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L’activité rythmique des muscles masticateurs (ARMM) pendant le sommeil se retrouve chez environ 60% de la population générale adulte. L'étiologie de ce mouvement n'est pas encore complètement élucidée. Il est cependant démontré que l’augmentation de la fréquence des ARMM peut avoir des conséquences négatives sur le système masticatoire. Dans ce cas, l'ARMM est considérée en tant que manifestation d'un trouble moteur du sommeil connue sous le nom de bruxisme. Selon la Classification Internationale des Troubles du Sommeil, le bruxisme est décrit comme le serrement et grincement des dents pendant le sommeil. La survenue des épisodes d’ARMM est associée à une augmentation du tonus du système nerveux sympathique, du rythme cardiaque, de la pression artérielle et elle est souvent en association avec une amplitude respiratoire accrue. Tous ces événements peuvent être décrits dans le contexte d’un micro-éveil du sommeil. Cette thèse comprend quatre articles de recherche visant à étudier i) l'étiologie de l’ARMM pendant le sommeil en relation aux micro-éveils, et à évaluer ii) les aspects cliniques du bruxisme du sommeil, du point de vue diagnostique et thérapeutique. Pour approfondir l'étiologie de l’ARMM et son association avec la fluctuation des micro-éveils, nous avons analysé le patron cyclique alternant (ou cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) en anglais), qui est une méthode d’analyse qui permet d’évaluer l'instabilité du sommeil et de décrire la puissance des micro-éveils. Le CAP a été étudié chez des sujets bruxeurs et des sujets contrôles qui ont participé à deux protocoles expérimentaux, dans lesquels la structure et la stabilité du sommeil ont été modifiées par l'administration d'un médicament (la clonidine), ou avec l'application de stimulations sensorielles (de type vibratoire/auditif) pendant le sommeil. Dans ces deux conditions expérimentales caractérisées par une instabilité accrue du sommeil, nous étions en mesure de démontrer que les micro-éveils ne sont pas la cause ou le déclencheur de l’ARMM, mais ils représentent plutôt la «fenêtre permissive» qui facilite l'apparition de ces mouvements rythmiques au cours du sommeil. Pour évaluer la pertinence clinique du bruxisme, la prévalence et les facteurs de risque, nous avons effectué une étude épidémiologique dans une population pédiatrique (7-17 ans) qui était vue en consultation en orthodontie. Nous avons constaté que le bruxisme est un trouble du sommeil très fréquent chez les enfants (avec une prévalence de 15%), et il est un facteur de risque pour l'usure des dents (risque relatif rapproché, RRR 8,8), la fatigue des muscles masticateurs (RRR 10,5), les maux de tête fréquents (RRR 4,3), la respiration bruyante pendant le sommeil (RRR 3,1), et divers symptômes liés au sommeil, tels que la somnolence diurne (RRR 7,4). Ces résultats nous ont amenés à développer une étude expérimentale pour évaluer l'efficacité d'un appareil d'avancement mandibulaire (AAM) chez un groupe d'adolescents qui présentaient à la fois du bruxisme, du ronflement et des maux de tête fréquents. L'hypothèse est que dans la pathogenèse de ces comorbidités, il y a un mécanisme commun, probablement lié à la respiration pendant le sommeil, et que l'utilisation d'un AAM peut donc agir sur plusieurs aspects liés. À court terme, le traitement avec un AAM semble diminuer l'ARMM (jusqu'à 60% de diminution), et améliorer le ronflement et les maux de tête chez les adolescents. Cependant, le mécanisme d'action exact des AAM demeure incertain; leur efficacité peut être liée à l'amélioration de la respiration pendant le sommeil, mais aussi à l'influence que ces appareils pourraient avoir sur le système masticatoire. Les interactions entre le bruxisme du sommeil, la respiration et les maux de tête, ainsi que l'efficacité et la sécurité à long terme des AAM chez les adolescents, nécessitent des études plus approfondies.
Introduction. Gait becomes the individual independence for their daily activities. The functional deficit caused by central lesion as stroke, makes difficult this motor independence, mainly the locomotion. Objective. Analyze the kinematics gait in stroke patients. Method. It was included 8 patients with clinical diagnosis of stroke, 4 with hemiparesia on the right and 4 on the left. It was analyzed gait spatial-temporal parameters as: length, duration and average speed of the step, using the register in videotape and the software of image 6.3 Dvideow Barros. Results. All patients presented alterations in the kinematics standards of the gait, with lesser duration and length of step, and greater speed than normal subjects. Conclusion. The motor disorder caused by the central lesions produces alterations in the kinematics standards of the gait, in order to adapt the neuro-sensorial sequels, the demands of the task and the way where they live.
Background Focal spasticity is a significant motor disorder following stroke, and Botulinum Toxin Type-A (BoNT-A) is a useful treatment for this. The authors evaluated kinematic modifications induced by spasticity, and whether or not there is any improvement following injection of BoNT-A. Methods Eight patients with stroke with upper-limb spasticity, showing a flexor pattern, were evaluated using kinematics before and after focal treatment with BoNT-A. A group of sex- and age-matched normal volunteers acted as a control group. Results Repeated-measures ANOVA showed that patients with stroke performed more slowly than the control group. Following treatment with BoNT-A, there was a significant improvement in kinematics in patients with stroke, while in the control group, performance remained unchanged. Conclusions Focal treatment of spasticity with BoNT-A leads to an adaptive change in the upper limb of patients with spastic stroke.
Apraxia is a higher-order motor disorder impairing the ability to correctly perform skilled, purposive movements as the result of neurological disorders most commonly stroke, dementia and movement disorders. It is increasingly recognised that apraxia negatively influences activities of daily living (ADL). Early diagnosis and treatment should be part of the neurorehabilitation programme. The aim of the present article is to describe the most important subtypes of apraxia such as ideational and ideomotor apraxia as well as their impact on ADL and outcome. Furthermore, the relationship to associated disorders such as aphasia is discussed. Finally, strategies concerning assessment, management and treatment of the disorder are presented.
La neurotoxina botulínica es producida por la bacteria anaerobia Clostridium botulinum (NTBo). Bloquea la transmisión neuromuscular por lo cual es utilizada para el tratamiento de enfermedades con hiperactividad muscular, bloqueando la liberación de acetilcolina y así la transmisión sináptica en la unión neuromuscular, lo que lleva al debilitamiento y atrofia de los músculos. Este mecanismo de acción motivó el uso de la toxina botulínica en las enfermedades con elevado tono muscular, como la distonía y la espasticidad, por lo cual también ha revolucionado la opción de tratamiento de los trastornos autónomos de hipersecreción. La sialorrea es un síntoma común en diversas enfermedades neurológicas. Las inyecciones de toxina botulínica, guiadas por ultrasonidos en las glándulas salivales, produce una disminución de la salivación excesiva en niños con deficiencias neurológicas como parálisis cerebral. La utilización de la toxina botulínica tipo A ha sido sugerida como tratamiento de la sialorrea en pacientes con parálisis cerebral (PC). Esta recomendación ha sido hecha por el efecto anticolinérgico de esta sustancia, principalmente por su capacidad para bloquear la liberación de acetilcolina a nivel de las membranas pre-sinápticas Aunque la respuesta al tratamrento es distinta en cada niño, en general se ha observado que cuanto más a menudo se utiliza la toxlna botulínica y más alta es la dosis utilizada, los resultados son mejores. Los expertos consideran conveniente el procedimiento porque muchos de estos pacientes están utilizando la toxina botulínica para sus problemas musculares y las distrntas condiciones pueden ser tratadas al mismo tiempo Se reporta la descripción de la aplicación de toxina botulínica en una paciente niña que concurre al Instituto de Rehabilitación Infantil TELETON de la ciudad de Valparaíso, Chile, con un trastorno motor severo y con salivación incontrolada persistente que provoca enfermedades respiratorias a repetición
Congenital nystagmus is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated and bilateral to and fro ocular oscillations. In this study a method to recognise automatically jerk waveform inside a congenital nystagmus recording and to compute foveation time and foveation position variability is presented. The recordings were performed with subjects looking at visual targets, presented in nine eye gaze positions; data were segmented into blocks corresponding to each gaze position. The nystagmus cycles were identified searching for local minima and maxima (SpEp sequence) in intervals centred on each slope change of the eye position signal (position criterion). The SpEp sequence was then refined using an adaptive threshold applied to the eye velocity signal; the outcome is a robust detection of each slow phase start point, fundamental to accurately compute some nystagmus parameters. A total of 1206 slow phases was used to compute the specificity in waveform recognition applying only the position criterion or adding the adaptive threshold; results showed an increase in negative predictive value of 25.1% using both features. The duration of each foveation window was measured on raw data or using an interpolating function of the congenital nystagmus slow phases; foveation time estimation less sensitive to noise was obtained in the second case. © 2010.
Congenital nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations and its pathogenesis is still under investigation. This kind of nystagmus is termed congenital (or infantile) since it could be present at birth or it can arise in the first months of life. Most of CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, the image of a given target can still be stable during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recording are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyse nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency. Using eye movement recording, it is also possible to compute estimated visual acuity predictors: analytical functions which estimates expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Use of those functions extend the information from typical visual acuity measurement (e.g. Landolt C test) and could be a support for therapy planning or monitoring. This study focuses on detection of CN patients' waveform type and on foveation time measure. Specifically, it proposes a robust method to recognize cycles corresponding to the specific CN waveform in the eye movement pattern and, for those cycles, evaluate the exact signal tracts in which a subject foveates. About 40 eyemovement recordings, either infrared-oculographic or electrooculographic, were acquired from 16 CN subjects. Results suggest that the use of an adaptive threshold applied to the eye velocity signal could improve the estimation of slow phase start point. This can enhance foveation time computing and reduce influence of repositioning saccades and data noise on the waveform type identification.
Congenital nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder that appears at birth or during the first few months of life; it is characterised by involuntary, conjugated, bilateral to and fro ocular oscillations. Pathogenesis of congenital nystagmus is still unknown. Eye movement recording allow to extract and analyse nystagmus main features such as shape, amplitude and frequency; depending on the morphology of the oscillations nystagmus can be classified in different categories (pendular, jerk, horizontal unidirectional, bidirectional). In general, CN patient show a considerable decrease of the visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations; however, image stabilisation is still achieved during the short foveation periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea. Visual acuity was found to be mainly dependent on foveation periods duration, but cycle-to-cycle foveation repeatability and reduction of retinal image velocities also contribute in increasing visual acuity. This study concentrate on cycle-to-cycle image position variation onto fovea, trying to characterise the sequences of foveation positions. Eye-movement (infrared oculographic or electro oculographic) recordings, relative to different gaze positions and belonging to more than 30 CN patients, were analysed. Preliminary results suggest that sequences of foveations show a cyclic pattern with a dominant frequency (around 0.3 Hz on average) much lower than that of the nystagmus (about 3.3 Hz on average). Sequences of foveations reveals an horizontal ocular swing of more than 2 degree on average, which can explain the low visual acuity of the CN patient. Current CN therapies, pharmacological treatment or surgery of the ocular muscles, mainly aim to increase the patient's visual acuity. Hence, it is fundamental to have an objective parameter (expected visual acuity) for therapy planning. The information about sequences of foveations can improve estimation of patient visual acuity. © 2008 Springer-Verlag.
Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome, or Congenital Nystagmus, is an ocular-motor disorder characterized by involuntary, conjugated and bilateral to and fro ocular oscillations. Good visual acuity in congenital nystagmus can be achieved during the foveation periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image crosses the fovea. Visual acuity was found to be mainly dependent on the duration of the foveation periods. In this work a new approach is proposed for estimation of foveation parameters: a cubic spline interpolation of the nystagmus recording before localizing the start point of foveation window and to estimate its duration. The performances of the proposed algorithm were assessed in comparison with a previously developed algorithm, used here as gold standard. The obtained results suggest that the spline interpolation could be a useful tool to filter the eye movement recordings before applying an algorithm to estimate the foveation window parameters. © 2013 IEEE.
Along with other diseases that can affect binocular vision, reducing the visual quality of a subject, Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is of peculiar interest. CN is an ocular-motor disorder characterized by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations and, while identified more than forty years ago, its pathogenesis is still under investigation. This kind of nystagmus is termed congenital (or infantile) since it could be present at birth or it can arise in the first months of life. The majority of CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, the image of a given target can still be stable during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recordings are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyze nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency. Use of eye movement recording, opportunely processed, allows computing "estimated visual acuity" predictors, which are analytical functions that estimate expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Hence, it is fundamental to develop robust and accurate methods to measure both those parameters in order to obtain reliable values from the predictors. In this chapter the current methods to record eye movements in subjects with congenital nystagmus will be discussed and the present techniques to accurately compute foveation time and eye position will be presented. This study aims to disclose new methodologies in congenital nystagmus eye movements analysis, in order to identify nystagmus cycles and to evaluate foveation time, reducing the influence of repositioning saccades and data noise on the critical parameters of the estimation functions. Use of those functions extends the information acquired with typical visual acuity measurement (e.g., Landolt C test) and could be a support for treatment planning or therapy monitoring. © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.
Foveation time measure in Congenital Nystagmus through second order approximation of the slow phases
Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations, and its pathogenesis is still unknown. The pathology is de fined as "congenital" from the onset time of its arise which could be at birth or in the first months of life. Visual acuity in CN subjects is often diminished due to nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly on the horizontal plane, which disturb image fixation on the retina. However, during short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals) the image of a given target can still be stable, allowing a subject to reach a higher visual acuity. In CN subjects, visual acuity is usually assessed both using typical measurement techniques (e.g. Landolt C test) and with eye movement recording in different gaze positions. The offline study of eye movement recordings allows physicians to analyse nystagmus main features such as waveform shape, amplitude and frequency and to compute estimated visual acuity predictors. This analytical functions estimates the best corrected visual acuity using foveation time and foveation position variability, hence a reliable estimation of this two parameters is a fundamental factor in assessing visual acuity. This work aims to enhance the foveation time estimation in CN eye movement recording, computing a second order approximation of the slow phase components of nystag-mus oscillations. About 19 infraredoculographic eye-movement recordings from 10 CN subjects were acquired and the visual acuity assessed with an acuity predictor was compared to the one measured in primary position. Results suggest that visual acuity measurements based on foveation time estimation obtained from interpolated data are closer to value obtained during Landolt C tests. © 2010 IEEE.
Congenital nystagmus is an ocular-motor disorder that develops in the first few months of life; its pathogenesis is still unknown. Patients affected by congenital nystagmus show continuous, involuntary, rhythmical oscillations of the eyes. Monitoring eye movements, nystagmus main features such as shape, amplitude and frequency, can be extracted and analysed. Previous studies highlighted, in some cases, a much slower and smaller oscillation, which appears added up to the ordinary nystagmus waveform. This sort of baseline oscillation, or slow nystagmus, hinder precise cycle-to-cycle image placement onto the fovea. Such variability of the position may reduce patient visual acuity. This study aims to analyse more extensively eye movements recording including the baseline oscillation and investigate possible relationships between these slow oscillations and nystagmus. Almost 100 eye movement recordings (either infrared-oculographic or electrooculographic), relative to different gaze positions, belonging to 32 congenital nystagmus patients were analysed. The baseline oscillation was assumed sinusoidal; its amplitude and frequency were computed and compared with those of the nystagmus by means of a linear regression analysis. The results showed that baseline oscillations were characterised by an average frequency of 0.36 Hz (SD 0.11 Hz) and an average amplitude of 2.1° (SD 1.6°). It also resulted in a considerable correlation (R2 scored 0.78) between nystagmus amplitude and baseline oscillation amplitude; the latter, on average, resulted to be about one-half of the correspondent nystagmus amplitude. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Congenital nystagmus (CN) is an ocular-motor disorder characterised by involuntary, conjugated ocular oscillations, that can arise since the first months of life. Pathogenesis of congenital nystagmus is still under investigation. In general, CN patients show a considerable decrease of their visual acuity: image fixation on the retina is disturbed by nystagmus continuous oscillations, mainly horizontal. However, image stabilisation is still achieved during the short periods in which eye velocity slows down while the target image is placed onto the fovea (called foveation intervals). To quantify the extent of nystagmus, eye movement recording are routinely employed, allowing physicians to extract and analyse nystagmus main features such as shape, amplitude and frequency. Using eye movement recording, it is also possible to compute estimated visual acuity predictors: analytical functions which estimates expected visual acuity using signal features such as foveation time and foveation position variability. Use of those functions add information to typical visual acuity measurement (e.g. Landolt C test) and could be a support for therapy planning or monitoring. This study focus on robust detection of CN patients' foveations. Specifically, it proposes a method to recognize the exact signal tracts in which a subject foveates, This paper also analyses foveation sequences. About 50 eyemovement recordings, either infrared-oculographic or electrooculographic, from different CN subjects were acquired. Results suggest that an exponential interpolation for the slow phases of nystagmus could improve foveation time computing and reduce influence of breaking saccades and data noise. Moreover a concise description of foveation sequence variability can be achieved using non-fitting splines. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Aim: To explore the lived experience of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as described by individuals who have been involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) in Jordan. Background: Motor vehicle accident (MVA) survivors who develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have become an important health issue. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that trauma resulting from MVAs is a phenomenon of increasing concern, with death from injuries projected to rise from 5.1 million in 1990 to 8.4 million in 2020 particularly in developing countries such as Jordan (WHO, 2002). The impact of trauma from MVAs inevitably compromises the victim’s quality of life (WHO, 2002; Blanchard & Hickling, 2007) resulting in psychological and emotional distress, occupational disability, family disintegration, and socio-economic difficulty (Jordan Ministry of Health, 2005). The development of PTSD as a result of an MVA is not limited to the individual, but also extends to the family, friends, and the health care team involved in the person's care and rehabilitation. Design: A descriptive phenomenological approach was used for this study. Method: This study was conducted in an orthopaedic unit in Amera Basma Hospital in Irbid Jordan. Fifteen (15) participants were voluntary recruited through the process of purposeful sampling. Data was collected by face-to-face in depth-interviews. Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. The process of analysis was undertaken using Colaizzi’s (1978) eight step approach with the addition of two extra steps. Findings: The process of analysis identified seven themes explicated from the participants’ transcripts of interview. The seven themes were: 1. Feeling frustrated at a diminishing health status 2. Struggling to maintain a sense of independence 3. Harbouring feelings of not being able to recover 4. Feeling discriminated against and marginalised by society 5. Feeling ignored and neglected by health care professionals 6. Feeling abandoned by family, and 7. Moving toward acceptance through having faith in Allah. Conclusion: The findings of this study have the potential to make a significant contribution to extant knowledge on the topic which can inform future nursing practice, education, policy development, and research initiatives in Jordan and internationally.