27 resultados para n-alkanols
The surface tensions of binary mixtures of 1-alkanols (Cl-Cd with benzene, toluene, or xylene were measured. The results were correlated with the activity coefficients calculated through the group contribution method such as UNIFAC, with the maximum deviation from the experimental results less that 5%. The coefficients of the correlation are correlated with the chain length.
[EN]Here we present experimental data of different properties for a set of binary mixtures composed of water or alkanols (methanol to butanol) with an ionic liquid (IL), butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate [bpy][BF4]. Solubility data (xIL,T) are presented for each of the mixtures, including water, which is found to have a small interval of compositions in IL, xIL, with immiscibility. In each case, the upper critical solubility temperature (UCST) is determined and a correlation was observed between the UCST and the nature of the compounds in the mixtures. Miscibility curves establish the composition and temperature intervals where thermodynamic properties of the mixtures, such as enthalpies Hm E and volumes Vm E, can be determined.
[EN]Experimental solubility data are presented for a set of binary systems composed of ionic liquids (IL) derived from pyridium, with the tetrafluoroborate anion, and normal alcohols ranging from ethanol to decanol, in the temperature interval of 275 420 K, at atmospheric pressure. For each case, the miscibility curve and the upper critical solubility temperature (UCST) values are presented. The effects of the ILs on the behavior of solutions with alkanols are analyzed, paying special attention to the pyridine derivatives, and considering a series of structural characteristics of the compounds involved.
Isobaric vapor-liquid equilibria of binary mixtures of isopropyl acetate plus an alkanol (1-propanol, 2-propanol, 1-butanol, or 2-butanol) were measured at 101.32 kPa, using a dynamic recirculating still. An azeotropic behavior was observed only in the mixtures of isopropyl acetate + 2-propanol and isopropyl acetate + 1-propanol. The application of four thermodynamic consistency tests (the Herington test, the Van Ness test, the infinite dilution test, and the pure component test) showed the high quality of the experimental data. Finally, both NRTL and UNIQUAC activity coefficient models were successfully applied in the correlation of the measured data, with the average absolute deviations in vapor phase composition and temperature of 0.01 and 0.16 K, respectively.
A previously unreported alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in the mutant soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida UV4 catalyses the reduction of 2-, 3- and 4-acylpyridines to afford the corresponding (S)-1-pyridyl alkanols, with moderate to high e.e., whilst under the same conditions 2,6-diacetylpyridine is readily converted to the corresponding enantiopure C2-symmetric (S,S)-diol in one step. In contrast, the toluene dioxygenase enzyme in the same organism catalyses the hydroxylation of 2- and 3-alkylpyridines to (R)-1-(2-pyridyl) and (R)-1-(3-pyridyl)alkanols. This combination of oxidative and reductive biotransformations thus provides a method for preparing both enantiomers of chiral 1-pyridyl alkanols using one biocatalyst.
Methane-derived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) mound features at the Codling Fault Zone (CFZ), located in shallow waters (50-120m) of the western Irish Sea were investigated and provide a comparison to deep sea MDAC settings. Carbonates consisted of aragonite as the major mineral phase, with δ13C depletion to -50‰ and δ18O enrichment to~2‰. These isotope signatures, together with the co-precipitation of framboidal pyrite confirm that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is an important process mediating methane release to the water column and the atmosphere in this region. 18O-enrichment could be a result of MDAC precipitation with seawater in colder than present day conditions, or precipitation with 18O-enriched water transported from deep petroleum sources. The 13C depletion of bulk carbonate and sampled gas (-70‰) suggests a biogenic source, but significant mixing of thermogenic gas and depletion of the original isotope signature cannot be ruled out. Active seepage was recorded from one mound and together with extensive areas of reduced sediment, confirms that seepage is ongoing. The mounds appear to be composed of stacked pavements that are largely covered by sand and extensively eroded. The CFZ mounds are colonized by abundant Sabellaria polychaetes and possible Nemertesia hydroids, which benefit indirectly from available hard substrate. In contrast to deep sea MDAC settings where seep-related macrofauna are commonly reported, seep-specialist fauna appear to be lacking at the CFZ. In addition, unlike MDAC in deep waters where organic carbon input from photosynthesis is limited, lipid biomarkers and isotope signatures related to marine planktonic production (e.g. sterols, alkanols) were most abundant. Evidence for microbes involved in AOM was limited from samples taken; possibly due to this dilution effect from organic matter derived from the photic zone, and will require further investigation.
Os incêndios florestais são uma importante fonte de emissão de compostos gasosos e de aerossóis. Em Portugal, onde a maioria dos incêndios ocorre no norte e centro do país, os incêndios destroem todos os anos milhares de hectares, com importantes perdas em termos económicos, de vidas humanas e qualidade ambiental. As emissões podem alterar consideravelmente a química da atmosfera, degradar a qualidade do ar e alterar o clima. Contudo, a informação sobre as caraterísticas das emissões dos incêndios florestais nos países do Mediterrâneo é limitada. Tanto a nível nacional como internacional, existe um interesse crescente na elaboração de inventários de emissões e de regulamentos sobre as emissões de carbono para a atmosfera. Do ponto de vista atmosférico da monitorização atmosférica, os incêndios são considerados um desafio, dada a sua variabilidade temporal e espacial, sendo de esperar um aumento da sua frequência, dimensão e severidade, e também porque as estimativas de emissões dependem das caraterísticas dos biocombustíveis e da fase de combustão. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar e caraterizar as emissões de gases e aerossóis de alguns dos mais representativos incêndios florestais que ocorreram no centro de Portugal nos verões de 2009 e de 2010. Efetuou-se a colheita de amostras de gases e de duas frações de partículas (PM2.5 e PM2.5-10) nas plumas de fumo em sacos Tedlar e em filtros de quartzo acoplados a um amostrador de elevado volume, respetivamente. Os hidrocarbonetos totais (THC) e óxidos de carbono (CO e CO2) nas amostras gasosas foram analisados em instrumentos automáticos de ionização de chama e detetores não dispersivos de infravermelhos, respetivamente. Para algumas amostras, foram também quantificados alguns compostos de carbonilo após reamostragem do gás dos sacos Tedlar em cartuchos de sílica gel revestidos com 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazina (DNPH), seguida de análise por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução. Nas partículas, analisou-se o carbono orgânico e elementar (técnica termo-óptica), iões solúveis em água (cromatografia iónica) e elementos (espectrometria de massa com plasma acoplado por indução ou análise instrumental por ativação com neutrões). A especiação orgânica foi obtida por cromatografia gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massa após extração com recurso a vários solventes e separação dos extratos orgânicos em diversas classes de diferentes polaridades através do fracionamento com sílica gel. Os fatores de emissão do CO e do CO2 situaram-se nas gamas 52-482 e 822-1690 g kg-1 (base seca), mostrando, respetivamente, correlação negativa e positiva com a eficiência de combustão. Os fatores de emissão dos THC apresentaram valores mais elevados durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama, oscilando entre 0.33 e 334 g kg-1 (base seca). O composto orgânico volátil oxigenado mais abundante foi o acetaldeído com fatores de emissão que variaram desde 1.0 até 3.2 g kg-1 (base seca), seguido pelo formaldeído e o propionaldeído. Observou-se que as emissões destes compostos são promovidas durante a fase de combustão latente sem chama. Os fatores de emissão de PM2.5 e PM10 registaram valores entre 0.50-68 e 0.86-72 g kg-1 (base seca), respetivamente. A emissão de partículas finas e grosseiras é também promovida em condições de combustão lenta. As PM2.5 representaram cerca de 90% da massa de partículas PM10. A fração carbonosa das partículas amostradas em qualquer dos incêndios foi claramente dominada pelo carbono orgânico. Foi obtida uma ampla gama de rácios entre o carbono orgânico e o carbono elementar, dependendo das condições de combustão. Contudo, todos os rácios refletiram uma maior proporção de carbono orgânico em relação ao carbono elementar, típica das emissões de queima de biomassa. Os iões solúveis em água obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo contribuíram com valores até 3.9% da massa de partículas PM2.5 e 2.8% da massa de partículas de PM2.5-10. O potássio contribuiu com valores até 15 g mg-1 PM2.5 e 22 g mg-1 PM2.5-10, embora em massa absoluta estivesse maioritariamente presente nas partículas finas. Os rácios entre potássio e carbono elementar e entre potássio e carbono orgânico obtidos nas partículas da pluma de fumo enquadram-se na gama de valores relatados na literatura para emissões de queima de biomassa. Os elementos detetados nas amostras representaram, em média, valores até 1.2% e 12% da massa de PM2.5 e PM2.5-10, respetivamente. Partículas resultantes de uma combustão mais completa (valores elevados de CO2 e baixos de CO) foram caraterizadas por um elevado teor de constituintes inorgânicos e um menor conteúdo de matéria orgânica. Observou-se que a matéria orgânica particulada é composta principalmente por componentes fenólicos e produtos derivados, séries de compostos homólogos (alcanos, alcenos, ácidos alcanóicos e alcanóis), açúcares, biomarcadores esteróides e terpenóides, e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos. O reteno, um biomarcador das emissões da queima de coníferas, foi o hidrocarboneto aromático dominante nas amostras das plumas de fumo amostradas durante a campanha que decorreu em 2009, devido ao predomínio de amostras colhidas em incêndios em florestas de pinheiros. O principal açúcar anidro, e sempre um dos compostos mais abundantes, foi o levoglucosano. O rácio levoglucosano/OC obtido nas partículas das plumas de fumo, em média, registaram valores desde 5.8 a 23 mg g-1 OC. Os rácios levoglucosano/manosano e levoglucosano/(manosano+galactosano) revelaram o predomínio de amostras provenientes da queima de coníferas. Tendo em conta que a estimativa das emissões dos incêndios florestais requer um conhecimento de fatores de emissão apropriados para cada biocombustível, a base de dados abrangente obtida neste estudo é potencialmente útil para atualizar os inventários de emissões. Tem vindo a ser observado que a fase de combustão latente sem chama, a qual pode ocorrer simultaneamente com a fase de chama e durar várias horas ou dias, pode contribuir para uma quantidade considerável de poluentes atmosféricos, pelo que os fatores de emissão correspondentes devem ser considerados no cálculo das emissões globais de incêndios florestais. Devido à falta de informação detalhada sobre perfis químicos de emissão, a base de dados obtida neste estudo pode também ser útil para a aplicação de modelos no recetor no sul da Europa.
O gênero Mansoa pertence à família Bignoniaceae e inclui onze espécies que ocorrem principalmente nas florestas secas e úmidas do Brasil e da Argentina até o Sudeste do México. Essas espécies na Amazônia brasileira são conhecidas como "cipó-de-alho", em referência ao forte cheiro de alho das folhas quando esmagadas. O "cipó-de-alho" tem vários usos na medicina tradicional e entre eles, os mais citados são para tratamento de gripe, febre, dor e inflamação de artrite e reumatismo. Apesar de todos os usos, ainda tem pequena aplicação como fitoterápico quando comparado ao alho (Allium sativum). Os óleos essenciais de Mansoa spp. contêm polissulfetos de alila que contribuem para o aroma e sabor característicos. A composição química dos extratos orgânicos de Mansoa incluiu alcanos, alcanóis, triterpenóides, flavonóides, derivados do lapachol e o derivado sulfurado aliína. Os usos, composição química, atividades biológicas e aspectos agrícolas de espécies de Mansoa e sua relação com A. sativum são apresentados.
Abstract. Organic matter preserved in Lake Ohrid sediments originates from aquatic and terrestrial sources. Its variable composition reflects climate-controlled changes in the lake basin’s hydrology and related organic matter export, i.e. changes in primary productivity, terrestrial plant matter input and soil erosion. Here, we present first results from lipid biomarker investigations of Lake Ohrid sediments from two near-shore settings: site Lz1120 near the southern shore, with low-lying lands nearby and probably influenced by river discharge, and site Co1202 which is close to the steep eastern slopes. Variable proportions of terrestrial n-alkanoic acids and n-alkanols as well as compositional changes of !- hydroxy acids document differences in soil organic matter supply between the sites and during different climate stages (glacial, Holocene, 8.2 ka cooling event). Changes in the vegetation cover are suggested by changes in the dominant chain length of terrestrial n-alkanols. Effective microbial degradation of labile organic matter and in situ contribution of organic matter derived from the microbes themselves are both evident in the sediments. We found evidence for anoxic conditions within the photic zone by detecting epicholestanol and tetrahymanol from sulphur-oxidising phototrophic bacteria and bacterivorous ciliates and for the influence of a settled human community from the occurrence of coprostanol, a biomarker for human and animal faeces (pigs, sheep, goats), in an early Holocene sample. This study illustrates the potential of lipid biomarkers for future environmental reconstructions using one of Europe’s oldest continental climate archives, Lake Ohrid.
We examined near-surface, late Holocene deep-sea sediments at nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) along the Southwest African continental margin. Contents, distribution patterns and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) are indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types, which can be correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in the same sediments. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories and satellite Aerosol Index imagery afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen on land and their transport pathways to the ocean sites. This multidisciplinary approach on an almost continental scale provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in lipid and pollen composition paralleling the major phytogeographic zonations on the adjacent continent. Dust and smoke aerosols are mainly derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semi-deserts and savannah regions rich in C4 and CAM plants. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin), which get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands, may also receive some material from the Chad region. Very little aerosol from the African continent is transported to the most southerly sites in the Cape Basin. As can be expected from the present position of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of the n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. The results of the study suggest that this combination of pollen data and compound-specific isotope geochemical proxies can be effectively applied in the reconstruction of past continental phytogeographic developments.
This is part 2 of a study examining southwest African continental margin sediments from nine sites on a north-south transect from the Congo Fan (4°S) to the Cape Basin (30°S) representing two glacial (MIS 2 and 6a) and two interglacial stages (MIS 1 and 5e). Contents, distribution patterns, and molecular stable carbon isotope signatures of long-chain n-alkanes (C27-C33) and n-alkanols (C22-C32) as indicators of land plant vegetation of different biosynthetic types were correlated with concentrations and distributions of pollen taxa in sediments of the same time horizons. Selected single pollen type data reveal details of vegetation changes, but the overall picture is best illustrated by summing pollen known to predominantly derive from C4 plants or C4 plus CAM plants. The C4 plant signals in the biomarkers are recorded in the delta13C data and in the abundances of C31 and C33 n-alkanes, and the C32 n-alkanol. Calculated clusters of wind trajectories for austral summer and winter situations for the Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum afford information on the source areas for the lipids and pollen and their transport pathways to the ocean. This multidisciplinary approach provides clear evidence of latitudinal differences in leaf wax lipid and pollen composition, with the Holocene sedimentary data paralleling the current major phytogeographic zonations. The northern sites (Congo Fan area and northern Angola Basin) get most of their terrestrial material from the Congo Basin and the Angolan highlands dominated by C3 plants. Airborne particulates derived from the western and central South African hinterland dominated by deserts, semideserts, and savannah regions are rich in organic matter from C4 plants. As can be expected from the present and glacial positions of the phytogeographic zones, the carbon isotopic signatures of n-alkanes and n-alkanols both become isotopically more enriched in 13C from north to south. In the northern part of the transect the relative importance of C4 plant indicators is higher during the glacials than in the interglacials, indicating a northward extension of arid zones favoring grass vegetation. In the south, where grass-rich vegetation merges into semidesert and desert, the difference in C4 plant indicators is small.
Selective degradation of organic matter in sediments is important for reconstructing past environments and understanding the carbon cycle. Here, we report on compositional changes between and within lipid classes and kerogen types (represented by palynomorph groups) in relation to the organic matter flux to the sea floor and oxidation state of the sediments since the early Holocene for central Eastern Mediterranean site ABC26. This includes the initially oxic but nowadays anoxic presapropelic interval, the still unoxidised lower part of the organic rich S1 sapropel, its postdepositionally oxidised and nowadays organic-poor upper part as well as the overlying postsapropelic sediments which have always been oxic. A general ~ 2.3 times increase in terrestrial and marine input during sapropel formation is estimated on the basis of the total organic carbon (TOC), pollen, spore, dinoflagellate cyst, n-alkane, n-alkanol and n-alkanoic acid concentration changes in the unoxidised part of the sapropel. The long-chain alkenones, 1,15 diols and keto-ols, loliolides and sterols indicate that some plankton groups, notably dinoflagellates, may have increased much more. Apart from the terrestrial and surface water contributions to the sedimentary organic matter, anomalous distributions and preservation of some C23-C27 alkanes, alkanols and alkanoic acids have been observed, which are interpreted as a contribution by organisms living in situ. Comparison of the unoxidised S1 sapropel with the overlying oxidised sapropel and the organic matter concentration profiles in the oxidised postsapropelic sediments demonstrates strong and highly selective aerobic degradation of lipids and palynomorphs. There seems to be a fundamental difference in degradation kinetics between lipids and pollen which may be possibly related with the absence of sorptive preservation as a protective mechanism for palynomorph degradation. The n-alkanes, Impagidinium, and Nematosphaeropsis are clearly more resistant than TOC. The n-alkanols and n-carboxylic acids are about equally resistant whereas the pollen, all other dinoflagellate cysts and other lipids appear to degrade considerably faster, which questions the practice of normalising to TOC without taking diagenesis into account. Selective degradation also modifies the relative distributions within lipid classes, whereby the longer-chain alkanes, alcohols and fatty acids disappear faster than their shorter-chain equivalents. Accordingly, interpretation of lipid and palynomorph assemblages in terms of pre- or syndepositional environmental change should be done carefully when proper knowledge of the postdepositional preservation history is absent. Two lipid-based preservation proxies are tested the diol-keto-ol oxidation index based on the 1,15C30 diol and keto-ols (DOXI) and the alcohol preservation index (API) whereby the former seems to be the most promising.