1000 resultados para mp3 recording
Non-audio signals have been recorded in the flash ROM memory of a portable MP3 player, in WAV format file, to examine the possibility of using these cheap and small instruments as general-purpose portable data loggers. A 1200-Hz FM carrier modulated by the non-audio signal has replaced the microphone signal, while using the REC operating mode of the MP3 player, which triggers the voice recording function. The signal recovery was carried out by a PLL-based FM demodulator whose input is the FM signal captured in the coil leads of the MP3 player's earphone. Sinusoidal and electrocardiogram signals have been used in the system evaluation. Although the quality of low frequency signals needs improvement, overall the results indicate the viability of the proposal. Suggestions are made for improvements and extensions of the work.
Neste trabalho se propôs a utilização do MP3 player portátil para gravação de sinal nãoáudio em sua memória, utilizando-se seu recurso para gravação de voz. Para avaliar a proposta, retirou-se o microfone de eletreto do MP3 player e em seu lugar injetou-se um sinal de FM, com portadora de áudio de 1200 Hz modulada pelo sinal de interesse. O sinal é gravado no aparelho em arquivo no formato WAV. Sua recuperação se fez usando um demodulador de FM a PLL cuja entrada é o sinal de FM captado nos terminais da bobina do fone de ouvido do MP3 player. Nos testes, usou-se sinal senoidal e sinal de eletrocardiograma. Embora a qualidade dos sinais de baixa freqüência precise ser melhorada, em geral os resultados apontam para a viabilidade da proposta. Fazem-se sugestões para melhorias e extensões do trabalho.
Purpose: Contact lens electrodes (CLEs) are frequently used to register electroretinograms (ERGs) in small animals such as mice or rats. CLEs are expensive to buy or difficult to be produced individually. In addition, CLE`s have been noticed to elicit inconstant results and they carry potential to injure the cornea. Therefore, a new electrode holder was constructed based on the clinically used DTL-electrode and compared to CLEs. Material and methods: ERGs were recorded with both electrode types in nine healthy Brown-Norway rats under scotopic conditions. For low intensity responses a Naka-Rushton function was fitted and the parameters V(max), k and n were analyzed. The a-wave, b-wave and oscillatory potentials were analyzed for brighter flash intensities (1-60 scot cd s/m(2)). Repeatability was assessed for both electrode types in consecutive measurements. Results: The new electrode holder was faster in setting up than the CLE and showed lower standard deviations. No corneal alterations were observed. Slightly higher amplitudes were recorded in most of the measurements with the new electrode holder (except amplitudes induced by 60 cd s/m(2)). A Bland-Altman test showed good agreement between the DTL holder and the CLE (mean difference 35.2 mu V (Holder-CLE)). Pearson`s correlation coefficient for test-retest-reliability was r = 0.783. Conclusions: The DTL holder was superior in handling and caused far less corneal problems than the CLE and produced comparable or better electrophysiological results. The minimal production costs and the possibility of adapting the DTL holder to bigger eyes, such as for dogs or rabbits, offers with broader application prospects. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The lack of a systematic approach in Australia to recording and preserving legal history was highlighted in the article by Catherine Hutchins in the August 2002 issue of the Australian Bar Review. This article describes the modest, albeit continuing, efforts on the part of the Supreme Court Library to meet this need in the State of Queensland. The efforts began in 1983 and have recently escalated with a series of exhibitions, talks, displays, interviews and preservations of documents (from online publication).
Este guião de apoio à formação tem como objectivo apoiar docentes na (1)distribuição de recursos educativos em formato áudio e (2)utilização do software Audacity para a produção áudio.
We aimed to investigate the feasibility of an experimental system for simultaneous transcranial DC stimulation(tDCS) and EEG recording in human epilepsy. We report tolerability of this system in a cross-over controlled trial with 15 healthy subjects and preliminary effects of its use, testing repeated tDCS sessions, in two patients with drug-refractory Continuous Spike-Wave Discharges During Slow Sleep (CSWS). Our system combining continuous recording of the EEG with tDCS allows detailed evaluation of the interictal activity during the entire process. Stimulation with 1 mA was well‐tolerated in both healthy volunteers and patients with refractory epilepsy. The large reduction in interictal epileptiform EEG discharges in the two subjects with epilepsy supports further investigation of tDCS using this combined method of stimulation and monitoring in epilepsy. Continuous monitoring of epileptic activity throughout tDCS improves safety and allows detailed evaluation of epileptic activity changes induced by tDCS in patients.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Univ., Dissertation, 2015
This paper continues a discussion of approaches and methodologies we have used in our studies of feeding in haematophagous insects. Described are techniques for directly monitoring behaviour: electrical recording of feeding behaviour via resistance changes in the food canal, optical methods for monitoring mouthpart activity, and a computer technique for behavioural event recording. Also described is the use of "flow charts" or "decision diagrams" to model interrelated sequences of behaviours.
Insight into the function of sleep may be gained by studying animals in the ecological context in which sleep evolved. Until recently, technological constraints prevented electroencephalogram (EEG) studies of animals sleeping in the wild. However, the recent development of a small recorder (Neurologger 2) that animals can carry on their head permitted the first recordings of sleep in nature. To facilitate sleep studies in the field and to improve the welfare of experimental animals, herein, we test the feasibility of using minimally invasive surface and subcutaneous electrodes to record the EEG in barn owls. The EEG and behaviour of four adult owls in captivity and of four chicks in a nest box in the field were recorded. We scored a 24-h period for each adult bird for wakefulness, slow-wave sleep (SWS), and rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep using 4 s epochs. Although the quality and stability of the EEG signals recorded via subcutaneous electrodes were higher when compared to surface electrodes, the owls' state was readily identifiable using either electrode type. On average, the four adult owls spent 13.28 h awake, 9.64 h in SWS, and 1.05 h in REM sleep. We demonstrate that minimally invasive methods can be used to measure EEG-defined wakefulness, SWS, and REM sleep in owls and probably other animals.
TFC sobre normalització del volum d'arxius MP3, emmarcat dins d'un projecte més ampli que inclou la lectura d'arxius MP3, la modificació per a implementar-ne el guany i el desenvolupament d'una interfície d'usuari que permeti aplicar la normalització a fitxers MP3. La part que s'ha elaborat és la fase intermèdia, consistent en el càlcul del guany de volum que caldria aplicar a un arxiu de so per a aconseguir normalitzar-ne el volum.
Aquest projecte es pot dividir en tres parts: una primera part d'extracció dels components freqüencials de les trames d'arxius MP3, una segona part d'anàlisi i càlcul d'un factor de normalització a partir de les dades dels components freqüencials de diversos arxius MP3, i una última part amb la modificació correcta dels guanys de les trames dels arxius MP3 a partir del factor de normalització generat en la part anterior. En aquest treball de final de carrera s'implementen la primera i la tercera de les parts descrites anteriorment.
Anti Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools - Appendix 3 Template for recording bullying behaviour. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
L'estàndard MPEG-1 Layer III va ser creat fa poc més de 10 anys i en aquest curt espai de temps ha revolucionat el fins aleshores estable món de la música. El fet de poder comprimir tota una cançó en uns pocs 'megues' (3 o 4) sense una pèrdua apreciable de qualitat i la proliferació d'ordinadors connectats a Internet va fer que el tràfic de fitxers en aquest format col·lapsés més d'un servidor. Per això, no és estrany que apareguessin autèntiques col·leccions de fitxers musicals en format MP3 procedents de les fonts més variades. Aquest fet (la diversitat de les fonts) i la variabilitat entre els diferents codificadors fa que el volum del so d'aquests fitxers disti molt de ser semblant. I això és precisament el que procura aconseguir aquest projecte: fer que tota col·lecció de fitxers MP3 soni igual de fort.
Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) was recorded in hypertensive patients whose physicians had been asked to reduce diastolic pressure measured in the office to 90 mm Hg or less. 34 hypertensive patients with a diastolic pressure measured by their physician of 95 mm Hg or more despite antihypertensive therapy had their treatment changed with the aim of achieving this pre-set goal within 3 months. At the beginning and the end of the study, ambulatory BP was monitored during the daytime with a portable non-invasive recorder. The results of the ambulatory recordings were not made available to the physicians until completion of the study. In half the patients the ambulatory diastolic pressure was already 90 mm Hg or less at the start. In these patients, treatment adjustment did not further decrease ambulatory BP. In contrast, patients who initially had an ambulatory diastolic pressure above 90 mm Hg had a significantly decreased ambulatory BP at the end of the study. Intensifying the therapy of hypertensive patients who have a normal ambulatory BP may result in overtreatment without any real gain in BP control.