6 resultados para mycobactin
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an important pathogen of mammals that relies on 2-hydroxyphenyloxazoline-containing siderophore molecules called mycobactins for the acquisition of iron in the restrictive environment of the mammalian macrophage, These compounds have been proposed to be biosynthesized through the action of a cluster of genes that include both nonribosomal peptide synthase and polyketide synthase components. One of these genes encodes a protein, MbtB, that putatively couples activated salicylic acid with serine or threonine and then cyclizes this precursor to the phenyloxazoline ring system. We have used gene replacement through homologous recombination to delete the mbtB gene and replace this with a hygromycin-resistance cassette in the virulent strain of M. tuberculosis H37Rv, The resulting mutant is restricted for growth in iron-limited media but grows normally in iron-replete media. Analysis of siderophore production by this organism revealed that the biosynthesis of all salicylate-derived siderophores was interrupted. The mutant was found to be impaired for growth in macrophage-like THP-1 cells, suggesting that siderophore production is required for virulence of M. tuberculosis, These results provide conclusive evidence linking this genetic locus to siderophore production.
Mycobactin J 1 is a commercially available siderophore isolated from Mycobacterium avium subsp, paratuberculosis. There are discrepancies between previous reports of its structure and none have addressed its absolute configuration. We report here the complete structure and stereochemistry of mycobactin J, along with methodology to enable the determination of the absolute configuration of other mycobactins on a small scale. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Paratuberculosis is an important enteritis of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map). The disease is officially considered exotic in Brazil, but recent serological surveys and the isolation of the agent suggest it may occur in our herds. The aim of this study was to evaluate three different formulations of Herrold's egg yolk agar with mycobactin J (HEYM) and four faecal culture protocols considering their ability for Map growth as well as cost and ease of application. Three formulations of HEYM were inoculated with two suspensions of Map. Spiked faeces and naturally contaminated faecal samples were treated by the four faecal culture protocols. Centrifugation protocol and HEYM recommended by OIE showed the best results on the recovery of Map.
This paper describes the clinical, pathological, and microbiologic aspects of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in a dairy Gyr herd in the State of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. An eight years old cow with chronic unresponsive diarrhea was clinically examined and euthanized for pathological evaluation. Fecal samples from all 160 animals over 12 months of age from the herd were collected for isolation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Clinically, the index case cow was severely dehydrated, cachectic, with profuse mucous diarrhea. The main post-mortem findings were emaciation and thickened intestinal wall. Microscopically, the intestinal lamina propria and submucosa were infiltrated by macrophages, epithelioid cells, and Langhans giant cells with numerous alcohol-acid resistant bacilli in the cytoplasm. Two fecal samples displayed growth in slants of Herrold's egg-yolk agar supplemented with mycobactin J, 150 days after incubation. No growth was noticed in slants without mycobactin J. Microscopic examination of the isolated microorganisms stained by Ziehl-Neelsen revealed considerable amounts of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli, morphologically compatible with Mycobacterium spp. Based on the clinical signs, gross and histological lesions, growth time, bacterial morphology in Ziehl-Neelsen staining, and dependence of mycobactin J, the first diagnosis of paratuberculosis in Zebu cattle was made.
Descrevem-se os achados clínicos e patológicos da paratuberculose em uma criação intensiva de bovinos de leite no municí pio de Capela de Santana, RS. Os sinais clínicos foram observados em oito de um total de 345 bovinos, consistindo em diarréia crônica refratária aos tratamentos, emagrecimento progressivo e queda na produção de leite. As principais lesões macroscópicas, observadas nos oito animais necropsiados, incluíam intestino delgado com acentuado espessamento da parede e superfície mucosa de aspecto reticulado, semelhante às circunvoluções cerebrais, lesão essa perceptível, através da serosa. A luz intestinal estava preenchida com conteúdo fluido e de aspecto leitoso. Os vasos linfáticos do mesentério mostravam-se mais evidentes sendo que alguns tinham aspecto varicoso. Os linfonodos mesentéricos estavam aumentados de volume e, ao corte, fluía grande quantidade de líquido leitoso. Focos de mineralização foram observados na íntima das artérias, nas válvulas cardíacas e na serosa do rúmen. As principais lesões macroscópicas incluíam enterite, linfadenite e linfangite granulomatosa caracterizada por infiltrado inflamatório com macrófagos, células gigantes de Langhans que continham grande quantidade de bacilos álcool-ácido-resistentes. As lesões vasculares consistiam em degeneração e mineralização das túnicas í ntimas e média das artérias de grande calibre associada a proliferação de colágeno. Havia calcificação da serosa do rúmen atrofia hepatocelular difusa e hepatite granulomatosa multifocal. O M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) foi isolado em amostras de intestino e linfonodos de 8 vacas Holandesas (3,5%) com doença de Johne, dentre 229 amostras cultivadas provenientes de um rebanho leiteiro. Amostras inoculadas em HEYM com micobactina produziram colônias identificadas como Map, segundo as caracterí sticas fenotí picas próprias como: crescimento lento, coloração álcool-ácido-resistente (A.A.R.) e dependência a micobactina. O laboratório de Referência da OIE confirmou a amostra isolada. O M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) foi isolado em amostras de intestino e linfonodos de 8 vacas Holandesas (3,5%) com doença de Johne, dentre 229 amostras cultivadas provenientes de um rebanho leiteiro Amostras inoculadas em HEYM com micobactina produziram colônias identificadas como Map, segundo as caracterí sticas fenotí picas próprias como: crescimento lento, coloração álcool-ácido-resistente (A.A.R.) e dependência a micobactina. O laboratório de Referência da OIE confirmou a amostra isolada. Não houve isolamento do agente em 221 amostras intestinais quando processadas, após 2 anos de sua colheita. O teste de IDGA aplicado como “screening”, detectou 26 vacas (11,4%) positivas, dentre 228 animais testados e sacrificados em matadouro. O teste de ELISA adsorvido, utilizando o antí geno PPA-3 detectou 125 (39,8%) amostras positivas. O ELISA não adsorvido detectou mais 32 (10,1%) reagentes positivos, dentre os 314 bovinos testados. A prevalência da infecção causada pelo Map em 36 rebanhos leiteiros procedentes de 25 municí pios do Rio Grande do Sul foi estimada em 44,6% das 1316 amostras testadas. A infecção foi identificada em 35 (97,2%) dos 36 rebanhos testados e presentes em todos os municí pios incluí dos. A ocorrência da doença de Johne foi enfatizada, tanto a forma clí nica quanto a infecção subclí nica no Rio Grande do Sul, sugerindo a adoção de medidas de controle sejam aplicadas na proteção dos rebanhos leiteiros nacionais.
Forty seven strains of mycobacteria (35 strains isolated from clinical specimens and 12 reference strains) were analyzed for mycobactin and mycolate production by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Different growth conditions had little or no effect on the production of individual mycobactins and the reproducibility of mycobactin Rf values. Mycolate profiles of isolated strains were compared with those of reference strains. Clinical isolates belonging to the same species showed the same profiles. The combined evaluation of mycobacterial products by TLC allowed the identification of pathogenic and opportunist cultivable mycobacteria. on routine examination, the analysis of mycobactin and mycolate production constitutes an adequate procedure for the characterization and identification of myobacteria.