999 resultados para muscle potentiation


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Whereas muscle potentiation is consistently demonstrated with evoked contractile properties, the potentiation of functional and physiological measures is inconsistent. The objective was to compare a variety of conditioning stimuli volumes and intensities over a 15-min recovery period. Twelve volleyball players were subjected to conditioning stimuli that included 10 repetitions of half squats with 70% of 1-repetition maximum (RM) (10 × 70), 5 × 70, 5 × 85, 3 × 85, 3 × 90, 1 × 90, and control. Jump height, power, velocity, and force were measured at baseline, 1, 3, 5, 10, and 15 min. Data were analysed with a 2-way repeated measure ANOVA and magnitude-based inferences. The ANOVA indicated significant decreases in jump height, power, and velocity during recovery. This should not be interpreted that no potentiation occurred. Each dependent variable reached a peak at a slightly different time: peak jump height (2.8 ± 2.3 min), mean power (3.6 ± 3.01 min), peak power (2.5 ± 1.8 min), and peak velocity (2.5 ± 1.8 min). Magnitude-based inference revealed that both the 5 × 70 and 3 × 85 protocol elicited changes that exceeded 75% likelihood of exceeding the smallest worthwhile change (SWC) for peak power and velocity. The 10 × 70 and the 5 × 70 had a substantial likelihood of potentiating peak velocity and mean power above the SWC, respectively. Magnitude-based inferences revealed that while no protocol had a substantial likelihood of potentiating the peak vertical jump, the 5 × 70 had the most consistent substantial likelihood of increasing the peak of most dependent variables. We were unable to consistently predict if these peaks occurred at 1, 3, or 5 min poststimulation, though declines after 5 min seems probable.


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Activated by elevations in myoplasmic calcium concentration, myosin light chain kinase (skMLCK) phosphorylates the regulatory light chains (RLCs) of fast muscle myosin. This covalent modification potentiates force production, but requires an investment of ATP. Our objective was to investigate the effect of RLC phosphorylation on the contractile economy (mechanical output:metabolic input) of fast twitch skeletal muscle. Extensor digitorum longus muscles isolated from Wildtype and skMLCK-/- mice mounted in vitro (25°C) were subjected to repetitive low-frequency stimulation (10Hz,15s) known to cause activation of skMLCK, and staircase potentiation of force. With a 3-fold increase in RLC phosphate content, Wildtype generated 44% more force than skMLCK-/- muscles over the stimulation period (P = .002), without an accompanied increase in energy cost (P = .449). Overall, the contractile economy of Wildtype muscles, with an intact RLC phosphorylation mechanism, was 73% greater than skMLCK /- muscles (P = .043), demonstrating an important physiological function of skMLCK during repetitive contractile activity.


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To determine if post-activation potentiation (PAP) can augment sports performance, it is pertinent that researchers be confident that any enhancement in performance is attributable to the PAP phenomenon. However, obtaining mechanistic measures of PAP in the daily training environment of highly trained athletes is impractical. We sought to validate jump squats as a practical measure with ecological validity to sports performance against a mechanistic measure of PAP. We assessed the evoked muscle twitch properties of the knee extensors and jump squat kinetics of 8 physically trained males in response to a 5-repetition-maximum back squat conditioning stimulus (CS). Evoked muscle twitch, followed by 3 jump squats, was assessed before and at 4, 8, and 12 min post CS. Time intervals were assessed on separate occasions using a Latin square design. Linear regression was used to determine the relationship between post-pre changes in kinetic variables and muscle twitch peak force (Ft) and twitch rate of force development (RFDt). Large correlations were observed for both concentric relative and absolute mean power and Ft (r = 0.50 ± 0.30) and RFDt (r = 0.56 ± 0.27 and r = 0.58 ± 0.26). Concentric rate of force development (RFD) showed moderate correlations with Ft (r = 0.45 ± 0.33) and RFDt (r = 0.49 ± 0.32). Small-to-moderate correlations were observed for a number of kinetic variables (r = -0.42-0.43 ± 0.32-0.38). Jump squat concentric mean power and RFD are valid ecological measures of muscle potentiation, capable of detecting changes in athletic performance in response to the PAP phenomenon.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the potentiation of dynamic function was dependent upon both length change speed and direction. Mouse EDL was cycled in vitro (25º C) about optimal length (Lo) with constant peak strain (± 2.5% Lo) at 1.5, 3.3 and 6.9 Hz before and after a conditioning stimulus. A single pulse was applied during shortening or lengthening and peak dynamic (concentric or eccentric) forces were assessed at Lo. Stimulation increased peak concentric force at all frequencies (range: 19 ± 1 to 30 ± 2%) but this increase was proportional to shortening speed, as were the related changes to concentric work/power (range: -15 ± 1 to 39 ± 1 %). In contrast, stimulation did not increase eccentric force, work or power at any frequency. Thus, results reveal a unique hysteresis like effect for the potentiation of dynamic output wherein concentric and eccentric forces increase and decrease, respectively, with work cycle frequency.


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The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the potentiation of dynamic function was dependent upon both length change speed and direction. Mouse EDL was cycled in vitro (250 C) about optimal length (Lo) with constant peak strain (± 2.5% Lo) at 1.5,3.3 and 6.9 Hz before and after a conditioning stimulus. A single pulse was applied during shortening or lengthening and peak dynamic (concentric or eccentric) forces were assessed at Lo. Stimulation increased peak concentric force at all frequencies (range: 19±1 to 30 ± 2%) but this increase was proportional to shortening speed, as were the related changes to concentric work/power (range: -15 ± 1 to 39 ± 1 %). In contrast, stimulation did not increase eccentric force, work or power at any frequency. Thus, results reveal a unique hysteresis like effect for the potentiation of dynamic output wherein concentric and eccentric forces increase and decrease, respectively, with work cycle frequency.


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This thesis investigated the modulation of dynamic contractile function and energetics of work by posttetanic potentiation (PTP). Mechanical experiments were conducted in vitro using software-controlled protocols to stimulate/determine contractile function during ramp shortening, and muscles were frozen during parallel incubations for biochemical analysis. The central feature of this research was the comparison of fast hindlimb muscles from wildtype and skeletal myosin light chain kinase knockout (skMLCK-/-) mice that does not express the primary mechanism for PTP: myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) phosphorylation. In contrast to smooth/cardiac muscles where RLC phosphorylation is indispensable, its precise physiological role in skeletal muscle is unclear. It was initially determined that tetanic potentiation was shortening speed dependent, and this sensitivity of the PTP mechanism to muscle shortening extended the stimulation frequency domain over which PTP was manifest. Thus, the physiological utility of RLC phosphorylation to augment contractile function in vivo may be more extensive than previously considered. Subsequent experiments studied the contraction-type dependence for PTP and demonstrated that the enhancement of contractile function was dependent on force level. Surprisingly, in the absence of RLC phosphorylation, skMLCK-/- muscles exhibited significant concentric PTP; consequently, up to ~50% of the dynamic PTP response in wildtype muscle may be attributed to an alternate mechanism. When the interaction of PTP and the catchlike property (CLP) was examined, we determined that unlike the acute augmentation of peak force by the CLP, RLC phosphorylation produced a longer-lasting enhancement of force and work in the potentiated state. Nevertheless, despite the apparent interference between these mechanisms, both offer physiological utility and may be complementary in achieving optimal contractile function in vivo. Finally, when the energetic implications of PTP were explored, we determined that during a brief period of repetitive concentric activation, total work performed was ~60% greater in wildtype vs. skMLCK-/- muscles but there was no genotype difference in High-Energy Phosphate Consumption or Economy (i.e. HEPC: work). In summary, this thesis provides novel insight into the modulatory effects of PTP and RLC phosphorylation, and through the observation of alternative mechanisms for PTP we further develop our understanding of the history-dependence of fast skeletal muscle function.


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1. Isolated sheep urethral cells were studied using the perforated patch clamp technique (T = 37 degrees C). Depolarizing steps ranging from -40 to -10 mV evoked an inward current that peaked within 10 ms and a slower inward current. Stepping back to the holding potential of -80 mV evoked large inward tail currents. All three currents were abolished by nifedipine (1 microM). Substitution of external Ca2+ with Ba2+ resulted in potentiation of the fast inward current and blockade of the slow current and tails. 2. Changing the chloride equilibrium potential (ECl) from 0 to +27 mV shifted the reversal potential of the tail currents from 1 +/- 1 to 27 +/- 1 mV (number of cells, n = 5). Chloride channel blockers, niflumic acid (10 microM) and anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (9AC, 1 mM), reduced the slow current and tails suggesting that these were Ca(2+)-activated Cl- currents, ICl(Ca). 4. Caffeine (10 mM) induced currents that reversed at ECl and were blocked by niflumic acid (10 microM). 5. In current clamp mode, some cells developed spontaneous transient depolarizations (STDs) and action potentials. Short exposure to nifedipine blocked the action potentials and unmasked STDs. In contrast, 9AC and niflumic acid reduced the amplitude of the STDs and blocked the action potentials. 6. In conclusion, these cells have both L-type ICa and ICl(Ca). The former appears to be responsible for the upstroke of the action potential, while the latter may act as a pacemaker current.


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Rationale: Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are a key component of tissue-engineered vessels. However, the sources by which they can be isolated are limited.

Objective: We hypothesized that a large number of SMCs could be obtained by direct reprogramming of fibroblasts, that is, direct differentiation of specific cell lineages before the cells reaching the pluripotent state.

Methods and Results: We designed a combined protocol of reprogramming and differentiation of human neonatal lung fibroblasts. Four reprogramming factors (OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and cMYC) were overexpressed in fibroblasts under reprogramming conditions for 4 days with cells defined as partially-induced pluripotent stem (PiPS) cells. PiPS cells did not form tumors in vivo after subcutaneous transplantation in severe combined immunodeficiency mice and differentiated into SMCs when seeded on collagen IV and maintained in differentiation media. PiPS-SMCs expressed a panel of SMC markers at mRNA and protein levels. Furthermore, the gene dickkopf 3 was found to be involved in the mechanism of PiPS-SMC differentiation. It was revealed that dickkopf 3 transcriptionally regulated SM22 by potentiation of Wnt signaling and interaction with Kremen1. Finally, PiPS-SMCs repopulated decellularized vessel grafts and ultimately gave rise to functional tissue-engineered vessels when combined with previously established PiPS-endothelial cells, leading to increased survival of severe combined immunodeficiency mice after transplantation of the vessel as a vascular graft.

Conclusions: We developed a protocol to generate SMCs from PiPS cells through a dickkopf 3 signaling pathway, useful for generating tissue-engineered vessels. These findings provide a new insight into the mechanisms of SMC differentiation with vast therapeutic potential.


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Large forces are the primary mechanism of injury in muscular dystrophy, and muscular dystrophy is especially damaging to type IIB muscle fibers. It was hypothesized that post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) would be down-regulated to prevent damage in Xlinked muscular dystrophy (mdx) mice since PTP increases force and PTP effects are greatest in IIB fibers. PTP experiments were performed on the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) of 50 day old mdx (YM) and C57BL/10 (YC) mice and 10 month old mdx (OM) and C57B1710 (OC) mice. Twitch and tetanic forces were lower in mdx than controls and lower in younger than older mice. Contrary to the hypothesis, PTP was higher in both mdx groups compared to controls. OM potentiated more than any other condition (OM: 29.8%, OC: 23.2%, YM: 21.9%, YC: 17.2%). In accordance with literature PTP increased in the older groups. To explain PTP changes, fiber typing and Western blots for myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) were performed. YM and YC had similar fiber type profiles (2% I, 58% IIX/D and 40% IIB). In accordance with literature but contrary to expected conditions for elevated PTP, OM had a slower fiber type profile (1.7% I, 69% IIX/D and 29% IIB) than OC (0.4% I, 61% IIX/D and 38% IIB). No differences were found in MLCK expression. It seems that PTP is up-regulated to maintain muscle function rather than being down-regulated to prevent muscle damage. Ca""^ transient and myosin phosphorylation measurements would be beneficial in explaining increased PTP seen in this study.


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Muscle glycogen is an important fuel for contracting skeletal muscle during prolonged strenuous exercise, and glycogen depletion has been implicated in muscle fatigue. It is also apparent that glycogen availability can exert important effects on a range of metabolic and cellular processes. These processes include carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism during exercise, post-exercise glycogen resynthesis, excitation–contraction coupling, insulin action and gene transcription. For example, low muscle glycogen is associated with reduced muscle glycogenolysis, increased glucose and NEFA uptake and protein degradation, accelerated glycogen resynthesis, impaired excitation–contraction coupling, enhanced insulin action and potentiation of the exercise-induced increases in transcription of metabolic genes. Future studies should identify the mechanisms underlying, and the functional importance of, the association between glycogen availability and these processes.


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Ferreira, SLA, Panissa, VLG, Miarka, B, and Franchini, E. Postactivation potentiation: effect of various recovery intervals on bench press power performance. J Strength Cond Res 26(3): 739-744, 2012-Postactivation potentiation (PAP) is a strategy used to improve performance in power activities. The aim of this study was to determine if power during bench press exercise was increased when preceded by 1 repetition maximum (1RM) in the same exercise and to determine which time interval could optimize PAP response. For this, 11 healthy male subjects (age, 25 +/- 4 years; height, 178 +/- 6 cm; body mass, 74 +/- 8 kg; bench press 1RM, 76 +/- 19 kg) underwent 6 sessions. Two control sessions were conducted to determine both bench press 1RM and power (6 repetitions at 50% 1RM). The 4 experimental sessions were composed of a 1RM exercise followed by power sets with different recovery intervals (1, 3, 5, and 7 minutes), performed on different days, and determined randomly. Power values were measured via Peak Power equipment (Cefise, Nova Odessa, Sao Paulo, Brazil). The conditions were compared using an analysis of variance with repeated measures, followed by a Tukey test. The significance level was set at p < 0.05. There was a significant increase in PAP in concentric contractions after 7 minutes of recovery compared with the control and 1-minute recovery conditions (p < 0.05). Our results indicated that 7 minutes of recovery has generated an increase in PAP in bench press and that such a strategy could be applied as an interesting alternative to enhance the performance in tasks aimed at increasing upper-body power performance.


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Background: Post-rest contraction (PRC) of cardiac muscle provides indirect information about the intracellular calcium handling. Objective: Our aim was to study the behavior of PRC, and its underlying mechanisms, in rats with myocardial infarction. Methods: Six weeks after coronary occlusion, the contractility of papillary muscles (PM) obtained from sham-operated (C, n = 17), moderate infarcted (MMI, n = 10) and large infarcted (LMI, n = 14) rats was evaluated, following rest intervals of 10 to 60 seconds before and after incubation with lithium chloride (Li+) substituting sodium chloride or ryanodine (Ry). Protein expression of SR Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA2), Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX), phospholamban (PLB) and phospho-Ser(16)-PLB were analyzed by Western blotting. Results: MMI exhibited reduced PRC potentiation when compared to C. Opposing the normal potentiation for C, post-rest decays of force were observed in LMI muscles. In addition, Ry blocked PRC decay or potentiation observed in LMI and C; Li+ inhibited NCX and converted PRC decay to potentiation in LMI. Although MMI and LMI presented decreased SERCA2 (72 +/- 7% and 47 +/- 9% of Control, respectively) and phospho-Ser(16)-PLB (75 +/- 5% and 46 +/- 11%, respectively) protein expression, overexpression of NCX (175 +/- 20%) was only observed in LMI muscles. Conclusion: Our results showed, for the first time ever, that myocardial remodeling after MI in rats may change the regular potentiation to post-rest decay by affecting myocyte Ca(2+) handling proteins. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;98(3):243-251)


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Members of the MyoD family of muscle-specific basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) proteins function within a genetic pathway to control skeletal muscle development. Mutational analyses of these factors suggested that their DNA binding domains mediated interaction with a coregulator required for activation of muscle-specific transcription. Members of the myocyte enhancer binding factor 2 (MEF2) family of MADS-box proteins are expressed at high levels in muscle and neural cells and at lower levels in several other cell types. MEF2 factors are unable to activate muscle gene expression alone, but they potentiate the transcriptional activity of myogenic bHLH proteins. This potentiation appears to be mediated by direct interactions between the DNA binding domains of these different types of transcription factors. Biochemical and genetic evidence suggests that MEF2 factors are the coregulators for myogenic bHLH proteins. The presence of MEF2 and cell-specific bHLH proteins in other cell types raises the possibility that these proteins may also cooperate to regulate other programs of cell-specific gene expression. We present a model to account for such cooperative interactions.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of 6 atmospheres of pressure (ATA) on plantar flexors' (PF) voluntary force and activation, force-frequency characteristics, and rate of torque development (RTD). Eight subjects performed PF isometric contractions. Muscle activation was monitored by electromyographic (EMG) activity (PF and dorsiflexors) and the interpolated twitch technique (ITT). Maximal evoked contractions of the PF were elicited at 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, and 40 Hz. PF RTD was calculated with maximal voluntary, 1 and 40 Hz contractions. Hyperbaric pressures significantly decreased PF voluntary torque; 6.2%, ITT activation; 2.8% with a trend for a 19.1% decrease in EMG (p = 0.1). There were no significant differences in the dorsiflexors/PF EMG ratio. One Hz torque was potentiated 15.7% with an increased absolute RTD of 12.8%, but no change in relative RTD. The results suggested hyperbaric-induced decreases in PF activation contributed to voluntary torque loss. A lack of torque reduction with higher frequency tetanic stimulation (2-40 Hz) suggested that 6 ATA does not impair myofilament kinetics, whereas twitch potentiation may include changes in excitation-contraction coupling.