38 resultados para nanofibre


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There is an increasing need for biodegradable, environmentally friendly plastics to replace the petroleum-based non-degradable plastics which litter and pollute the environment. Starch-based plastic film composites are becoming a popular alternative because of their low cost, biodegradability, the abundance of starch, and ease with which starch-based films can be chemically modified. This paper reports on the results of using sugar cane bagasse nanofibres to improve the physicochemical properties of starch-based polymers. The addition of bagasse nanofibre (2.5, 5, 10 or 20 wt%) to (modified) potato starch (‘Soluble starch’) reduced the moisture uptake by up to 17 % at 58 % relative humidity (RH). The film’s tensile strength and Young’s Modulus increased by up to 100 % and 200 % with 10 wt% and 20 wt% nanofibre respectively at 58% RH. The tensile strain reduced by up to 70 % at 20 wt% fibre loading. These results indicate that addition of sugar cane bagasse nanofibres significantly improved the properties of starch-based plastic films


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This study examines and quantifies the effect of adding polyelectrolytes to cellulose nanofibre suspensions on the gel point of cellulose nanofibre suspensions, which is the lowest solids concentration at which the suspension forms a continuous network. The lower the gel point, the faster the drainage time to produce a sheet and the higher the porosity of the final sheet formed. Two new techniques were designed to measure the dynamic compressibility and the drainability of nanocellulose–polyelectrolyte suspensions. We developed a master curve which showed that the independent variable controlling the behaviour of nanocellulose suspensions and its composite is the structure of the flocculated suspension which is best quantified as the gel point. This was independent of the type of polyelectrolyte used. At an addition level of 2 mg/g of nanofibre, a reduction in gel point over 50 % was achieved using either a high molecular weight (13 MDa) linear cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM, 40 % charge), a dendrimer polyethylenimine of high molecular weight of 750,000 Da (HPEI) or even a low molecular weight of 2000 Da (LPEI). There was no significant difference in the minimum gel point achieved, despite the difference in polyelectrolyte morphology and molecular weight. In this paper, we show that the gel point controls the flow through the fibre suspension, even when comparing fibre suspensions with solids content above the gel point. A lower gel point makes it easier for water to drain through the fibre network,reducing the pressure required to achieve a given dewatering rate and reducing the filtering time required to form a wet laid sheet. We further show that the lower gel point partially controls the structure of the wet laid sheet after it is dried. Halving the gel point increased the air permeability of the dry sheet by 37, 46 and 25 %, when using CPAM, HPEI and LPEI, respectively. The resistance to liquid flow was reduced by 74 and 90 %, when using CPAM and LPEI. Analysing the paper formed shows that sheet forming process and final sheet properties can be engineered and controlled by adding polyelectrolytes to the nanofibre suspension.


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The ability to accurately design carbon nanofibre (CN) field emitters with predictable electron emission characteristics will enable their use as electron sources in various applications such as microwave amplifiers, electron microscopy, parallel beam electron lithography and advanced Xray sources. Here, highly uniform CN arrays of controlled diameter, pitch and length were fabricated using plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition and their individual emission characteristics and field enhancement factors were probed using scanning anode field emission mapping. For a pitch of 10 µm and a CN length of 5 µm, the directly measured enhancement factors of individual CNs was 242, which was in excellent agreement with conventional geometry estimates (240). We show here direct empirical evidence that in regular arrays of vertically aligned CNs the overall enhancement factor is reduced when the pitch between emitters is less than half the emitter height, in accordance to our electrostatic simulations. Individual emitters showed narrow Gaussian-like field enhancement distributions, in excellent agreement with electric field simulations.


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In this thesis, a magneto-optical trap setup is used to laser cool and confine a cloud of 85Rb. The cloud typically contains 108 atoms in a 1 mm3 volume at a temperature in the region of the Doppler Limit (146 _K for 85Rb). To study the cold cloud, a subwavelength optical fibre - a nanofibre, or ONF - is positioned inside the cloud. The ONF can be used in two ways. Firstly, it is an efficient fluorescence collection tool for the cold atoms. Loading times, lifetimes and temperatures can be measured by coupling the atomic fluorescence to the evanescent region of the ONF. Secondly, the ONF is used as a probe beam delivery tool using the evanescent field properties of the device, allowing one to perform spectroscopy on few numbers of near-surface atoms. With improvements in optical density of the cloud, this system is an ideal candidate in which to generate electromagnetically induced transparency and slow light. A theoretical study of the van der Waals and Casimir-Polder interactions between an atom and a dielectric surface is also presented in this work in order to understand their effects in the spectroscopy of near-surface atoms.


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Glassy carbon electrodes (GCE) were modified with poly(glutamic acid) acid films prepared using three different procedures: glutamic acid monomer electropolymerization (MONO), evaporation of poly(glutamic acid) (PAG) and evaporation of a mixture of poly(glutamic acid)/glutaraldehyde (PAG/GLU). All three films showed good adherence to the electrode surface. The performance of the modified GCE was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry, and the films were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The three poly(glutamic acid) modified GCEs were tested using the electrochemical oxidation of ascorbic acid and a decrease of the overpotential and the improvement of the oxidation peak current was observed. The PAG modified electrode surfaces gave the best results. AFM morphological images showed a polymeric network film formed by well-defined nanofibres that may undergo extensive swelling in solution, allowing an easier electron transfer and higher oxidation peaks. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Attraverso questo studio sono state indagate le proprietà di compositi laminati in fibra di carbonio (CFRP) nano-modificati con nanofibre in Nylon 6.6, in termini di resistenza al danneggiamento da impatti a bassa velocità (con caratterizzazione Drop Weight at Low Velocity) e di smorzamento della vibrazione (con caratterizzazione a damping). Sono stati indagate due configurazioni di nanorinforzo differenti, confrontate con le prestazioni di provini vergini laminati tradizionalmente. Sono infine state operate delle analisi grafiche delle micrografie di campioni sezionati per trarre conclusioni di carattere tecnologico.


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During the last years an increased interest about the reinforcement of laminated composites by means of polymeric nanofibers has been growth. During this master-degree-thesis work, unidirectional and plane-textile composites have been interleaved with Nylon 6.6, PCL and mixed (Nylon 6.6+PCL) nanofibrous mats and the DCB (mode I interlaminar fracture toughness), ENF (mode II interlaminar fracture toughness and DMA (damping capability) tests have been performed. Regarding the interlaminar fracture toughness, marked increases have been recorded; while further investigation about damping capability is requested.


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Analisi riguardante la tenacizzazione della matrice di laminati compositi. Lo scopo è quello di aumentare la resistenza alla frattura di modo I e, a tal proposito, sono stati modificati gli interstrati di alcuni provini tramite l’introduzione di strati, di diverso spessore, di nanofibre in polivinilidenfluoruro (PVDF). La valutazione di tale metodo di rinforzo è stata eseguita servendosi di dati ottenuti tramite prove sperimentali svolte in laboratorio direttamente dal sottoscritto, che si è occupato dell’elaborazione dei dati servendosi di tecniche e algoritmi di recente ideazione. La necessità primaria per cui si cerca di rinforzare la matrice risiede nel problema più sentito dei laminati compositi in opera da molto tempo: la delaminazione. Oltre a verificare le proprietà meccaniche dei provini modificati sottoponendoli a test DCB, si è utilizzata una tecnica basata sulle emissioni acustiche per comprendere più approfonditamente l’inizio della delaminazione e i meccanismi di rottura che si verificano durante le prove. Quest’ultimi sono illustrati servendosi di un algoritmo di clustering, detto Fuzzy C-means, tramite il quale è stato possibile identificare ogni segnale come appartenente o meno ad un determinato modo di rottura. I risultati mostrano che il PVDF, applicato nelle modalità esposte, è in grado di aumentare la resistenza alla frattura di modo I divenendo contemporaneamente causa di un diverso modo di propagazione della frattura. Infine l’elaborato presenta alcune micrografie delle superfici di rottura, le quali appoggiano i risultati ottenuti nelle precedenti fasi di analisi.


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L’obiettivo di questa tesi è la valutazione dell’influenza nell’incollaggio di aderendi di alluminio di un tappetino di nanofibre nylon 6.6 utilizzato come carrier della resina, mediante prove DCB. Dopo una prima fase di studio degli argomenti di base, è stato predisposto un piano delle attività comprendente il dimensionamento e la realizzazione dei provini e dell'attrezzatura per l'incollaggio, la produzione dei nanotappetini, la tenacizzazione dell'adesivo, l'incollaggio e infine la realizzazione delle prove DCB. Successivamente sono stati elaborati i dati forniti dalle prove e confrontati i valori della tenacità a frattura dei giunti realizzati con e senza l'inserimento dei nanotappetini.


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Optical nanofibres are ultrathin optical fibres with a waist diameter typically less than the wavelength of light being guided through them. Cold atoms can couple to the evanescent field of the nanofibre-guided modes and such systems are emerging as promising technologies for the development of atom-photon hybrid quantum devices. Atoms within the evanescent field region of an optical nanofibre can be probed by sending near or on-resonant light through the fibre; however, the probe light can detrimentally affect the properties of the atoms. In this paper, we report on the modification of the local temperature of laser-cooled 87Rb atoms in a magneto-optical trap centred around an optical nanofibre when near-resonant probe light propagates through it. A transient absorption technique has been used to measure the temperature of the affected atoms and temperature variations from 160 μk to 850 μk, for a probe power ranging from 0 to 50 nW, have been observed. This effect could have implications in relation to using optical nanofibres for probing and manipulating cold or ultracold atoms.


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Ceramic membranes were fabricated by in situ synthesis of alumina nanofibres in the pores of an alumina support as a separation layer, and exhibited a high permeation selectivity for bovine serum albumin relative to bovine hemoglobin (over 60 times) and can effectively retain DNA molecules at high fluxes.