964 resultados para morte encefálica


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Despite of the technological advances that favor the transplant process, there are issues of effectiveness of care necessary for the maintenance of potential organ donors with brain death, which contribute to the no realization of transplants of organs and tissues of these patients. It is presupposed that the problems could be related to perceptions and understandings that the professionals of the units of internment have about the care required by the diagnosis of brain death. The aim of this study was to understand the meaning of the nursing care of the potential organ donor with brain death to the nursing staff. Descriptive study with qualitative approach guided by Action Science Theory and the critic-reflexive research methodology accomplished with five nurses and 19 nursing technicians from Operative Rehabilitation Center in a public hospital at Natal / RN, Brazil, between March and May 2013. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with individual reflection about the care and through group interview, after approval by the Ethics and Research Committee, CAAE No.: 04255612.7.0000.5537. The analysis was performed in a thematic way according to Bardin. During the group meeting the participants were driven in a discussion about the need for change and how to perform them. The results indicate that the professionals actions are consistent with those required for maintenance of potential organ donors, although the material and human resources are not adequate. That situation leads the professionals to develop a meaning of care as one labor more, demanding more than they can give. They express beliefs and feelings concerning the hope that their care brings a greater good that is to save lives. The reflection for a possible change of action was difficult to accomplish due to professionals not to be able to self evaluate, what lead to direct your changes suggestions for other team members. It is concluded that the care provided to these patients is a difficult care, evidenced by suffering both death situation of the person cared and pain of their families, as the dehumanizing conditions of work, helping themselves to keep distance from patients to not suffer so much. The knowledge impregnated in their act, are scientific, ethical, aesthetic and personal kind with a predominance of the scientific followed by the personal. The study was also relevant to the practice of nursing in maintaining the potential donor, in that it allowed the identification of the knowledge used by nurses in their care practice and the meaning understanding of the professionals on the care provided, as a good action that brings satisfaction when the transplanting is executed. Other experiences are suggested with the critic-reflexive research methodology, both in research as in teaching nursing


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Estudou-se retrospectivamente a evolução clínica de dois pacientes, até sua falência cardíaca irreversível (FCI), submetidos à monitorização contínua da pressão intracraniana (PIC). O estudo detalhado desses traçados mostrou que, nos dois casos a PIC atingiu valores máximos 5 e 12 h antes de ocorrer diminuição na amplitude das ondas, observada 47 e 60 h pré-FCI. Essa diminução foi progressiva e tornou-se linear cerca de 30 h antes da FCI, em ambos os casos. O diagnóstico clínico de morte encefálica (ME) foi obtido 3 e 28 hs após a linearidade do traçado. Os autores sugerem que o diagnóstico de ME pode ser definido mais precocemente com o uso da monitorização da PIC desde que o paciente não esteja sob sedação, e salientam a necessidade de mais observações, em número maior de pacientes.


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Purpose: Study aiming to understand the reasons for the refusal to donate organs by relatives of potential donors living in the Mid-Western region of the São Paulo state. Method: Qualitative study performed after data collection by the Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) Division of a reference hospital in the region. Relatives were contacted to participate in a semi-structured interview, and after the subjects in the study were characterized, four guiding questions were presented; their respective answers were recorded to be transcribed later. The Analysis of Content method proposed by Bardin was used to organize the speeches. Results: From 2006 to 2008, 30 (35.3%) families contacted by OPO have refused to agree with the organ donation. From that universe, 16 family members were interviewed. Data was systematized in three major themes: The experience of being informed on a family member’s brain death, decision concerning to the organ donation and aspects that would facilitate the decision to agree with the organ donation. Conclusion: the identification of reasons for the refusal and the suggestions presented has provided subsidies to improve the organ donation for transplantation process.


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This study aimed at examining the representation and the level of knowledge as well as getting acquainted whether there had been significant divergence among three social groups of 3rd year Law students, 7th period Medical students at UFPB and a group of people from the Catholic Church in vila dos pescadores in João Pessoa - about organ donation, transplant law and ethical issues that raise questions. In order to accomplish the qualitative analysis, Bardin´s content analysis technique was applied in conjunction with the Chisquare test which was applied with significance level of 5% to quantitative data. The data revealed that most informants agree with organ donation, Although they are not acquainted with the law of transplants, and with the lack of confidence in the single list of recipients. The problem is that there is an encouragement to trades with organs and the possibility of any person legally authorized to donate organs in life. The statistically significant difference was observed in only two questions, ie, in response to the confidence in the diagnosis of brain death: 64% of 7th period Medical students at UFPB trust this diagnosis versus 12% of the evangelizing group of vila dos pescadores. The other difference refers to the answer about the confidence in the single list of recipients: 36% of the 7th period Medical students of UFPB said to trust the list versus 12% of the 3rd law students of UFPB. This is was a multidisciplinary study with Involvement of lawyers and doctors


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The transplantation of organs and tissues presents itself as an important therapeutic option, both from a medical standpoint, the social or economic. Thus, the identification of variables that can interfere in the effectiveness of organs and tissues donation for transplantation needs to be investigated adequately, because it stands before increasing index of chronic and degenerative diseases in the population, what makes the waiting list for transplantation grow disproportionately and patients come to death without the opportunity of realization the treatment due to a lack of donors. In this context, has defined as objective of this study evaluate the factors associated with the effectiveness of organs and tissues donation for transplantation. It is a evaluative research, quantitative, prospective, with longitudinal design, developed at Central of Catchment, Notification and organ donation for transplant, Organ Procurement Organization and in six accredited hospitals to collect and transplantation of organs and tissues, in Natal/RN, between august 2010 and february 2011, after the approval of the Research Ethics Committee, under No. 414/10 and CAAE The probabilistic sample without replacement was composed of 65 potential donors. It was used as an instrument of data collection a structured script non-participant observation of checklist type. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables, charts, graphs and figures. For this, was used Microsoft Excel 2007 and statistical program SPSS version 20.0. To check the level of significance was chosen by applying the chi-square test (χ2) and Mann Whitney and caselas for less than five, it is considered the Fisher exact test. It was adopted as the significance level p-value <0.05. Among the surveyed it was observed that most of the individuals were male (50,8%), in the age group 45 years (53,8%), mean age of 42,3 years, minimum 5 and maximum 73 years (± 17,32 years). Single / widowers / divorced (56,9%), with up to completed elementary school (60,0%) in the exercise of professional activity (86,2%), catholic (83,1%) and residents in metropolitan region of Natal (52,3%). Was obtained donation effectiveness of 27,7%. There was no statistical significance between structure and effectiveness of the donation, but were observed inadequacies in physical resources (36,9%), materials (30,8%), organizational structure (29,2%) and human resources (18,5%). In the process, the maintenance phase (p= 0.004), diagnosis of brain death (p= 0.032), family interview (p≤ 0.001) and documentation (p= 0.001) presented statistical significance with effectiveness. Thus, it is accepts the alternative hypothesis of the study, in which is evidenced that the adequacy of the factors related to structure and process is associated to effectiveness of organs and tissues donation for transplantation. In this way, the effectiveness of organ and tissue donation ends in an essential way the rapidity and accuracy with which the donation process is conducted, requiring appropriate structure, with appropriate physical and material resources and skilled human resources to optimize the reduction of time and the suffering of those waiting for an organ or tissue transplant queued in Brazil


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Neurosonological studies, specifically transcranial Doppler (TCD) and transcranial color-coded duplex (TCCD), have high level of specificity and sensitivity and they are used as complementary tests for the diagnosis of brain death (BD). A group of experts, from the Neurosonology Department of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology, created a task force to determine the criteria for the following aspects of diagnosing BD in Brazil: the reliability of TCD methodology; the reliability of TCCD methodology; neurosonology training and skills; the diagnosis of encephalic circulatory arrest; and exam documentation for BD. The results of this meeting are presented in the current paper.


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O transplante pulmonar consolidou-se como a melhor opção terapêutica para diversas pneumopatias terminais. O baixo número de doadores viáveis ainda persiste como uma grande limitação ao aumento do número de transplantes de pulmão, causando alta mortalidade na lista de espera. Diferentemente do transplante de outros órgãos sólidos, a maior limitação do transplante pulmonar não é o número absoluto de doadores e sim a viabilidade desses órgãos, que é reduzida devido às agressões ao pulmão ocasionadas pela morte encefálica e aos cuidados na UTI. Diversas são as propostas para o aumento do número de doadores: intensificação das campanhas de doação, o uso de doadores com coração parado, transplante pulmonar lobar intervivos e maior flexibilidade dos critérios para aceitação de doadores de pulmão. Todavia, a proposta que atrai a atenção de diversos grupos de transplante pulmonar é a perfusão pulmonar ex vivo, principalmente pela perspectiva de recuperação de pulmões inicialmente descartados. Esse sistema consiste na reperfusão e ventilação do bloco pulmonar isolado em um circuito de circulação extracorpórea modificado. Devido aos bons resultados apresentados e à perspectiva de aumento no número de órgãos aptos a transplante, diversos grupos têm estudado a técnica. Pesquisadores na Suécia, Canadá, Áustria, Inglaterra, Espanha e Brasil já possuem experiência sólida com o método e introduziram algumas variações. O objetivo deste artigo foi revisar o desenvolvimento, o estado da arte e as perspectivas futuras do modelo ex vivo de perfusão e recondicionamento pulmonar.


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Resumen: Entre el sueño y la muerte hay “sólo una distancia”. El dormir encierra un misterio que se aviva con los sueños y, al parecer, habrían prefigurado al mismo método científico moderno. Descartes pensó que en sus sueños se transmitía el espíritu de la verdad. El alma soñadora e inmortal adquirió notoriedad en su dualismo, al tiempo que dejó de asociársela con la muerte. Tres siglos después, la medicina permitió identificar individuos que estaban muertos, aunque pareciesen dormidos (coma dépassé). Así reapareció la asociación sueño-muerte, pero ahora con médicos provistos del “diagnóstico anátomo-clínico” que, por su herencia cartesiana, demandará evidencias. La duda metódica integrada al pensamiento científico, aportaría incertidumbre a las formulaciones cerebrales de la muerte. Este trabajo repasa el valor de los sueños para el pensamiento occidental, busca al “hombre-máquina” dentro de los criterios neurológicos del fallecido y, con la ayuda de la Filosofía, intenta comprender algunas objeciones en torno a la licitud del diagnóstico de “muerte encefálica”. Se propone una revisión sucinta de la obra del filósofo francés y su reflejo en aspectos del debate ofrecido por la literatura médica.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVII - Segurança Pública e Defesa Nacional.


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Manuel Bernardes nasceu em 1644, em Lisboa, onde viveu e morreu em 1710. Estudou Filosofia e Direito Canônico na Universidade de Coimbra e seguiu, posteriormente, o curso de Teologia ordenando-se sacerdote. De acordo com a Advertência contida na obra, o Padre Manuel Bernardes pretendia acrescentar mais algumas causas da perdição das almas, o que não chegou a fazer, impedido por outras ocupações. Não obstante esta falta, pareceu-lhe conveniente publicá-la para não tirar dos fiéis a oportunidade de aprender lição tão útil e saudável. A primeira edição, ‘rara’ e muito apreciada foi impressa em Lisboa na Oficina de Joseph Antonio da Sylva, em 1728


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Através dessa dissertação propõe-se uma análise sobre os temas morte e poder em dois romances, do autor português José Saramago, Todos os Nomes (1997) e As Intermitências da Morte (2004). Escritos e publicados em épocas distintas, distinguem-se do conjunto da obra desse autor pela relação que estabelecem entre si e os temas supracitados. Esses dois romances foram tomados como objeto de estudo desta pesquisa, que foi executada através da utilização da metodologia da literatura comparada. Como base teórica, foram usados os seguintes conceitos do filósofo Martin Heidegger: ser-para-morte e angústia, que norteiam o pensamento sobre as possibilidades de uma autenticidade do ser frente ao cotidiano, marcado por repetições e controles. É através do acaso e das escolhas feitas pelos dois protagonistas dessas obras que se construiu uma reflexão sobre a dicotomia vivos e mortos. A partir dessa análise, buscou-se realizar a leitura em espelho desses romances, nos quais a maior semelhança é entender a vida como uma busca e a morte como inerente ao ser, tornando-o uma singularidade