibres requires no hydrogen, and was not observed when cation exchange was carried out at acidic pH. The observed fibres resemble herring-bone nanofibrils, growing from nickel particles, and ca. 90% have diameters in the range 35-40 nm. Similar fibres have also been grown using nickel-exchanged zeolite beta.
Electrospinning was used to generate polymer nanofibres from blends of poly-vinyl cinnamate (PVCN) and a cholesteric silicone polymer. Only blends that contained at least 40 % of PVCN produced fibres. Both differential scanning calorimetry and electron dispersion spectroscopy data indicate that the samples are miscible over a wide temperature interval. The variation of fibre diameter with concentration is nonlinear with a well-defined minimum corresponding to an 80 % PVCN blend. The fibres are birefringent with Kerr constants similar to that of cholesteric liquid crystals. Although not significant, the Kerr constant increases with increasing silicone polymer concentration.
Polyethylene oxide solution containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes have been electrospun onto a rotating collector to produce highly aligned arrays of electrospun nanofibers ranging in diameters from (200 – 360) nanometres. The addition of a surfactant (Triton X-100)is highly effective in dispersing carbon nanotube within an aqueous solution of polyethylene oxide and the resulting mixture can be electrospun without excessive clumping to produce nanofibers containing high loadings of nanotubes; in this case up to 5% wt thereby providing an effective route to electrically conductive nanofibres.
Nanocellulose is the crystalline domains obtained from renewable cellulosic sources, used to increase mechanical properties and biodegrability in polymer composites. This work has been to study how high pressure defibrillation and chemical purification affect the PALF fibre morphology from micro to nanoscale. Microscopy techniques and X-ray diffraction were used to study the structure and properties of the prepared nanofibers and composites. Microscopy studies showed that the used individualization processes lead to a unique morphology of interconnected web-like structure of PALF fibers. The produced nanofibers were bundles of cellulose fibers of widths ranging between 5 and 15 nm and estimated lengths of several micrometers. Percentage yield and aspect ratio of the nanofiber obtained by this technique is found to be very high in comparison with other conventional methods. The nanocomposites were prepared by means of compression moulding, by stacking the nanocellulose fibre mats between polyurethane films. The results showed that the nanofibrils reinforced the polyurethane efficiently. The addition of 5 wt% of cellulose nanofibrils to PU increased the strength nearly 300% and the stiffness by 2600%. The developed composites were utilized to fabricate various versatile medical implants. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
There is growing interest in cellulose nanofibres from renewable sources for several industrial applications. However, there is a lack of information about one of the most abundant cellulose pulps: bleached Eucalyptus kraft pulp. The objective of the present work was to obtain Eucalyptus cellulose micro/nanofibres by three different processes, namely: refining, sonication and acid hydrolysis of the cellulose pulp. The refining was limited by the low efficiency of isolated nanofibrils, while sonication was more effective for this purpose. However, the latter process occurred at the expense of considerable damage to the cellulose structure. The whiskers obtained by acid hydrolysis resulted in nanostructures with lower diameter and length, and high crystallinity. Increasing hydrolysis reaction time led to narrower and shorter whiskers, but increased the crystallinity index. The present work contributes to the different widespread methods used for the production of micro/nanofibres for different applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present work we study the hydroxide activation (NaOH and KOH) of phenol-formaldehyde resin derived CNFs prepared by a polymer blend technique to prepare highly porous activated carbon nanofibres (ACNFs). Morphology and textural characteristics of these ACNFs were studied and their hydrogen storage capacities at 77 K (at 0.1 MPa and at high pressures up to 4 MPa) were assessed, and compared, with reported capacities of other porous carbon materials. Phenol-formaldehyde resin derived carbon fibres were successfully activated with these two alkaline hydroxides rendering highly microporous ACNFs with reasonable good activation process yields up to 47 wt.% compared to 7 wt.% yields from steam activation for similar surface areas of 1500 m2/g or higher. These nano-sized activated carbons present interesting H2 storage capacities at 77 K which are comparable, or even higher, to other high quality microporous carbon materials. This observation is due, in part, to their nano-sized diameters allowing to enhance their packing densities to 0.71 g/cm3 and hence their resulting hydrogen storage capacities.