991 resultados para multistage stochastic mixed 0-1 optimization


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In this work we extend to the multistage case two recent risk averse measures for two-stage stochastic programs based on first- and second-order stochastic dominance constraints induced by mixed-integer linear recourse. Additionally, we consider Time Stochastic Dominance (TSD) along a given horizon. Given the dimensions of medium-sized problems augmented by the new variables and constraints required by those risk measures, it is unrealistic to solve the problem up to optimality by plain use of MIP solvers in a reasonable computing time, at least. Instead of it, decomposition algorithms of some type should be used. We present an extension of our Branch-and-Fix Coordination algorithm, so named BFC-TSD, where a special treatment is given to cross scenario group constraints that link variables from different scenario groups. A broad computational experience is presented by comparing the risk neutral approach and the tested risk averse strategies. The performance of the new version of the BFC algorithm versus the plain use of a state-of-the-artMIP solver is also reported.


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In this paper we introduce four scenario Cluster based Lagrangian Decomposition (CLD) procedures for obtaining strong lower bounds to the (optimal) solution value of two-stage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems. At each iteration of the Lagrangian based procedures, the traditional aim consists of obtaining the solution value of the corresponding Lagrangian dual via solving scenario submodels once the nonanticipativity constraints have been dualized. Instead of considering a splitting variable representation over the set of scenarios, we propose to decompose the model into a set of scenario clusters. We compare the computational performance of the four Lagrange multiplier updating procedures, namely the Subgradient Method, the Volume Algorithm, the Progressive Hedging Algorithm and the Dynamic Constrained Cutting Plane scheme for different numbers of scenario clusters and different dimensions of the original problem. Our computational experience shows that the CLD bound and its computational effort depend on the number of scenario clusters to consider. In any case, our results show that the CLD procedures outperform the traditional LD scheme for single scenarios both in the quality of the bounds and computational effort. All the procedures have been implemented in a C++ experimental code. A broad computational experience is reported on a test of randomly generated instances by using the MIP solvers COIN-OR and CPLEX for the auxiliary mixed 0-1 cluster submodels, this last solver within the open source engine COIN-OR. We also give computational evidence of the model tightening effect that the preprocessing techniques, cut generation and appending and parallel computing tools have in stochastic integer optimization. Finally, we have observed that the plain use of both solvers does not provide the optimal solution of the instances included in the testbed with which we have experimented but for two toy instances in affordable elapsed time. On the other hand the proposed procedures provide strong lower bounds (or the same solution value) in a considerably shorter elapsed time for the quasi-optimal solution obtained by other means for the original stochastic problem.


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We present a general multistage stochastic mixed 0-1 problem where the uncertainty appears everywhere in the objective function, constraints matrix and right-hand-side. The uncertainty is represented by a scenario tree that can be a symmetric or a nonsymmetric one. The stochastic model is converted in a mixed 0-1 Deterministic Equivalent Model in compact representation. Due to the difficulty of the problem, the solution offered by the stochastic model has been traditionally obtained by optimizing the objective function expected value (i.e., mean) over the scenarios, usually, along a time horizon. This approach (so named risk neutral) has the inconvenience of providing a solution that ignores the variance of the objective value of the scenarios and, so, the occurrence of scenarios with an objective value below the expected one. Alternatively, we present several approaches for risk averse management, namely, a scenario immunization strategy, the optimization of the well known Value-at-Risk (VaR) and several variants of the Conditional Value-at-Risk strategies, the optimization of the expected mean minus the weighted probability of having a "bad" scenario to occur for the given solution provided by the model, the optimization of the objective function expected value subject to stochastic dominance constraints (SDC) for a set of profiles given by the pairs of threshold objective values and either bounds on the probability of not reaching the thresholds or the expected shortfall over them, and the optimization of a mixture of the VaR and SDC strategies.


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We present a scheme to generate clusters submodels with stage ordering from a (symmetric or a nonsymmetric one) multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage. We consider a stochastic model in compact representation and MPS format with a known scenario tree. The cluster submodels are built by storing first the 0-1 the variables, stage by stage, and then the continuous ones, also stage by stage. A C++ experimental code has been implemented for reordering the stochastic model as well as the cluster decomposition after the relaxation of the non-anticipativiy constraints until the so-called breakstage. The computational experience shows better performance of the stage ordering in terms of elapsed time in a randomly generated testbed of multistage stochastic mixed integer problems.


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The Operations Research (OR) community have defined many deterministic manufacturing control problems mainly focused on scheduling. Well-defined benchmark problems provide a mechanism for communication of the effectiveness of different optimization algorithms. Manufacturing problems within industry are stochastic and complex. Common features of these problems include: variable demand, machine part specific breakdown patterns, part machine specific process durations, continuous production, Finished Goods Inventory (FGI) buffers, bottleneck machines and limited production capacity. Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a commonly used tool for studying manufacturing systems of realistic complexity. There are few reports of detail-rich benchmark problems for use within the simulation optimization community that are as complex as those faced by production managers. This work details an algorithm that can be used to create single and multistage production control problems. The reported software implementation of the algorithm generates text files in eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format that are easily edited and understood as well as being cross-platform compatible. The distribution and acceptance of benchmark problems generated with the algorithm would enable researchers working on simulation and optimization of manufacturing problems to effectively communicate results to benefit the field in general.


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AMS subject classification: 90C31, 90A09, 49K15, 49L20.


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This paper describes the structural evolution of Y(0.9)Er(0.1)Al(3)(BO(3))(4) nanopowders using two soft chemistry routes, the sol-gel and the polymeric precursor methods. Differential scanning calorimetry, differential thermal analyses, thermogravimetric analyses, X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared, and Raman spectroscopy techniques have been used to study the chemical reactions between 700 and 1200 degrees C temperature range. From both methods the Y(0.9)Er(0.1)Al(3)(BO(3))(4) (Er:YAB) solid solution was obtained almost pure when the powdered samples were heat treated at 1150 degrees C. Based on the results, a schematic phase formation diagram of Er:YAB crystalline solid solution was proposed for powders from each method. The Er:YAB solid solution could be optimized by adding a small amount of boron oxide in excess to the Er:YAB nominal composition. The nanoparticles are obtained around 210 nm. Photoluminescence emission spectrum of the Er:YAB nanocrystalline powders was measured on the infrared region and the Stark components of the (4)I(13/2) and (4)I(15/2) levels were determined. Finally, for the first time the Raman spectrum of Y(0.9)Er(0.1)Al(3)(BO(3))(4) crystalline phase is also presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a layered encoding cascade evolutionary approach to solve a 0/1 knapsack optimization problem. A layered encoding structure is proposed and developed based on the schema theorem and the concepts of cascade correlation and multi-population evolutionary algorithms. Genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are combined with the proposed layered encoding structure to form a generic optimization model denoted as LGAPSO. In order to enhance the finding of both local and global optimum in the evolutionary search, the model adopts hill climbing evaluation criteria, feature of strength Pareto evolutionary approach (SPEA) as well as nondominated spread lengthen criteria. Four different sizes benchmark knapsack problems are studied using the proposed LGAPSO model. The performance of LGAPSO is compared to that of the ordinary multi-objective optimizers such as VEGA, NSGA, NPGA and SPEA. The proposed LGAPSO model is shown to be efficient in improving the search of knapsack’s optimum, capable of gaining better Pareto trade-off front.


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As a typical NP-complete problem, 0/1 Knapsack Problem (KP), has been widely applied in many domains for solving practical problems. Although ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms can obtain approximate solutions to 0/1 KP, there exist some shortcomings such as the low convergence rate, premature convergence and weak robustness. In order to get rid of the above-mentioned shortcomings, this paper proposes a new kind of Physarum-based hybrid optimization algorithm, denoted as PM-ACO, based on the critical paths reserved by Physarum-inspired mathematical (PM) model. By releasing additional pheromone to items that are on the important pipelines of PM model, PM-ACO algorithms can enhance item pheromone matrix and realize a positive feedback process of updating item pheromone. The experimental results in two different datasets show that PM-ACO algorithms have a stronger robustness and a higher convergence rate compared with traditional ACO algorithms.


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We determine the nature of coupled phonons in mixed crystal of Cs-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 using inelastic light scattering studies in the temperature range of 5 K to 300 K covering a spectral range of 60-1100 cm(-1). The phase transition in this system are marked by the splitting of phonon modes, appearance of new modes and anomalies in the frequency as well as linewidth of the phonon modes near transition temperature. In particular, we observed the splitting of symmetric (v(1)) and antisymmetric (v(3)) stretching vibrations associated with AsO4 tetrahedra below transition temperature (T-c(*) similar to 110 K) attributed to the lowering of site symmetry of AsO4 in orthorhombic phase below transition temperature. In addition, the step-up (hardening) and step-down (softening) of the AsO4 bending vibrations (v(4) (S9, S11) and v(2) (S6)) below transition temperature signals the rapid development of long range ferroelectric order and proton ordering. The lowest frequency phonon (S1) mode observed at similar to 92 cm(-1) shows anomalous blue shift (similar to 12 %) from 300 K to 5 K with no sharp transition near T-c(*) unlike other observed phonon modes signaling its potential coupling with the proton tunneling mode. (C) 2013 Author(s).


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This work reports a detailed temperature dependent Raman study on the mixed crystals of K-0.9(NH4)(0.1)H2AsO4 (KADA) from 5K to 300K in the spectral range of 60-1200cm(-1), covering tetragonal to orthorhombic structural phase transition accompanied by paraelectric to ferroelectric transition at T-c* similar to 60K. Multiple phase transitions below transition temperature (Tc* similar to 60K) are marked by the appearance of new modes, splitting of existing ones as well as anomalies in the self-energy parameters (i.e. mode frequencies and damping coefficient) of the phonon modes. Temperature independent behaviour of damping coefficient and abrupt jump in the mode frequency of some of the internal vibrations of AsO4 tetrahedra as well as external vibrations clearly signal long range ferroelectric ordering and proton ordering below T-c*. In addition, we observed that temperature dependence of many prominent phonon modes diverges significantly from their normal anharmonic behaviour below T-c* suggesting potential coupling between pseudospins and phonons. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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Discrete optimization problems are very difficult to solve, even if the dimention is small. For most of them the problem of finding an ε-approximate solution is already NP-hard. The branch-and-bound algorithms are the most used algorithms for solving exactly this sort of problems.


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Discrete optimization problems are very difficult to solve, even if the dimantion is small. For most of them the problem of finding an ε-approximate solution is already NP-hard.


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We consider a class of sampling-based decomposition methods to solve risk-averse multistage stochastic convex programs. We prove a formula for the computation of the cuts necessary to build the outer linearizations of the recourse functions. This formula can be used to obtain an efficient implementation of Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming applied to convex nonlinear problems. We prove the almost sure convergence of these decomposition methods when the relatively complete recourse assumption holds. We also prove the almost sure convergence of these algorithms when applied to risk-averse multistage stochastic linear programs that do not satisfy the relatively complete recourse assumption. The analysis is first done assuming the underlying stochastic process is interstage independent and discrete, with a finite set of possible realizations at each stage. We then indicate two ways of extending the methods and convergence analysis to the case when the process is interstage dependent.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)