17 resultados para multistability


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In this thesis we have presented some aspects of the nonlinear dynamics of Nd:YAG lasers including synchronization, Hopf bifurcation, chaos control and delay induced multistability.We have chosen diode pumped Nd:YAG laser with intracavity KTP crystal operating with two mode and three mode output as our model system.Different types of orientation for the laser cavity modes were considered to carry out the studies. For laser operating with two mode output we have chosen the modes as having parallel polarization and perpendicular polarization. For laser having three mode output, we have chosen them as two modes polarized parallel to each other while the third mode polarized orthogonal to them.


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This thesis presents analytical and numerical results from studies based on the multiple quantum well laser rate equation model. We address the problem of controlling chaos produced by direct modulation of laser diodes. We consider the delay feedback control methods for this purpose and study their performance using numerical simulation. Besides the control of chaos, control of other nonlinear effects such as quasiperiodicity and bistability using delay feedback methods are also investigated.A number of secure communication schemes based on synchronization of chaos semiconductor lasers have been successfully demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. The current investigations in these field include the study of practical issues on the implementations of such encryption schemes. We theoretically study the issues such as channel delay, phase mismatch and frequency detuning on the synchronization of chaos in directly modulated laser diodes. It would be helpful for designing and implementing chaotic encryption schemes using synchronization of chaos in modulated semiconductor lasers.


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Optical instabilities in the output light from a bistable optical device (BOD) with a delayed feedback was predicted by Ikeda [1]. Gibbs et al. [2] gave the first experimental verification of this type of instabilities. From that time several groups have studied the instabilities of the BOD for different relations between the delay time tR and the time constant ح of the system. In a previous paper [3] an empirical and analytical study of instabilities in hybrid BOD was reported by us. The employed set up is shown in Fig. 1.


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Considering the fact, in the real world, that information is transmitted with a time delay, we study an evolutionary spatial prisoner's dilemma game where agents update strategies according to certain information that they have learned. In our study, the game dynamics are classified by the modes of information learning as well as game interaction, and four different combinations, i.e. the mean-field case, case I, case II and local case, are studied comparatively. It is found that the time delay in case II smoothes the phase transition from the absorbing states of C (or D) to their mixing state, and promotes cooperation for most parameter values. Our work provides insights into the temporal behavior of information and the memory of the system, and may be helpful in understanding the cooperative behavior induced by the time delay in social and biological systems.


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Nonlinear dynamics of laser systems has become an interesting area of research in recent times. Lasers are good examples of nonlinear dissipative systems showing many kinds of nonlinear phenomena such as chaos, multistability and quasiperiodicity. The study of these phenomena in lasers has fundamental scientific importance since the investigations on these effects reveal many interesting features of nonlinear effects in practical systems. Further, the understanding of the instabilities in lasers is helpful in detecting and controlling such effects. Chaos is one of the most interesting phenomena shown by nonlinear deterministic systems. It is found that, like many nonlinear dissipative systems, lasers also show chaos for certain ranges of parameters. Many investigations on laser chaos have been done in the last two decades. The earlier studies in this field were concentrated on the dynamical aspects of laser chaos. However, recent developments in this area mainly belong to the control and synchronization of chaos. A number of attempts have been reported in controlling or suppressing chaos in lasers since lasers are the practical systems aimed to operated in stable or periodic mode. On the other hand, laser chaos has been found to be applicable in high speed secure communication based on synchronization of chaos. Thus, chaos in laser systems has technological importance also. Semiconductor lasers are most applicable in the fields of optical communications among various kinds of laser due to many reasons such as their compactness, reliability modest cost and the opportunity of direct current modulation. They show chaos and other instabilities under various physical conditions such as direct modulation and optical or optoelectronic feedback. It is desirable for semiconductor lasers to have stable and regular operation. Thus, the understanding of chaos and other instabilities in semiconductor lasers and their xi control is highly important in photonics. We address the problem of controlling chaos produced by direct modulation of laser diodes. We consider the delay feedback control methods for this purpose and study their performance using numerical simulation. Besides the control of chaos, control of other nonlinear effects such as quasiperiodicity and bistability using delay feedback methods are also investigated. A number of secure communication schemes based on synchronization of chaos semiconductor lasers have been successfully demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. The current investigations in these field include the study of practical issues on the implementations of such encryption schemes. We theoretically study the issues such as channel delay, phase mismatch and frequency detuning on the synchronization of chaos in directly modulated laser diodes. It would be helpful for designing and implementing chaotic encryption schemes using synchronization of chaos in modulated semiconductor laser


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Nonlinear dynamics has emerged into a prominent area of research in the past few Decades.Turbulence, Pattern formation,Multistability etc are some of the important areas of research in nonlinear dynamics apart from the study of chaos.Chaos refers to the complex evolution of a deterministic system, which is highly sensitive to initial conditions. The study of chaos theory started in the modern sense with the investigations of Edward Lorentz in mid 60's. Later developments in this subject provided systematic development of chaos theory as a science of deterministic but complex and unpredictable dynamical systems. This thesis deals with the effect of random fluctuations with its associated characteristic timescales on chaos and synchronization. Here we introduce the concept of noise, and two familiar types of noise are discussed. The classifications and representation of white and colored noise are introduced. Based on this we introduce the concept of randomness that we deal with as a variant of the familiar concept of noise. The dynamical systems introduced are the Rossler system, directly modulated semiconductor lasers and the Harmonic oscillator. The directly modulated semiconductor laser being not a much familiar dynamical system, we have included a detailed introduction to its relevance in Chaotic encryption based cryptography in communication. We show that the effect of a fluctuating parameter mismatch on synchronization is to destroy the synchronization. Further we show that the relation between synchronization error and timescales can be found empirically but there are also cases where this is not possible. Studies show that under the variation of the parameters, the system becomes chaotic, which appears to be the period doubling route to chaos.


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A recently proposed mean-field theory of mammalian cortex rhythmogenesis describes the salient features of electrical activity in the cerebral macrocolumn, with the use of inhibitory and excitatory neuronal populations (Liley et al 2002). This model is capable of producing a range of important human EEG (electroencephalogram) features such as the alpha rhythm, the 40 Hz activity thought to be associated with conscious awareness (Bojak & Liley 2007) and the changes in EEG spectral power associated with general anesthetic effect (Bojak & Liley 2005). From the point of view of nonlinear dynamics, the model entails a vast parameter space within which multistability, pseudoperiodic regimes, various routes to chaos, fat fractals and rich bifurcation scenarios occur for physiologically relevant parameter values (van Veen & Liley 2006). The origin and the character of this complex behaviour, and its relevance for EEG activity will be illustrated. The existence of short-lived unstable brain states will also be discussed in terms of the available theoretical and experimental results. A perspective on future analysis will conclude the presentation.


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Periodic waves are investigated in a system composed of a Kuramoto-Sivashinsky-Korteweg-de Vries (KS-KdV) equation linearly coupled to an extra linear dissipative one. The model describes, e.g., a two-layer liquid film flowing down an inclined plane. It has been recently shown that the system supports stable solitary pulses. We demonstrate that a perturbation analysis, based on the balance equation for the net field momentum, predicts the existence of stable cnoidal waves (CnWs) in the same system. It is found that the mean value u(0) of the wave field u in the main subsystem, but not the mean value of the extra field, affects the stability of the periodic waves. Three different areas can be distinguished inside the stability region in the parameter plane (L, u(0)), where L is the wave's period. In these areas, stable are, respectively, CnWs with positive velocity, constant solutions, and CnWs with negative velocity. Multistability, i.e., the coexistence of several attractors, including the waves with several maxima per period, appears at large value of L. The analytical predictions are completely confirmed by direct simulations. Stable waves are also found numerically in the limit of vanishing dispersion, when the KS-KdV equation goes over into the KS one.


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In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurden neue eisenhaltige Spincrossover-Komplexerndargestellt und deren magnetische Eigenschaften untersucht. Ausgehend von früheren Ergebnissen wurden verschiedene Strategien zur Optimierung der Eisen-Spincrossover Verbindungen verfolgt. Wie schon früher dokumentiert finden sich bei Eisen-Übergangsmetall Komplexen eine Vielzahl von Spincrossover Phänomenen. Ebenso gut dokumentiert sind die Möglichen Änderungen des Spin Zustandes durch äußere Einflüsse wie Temperatur, Druck oder Licht. Darauf aufbauend wurden nunrnverschiedene Eisenkomplexe synthetisiert und auf das Spincrossover Phänomen hin untersucht. Dazu wurden zum Einen Fe(II) Komplexe vom Typ [FeL1(NCS)2] (L1 = pmea, pmap, tepa and tmpa) betrachtet und zum anderen Sternförmige Fe(III) Komplexe vom Typ [M{(CN-FeIIIL2}x]y+. (M=Fe(II), Co(III), Mo(IV), Ru(II)) undrndodecanukleare Komplexe vom Typ [(L2Fe(III)NC)5Fe(II)CNCo(III)(CNFe(III)L2)5]4+. L2= Bis(R2,3,4 -salicylidenaminoalkyl-R1-amin. Thermischen Spincrossover und LIESST zeigen [3,3/N-H/Sal-H/Fe/Co]; [3,3/N-H/Sal-H/Fe/Ru]; [3,3/N-H/sal-H/Fe/Mo]; [3,3/N-H/Sal-H/Fe/W]; FeII(pmea)(SCN)2; thermischen Spinübergang zeigt [2,3/N-H/Sal-H/Fe/Fe-Co]. Die Ethylen gebrückten Komplexe zeigen weniger guten oder gar keinen Schalteffekt im Gegensatz zum Propylen gebrückten Komplexe. Fe(II)(PMEA)(SCN)2 zeigt vollständigen thermischen Spinübergang von High Spin nach Low Spin ein LIESST und einen LiPTH Effekt.


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Several divergent cortical mechanisms generating multistability in visual perception have been suggested. Here, we investigated the neurophysiologic time pattern of multistable perceptual changes by means of a simultaneous recording with electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Volunteers responded to the subjective perception of a sudden change between stable patterns of illusionary motion (multistable transition) during a stroboscopic paradigm. We found a global deceleration of the EEG frequency prior to a transition and an occipital-accentuated acceleration after a transition, as obtained by low-resolution electromagnetic tomography analysis (LORETA) analysis. A decrease in BOLD response was found in the prefrontal cortex before, and an increase after the transitions was observed in the right anterior insula, the MT/V5 regions and the SMA. The thalamus and left superior temporal gyrus showed a pattern of decrease before and increase after transitions. No such temporal course was found in the control condition. The multimodal approach of data acquisition allows us to argue that the top-down control of illusionary visual perception depends on selective attention, and that a diminution of vigilance reduces selective attention. These are necessary conditions to allow for the occurrence of a perception discontinuity in absence of a physical change of the stimulus.


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This thesis is devoted to the investigation of inter and intramolecular charge transfer (CT) in molecular functional materials and specifically organic dyes and CT crystals. An integrated approach encompassing quantum-chemical calculations, semiempirical tools, theoretical models and spectroscopic measurements is applied to understand structure-property relationships governing the low-energy physics of these materials. Four main topics were addressed: 1) Spectral properties of organic dyes. Charge-transfer dyes are constituted by electron donor (D) and electron acceptor (A) units linked through bridge(s) to form molecules with different symmetry and dimensionality. Their low-energy physics is governed by the charge resonance between D and A groups and is effectively described by a family of parametric Hamiltonians known as essential-state models. These models account for few electronic states, corresponding to the main resonance structures of the relevant dye, leading to a simple picture that is completed introducing the coupling of the electronic system to molecular vibrations, treated in a non-adiabatic way, and an effective classical coordinate, describing polar solvation. In this work a specific essential-state model was proposed and parametrized for the dye Brilliant Green. The central issue in this work has been the definition of the diabatic states, a not trivial task for a multi-branched chromophore. In a second effort, we have used essential-state models for the description of the early-stage dynamics of excited states after ultrafast excitation. Crucial to this work is the fully non-adiabatic treatment of the coupled electronic and vibrational motion, allowing for a reliable description of the dynamics of systems showing a multistable, broken-symmetry excited state. 2) Mixed-stack CT salts. Mixed-stack (MS) CT crystals are an interesting class of multifunctional molecular materials, where D and A molecules arrange themselves to form stacks, leading to delocalized electrons in one dimension. The interplay between the intermolecular CT, electrostatic interactions, lattice phonons and molecular vibrations leads to intriguing physical properties that include (photoinduced) phase transitions, multistability, antiferromagnetism, ferroelectricity and potential multiferroicity. The standard microscopic model to describe this family of materials is the Modified Hubbard model accounting for electron-phonon coupling (Peierls coupling), electron-molecular vibrations coupling (Holstein coupling) and electrostatic interactions. We adopt and validate a method, based on DFT calculations on dimeric DA structures, to extract relevant model parameters. The approach offers a powerful tool to shed light on the complex physics of MS-CT salts. 3) Charge transfer in organic radical dipolar dyes. In collaboration with the group of Prof. Jaume Veciana (ICMAB- Barcellona), we have studied spectral properties of a special class of CT dyes with D-bridge-A structure where the acceptor group is a stable radical (of the perchlorotriphenylmethyl, PTM, family), leading to an open-shell CT dyes. These materials are of interest since they associate the electronic and optical properties of CT dyes with magnetic properties from the unpaired electron. The first effort was devoted to the parametrization of the relevant essential-state model. Two strategies were adopted, one based on the calculation of the low-energy spectral properties, the other based on the variation of ground state properties with an applied electric field. 4) The spectral properties of organic nanoparticles based on radical species are investigated in collaboration with Dr. I. Ratera (ICMAB- Barcellona). Intriguing spectroscopic behavior was observed pointing to the presence of excimer states. In an attempt to rationalize these findings, extensive calculations (TD-DFT and ZINDO) were performed. The results for the isolated dyes are validated against experimental spectra in solution. To address intermolecular interactions we studied dimeric structures in the gas phase, but the preliminary results obtained do not support excimer formation.


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Transmission through a complex network of nonlinear one-dimensional leads is discussed by extending the stationary scattering theory on quantum graphs to the nonlinear regime. We show that the existence of cycles inside the graph leads to a large number of sharp resonances that dominate scattering. The latter resonances are then shown to be extremely sensitive to the nonlinearity and display multistability and hysteresis. This work provides a framework for the study of light propagation in complex optical networks.