987 resultados para name to Wielkopolska


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A proposal has been posted on the ICTV website (2011. 001aG. N. v1. binomial_sp_names) to replace virus species names by non-Latinized binomial names consisting of the current italicized species name with the terminal word "virus" replaced by the italicized and non-capitalized genus name to which the species belongs. If implemented, the current italicized species name Measles virus, for instance, would become Measles morbillivirus while the current virus name measles virus and its abbreviation MeV would remain unchanged. The rationale for the proposed change is presented. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Kimberlite terminology remains problematic because both descriptive and genetic terms are mixed together in most existing terminology schemes. In addition, many terms used in existing kimberlite terminology schemes are not used in mainstream volcanology, even though kimberlite bodies are commonly the remains of kimberlite volcanic vents and edifices. We build on our own recently published approach to kimberlite facies terminology, involving a systematic progression from descriptive to genetic. The scheme can be used for both coherent kimberlite (i.e. kimberlite that was emplaced without undergoing any fragmentation processes and therefore preserving coherent igneous textures) and fragmental kimberlites. The approach involves documentation of components, textures and assessing the degree and effects of alteration on both components and original emplacement textures. This allows a purely descriptive composite component, textural and compositional petrological rock or deposit name to be constructed first, free of any biases about emplacement setting and processes. Then important facies features such as depositional structures, contact relationships and setting are assessed, leading to a composite descriptive and genetic name for the facies or rock unit that summarises key descriptive characteristics, emplacement processes and setting. Flow charts summarising the key steps in developing a progressive descriptive to genetic terminology are provided for both coherent and fragmental facies/deposits/rock units. These can be copied and used in the field, or in conjunction with field (e.g. drill core observations) and petrographic data. Because the approach depends heavily on field scale observations, characteristics and process interpretations, only the first descriptive part is appropriate where only petrographic observations are being made. Where field scale observations are available the progression from developing descriptive to interpretative terminology can be used, especially where some petrographic data also becomes available.


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A proposal has been posted on the ICTV website (2011.001aG.N.v1.binomial_sp_names) to replace virus species names by non-Latinized binomial names consisting of the current italicized species name with the terminal word "virus" replaced by the italicized and non-capitalized genus name to which the species belongs. If implemented, the current italicized species name Measles virus, for instance, would become Measles morbillivirus while the current virus name measles virus and its abbreviation MeV would remain unchanged. The rationale for the proposed change is presented.


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Genealogical and Historical Sketch of the name and family of Woodruff compiled by the Media Research Bureau of Washington, D.C. This document traces the Woodruff name to its Anglo-Saxon origins and lists members of the family who have distinguished themselves in America in more recent times, n.d.


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The Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC) 2011 was held on 18th-19th January 2011 in Perth, Australia, as a part of the Australasian Computer Science Week 2011. AISC grew out of the Australasian Information Security Workshop and officially changed the name to Australasian Information Security Conference in 2008. The main aim of the AISC is to provide a venue for Australasian and other researchers to present their work on all aspects of information security and promote collaboration between academic and industrial researchers working in this area.


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The Australasian Information Security Conference (AISC) 2012 was held at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, as a part of the Australasian Computer Science Week, January 30 - February 3, 2012. AISC grew out of the Australasian Information Security Workshop and officially changed the name to Australasian Information Security Conference in 2008. The main aim of the AISC is to provide a venue for researchers to present their work on all aspects of information security and promote collaboration between academic and industrial researchers working in this area.


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The master's thesis concerns the decisions of the imperial policy-makers in their Danish foreign policy during the crisis that culminated in the dissolution of the Nordic union of Kalmar during the years 1521-24. The sources consist of printed sources that mainly are collections of letters and diplomas, and additionally, acquaintance has been made with studies treating the subject. The aim of the study was to clarify the objectives, means and execution of the imperial policy and what priorizations did they make between the different objectives. Also, the part played by Denmark in the imperial foreign policy in general was to be assessed. Particularly, the aim was to find out and state a hierarchy between the importance of the different objectives by analyzing the choices made. It was observed that the continuing of peaceful relations in the North was clearly preferred in the imperial policy, especially as their war against France drew out. A war was seen as deteriorating the freedom of action of the main ally, king Christian II, and an armed conflict was to be prevented. The conceived impossibilty to intervene with armed forces to Christian's favour forced the imperial side to postpone their objectives in the fields of dynastical and alliance policy. In comparison to these, less weight was given to maintaining the rights and position of the empire and the rights granted in its name. To the Habsburgs, maintaining the economical embargo of Sweden, run forcefully by Christian II, was the least preferred objective. In light of the results of the master's thesis, the conceived priorities of the Northern European policy adopted by the imperial side resembled their political priorities in general.


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Charts of the various families related to the Lindley family: Lipschitz, Heimann, Edinger, Hochstaedter, Goldschmidt, Jakobson, Braunschweig.


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Fred F. Field, 1995


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O tema da existência ou inexistência de uma filosofia política nietzschiana é recorrente nos meios acadêmicos, e é imensamente problemático desde a vinculação do nome do filósofo às ideologias fascistas da primeira metade do século XX. Especialmente a partir da segunda metade do século XX, a filosofia de Nietzsche tem sido trazida para os debates políticos, dessa vez como uma filosofia das grandes causas, daqueles que buscam a libertação do jugo dos grandes esquemas políticos da modernidade. O objetivo inicial desta dissertação é demonstrar que filosofia de Nietzsche não possui as características que permitam a sua assimilação pelo debate político. O próprio filósofo, reiteradamente, negou-se a ingressar no debate político de seu tempo, recusando-se a limitar seu exame da filosofia e suas reflexões às necessidades e clamores da plebe. Ele alertou para a dureza e radicalidade de seu pensamento, antecipando a vinculação de seu nome a coisas terríveis. Em vista disso, pretende-se levar a cabo nesta dissertação um exame da filosofia nietzschiana sob o ponto de vista da política, isto é, tentar ver se ao quadro geral da filosofia política pode-se juntar o pensamento de Nietzsche. Este exame deve ser feito levando-se em conta o amplo auditório ao qual se destinam os discursos políticos, o vínculo dos discursos políticos aos clamores da plebe, ou ao discurso de dominação. O objetivo final desta dissertação será demonstrar que fora do âmbito da filosofia, isto é, trazida para o seio do senso comum, a filosofia de Nietzsche, dado o caráter controvertido de suas asserções, acaba sendo presa fácil, mais uma vez, dos discursos de dominação e servindo aos piores propósitos. Corre-se o risco, outra vez, de se confirmar o vaticínio do filósofo quanto a sua vinculação a coisas terríveis.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a estruturação do diagnóstico de Transtorno de Personalidade. Inicialmente, o trabalho percorre o território conceitual com o qual, desde sua origem na passagem do século XVIII para o XIX, a psiquiatria procurou nomear, explicar e compreender as personalidades consideradas anormais. Em seguida promove-se uma discussão acerca das concepções de personalidade, normalidade e patologia que circunscrevem a categoria, orientada a partir do estudo de seus diferentes modelos diagnósticos presentes no DSM-5. Por fim busca-se compreender a relevância atual do diagnóstico de transtorno de personalidade através da análise de alguns exemplos de seu uso em contextos médico, legal e literário. O objetivo é o de entrever o lugar ocupado por esse diagnóstico, especialmente o do tipo Antissocial, no imaginário cultural presente.