991 resultados para multi-stemmed trees


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Quercus pyrenaica es una especie rebrotadora de raíz intensa e históricamente aprovechada en monte bajo para la obtención de leñas, carbón y pastos. Debido al éxodo rural y a la aparición de nuevas fuentes energéticas, este aprovechamiento fue abandonado en la década de 1970. Desde entonces, las bajas producciones de madera y bellota y el puntisecado de los pies evidencian el generalizado estancamiento de estas masas. Uno de los mayores retos actuales de la selvicultura en el ámbito mediterráneo es encontrar usos alternativos para estos montes abandonados, siendo la conversión a monte alto una de las alternativas preferidas. Se han realizado resalveos de conversión, sin embrago, éstos se aplican sin un conocimiento integral de las causas de la degradación. En esta tesis doctoral, estudiamos un hipotético desequilibrio entre la parte radical y la parte aérea (R:S) de las cepas de rebollo como causa subyacente de su decaimiento. En una parcela experimental, aprovechada al menos desde el siglo XII, se realizaron análisis genéticos a priori para elucidar la estructura genética del rodal, y así estudiar la influencia del tamaño clonal en el funcionamiento de las cepas. Las cepas de mayor tamaño presentaron un menor crecimiento diametral de sus pies, así como mayores tasas de respiración radical, estimadas a partir de flujos internos de CO2 a través del xilema (FT) y de los flujos de CO2 del suelo. Estos resultados sugieren que el desequilibrio R:S aumenta con el tamaño clonal, dado que la eliminación periódica de órganos aéreos, al mismo tiempo que las raíces permanecen intactas, da lugar a un gran desarrollo del sistema radical que consume gran parte de los carbohidratos no estructurales (NSC) en respiración de mantenimiento, comprometiendo así el desarrollo de órganos aéreos. Se excavaron y pesaron dos cepas compuestas por cuatro y ocho pies, las cuales mostraron ratios R:S (0.5 y 1, respectivamente) superiores a los registrados en pies de origen sexual. Al igual que en otras especies rebrotadoras de raíz, se observaron altas concentraciones de NSC en las raíces (> 20% en primavera) y una gran proporción de albura en el sistema radical (52%) que alberga una notable reserva de NSC (87 kg en la cepa de mayor tamaño). En el sistema radical de dicha cepa, estimada mediante dataciones radiocarbónicas en 550 años de edad, se contaron 248 uniones radicales. La persistencia de sistemas radicales grandes, viejos, y altamente interconectados sugiere que la gran cantidad de recursos almacenados y consumidos en las raíces compensan un pobre desarrollo aéreo con una alta resiliencia vegetativa. Para un mejor entendimiento de los balances de carbono y del agotamiento de NSC en las cepas de rebollo, se midieron los flujos internos y externos de CO2 en troncos y los flujos de CO2 del suelo, y se estimó la respiración de órganos aéreos (RS) y subterráneos (RR). Estacionalmente, RS y RR reflejaron las dinámicas de flujo de savia y de crecimiento del tronco, y estuvieron determinadas principalmente por los flujos externos de CO2, dada la escasa contribución de FT a RS y RR (< 10% y < 2%, respectivamente). En una escala circadiana, la contribución de FT a RS aumentó hasta un 25% en momentos de alta transpiración. Las bajas concentraciones de CO2 en el xilema ([CO2] hasta un 0.11%) determinaron comparativamente unos bajos FT, probablemente causados por una limitada respiración del xilema y una baja resistencia a la difusión radial del CO2 impuestos por la sequía estival. Los pulsos de [CO2] observados tras las primeras lluvias de otoño apoyan esta idea. A lo largo del periodo vegetativo, el flujo medio de CO2 procedente del suelo (39 mol CO2 day-1) fue el mayor flujo respiratorio, tres y cuatro veces superior a RS (12 mol CO2 day-1) y RR (8-9 mol CO2 day-1), respectivamente. Ratios RR/RS menores que la unidad evidencian un importante peso de la respiración aérea como sumidero de carbono adicional. Finalmente, se ensayó el zanjado de raíces y el anillamiento de troncos como tratamientos selvícolas alternativos con el objetivo de aumentar las reservas de NSC en los troncos de las cepas. Los resultados preliminares desaconsejan el zanjado de raíces por el alto coste derivado posiblemente de la cicatrización de las heridas. El anillado de troncos imposibilitó el transporte de NSC a las raíces y aumentó la concentración de almidón por encima de la zona anillada, mientras que sistema radical se mantiene por los pies no anillados de la cepa. Son necesarias más mediciones y datos adicionales para comprobar el mantenimiento de esta respuesta positiva a largo plazo. Para concluir, destacamos la necesidad de estudios multidisciplinares que permitan una comprensión integral de la degradación de los rebollares ibéricos para poder aplicar a posteriori una gestión adecuada en estos montes bajos abandonados. ABSTRACT Quercus pyrenaica is a vigorous root-resprouting species intensively and historically coppiced for firewood, charcoal and woody pastures. Due to the rural exodus and the appearance of new energy sources, coppicing was abandoned towards 1970. Since then, tree overaging has resulted in stand stagnation displayed by slow stem growth, branch dieback, and scarce acorn production. The urgent need to find new alternative uses for abandoned coppices is recognized as one of the biggest challenges which currently faces Mediterranean silviculture; conversion into high forest by thinning is one of the preferred alternatives. For this aim, thinning has been broadly applied and seldom tested, although without a comprehensive understanding of the causes of stand stagnation. In this PhD study, we test the hypothesis of an imbalance between above- and below-ground organs, result of long term coppicing, as the underlying cause of Q. pyrenaica decay. In an experimental plot coppiced since at least the 12th century, genetic analyses were performed a priori to elucidate inconspicuous clonal structure of Q. pyrenaica to evaluate how clonal size affects the functioning of these multi-stemmed trees. Clonal size negatively affected diametric stem growth, whereas root respiration rates, measured by internal fluxes of CO2 through xylem (FT) and soil CO2 efflux, increased with clonal size. These results suggest root-to-shoot (R:S) imbalance intensifying with clonal size: periodic removal of aboveground organs whilst belowground organs remain undisturbed may have led to massive root systems which consume a great proportion of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) for maintenance respiration, thus constraining aboveground performance. Furthermore, excavation of two multi-stemmed trees, composed by four and eight stems, revealed R:S ratios (0.5 and 1, respectively) greater than those reported for sexually regenerated trees. Moreover, as similarly observed in several root-resprouting species, NSC allocation to roots was favored ([NSC] > 20% in spring): a large proportion of sapwood maintained throughout the root system (52%) stored a remarkable NSC pool of 87 kg in the case of the largest clone. In this root system of the eight-stemmed tree, 248 root connections were counted and, by radiocarbon dating, its age was estimated to be 550-years-old. Persistence of massive, old and highly interconnected root systems suggests that enhanced belowground NSC storage and consumption reflects a trade-off between vegetative resilience and aboveground development. For a better understanding of tree carbon budget and the potential role of carbon starvation in Q. pyrenaica decay, internal and external stem CO2 fluxes and soil CO2 effluxes were monitored to evaluate respiratory costs above- and below-ground. On a seasonal scale, stem and root respiration (RS and RR) mirrored sap flow and stem growth dynamics. Respiration was determined to the greatest extent by external fluxes of CO2 to the atmosphere or soil, since FT accounted for a low proportion of RS and RR (< 10% and < 2%, respectively). On a diel scale, the contribution of FT to RS increased up to 25% at high transpiration rates. Comparatively low FT was determined by the low concentration of xylem CO2 registered ([CO2] as low as 0.11%), likely as a consequence of constrained xylem respiration and reduced resistance to CO2 radial diffusion imposed by summer drought. Xylem [CO2] pulses following first autumn rains support this idea. Averaged over the growing season, soil CO2 efflux was the greatest respiratory flux (39 mol CO2 day-1), three and four times greater than RS (12 mol CO2 day-1) and RR (8-9 mol CO2 day-1), respectively. Ratios of RR/RS below one evidence an additional and important weight of aboveground respiration as a tree carbon sink. Finally, root trenching and stem girdling were tested as complimentary treatments to thinning as a means to improve carbon reserves in stems of clonal trees. Preliminary results discouraged root trenching due to the high cost likely incurred for wound closure. Stem girdling successfully blocked NSC translocation downward, increasing starch concentrations above the girdled zone whilst the root system is fed by non-girdled stems within the clone. Further measurements and ancillary data are necessary to verify that this positive effect hold over time. To conclude, the need of multidisciplinary approaches for an integrative understanding on the functioning of abandoned Q pyrenaica coppices is highlighted for an appropriate management of these stands.


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Abstract Quambalaria shoot blight, caused by the fungus Quambalaria pitereka, is a serious disease affecting the expanding eucalypt plantation estate in subtropical and tropical eastern Australia. Trees that are severely infected are often multi-stemmed and stunted and infection of young trees may give rise to poor form in mature trees. A spotted gum clonal trial provided the opportunity to investigate the impact of the disease on tree growth and factors influencing tree architecture (tree form), which affects wood quality. We measured the effect that Q. pitereka infection during plantation establishment (up to 6 months old) has on growth and tree architecture and productivity to age 3 years. Our results show that the pathogen has a significant impact on trees at plantation establishment, which results in a negative impact on wood quality, potentially reducing merchantable value at final harvest. Tree growth and form was significantly improved where germplasm with low susceptibility to Q. pitereka infection was used.


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The rust fungus Puccinia spegazzinii was introduced into Papua New Guinea (PNG) in 2008 as a classical biological control agent of the invasive weed Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae), following its earlier release in India, mainland China and Taiwan. Prior to implementing field releases in PNG, assessments were conducted to determine the most suitable rust pathotype for the country, potential for damage to non-target species, most efficient culturing method and potential impact to M. micrantha. The pathotype from eastern Ecuador was selected from the seven pathotypes tested, since all the plant populations evaluated from PNG were highly susceptible to it. None of the 11 plant species (representing eight families) tested to confirm host specificity showed symptoms of infection, supporting previous host range determination. A method of mass-producing inoculum of the rust fungus, using a simple technology which can be readily replicated in other countries, was developed. Comparative growth trials over one rust generation showed that M. micrantha plants infected with the rust generally had both lower growth rates and lower final dry weights, and produced fewer nodes than uninfected plants. There were significant correlations between the number of pustules and (a) the growth rate, (b) number of new nodes and (c) final total dry weight of single-stemmed plants placed in open sunlight and between the number of pustules and number of new nodes of multi-stemmed plants placed under cocoa trees. The trials suggest that field densities of M. micrantha could be reduced if the rust populations are sufficiently high. Crown Copyright (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Failures in reforestation are often attributed to nutrient limitation for tree growth. We compared tree performance and nitrogen and phosphorus relations in adjacent mixed-species plantings of contrasting composition, established for forest restoration on Ultisol soil, originally covered by tropical semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest in Southeast Brazil. Nutrient relations of four tree species occurring in both planting mixtures were compared between a legume-dominated, species-poor direct seeding mixture of early-successional species ("legume mixture"), and a species-diverse, legume-poor mixture of all successional groups ("diverse mixture"). After 7 years, the legume mixture had 6-fold higher abundance of N(2)-fixing trees, 177% higher total tree basal area, 22% lower litter C/N, six-fold higher in situ soil resin-nitrate, and 40% lower in situ soil resin-P, compared to the diverse mixture. In the legume mixture, non-N(2)-fixing legume Schizolobium parahyba (Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae) had significantly lower proportional N resorption, and both naturally regenerating non-legume trees had significantly higher leaf N concentrations, and higher proportional P resorption, than in the diverse mixture. This demonstrate forms of plastic adjustment in all three non-N(2)-fixing species to diverged nutrient relations between mixtures. By contrast, leaf nutrient relations in N(2)-fixing Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) did not respond to planting mixtures. Rapid N accumulation in the legume mixture caused excess soil nitrification over nitrate immobilization and tighter P recycling compared with the diverse mixture. The legume mixture succeeded in accelerating tree growth and canopy closure, but may imply periods of N losses and possibly P limitation. Incorporation of species with efficient nitrate uptake and P mobilization from resistant soil pools offers potential to optimize these tradeoffs.


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Nothofagus moorei (F. Muell.) Krasser has a disjunct and narrow distribution in south-eastern Australian cool temperate rainforest. To assess the conservation-genetic priorities for this species, the genetic diversity of 20 populations sampled from the largest remnant patches at northern and southern distributional extremes, the McPherson and Barrington ranges (a total of 146 individuals), was investigated by using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Regeneration in northern regions of N. moorei has been documented to be predominantly by vegetative means, but our results indicate little evidence of clonality outside the multi-stemmed rings of trees. In addition, genetic diversity was considerably higher in the northern (McPherson, h = 0.1613) than in the southern range (Barrington, h = 0.1159), and genetic differentiation was significantly positively correlated with geographic distance in the former region, but not the latter. Total intraspecific variation was moderate, as measured by Shannon's diversity index, I = 0.2719, and Nei's gene diversity, h = 0.1672, and is considered at the high end of spectrum for estimates of narrow endemic species. An analysis of molecular variation indicated that the majority of genetic variation is partitioned among individuals within population (60%; P < 0.001), rather than among populations within regions (10%; P < 0.001). However, a large and significant component of the measured diversity was partitioned between northern and southern regions (29%; P < 0.001). Several hypotheses are outlined to explain these differences and management implications are discussed. However, given the narrow range, poor dispersal mechanism and restriction to cool temperate rainforest, the continued existence of N. moorei is most threatened by environmental instability and habitat loss resulting from global climate change. In this context the northern regions of the species are most at risk and extinction of such populations would lead to a significant loss of genetic variation for the species as a whole.


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Secondary growth of plants is of pivotal importance in terrestrial ecosystems, providing a significant carbon sink in the form of wood. As plant biomass accumulation results largely from the cambial growth, it is surprising that quite little is known about the hormonal or genetic control of this important process in any plant species. The central aim of my thesis studies was to explore the function of cytokinin in the regulation of cambial development. Since their discovery as regulators of plant cell divisions, cytokinins have been assumed to participate in the control of cambial development. Evidence for this action was deduced from hormone treatment experiments, where exogenously applied cytokinin was shown to enhance cambial cell divisions in diverse plant organs and species. In my thesis work, the conservation of cytokinin signalling and homeostasis genes between a herbaceous plant, Arabidopsis, and a hardwood tree species, Populus trichocarpa. Presumably reflecting the ancient origin of cytokinin signalling system, the Populus genome contains orthologs for all Arabidopsis cytokinin signalling and homeostasis genes. Thus, genes belonging to five main families of isopentenyl transferases (IPTs), cytokinin oxidases (CKXs), two-component receptors, histidine containing phosphotransmitters (HPts) and response regulators (RRs) were identified from the Populus genome. Three subfamilies associated with cytokinin signal transduction, the CKI1-like family of two-component receptors, the AHP4-like HPts, and the ARR22-like atypical RRs, were significantly larger in Populus genome than in Arabidopsis. Potential contribution to the extensive secondary development of Populus by the members of these considerably expanded gene families will be discussed. Representatives of all cytokinin signal transduction elements were expressed in the Populus cambial zone, and most of the expressed genes appeared to be slightly more abundant on the phloem side of the meristem. The abundance of cytokinin related genes in the cambium emphasizes the important role of this hormone in the regulation of the extensive secondary growth characteristic of tree species. The function of the pseudo HPts in primary vascular development was studied in Arabidopsis root vasculature. It was demonstrated that the pseudo HPt AHP6 has a role in locally inhibiting cytokinin signalling in the protoxylem position in the Arabidopsis root, thus enabling differentiation of the protoxylem cell file. The possible role of pseudo HPts in cambial development will be discussed. The expression peak of cytokinin signalling genes in the tree cambial zone strongly indicates that cytokinin has a role in the regulation of this meristem function. To address whether cytokinin signalling is required for cambial activity, transgenic Populus trees with modified cytokinin signalling were produced. These trees were expressing a cytokinin catabolic gene from Arabidopsis, CYTOKININ OXIDASE 2, (AtCKX2) under the promoter of a Betula CYTOKININ RECEPTOR 1 (BpCRE1). The pBpCRE1::CKX2 transgenic Populus trees showed a reduced concentration of a biologically active cytokinin, correlating with their impaired cytokinin response. Furthermore, the radial growth of these trees was compromised, as illustrated by a smaller stem diameter than in wild-type trees of the same height. Moreover, the level of cambial cytokinin signalling was down-regulated in these thin-stemmed trees. The reduced signalling correlated with a decreased number of meristematic cambial cells, implicating cytokinin activity as a direct regulator of cambial cell division activity. Together, the results of my study indicate that cytokinins are major hormonal regulators required for cambial development.


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Evaluation of major feed resources was conducted in four crop-livestock mixed farming systems of central southern Ethiopia, with 90 farmers, selected using multi-stage purposive and random sampling methods. Discussions were held with focused groups and key informants for vernacular name identification of feed, followed by feed sampling to analyse chemical composition (CP, ADF and NDF), in-vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), and correlate with indigenous technical knowledge (ITK). Native pastures, crop residues (CR) and multi-purpose trees (MPT) are the major feed resources, demonstrated great variations in seasonality, chemical composition and IVDMD. The average CP, NDF and IVDMD values for grasses were 83.8 (ranged: 62.9–190), 619 (ranged: 357–877) and 572 (ranged: 317–743) g kg^(−1) DM, respectively. Likewise, the average CP, NDF and IVDMD for CR were 58 (ranged: 20–90), 760 (ranged: 340–931) and 461 (ranged: 285–637)g kg^(−1) DM, respectively. Generally, the MPT and non-conventional feeds (NCF, Ensete ventricosum and Ipomoea batatas) possessed higher CP (ranged: 155–164 g kg^(−1) DM) and IVDMD values (611–657 g kg^(−1) DM) while lower NDF (331–387 g kg^(−1) DM) and ADF (321–344 g kg^(−1) DM) values. The MPT and NCF were ranked as the best nutritious feeds by ITK while crop residues were the least. This study indicates that there are remarkable variations within and among forage resources in terms of chemical composition. There were also complementarities between ITK and feed laboratory results, and thus the ITK need to be taken into consideration in evaluation of local feed resources.


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The correlation between vegetation patterns (species distribution and richness) and altitudinal variation has been widely reported for tropical forests, thereby providing theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation. However, this relationship may have been oversimplified, as many other factors may influence vegetation patterns, such as disturbances, topography and geographic distance. Considering these other factors, our primary question was: is there a vegetation pattern associated with substantial altitudinal variation (10-1,093 m a.s.l.) in the Atlantic Rainforest-a top hotspot for biodiversity conservation-and, if so, what are the main factors driving this pattern? We addressed this question by sampling 11 1-ha plots, applying multivariate methods, correlations and variance partitioning. The Restinga (forest on sandbanks along the coastal plains of Brazil) and a lowland area that was selectively logged 40 years ago were floristically isolated from the other plots. The maximum species richness (>200 spp. per hectare) occurred at approximately 350 m a.s.l. (submontane forest). Gaps, multiple stemmed trees, average elevation and the standard deviation of the slope significantly affected the vegetation pattern. Spatial proximity also influenced the vegetation pattern as a structuring environmental variable or via dispersal constraints. Our results clarify, for the first time, the key variables that drive species distribution and richness across a large altitudinal range within the Atlantic Rainforest. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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This paper presents an approach to predict the operating conditions of machine based on classification and regression trees (CART) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) in association with direct prediction strategy for multi-step ahead prediction of time series techniques. In this study, the number of available observations and the number of predicted steps are initially determined by using false nearest neighbor method and auto mutual information technique, respectively. These values are subsequently utilized as inputs for prediction models to forecast the future values of the machines’ operating conditions. The performance of the proposed approach is then evaluated by using real trending data of low methane compressor. A comparative study of the predicted results obtained from CART and ANFIS models is also carried out to appraise the prediction capability of these models. The results show that the ANFIS prediction model can track the change in machine conditions and has the potential for using as a tool to machine fault prognosis.


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Struyf, J., Dzeroski, S. Blockeel, H. and Clare, A. (2005) Hierarchical Multi-classification with Predictive Clustering Trees in Functional Genomics. In proceedings of the EPIA 2005 CMB Workshop


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Decision tree induction algorithms represent one of the most popular techniques for dealing with classification problems. However, traditional decision-tree induction algorithms implement a greedy approach for node splitting that is inherently susceptible to local optima convergence. Evolutionary algorithms can avoid the problems associated with a greedy search and have been successfully employed to the induction of decision trees. Previously, we proposed a lexicographic multi-objective genetic algorithm for decision-tree induction, named LEGAL-Tree. In this work, we propose extending this approach substantially, particularly w.r.t. two important evolutionary aspects: the initialization of the population and the fitness function. We carry out a comprehensive set of experiments to validate our extended algorithm. The experimental results suggest that it is able to outperform both traditional algorithms for decision-tree induction and another evolutionary algorithm in a variety of application domains.


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Variability management is one of the main activities in the Software Product Line Engineering process. Common and varied features of related products are modelled along with the dependencies and relationships among them. With the increase in size and complexity of product lines and the more holistic systems approach to the design process, managing the ever- growing variability models has become a challenge. In this paper, we present MUSA, a tool for managing variability and features in large-scale models. MUSA adopts the Separation of Concerns design principle by providing multiple perspectives to the model, each conveying different set of information. The demonstration is conducted using a real-life model (comprising of 1000+ features) particularly showing the Structural View, which is displayed using a mind-mapping visualisation technique (hyperbolic trees), and the Dependency View, which is displayed graphically using logic gates.