990 resultados para mosquito Culicidae


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Culex siphanulatus, sp. n. is described from specimens collected in bromeliads of the coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The description includes illustrations of female, male genitalia and chaetotaxy of pupa and larva. This species is easily distinguished from the others of subgenus Microculex and does not belong to any of the four series proposed for the grouping of its species.


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Wyeomia staminifera n. sp. is described from specimens collected into the forest of the Amazon and Southeast Regions of Brazil. The description includes illustrations of female and male genitalias and chaetotaxy of pupa and larva. Wy. staminifera is closely related to Wy. aporonoma, but they are distinguishable in all stages.


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Culex (Culex) dolosus (Lych Arribálzaga, 1891) is re-described and compared with Cx. eduardoi Casal & Garcia (1968) based on morphological characteristics. Both species are morphologically similar, and they have been largely misidentified throughout Brazil. Adult male and female, fourth instar larvae, and pupae of Cx. dolosus were examined, based on specimens from Pico do Itapeva, Pindamonhangaba Municipality, Serra da Mantiqueira, São Paulo State, southern Brazil. Male genitalia, larvae and pupae are illustrated. Geographical distribution is summarized from published records, and information on bionomics is based on literature and field data


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Apresentamos os resultados de capturas de mosquitos, realizadas entre janeiro de 1982 e março de 1983, em Granjas Calábria, com a finalidade de avaliar suas preferências alimentares. Usamos seis iscas: homem, cavalo, vaca, carneiro, galo e sapo. O cavalo atraiu o maior número de exemplares, seguindo-se a vaca, o homem, o galo e o carneiro, sendo que o sapo não foi atacado. A isca humana foi a que atraiu mais espécies. Observamos uma tendência zoófila para as espécies locais - An. albitarsis, An. aquasalis, Ae. scapularis, Ae. taeniorhynchus, Cq. venezuelensis, Ma. titillans, Ps. ciliata, Ph. davisi e Ph. deanei sugaram principalemte cavalo e vaca, enquanto os Culex do subgênero Culex pareceram-nos mais ornitófilos e os do subgênero Microculex preferiram animais pecilotérmicos em experimentos que realizamos no laboratório. Ma. titillans foi a espécie preponderante em todas as iscas, demonstrado elevado ecletismo. Para estudar a freqüência domiciliar e peridomiciliar fizemos, mensalmente, de agosto de 1981 a julho de 1982, capturas dentro e fora de uma casa. Excetuando algumas espécies com maior propensão à endofilia principalmente An. aquasalis e Cx. quinquefasciatus, os mosquitos locais mostram-se mais exófilos. Foram visitantes ocasionais do domicílo: Ma. titillans, Ae. scapularis, Ae. taeniorhynchus e Cx. saltanensis.


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Apresentamos os resultados de observações sobre os criadouros dos mosquitos, que realizamos numa fazenda - Granjas Calábria, da Baixada de Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, no período de agosto de 1981 a julho de 1983. A maioria das espécies locais preferiu coleções líquidas no solo, particularmente as de caráter natural, não deixando, entretanto, de procurar aquelas propiciadas pelas atividades humanas. Os criadouros transitórios foram mais freqüentados por Culex saltanensis e pelas espécies da tribo Aedini, como Aedes scapularis, Aedes taeniorhynchus, Psorophora ciliata e Psorophora confinnis, enquanto os de caráter permanente foram mananciais de formas imaturas de Mansonia titillans, Culex amazonensis, Culex chidesteri, Culex bidens, Culex declarator, Culex nigripalpus e Culex plectoporpe. Algumas espécies foram coletadas em recipientes naturais: Culex ocellatus, os Culex (Microculex), Phoniomyia davisi, Phoniomyia deanei e Wyeomyia forcipenis, em bromélias; Aedes terrens, Culex gairus e Culex imitador, em buraco em árvore; e Wyeomyia leucostigma, em axilas submersas das folhas de taboas (Thypha dominguensis). Culex gairus foi encontrado pela primeira vez criando em recipientes artificiais, locais também preferidos por Culex corniger, Culex quinquefasciatus e Limatus durhami.


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Anopheles albitarsis neotype is described from specimens collected in Baradero, Argentina, in Shannon's trap, in horse and pig stables and on the progeny of engorded females. The description includes illustrations of adult female, male and female genitalias, scanning electron miscroscopy of the eggs and complete chaetotaxy of pupa and larva. The importance for electing a neotype is based on the realization that An. albitarsis is a complex of cryptic species. It is an attempt to provide typt-locality specimens with which other memebers of the group can be compared.


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Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) deaneorum sp. n. is described from specimens collected in Guajará-Mirim, Rondônia state and Rio Branco, Acre state, Brazil, on human and animal baits, inside dwellings and from the progenies of engorged females. A detailed description of the shape of egg, external appearance of adult female and male, genitalias, female cibarial armature and complete chaetotaxy of pupa and larva show that it can be distinguished from Anopheles albitarsis from the type-locality and other areas by the paler general external appearance of the adult, the posterolateral tufts of scales, on the female abdominal terga and the branching of the outer anterior clypeal seta (3-C) of the fourth instar larva (as shown in illustrations). If species can also be distinguished from An. albitarsis from the type locality by the allele frequencies at 11 enzymic loci as represented by Nei's Genetic Distance.


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A morphological study of larval, pupal and adult life stages (including genitalia characters) was performed in order to evaluate the classification of the subgenus Dendromyia, genus Wyeomyia Theobald. Six species are included: Wy. ypsipola Dyar, Wy. jocosa (Dyar & Knab), Wy. testei Senevet & Abonnenc, Wy. complosa (Dyar), Wy. luteoventralis Theobald and Wy. trifurcata Clastrier, the first four of which are redescribed. The descriptions include illustrations of the male and female genitalia, fourth-instar larva and pupa. The result firmly supports Dendromyia as a monophyletic group, with well defined characters. Keys for the identification of all life stages of species included in Dendromyia are provided.


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Culex (Culex) dolosus (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891) is re-described and compared with Cx. eduardoi Casal & Garcia ( 1968) based on morphological characteristics. Both species are morphologically similar, and they have been largely misidentified throughout Brazil. Adult male and female, fourth instar larvae, and pupae of Cx. dolosus were examined, based on specimens from Pico do Itapeva, Pindamonhangaba Municipality, Serra da Mantiqueira, Sao Paulo State, southern Brazil. Male genitalia, larvae and pupae are illustrated. Geographical distribution is summarized from published records, and information on bionomics is based on the literature and field data.


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Durante as realizações de dois estudos sobre mosquito Culicidae, empregando-se armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC e Shanon, além de isca humana, foram capturados cinco espécies de Phlebotominae, entre as quais se encontravam Lutzomyia intermedia e L. flaviscutellata. As localidades investigadas eram alagadiças e raros casos humanos de leishmaniose tegumentar foram registrados entre os moradores locais. As duas situações sugerem ser estes casos autóctones.


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With a view toward investigating the feeding behavior of Culicidae mosquitoes from an area of epizootic yellow fever transmission in the municipalities of Garruchos and Santo Antônio das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, specimens were collected by aspiration from September 2005 to April 2007. The engorged females were submitted to blood meal identification by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A total of 142 blood-engorged samples were examined for human or monkey blood through species-specific IgG. Additional tests for specificity utilizing isotypes IgG1 and IgG4 of human monoclonal antibodies showed that only anti-human IgG1 was effective in recognizing blood meals of human origin. The results indicated a significant difference (p = 0.027) in detection patterns in samples of Haemagogus leucocelaenus recorded from human blood meals at Santo Antônio das Missões, which suggests some degree of exposure, since it was an area where epizootic outbreaks have been reported.


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The knowledge of mosquitoes Culicidae host feeding patterns is basic to understand the roles of different species and to indicate their importance in the epidemiology of arthropod-borne diseases. A laboratory assay was developed aiming at standardizing the biotin-avidin sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which was unprecedented for mosquito blood meal identification. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) activity was evaluated by the detection of titers on each sample of the 28 blood-fed Culex quinquefasciatus. In light of the high sensitivity that the technique permits, by means of small quantities of specific antibodies commercially provided and phosphatase substrate which reinforces additional dilutions, human and rat blood meals were readily identified in all laboratory-raised Culex quinquefasciatus tested. The assay was effective to detect human blood meal dilutions up to 1:4,096, which enables the technique to be applied in field studies. Additionally, the present results indicate a significant difference between the detection patterns recorded from human blood meal which corroborate the results of host feeding patterns.


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In 2000, an outbreak of sylvatic yellow fever possibly occurred in gallery forests of the Grande river in the Paraná basin in the northwestern region of São Paulo state. The aim of this study was to obtain information on the bionomics of Haemagogus and other mosquitoes inside tree holes in that area. Eighteen open tree holes were sampled for immature specimens. Adults were collected twice a month in the forest in Santa Albertina county from July 2000 to June 2001. The seasonal frequency of fourth instars was obtained by the Williams geometric mean (Mw), while the adult frequency was estimated either by hourly arithmetic or the Williams' means. Cole's index was applied to evaluate larval inter-specific associations. Among the ten mosquito species identified, the most abundant was Aedes terrens Walker followed by Sabethes tridentatus Cerqueira and Haemagogus janthinomys Dyar. Larval and adult abundance of these species was higher in summer than in winter. Although larval abundance of Hg. janthinomys peaked in the rainy season, correlation with rainfall was not significant. Six groups of larval associations were distinguished, one of which the most positively stable. The Hg. janthinomys and Ae. terrens association was significant, and Limatus durhamii Theobald was the species with most negative associations.


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The knowledge of mosquitoes Culicidae host feeding patterns is basic to understand the roles of different species and to indicate their importance in the epidemiology of arthropod-borne diseases. A laboratory assay was developed aiming at standardizing the biotin-avidin sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which was unprecedented for mosquito blood meal identification. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) activity was evaluated by the detection of titers on each sample of the 28 blood-fed Culex quinquefasciatus. In light of the high sensitivity that the technique permits, by means of small quantities of specific antibodies commercially provided and phosphatase substrate which reinforces additional dilutions, human and rat blood meals were readily identified in all laboratory-raised Culex quinquefasciatus tested. The assay was effective to detect human blood meal dilutions up to 1:4,096, which enables the technique to be applied in field studies. Additionally, the present results indicate a significant difference between the detection patterns recorded from human blood meal which corroborate the results of host feeding patterns


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Studies were conducted at sites in south-cast Queensland, Australia, to investigate the effect of habitat modification for mosquito control on the distribution of eggshells of the salt marsh mosquito, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse). Modifications were mainly tunnelling, but an Open Marsh Water Management (OMWM) site and a grid-ditched site were also included. There were two separate experimental designs: one was data collected Before and After (BA) modification and the other was for other sites with a Treatment and Control (TC) experimental design. For the BA data, there were significant reductions in eggshells after modification. Eggshells were generally fewer after modification in areas which were close to unrestricted tidal flushing. A sandy substrate and vegetation changes which resulted in reduced Sporobolus virginicus or mixed Sporobolus and Sarcocornia quinqueflora also contributed to the effect. In the TC experiment, there was no effect of modification at the tunnelled site, eggshells were fewer at the OMWM site, but there were more eggshells at the grid-ditched site. There was some general indication that recent oviposition activity was reduced in sites that had been modified, evidenced by a relatively small proportion of young (dark coloured) eggshells.