966 resultados para multipole expansion


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Multipole expansion of an incident radiation field-that is, representation of the fields as sums of vector spherical wavefunctions-is essential for theoretical light scattering methods such as the T-matrix method and generalised Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT). In general, it is theoretically straightforward to find a vector spherical wavefunction representation of an arbitrary radiation field. For example, a simple formula results in the useful case of an incident plane wave. Laser beams present some difficulties. These problems are not a result of any deficiency in the basic process of spherical wavefunction expansion, but are due to the fact that laser beams, in their standard representations, are not radiation fields, but only approximations of radiation fields. This results from the standard laser beam representations being solutions to the paraxial scalar wave equation. We present an efficient method for determining the multipole representation of an arbitrary focussed beam. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study we present approximate analytical expressions for estimating the variation in multipole expansion coefficients as a function of the size of the apertures in the electrodes in axially symmetric (3D) and two-dimensional (2D) ion trap ion traps. Following the approach adopted in our earlier studies which focused on the role of apertures to fields within the traps, here too, the analytical expression we develop is a sum of two terms, A(n,noAperiure), the multipole expansion coefficient for a trap with no apertures and A(n,dueToAperture), the multipole expansion coefficient contributed by the aperture. A(n,noAperture) has been obtained numerically and A(n,dueToAperture) is obtained from the n th derivative of the potential within the trap. The expressions derived have been tested on two 3D geometries and two 2D geometries. These include the quadrupole ion trap (QIT) and the cylindrical ion trap (CIT) for 3D geometries and the linear ion trap (LIT) and the rectilinear ion trap (RIT) for the 2D geometries. Multipole expansion coefficients A(2) to A(12), estimated by our analytical expressions, were compared with the values obtained numerically (using the boundary element method) for aperture sizes varying up to 50% of the trap dimension. In all the plots presented, it is observed that our analytical expression for the variation of multipole expansion coefficients versus aperture size closely follows the trend of the numerical evaluations for the range of aperture sizes considered. The maximum relative percentage errors, which provide an estimate of the deviation of our values from those obtained numerically for each multipole expansion coefficient, are seen to be largely in the range of 10-15%. The leading multipole expansion coefficient, A(2), however, is seen to be estimated very well by our expressions, with most values being within 1% of the numerically determined values, with larger deviations seen for the QIT and the LIT for large aperture sizes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrodynamics can be consistently formulated on surfaces of arbitrary co-dimension in a background space-time, providing the effective theory describing long-wavelength perturbations of black branes. When the co-dimension is non-zero, the system acquires fluid-elastic properties and constitutes what is called a fluid brane. Applying an effective action approach, the most general form of the free energy quadratic in the extrinsic curvature and extrinsic twist potential of stationary fluid brane configurations is constructed to second order in a derivative expansion. This construction generalizes the Helfrich-Canham bending energy for fluid membranes studied in theoretical biology to the case in which the fluid is rotating. It is found that stationary fluid brane configurations are characterized by a set of 3 elastic response coefficients, 3 hydrodynamic response coefficients and 1 spin response coefficient for co-dimension greater than one. Moreover, the elastic degrees of freedom present in the system are coupled to the hydrodynamic degrees of freedom. For co-dimension-1 surfaces we find a 8 independent parameter family of stationary fluid branes. It is further shown that elastic and spin corrections to (non)-extremal brane effective actions can be accounted for by a multipole expansion of the stress-energy tensor, therefore establishing a relation between the different formalisms of Carter, Capovilla-Guven and Vasilic-Vojinovic and between gravity and the effective description of stationary fluid branes. Finally, it is shown that the Young modulus found in the literature for black branes falls into the class predicted by this approach - a relation which is then used to make a proposal for the second order effective action of stationary blackfolds and to find the corrected horizon angular velocity of thin black rings.


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This paper presents two approximate analytical expressions for nonlinear electric fields in the principal direction in axially symmetric (3D) and two dimensional (2D) ion trap mass analysers with apertures (holes in case of 3D traps and slits in case of 2D traps) on the electrodes. Considered together (3D and 2D), we present composite approximations for the principal unidirectional nonlinear electric fields in these ion traps. The composite electric field E has the form E = E-noaperture + E-aperture. where E-noaperture is the field within an imagined trap which is identical to the practical trap except that the apertures are missing and E-aperture is the field contribution due to apertures on the two trap electrodes. The field along the principal axis, of the trap can in this way be well approximated for any aperture that is not too large. To derive E-aperture. classical results of electrostatics have been extended to electrodes with finite thickness and different aperture shapes.E-noaperture is a modified truncated multipole expansion for the imagined trap with no aperture. The first several terms in the multipole expansion are in principle exact(though numerically determined using the BEM), while the last term is chosen to match the field at the electrode. This expansion, once Computed, works with any aperture in the practical trap. The composite field approximation for axially symmetric (3D) traps is checked for three geometries: the Paul trap, the cylindrical ion trap (CIT) and an arbitrary other trap. The approximation for 2D traps is verified using two geometries: the linear ion trap (LIT) and the rectilinear ion trap (RIT). In each case, for two aperture sizes (10% and 50% of the trap dimension), highly satisfactory fits are obtained. These composite approximations may be used in more detailed nonlinear ion dynamics Studies than have been hitherto attempted. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the systematic study of amine … LiCl [amines = NH3, CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH] complexes the possibility of an ion-pair structure and the effect of methylation on the stabilization energy is investigated. ΔEis evaluated by the SCF/4-31G method and augmented by the approximate dispersion energy calculated perturbationally. The interaction energy decreases with the increasing number of methyl groups in the amine. The dispersion energy plays a negligible role in the stabilization of complexes. None of the systems studied are ion pairs; their Li bonds are of a so-called molecular type. Due to the divergence of the multipole expansion, the attempt to correct the 4-31G stabilization energies via the electrostatic energy fails. The relative order of the ΔE in the series of complexes is verified instead in the extended basis set calculation. The lithium bonds are compared with their H-bonded analogues.


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The linear water wave scattering and radiation by an array of infinitely long horizontal circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid of infinite depth is investigated by use of the multipole expansion method. The diffracted and radiated potentials are expressed as a linear combination of infinite multipoles placed at the centre of each cylinder with unknown coefficients to be determined by the cylinder boundary conditions. Analytical expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, reflection and transmission coefficients and energies are derived. Comparisons are made between the present analytical results and those obtained by the boundary element method, and some examples are presented to illustrate the hydrodynamic behavior of multiple horizontal circular cylinders in a two-layer fluid. It is found that for two submerged circular cylinders the influence of the fluid density ratio on internal-mode wave forces is more appreciable than surface-mode wave forces, and the periodic oscillations of hydrodynamic results occur with the increase of the distance between two cylinders; for four submerged circular cylinders the influence of adding two cylinders on the wave forces of the former cylinders is small in low and high wave frequencies, but the influence is appreciable in intermediate wave frequencies.


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This study involves two aspects of our investigations of plasmonics-active systems: (i) theoretical and simulation studies and (ii) experimental fabrication of plasmonics-active nanostructures. Two types of nanostructures are selected as the model systems for their unique plasmonics properties: (1) nanoparticles and (2) nanowires on substrate. Special focus is devoted to regions where the electromagnetic field is strongly concentrated by the metallic nanostructures or between nanostructures. The theoretical investigations deal with dimers of nanoparticles and nanoshells using a semi-analytical method based on a multipole expansion (ME) and the finite-element method (FEM) in order to determine the electromagnetic enhancement, especially at the interface areas of two adjacent nanoparticles. The experimental study involves the design of plasmonics-active nanowire arrays on substrates that can provide efficient electromagnetic enhancement in regions around and between the nanostructures. Fabrication of these nanowire structures over large chip-scale areas (from a few millimeters to a few centimeters) as well as FDTD simulations to estimate the EM fields between the nanowires are described. The application of these nanowire chips using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for detection of chemicals and labeled DNA molecules is described to illustrate the potential of the plasmonics chips for sensing.


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Hadronic transitions rates in the heavy quarkonium systems are calculated within the framework of the QCD multipole expansion. The spectrum of glueballs consisting of two massive gluons, obtained by the use of the potential model, is adopted as a suitable description of the intermediate states. Comparisons with the quark confining string model (QCS) and the bag model are made. © 1990 Springer-Verlag.


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A inversão de momentos de fonte gravimétrica tridimensional é analisada em duas situações. Na primeira se admite conhecer apenas a anomalia. Na segunda se admite conhecer, além da anomalia, informação a priori sobre o corpo anômalo. Sem usar informação a priori, mostramos que é possível determinar univocamente todo momento, ou combinação linear de momentos, cujo núcleo polinomial seja função apenas das coordenadas Cartesianas que definem o plano de medida e que tenha Laplaciano nulo. Além disso, mostramos que nenhum momento cujo núcleo polinomial tenha Laplaciano não nulo pode ser determinado. Por outro lado, informação a priori é implicitamente introduzida se o método de inversão de momentos se baseia na aproximação da anomalia pela série truncada obtida de sua expansão em multipolos. Dado um centro de expansão qualquer, o truncamento da série impõe uma condição de regularização sobre as superfícies equipotenciais do corpo anômalo, que permite estimar univocamente os momentos e combinações lineares de momentos que são os coeficientes das funções-bases da expansão em multipolos. Assim, uma distribuição de massa equivalente à real é postulada, sendo o critério de equivalência especificado pela condição de ajuste entre os campos observado e calculado com a série truncada em momentos de uma ordem máxima pré-estabelecida. Os momentos da distribuição equivalente de massa foram identificados como a solução estacionária de um sistema de equações diferenciais lineares de 1a. ordem, para a qual se asseguram unicidade e estabilidade assintótica. Para a série retendo momentos até 2a. ordem, é implicitamente admitido que o corpo anômalo seja convexo e tenha volume finito, que ele esteja suficientemente distante do plano de medida e que a sua distribuição espacial de massa apresente três planos ortogonais de simetria. O método de inversão de momentos baseado na série truncada (IMT) é adaptado para o caso magnético. Para este caso, mostramos que, para assegurar unicidade e estabilidade assintótica, é suficiente pressupor, além da condição de regularização, a condição de que a magnetização total tenha direção e sentido constantes, embora desconhecidos. O método IMT baseado na série de 2a. ordem (IMT2) é aplicado a anomalias gravimétricas e magnéticas tridimensionais sintéticas. Mostramos que se a fonte satisfaz as condições exigidas, boas estimativas da sua massa ou vetor momento de dipolo anômalo total, da posição de seu centro de massa ou de momento de dipolo e das direções de seus três eixos principais são obtidas de maneira estável. O método IMT2 pode falhar parcialmente quando a fonte está próxima do plano de medida ou quando a anomalia tem efeitos localizados e fortes de um corpo pequeno e raso e se tenta estimar os parâmetros de um corpo grande e profundo. Definimos por falha parcial a situação em que algumas das estimativas obtidas podem não ser boas aproximações dos valores verdadeiros. Nas duas situações acima descritas, a profundidade do centro da fonte (maior) e as direções de seus eixos principais podem ser erroneamente estimadas, embora que a massa ou vetor momento de dipolo anômalo total e a projeção do centro desta fonte no plano de medida ainda sejam bem estimados. Se a direção de magnetização total não for constante, o método IMT2 pode fornecer estimativas erradas das direções dos eixos principais (mesmo se a fonte estiver distante do plano de medida), embora que os demais parâmetros sejam bem estimados. O método IMT2 pode falhar completamente se a fonte não tiver volume finito. Definimos por falha completa a situação em que qualquer estimativa obtida pode não ser boa aproximação do valor verdadeiro. O método IMT2 é aplicado a dados reais gravimétricos e magnéticos. No caso gravimétrico, utilizamos uma anomalia situada no estado da Bahia, que se supõe ser causada por um batólito de granito. Com base nos resultados, sugerimos que as massas graníticas geradoras desta anomalia tenham sido estiradas na direção NNW e adelgaçadas na direção vertical durante o evento compressivo que causou a orogênese do Sistema de Dobramentos do Espinhaço. Além disso, estimamos que a profundidade do centro de massa da fonte geradora é cerca de 20 km. No caso magnético, utilizamos a anomalia de um monte submarino situado no Golfo da Guiné. Com base nos resultados, estimamos que o paleopolo magnético do monte submarino tem latitude 50°48'S e longitude 74°54'E e sugerimos que não exista contraste de magnetização expressivo abaixo da base do monte submarino.


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The electromagnetic interference between electronic systems or between their components influences the overall performance. It is important thus to model these interferences in order to optimize the position of the components of an electronic system. In this paper, a methodology to construct the equivalent model of magnetic field sources is proposed. It is based on the multipole expansion, and it represents the radiated emission of generic structures in a spherical reference frame. Experimental results for different kinds of sources are presented illustrating our method.


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This thesis is concerned with the calculation of virtual Compton scattering (VCS) in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory to fourth order in the momentum and quark-mass expansion. In the one-photon-exchange approximation, the VCS process is experimentally accessible in photon electro-production and has been measured at the MAMI facility in Mainz, at MIT-Bates, and at Jefferson Lab. Through VCS one gains new information on the nucleon structure beyond its static properties, such as charge, magnetic moments, or form factors. The nucleon response to an incident electromagnetic field is parameterized in terms of 2 spin-independent (scalar) and 4 spin-dependent (vector) generalized polarizabilities (GP). In analogy to classical electrodynamics the two scalar GPs represent the induced electric and magnetic dipole polarizability of a medium. For the vector GPs, a classical interpretation is less straightforward. They are derived from a multipole expansion of the VCS amplitude. This thesis describes the first calculation of all GPs within the framework of manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. Because of the comparatively large number of diagrams - 100 one-loop diagrams need to be calculated - several computer programs were developed dealing with different aspects of Feynman diagram calculations. One can distinguish between two areas of development, the first concerning the algebraic manipulations of large expressions, and the second dealing with numerical instabilities in the calculation of one-loop integrals. In this thesis we describe our approach using Mathematica and FORM for algebraic tasks, and C for the numerical evaluations. We use our results for real Compton scattering to fix the two unknown low-energy constants emerging at fourth order. Furthermore, we present the results for the differential cross sections and the generalized polarizabilities of VCS off the proton.


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In this thesis we have extended the methods for microscopic charge-transport simulations for organic semiconductors. In these materials the weak intermolecular interactions lead to spatially localized charge carriers, and the charge transport occurs as an activated hopping process between diabatic states. In addition to weak electronic couplings between these states, different electrostatic environments in the organic material lead to a broadening of the density of states for the charge energies which limits carrier mobilities.rnThe contributions to the method development includern(i) the derivation of a bimolecular charge-transfer rate,rn(ii) the efficient evaluation of intermolecular (outer-sphere) reorganization energies,rn(iii) the investigation of effects of conformational disorder on intramolecular reorganization energies or internal site energiesrnand (iv) the inclusion of self-consistent polarization interactions for calculation of charge energies.These methods were applied to study charge transport in amorphous phases of small molecules used in the emission layer of organic light emitting diodes (OLED).rnWhen bulky substituents are attached to an aromatic core in order to adjust energy levels or prevent crystallization, a small amount of delocalization of the frontier orbital to the substituents can increase electronic couplings between neighboring molecules. This leads to improved charge-transfer rates and, hence, larger charge-mobility. We therefore suggest using the mesomeric effect (as opposed to the inductive effect) when attaching substituents to aromatic cores, which is necessary for example in deep blue OLEDs, where the energy levels of a host molecule have to be adjusted to those of the emitter.rnFurthermore, the energy landscape for charges in an amorphous phase cannot be predicted by mesoscopic models because they approximate the realistic morphology by a lattice and represent molecular charge distributions in a multipole expansion. The microscopic approach shows that a polarization-induced stabilization of a molecule in its charged and neutral states can lead to large shifts, broadening, and traps in the distribution of charge energies. These results are especially important for multi-component systems (the emission layer of an OLED or the donor-acceptor interface of an organic solar cell), if the change in polarizability upon charging (or excitation in case of energy transport) is different for the components. Thus, the polarizability change upon charging or excitation should be added to the set of molecular parameters essential for understanding charge and energy transport in organic semiconductors.rnWe also studied charge transport in self-assembled systems, where intermolecular packing motives induced by side chains can increase electronic couplings between molecules. This leads to larger charge mobility, which is essential to improve devices such as organic field effect transistors, where low carrier mobilities limit the switching frequency.rnHowever, it is not sufficient to match the average local molecular order induced by the sidernchains (such as the pitch angle between consecutive molecules in a discotic mesophase) with maxima of the electronic couplings.rnIt is also important to make the corresponding distributions as narrow as possible compared to the window determined by the closest minima of thernelectronic couplings. This is especially important in one-dimensional systems, where charge transport is limited by the smallest electronic couplings.rnThe immediate implication for compound design is that the side chains should assist the self-assemblingrnprocess not only via soft entropic interactions, but also via stronger specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonding.rnrnrnrn


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Der erste Teil der vorliegenden Dissertation befasst sich mit der Untersuchung der perturbativen Unitarität im Komplexe-Masse-Renormierungsschema (CMS). Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Methode zur Berechnung der Imaginärteile von Einschleifenintegralen mit komplexen Massenparametern vorgestellt, die im Grenzfall stabiler Teilchen auf die herkömmlichen Cutkosky-Formeln führt. Anhand einer Modell-Lagrangedichte für die Wechselwirkung eines schweren Vektorbosons mit einem leichten Fermion wird demonstriert, dass durch Anwendung des CMS die Unitarität der zugrunde liegenden S-Matrix im störungstheoretischen Sinne erfüllt bleibt, sofern die renormierte Kopplungskonstante reell gewählt wird. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Anwendungen des CMS in chiraler effektiver Feldtheorie (EFT). Im Einzelnen werden Masse und Breite der Deltaresonanz, die elastischen elektromagnetischen Formfaktoren der Roperresonanz, die elektromagnetischen Formfaktoren des Übergangs vom Nukleon zur Roperresonanz sowie Pion-Nukleon-Streuung und Photo- und Elektropionproduktion für Schwerpunktsenergien im Bereich der Roperresonanz berechnet. Die Wahl passender Renormierungsbedingungen ermöglicht das Aufstellen eines konsistenten chiralen Zählschemas für EFT in Anwesenheit verschiedener resonanter Freiheitsgrade, so dass die aufgeführten Prozesse in Form einer systematischen Entwicklung nach kleinen Parametern untersucht werden können. Die hier erzielten Resultate können für Extrapolationen von entsprechenden Gitter-QCD-Simulationen zum physikalischen Wert der Pionmasse genutzt werden. Deshalb wird neben der Abhängigkeit der Formfaktoren vom quadrierten Impulsübertrag auch die Pionmassenabhängigkeit des magnetischen Moments und der elektromagnetischen Radien der Roperresonanz untersucht. Im Rahmen der Pion-Nukleon-Streuung und der Photo- und Elektropionproduktion werden eine Partialwellenanalyse und eine Multipolzerlegung durchgeführt, wobei die P11-Partialwelle sowie die Multipole M1- und S1- mittels nichtlinearer Regression an empirische Daten angepasst werden.


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This thesis consists of two parts. In Part I, we develop a multipole moment formalism in general relativity and use it to analyze the motion and precession of compact bodies. More specifically, the generic, vacuum, dynamical gravitational field of the exterior universe in the vicinity of a freely moving body is expanded in positive powers of the distance r away from the body's spatial origin (i.e., in the distance r from its timelike-geodesic world line). The expansion coefficients, called "external multipole moments,'' are defined covariantly in terms of the Riemann curvature tensor and its spatial derivatives evaluated on the body's central world line. In a carefully chosen class of de Donder coordinates, the expansion of the external field involves only integral powers of r ; no logarithmic terms occur. The expansion is used to derive higher-order corrections to previously known laws of motion and precession for black holes and other bodies. The resulting laws of motion and precession are expressed in terms of couplings of the time derivatives of the body's quadrupole and octopole moments to the external moments, i.e., to the external curvature and its gradient.

In part II, we study the interaction of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in a black-hole magnetosphere with the "dragging of inertial frames" effect of the hole's rotation - i.e., with the hole's "gravitomagnetic field." More specifically: we first rewrite the laws of perfect general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) in 3+1 language in a general spacetime, in terms of quantities (magnetic field, flow velocity, ...) that would be measured by the ''fiducial observers” whose world lines are orthogonal to (arbitrarily chosen) hypersurfaces of constant time. We then specialize to a stationary spacetime and MHD flow with one arbitrary spatial symmetry (e.g., the stationary magnetosphere of a Kerr black hole); and for this spacetime we reduce the GRMHD equations to a set of algebraic equations. The general features of the resulting stationary, symmetric GRMHD magnetospheric solutions are discussed, including the Blandford-Znajek effect in which the gravitomagnetic field interacts with the magnetosphere to produce an outflowing jet. Then in a specific model spacetime with two spatial symmetries, which captures the key features of the Kerr geometry, we derive the GRMHD equations which govern weak, linealized perturbations of a stationary magnetosphere with outflowing jet. These perturbation equations are then Fourier analyzed in time t and in the symmetry coordinate x, and subsequently solved numerically. The numerical solutions describe the interaction of MHD waves with the gravitomagnetic field. It is found that, among other features, when an oscillatory external force is applied to the region of the magnetosphere where plasma (e+e-) is being created, the magnetosphere responds especially strongly at a particular, resonant, driving frequency. The resonant frequency is that for which the perturbations appear to be stationary (time independent) in the common rest frame of the freshly created plasma and the rotating magnetic field lines. The magnetosphere of a rotating black hole, when buffeted by nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields anchored in a surrounding accretion disk, might exhibit an analogous resonance. If so then the hole's outflowing jet might be modulated at resonant frequencies ω=(m/2) ΩH where m is an integer and ΩH is the hole's angular velocity.