991 resultados para motion cueing algorithm (MCA)


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The aim of this paper is to design and develop an optimal motion cueing algorithm (MCA) based on the genetic algorithm (GA) that can generate high-fidelity motions within the motion simulator's physical limitations. Both, angular velocity and linear acceleration are adopted as the inputs to the MCA for producing the higher order optimal washout filter. The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) method is used to constrain the human perception error between the real and simulated driving tasks. To develop the optimal MCA, the latest mathematical models of the vestibular system and simulator motion are taken into account. A reference frame with the center of rotation at the driver's head to eliminate false motion cues caused by rotation of the simulator to the translational motion of the driver's head as well as to reduce the workspace displacement is employed. To improve the developed LQR-based optimal MCA, a new strategy based on optimal control theory and the GA is devised. The objective is to reproduce a signal that can follow closely the reference signal and avoid false motion cues by adjusting the parameters from the obtained LQR-based optimal washout filter. This is achieved by taking a series of factors into account, which include the vestibular sensation error between the real and simulated cases, the main dynamic limitations, the human threshold limiter in tilt coordination, the cross correlation coefficient, and the human sensation error fluctuation. It is worth pointing out that other related investigations in the literature normally do not consider the effects of these factors. The proposed optimized MCA based on the GA is implemented using the MATLAB/Simulink software. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed GA-based method in enhancing human sensation, maximizing the reference shape tracking, and reducing the workspace usage.


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Motion cueing algorithms (MCAs) are playing a significant role in driving simulators, aiming to deliver the most accurate human sensation to the simulator drivers compared with a real vehicle driver, without exceeding the physical limitations of the simulator. This paper provides the optimisation design of an MCA for a vehicle simulator, in order to find the most suitable washout algorithm parameters, while respecting all motion platform physical limitations, and minimising human perception error between real and simulator driver. One of the main limitations of the classical washout filters is that it is attuned by the worst-case scenario tuning method. This is based on trial and error, and is effected by driving and programmers experience, making this the most significant obstacle to full motion platform utilisation. This leads to inflexibility of the structure, production of false cues and makes the resulting simulator fail to suit all circumstances. In addition, the classical method does not take minimisation of human perception error and physical constraints into account. Production of motion cues and the impact of different parameters of classical washout filters on motion cues remain inaccessible for designers for this reason. The aim of this paper is to provide an optimisation method for tuning the MCA parameters, based on nonlinear filtering and genetic algorithms. This is done by taking vestibular sensation error into account between real and simulated cases, as well as main dynamic limitations, tilt coordination and correlation coefficient. Three additional compensatory linear blocks are integrated into the MCA, to be tuned in order to modify the performance of the filters successfully. The proposed optimised MCA is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink software packages. The results generated using the proposed method show increased performance in terms of human sensation, reference shape tracking and exploiting the platform more efficiently without reaching the motion limitations.


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The Motion Cueing Algorithm (MCA) transforms longitudinal and rotational motions into simulator movement, aiming to regenerate high fidelity motion within the simulators physical limitations. Classical washout filters are widely used in commercial simulators because of their relative simplicity and reasonable performance. The main drawback of classical washout filters is the inappropriate empirical parameter tuning method that is based on trial-and-error, and is effected by programmers’ experience. This is the most important obstacle to exploiting the platform efficiently. Consequently, the conservative motion produces false cue motions. Lack of consideration for human perception error is another deficiency of classical washout filters and also there is difficulty in understanding the effect of classical washout filter parameters on generated motion cues. The aim of this study is to present an effortless optimization method for adjusting the classical MCA parameters, based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) for a vehicle simulator in order to minimize human sensation error between the real and simulator driver while exploiting the platform within its physical limitations. The vestibular sensation error between the real and simulator driver as well as motion limitations have been taken into account during optimization. The proposed optimized MCA based on GA is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. The results show the superiority of the proposed MCA as it improved the human sensation, maximized reference signal shape following and exploited the platform more efficiently within the motion constraints.


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The vestibular system, which consists of semicircular canals and otolith, are the main sensors mammals use to perceive rotational and linear motions. Identifying the most suitable and consistent mathematical model of the vestibular system is important for research related to driving perception. An appropriate vestibular model is essential for implementation of the Motion Cueing Algorithm (MCA) for motion simulation purposes, because the quality of the MCA is directly dependent on the vestibular model used. In this review, the history and development process of otolith models are presented and analyzed. The otolith organs can detect linear acceleration and transmit information about sensed applied specific forces on the human body. The main purpose of this review is to determine the appropriate otolith models that agree with theoretical analyses and experimental results as well as provide reliable estimation for the vestibular system functions. Formulating and selecting the most appropriate mathematical model of the vestibular system is important to ensure successful human perception modelling and simulation when implementing the model into the MCA for motion analysis.


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 Through this research we have developed a new Motion Cueing Algorithm (MCA) based on Genetic Algorithm. This method accurately produces translational and rotational motions in a simulator platform with high fidelity and within the simulator’s physical limitations. The results show the superiority of the proposed MCA compared with previous methods.


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Driving simulators have become useful research tools for the institution and laboratories which are studying in different fields of vehicular and transport design to increase road safety. Although classical washout filters are broadly used because of their short processing time, simplicity and ease of adjust, they have some disadvantages such as generation of wrong sensation of motions, false cue motions, and also their tuning process which is focused on the worst case situations leading to a poor usage of the workspace. The aim of this study is to propose a new motion cueing algorithm that can accurately transform vehicle specific force into simulator platform motions at high fidelity within the simulator’s physical limitations. This method is proposed to compensate wrong cueing motion caused by saturation of tilt coordination rate limit using an adaptive correcting signal based on added fuzzy logic into translational channel to minimize the human sensation error and exploit the platform more efficiently.


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Motion Estimation is one of the most power hungry operations in video coding. While optimal search (eg. full search)methods give best quality, non optimal methods are often used in order to reduce cost and power. Various algorithms have been used in practice that trade off quality vs. complexity. Global elimination is an algorithm based on pixel averaging to reduce complexity of motion search while keeping performance close to that of full search. We propose an adaptive version of the global elimination algorithm that extracts individual macro-block features using Hadamard transform to optimize the search. Performance achieved is close to the full search method and global elimination. Operational complexity and hence power is reduced by 30% to 45% compared to global elimination method.


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This paper proposes a parallel architecture for estimation of the motion of an underwater robot. It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low-level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great number of data. In a motion estimation algorithm, correspondences between two images have to be solved at the low level. In the underwater imaging, normalised correlation can be a solution in the presence of non-uniform illumination. Due to its regular processing scheme, parallel implementation of the correspondence problem can be an adequate approach to reduce the computation time. Taking into consideration the complexity of the normalised correlation criteria, a new approach using parallel organisation of every processor from the architecture is proposed


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This paper presents a parallel Linear Hashtable Motion Estimation Algorithm (LHMEA). Most parallel video compression algorithms focus on Group of Picture (GOP). Based on LHMEA we proposed earlier [1][2], we developed a parallel motion estimation algorithm focus inside of frame. We divide each reference frames into equally sized regions. These regions are going to be processed in parallel to increase the encoding speed significantly. The theory and practice speed up of parallel LHMEA according to the number of PCs in the cluster are compared and discussed. Motion Vectors (MV) are generated from the first-pass LHMEA and used as predictors for second-pass Hexagonal Search (HEXBS) motion estimation, which only searches a small number of Macroblocks (MBs). We evaluated distributed parallel implementation of LHMEA of TPA for real time video compression.


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The aim of this paper is to provide a washout filter that can accurately produce vehicle motions in the simulator platform at high fidelity, within the simulators physical limitations. This is to present the driver with a realistic virtual driving experience to minimize the human sensation error between the real driving and simulated driving situation. To successfully achieve this goal, an adaptive washout filter based on fuzzy logic online tuning is proposed to overcome the shortcomings of fixed parameters, lack of human perception and conservative motion features in the classical washout filters. The cutoff frequencies of highpass, low-pass filters are tuned according to the displacement information of platform, workspace limitation and human sensation in real time based on fuzzy logic system. The fuzzy based scaling method is proposed to let the platform uses the workspace whenever is far from its margins. The proposed motion cueing algorithm is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink software packages and provided results show the capability of this method due to its better performance, improved human sensation and exploiting the platform more efficiently without reaching the motion limitation.


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This paper introduces a basic frame for rehabilitation motion practice system which detects 3D motion trajectory with the Microsoft Kinect (MSK) sensor system and proposes a cost-effective 3D motion matching algorithm. The rehabilitation motion practice system displays a reference 3D motion in the database system that the player (patient) tries to follow. The player’s motion is traced by the MSK sensor system and then compared with the reference motion to evaluate how well the player follows the reference motion. In this system, 3D motion matching algorithm is a key feature for accurate evaluation for player’s performance. Even though similarity measurement of 3D trajectories is one of the most important tasks in 3D motion analysis, existing methods are still limited. Recent researches focus on the full length 3D trajectory data set. However, it is not true that every point on the trajectory plays the same role and has the same meaning. In this situation, we developed a new cost-effective method that only uses the less number of features called ‘signature’ which is a flexible descriptor computed from the region of ‘elbow points’. Therefore, our proposed method runs faster than other methods which use the full length trajectory information. The similarity of trajectories is measured based on the signature using an alignment method such as dynamic time warping (DTW), continuous dynamic time warping (CDTW) or longest common sub-sequence (LCSS) method. In the experimental studies, we applied the MSK sensor system to detect, trace and match the 3D motion of human body. This application was assumed as a system for guiding a rehabilitation practice which can evaluate how well the motion practice was performed based on comparison of the patient’s practice motion traced by the MSK system with the pre-defined reference motion in a database. In order to evaluate the accuracy of our 3D motion matching algorithm, we compared our method with two other methods using Australian sign word dataset. As a result, our matching algorithm outperforms in matching 3D motion, and it can be exploited for a base framework for various 3D motion-based applications at low cost with high accuracy.