706 resultados para muusikot - mustalaiset - Bulgaria
The WORKS Project started two years ago (2005), involving the efforts of research institutes of 13 European countries with the main purpose of improving the understanding of the major changes in work in the knowledge-based society, taking account both of global forces and the regional diversity within Europe. This research meeting in Sofia (Bulgaria) aimed to present synthetically the massive amount of data collected in the case studies (occupational and organisational) and with the quantitative research during last year.
The principal focus of the PhD thesis lies in the Social Software area and the appropriation of technology in "non-Western" societies taking the example of Bulgaria. The term "non-Western" is used to explain places considered technologically underdeveloped. The aims have been to capture how Bulgarian users creatively interpret and appropriate Internet identifying the sociocultural, political and subjective conditions in which that appropriation occurs, to identify emerging practices based on the interpretation and use of Internet and the impact they had on society and what conditions could influence the technological interpretation and the meaning these practices had for both users and social configuration of Internet as media in Bulgaria. An ethnographic approach has been used simultaneously in different online and offline contexts. On the one hand, this study is based on exploration of the Bulgarian Internet Space through online participant observation in forums and websites reviews and on the other hand, on semi-structured interviews with different types of users of the virtual platforms found, made both face to face and online and finally online participant observation at the same platforms. It is based on some contributions of the ethnographic work of Christine Hine in virtual environments and the notions of time and space of Barbara Czarniawska contextualized in the modern form of organization that occurs in a network of multiple and fragmented contexts across many movements.
Structural analysis of low-grade rocks highlights the allochthonous character of Mesozoic schists in southeastern Rhodope, Bulgaria. The deformation can be related to the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous thrusting and Tertiary detachment faulting. Petrologic and geochemical data show a volcanic arc origin of the greenschists and basaltic rocks. These results are interpreted as representing an island arc-accretionary complex related to the southward subduction of the Meliata-Maliac Ocean under the supra-subduction back-arc Vardar ocean/island arc system. This arc-trench system collided with the Rhodope in Late Jurassic times. (C) 2003 Academie des sciences. Published by Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Deformation of the Circum-Rhodope Belt Mesozoic (Middle Triassic to earliest Lower Cretaceous) low-grade schists underneath an arc-related ophiolitic magmatic suite and associated sedimentary successions in the eastern Rhodope-Thrace region occurred as a two-episode tectonic process: (i) Late Jurassic deformation of arc to margin units resulting from the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc-Rhodope terrane continental margin collision and accretion to that margin, and (ii) Middle Eocene deformation related to the Tertiary crustal extension and final collision resulting in the closure of the Vardar ocean south of the Rhodope terrane. The first deformational event D-1 is expressed by Late Jurassic NW-N vergent fold generations and the main and subsidiary planar-linear structures. Although overprinting, these structural elements depict uniform bulk north-directed thrust kinematics and are geometrically compatible with the increments of progressive deformation that develops in same greenschist-facies metamorphic grade. It followed the Early-Middle Jurassic magmatic evolution of the eastern Rhodope-Evros arc established on the upper plate of the southward subducting Maliac-Meliata oceanic lithosphere that established the Vardar Ocean in a supra-subduction back-arc setting. This first event resulted in the thrust-related tectonic emplacement of the Mesozoic schists in a supra-crustal level onto the Rhodope continental margin. This Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous tectonic event related to N-vergent Balkan orogeny is well-constrained by geochronological data and traced at a regional-scale within distinct units of the Carpatho-Balkan Belt. Following subduction reversal towards the north whereby the Vardar Ocean was subducted beneath the Rhodope margin by latest Cretaceous times, the low-grade schists aquired a new position in the upper plate, and hence, the Mesozoic schists are lacking the Cretaceous S-directed tectono-metamorphic episode whose effects are widespread in the underlying high-grade basement. The subduction of the remnant Vardar Ocean located behind the colliding arc since the middle Cretaceous was responsible for its ultimate closure, Early Tertiary collision with the Pelagonian block and extension in the region caused the extensional collapse related to the second deformational event D-2. This extensional episode was experienced passively by the Mesozoic schists located in the hanging wall of the extensional detachments in Eocene times. It resulted in NE-SW oriented open folds representing corrugation antiforms of the extensional detachment surfaces, brittle faulting and burial history beneath thick Eocene sediments as indicated by 42.1-39.7 Ma Ar-40/Ar-39 mica plateau ages obtained in the study. The results provide structural constraints for the involvement components of Jurassic paleo-subduction zone in a Late Jurassic arc-continental margin collisional history that contributed to accretion-related crustal growth of the Rhodope terrane. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In societies with strong multigenerational links, economic uncertainty results in choosing to stay with one child, sometimes in association with postponement of first births (i.e. Italy) and sometimes in early childbearing (i.e. Bulgaria). The interaction between intergenerational family practices in lowest-low fertility contexts is likely to play a role on differences timing to parenthood. In this paper, we focus on the phenomenon of women who have one child in their early twenties in Bulgaria and do not intend to have a second child. We argue that the key to this process is the persistence of extended multigenerational households in the Bulgarian context and their effect on young couples' fertility decision making. We use semi-structured interview data from the project Fertility Choices in Central and Eastern Europe and ethnographic fieldnotes. The interviews were collected from a sample of 22 couples resident in Sofia and representing different permutations of educational level, marital status and number of children (0 or 1). The four-year ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in both rural and urban Bulgaria between 1997 and 2009. Results suggest that as long as the economic situation remains dire, and young Bulgarians hopes for the future remain cynical, multigenerational households represent the accepted practice of entering into parenthood for young families.
Podiform chromitite bodies occur in highly serpentinized peridotites at Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif (Rhodope Mountains, southeastern Bulgaria). The ultramafic body is believed to represent a fragment of Palaeozoic ophiolite mantle. The ophiolite sequence is associated with greenschist - lower-temperature amphibolite facies metamorphosed rocks (biotitic gneisses hosting amphibolite). This association suggests that peridotites, chromitites and metamorphic rocks underwent a common metamorphic evolution. Chromitites at Dobromirtsi have been strongly altered. Their degree of alteration depends on the chromite/silicate ratio and to a lesser extent, on the size of chromitite bodies. Alteration is recorded in individual chromite grains in the form of optical and chemical zoning. Core to rim chemical trends are expressed by MgO- and Al2O3- impoverishment, mainly compensated by FeO and/or Fe2O3 increases. Such chemical variations correspond with three main alteration events. The first one was associated with ocean-floor metamorphism and was characterized by a lizardite replacement of olivine and the absence of chromite alteration. The second event took place during greenchist facies metamorphism. During this event, MgO- and SiO2-rich fluids (derived from low temperature serpentinization of olivine and pyroxenes) reacted with chromite to form chlorite; as a consequence, chromite became altered to a FeO- and Cr2O3-rich, Al2O3-poor chromite. The third event, mainly developed during lower temperature amphibolite facies metamorphism, caused the replacement of the primary and previously altered chromite by Fe2O3-rich chromite (ferritchromite).
In the eastern Bulgarian Rhodope, mafic extrusive rocks and underlying greenschists are found in the Mesozoic low-grade unit, which represents the northern extension of similar sequences including the Evros ophiolites in Thrace (Greece). Both rock types define a suite of low-Ti tholeiitic basalts to transitional boninitic basaltic andesites and andesites and associated metapyroclastites (greenschists), intruded at its base by diorite dikes of a boninitic affinity. Mafic lavas and greenschists display large ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment relative to high-field strength elements (HFSE), flat REE patterns of a slight light REE depletion, a strong island arc tholeiite (IAT) and weak MORB-like signature. All these rocks are characterized by negative Nb anomalies ascribed to arc lavas. They have positive epsilon Nd(i) values in the range of +4.87 to +6.09, approaching the lower limit of MORB-like source, and relatively high ((207)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (15.57-15.663) at low ((206)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (18.13-18.54) ratios. The Nd isotopic compositions coupled with trace element data imply a dominantly depleted MORB-like mantle source and a contribution of subduction modified LILE-enriched component derived from the mantle wedge. The diorite dike has a low eNdi value of -2.61 and is slightly more Pb radiogenic ((207)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (15.64) and ((206)Pb/(204)Pb)(i) (18.56), respectively, reflecting crustal contamination. Petrologic and geochemical data indicate that the greenschists and mafic extrusive rocks represent a magmatic assemblage formed in an island arc setting. The magmatic suite is interpreted as representing an island arc-accretionary complex related to the southward subduction of the Meliata-Maliac ocean under the supra-subduction back-arc Vardar ocean/island arc system. Magmatic activity appears to have initiated in the north during the inception of the island arc system by the Early-Middle Jurassic time in the eastern Rhodope that most likely graded to back-arc spreading southwards as represented by the Late Jurassic MORB-type Samothraki Island ophiolites. This tectonic scenario is further constrained by paleotectonic reconstructions. The arc-trench system collided with the Rhodope in the Late Jurassic times. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Euroopan Unionin itälaajentuminen toukokuun 1. päivä 2004 onmerkittävä käännekohta pan-eurooppalaisessa integraatioprosessissa. EU sai kymmenen uutta jäsenmaata, joista kahdeksan on niin kutsuttuja siirtymätalousmaita. Kaksi siirtymätalousmaata, Romania ja Bulgaria, eivät päässeet liittymään Euroopan Unioniin vielä 2004. Niiden tuli parantaa taloudellista kilpailukykyään ennenjäsenyyttä. Ne liittyivät unioniin tammikuun 1. päivä, 2007. Siten 'uusia jäsenmaita' on kaikkiaan kymmenen. Romania and Bulgaria ovat naapurimaita Mustanmeren länsirannalla. Vuonna 2005 Romanian väkiluku oli 21,6 miljoonaa ja Bulgaria 7,7 miljoonaa. Kummankin maan väliluku on ollut laskussa suunnitelmatalouden jälkeisellä kaudella. Ennen suunnitelmatalouden kautta Romania ja Bulgaria olivat maatalousyhteiskuntia, joiden elintaso oli vaatimaton. Keskusjohtoisen suunnitelmatalouden kaudella maat kokivat nopean teollistumisen ja kaupungistumisen.Molemmat yhteiskunnat muuttuivat dramaattisesti lyhyessä ajassa. Suunnitelmatalouden kaudella nopeasti syntynyt teollisuus Romaniassa ja Bulgariassa ei toiminut markkinoiden ehdoilla vaan valtion suunnitelmien mukaisesti. Kun markkinatalous 1990-luvun alussa nosti päätään, kävi ilmeiseksi, että monet teollisuuslaitokset näissä maissa eivät olleet elinkelpoisia globaalin kapitalismin olosuhteissa. Työttömyys alkoi kasvaa nopeasti molemmissa maissa. Kaupungistuminen otti takapakkia: ihmisiä muutti takaisin maatalouden piiriin selviytyäkseen hengissä. Tämä synnytti suuria muuttovirtoja. Taloudellisilla päätöksillä yritettiin helpottaa siirtymäkauden vaikutuksia mm. tukemalla teollisuutta ja viivyttämälläyksityistämistä. Tämä taloudellisen reformin viivytys johti siihen, että Romania ja Bulgaria eivät olleet mukana Euroopan Unionin historiallisessa itälaajenemisessa vuonna 2004. Raportissa tarkastellaan sitä hyvin selvää muutosta, joka näissä maissa on tapahtunut vuosituhannen vaihteessa. Molemmissa uusissa EU-maissa talouden kehitys on hyvin dynaamista ja se yhdistyy melko hyvin kehittyvään vakauteen. Kuitenkin inflaatioaste on selvästi korkeampi kuin läntisessä Euroopassa.Valtiontalous on alijäämäinen sekä Romaniassa että Bulgariassa, mutta vahva ulkomaisten investointien virta auttaa näiden alijääminen rahoittamisessa. Bulgaria and Romania ovat elintasoasteikon alapäässä EU-27 vertailussa. Näillä mailla ei ole varaa tiheään sosiaaliseen turvaverkkoon. Romaniasta ja Bulgariasta on tapahtunut melko mittavaa maastamuuttoa. Molemmissa maissa työttömyysaste on edelleen suhteellisen korkea. Suurista tuloeroista johtuen uusimmissaEU-jäsenmaissa on suuria sosiaalisia jännitteitä. Korruptio ja järjestäytynyt rikollisuus eivät ole kadonneet EU-jäsenyyden myötä. Nykyisissä olosuhteissa ei voida taata myöskään poliittista vakautta. Läheisessä Unkarissa, jossa elintaso on olennaisesti korkeampi kuin Romaniassa ja Bulgariassa, oppositio marssi kaduille vuonna 2006. Väkivaltaisia yhteenottoja syntyi paikallisten poliisivoimien jamielenosoittajien välille. Bulgarian nimellinen palkkataso on hämmästyttävän alhainen ja alle Romanian palkkatason. Bulgarian valuutta on merkittävästi aliarvostettu. Tämä tuo ylimääräistä kilpailukykyä Bulgarian työvoimavaltaisille tuotantoaloille ja lisäksi parantaa Bulgarian hintaetua turismin alalla. Bulgarian valtion budjetti on kuitenkin suhteellisesti alijäämäisempi kuin Romanian,jonka valuutta ei ole yhtä aliarvostettu. Voidaan olettaa, että Romania ja Bulgaria kilpailevat keskenään ulkomaisista investoinneista. Ulkomaisten investointien virta molempiin maihin on osoittanut melko nopeasti kasvavaa trendiä. Tämä positiivinen kehitys vahvistuu erittäin todennäköisesti edelleen EU-jäsenyyden vaikutuksesta.
Bulgaria is historically a multicultural society, composed of the Bulgarian (ethnic) majority and a number of ethnic minorities among which Bulgarian Turks and Roma are the largest. Both minority communities are stigmatized in contemporary Bulgaria, though to different degrees and for different reasons. Ethnic minorities' rights to preserve their culture, customs, and language are a topic of contentious debate. The purpose of this study was to examine individual- and context-level antecedents of the ethnic Bulgarian majority's support for multicultural rights of ethnic minorities. Multilevel regression analyses were conducted with International Social Survey Programme ISSP 2003 data (N = 920 in 28 Bulgarian districts). At the individual-level, an ethnic conception of the nation and anti-Roma symbolic prejudice were negatively related to support for multicultural rights, whereas national identification was positively related to the support of these rights. Over and above individual-level effects, and in line with recent extensions of intergroup contact theory, thepercentage ofBulgarianTurks withindistricts was positively related to support for multicultural rights. Importantly, support for multicultural rights was particularly high in districts characterized by ethnic diversity, that is, in districts with high proportions of both Bulgarian Turks and Roma. The beneficial effects of ethnic diversity and theoretical implications of findings are discussed.