147 resultados para moralidade


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O presente estudo debruça-se sobre o problema da educação moral no contexto plural da contemporaneidade. O texto examina as relações entre desenvolvimento moral e consciência, entre consciência moral e linguagem, entre aprendizagem e a construção da personalidade moral. Procura oferecer, com base nas teorias morais de Jean Piaget e de Jurgen Habermas, pistas para que na prática pedagógica da instituição escolar haja espaço para a educação moral. A educação moral não pode mais ser compreendida como mera transmissão de valores e como orientações para uma vida virtuosa, mas entendida como um espaço onde os educandos possam participar ativamente como sujeito de sua formação moral. Através de uma prática pedagógica reflexiva e dialógica espera-se motivar os educandos a se preocuparem com as questões que dizem respeito à vida ética e que possam tomar decisões morais com responsabilidade. O texto traz também uma reconstrução das principais idéias que fundamentam as teorias morais de Piaget e Habermas a partir das obras: O juízo moral na criança e Consciência moral e agir comunicativo. O estudo realizado sobre esses autores permitiu uma reflexão sobre a possibilidade de uma pedagogia da autonomia moral, sintetizada em três idéias centrais: o desenvolvimento da consciência moral na criança em Piaget, a estrutura comunicativa da consciência moral na interpretação de Habermas e a relação entre consciência moral comunicativa e educação moral.


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The objective of this work was about fixing the free will paradigm as negative evaluation of political rights which presents a new classification dde such rights, producing species: a) conditions of eligibility autonomous (free will), b) eligibility requirements heteronomous (will third party) and c) ineligibility (court decisions / administrative). This morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended, making a hermeneutic analysis of art. 14, § 9 of the Constitution, considering the justification of the views of the voting Minister Carlos Ayres Brito Appeal in Ordinary No 1069/2006 of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (where Eurico Miranda). Are fixed concepts of morality and life history from the perspective of the moral act freely and consciously. Has resulted in the identification of the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, which are voluntary acts as a reference to morality and integrity respectively. Justifies the morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended. who depend exclusively on the willingness of the candidate. It is noteworthy that the conditions for eligibility as a factual finding does not violate the law and does not allow punitive sanctions or setting a deadline in case of refusal to register the application. Attributed to political parties to take responsibility in their statutes moral criteria for the nomination convention in pre candidates, giving an ethical dimension. Analyzes the law under the Clean Record of morality and life history of the candidate and the possible impact on the electoral context.


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This work posits a mutual implication between metaphysics and morality in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and seeks to clarify the many nuances that take place in this relation. Each chapter offers a perspective in which the relation between metaphysics and morality can be addressed. Thus, by exposing some important aspects of representation theory of Schopenhauer, we try, in the first chapter, explain the relationship between his idealism and his conception of morality; in the second chapter, the determinism present both in nature and in moral actions, determinism that establishes the relationship between morality and metaphysics through the very notion of a metaphysical nature; in the third chapter, relationship between metaphysics and morality that takes place through the notion of freedom as denial of the previous determinism, freedom possible to the genius, to the saint and to the ascetic. All of these perspectives, however, presuppose the distinction between phenomenon and thing-initself, figuring this distinction as crucial in building of this metaphysic that seeks to protect the moral significance of the world while denying the existence of God


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The objective of this work was about fixing the free will paradigm as negative evaluation of political rights which presents a new classification dde such rights, producing species: a) conditions of eligibility autonomous (free will), b) eligibility requirements heteronomous (will third party) and c) ineligibility (court decisions / administrative). This morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended, making a hermeneutic analysis of art. 14, § 9 of the Constitution, considering the justification of the views of the voting Minister Carlos Ayres Brito Appeal in Ordinary No 1069/2006 of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (where Eurico Miranda). Are fixed concepts of morality and life history from the perspective of the moral act freely and consciously. Has resulted in the identification of the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, which are voluntary acts as a reference to morality and integrity respectively. Justifies the morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended. who depend exclusively on the willingness of the candidate. It is noteworthy that the conditions for eligibility as a factual finding does not violate the law and does not allow punitive sanctions or setting a deadline in case of refusal to register the application. Attributed to political parties to take responsibility in their statutes moral criteria for the nomination convention in pre candidates, giving an ethical dimension. Analyzes the law under the Clean Record of morality and life history of the candidate and the possible impact on the electoral context


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a fidedignidade da tradução e adaptação brasileira do Definig Issues Test (DIT) -2, assim como realizar algumas ponderações sobre a utilização desse instrumento e do DIT -1 em pesquisas sobre moralidade. Os testes DIT-1 e DIT-2 foram aplicados em 621 jovens brasileiros, proporcionalmente distribuídos conforme a cidade de procedência (Floriano/PI, Erechim/RS e Marília/SP), o tipo de escola (pública e particular) e o ano escolar freqüentado (8º ano do ensino fundamental e 3º ano do ensino médio). em relação à fidedignidade, notou-se que, apesar de os valores alcançados serem próximos àquele obtido na tradução e adaptação do DIT-1, revelam-se bem menores que os verificados nas versões originais americanas. Na verificação das pontuações alcançadas nos testes, foi observada a existência de tendências distintas no interior da amostra investigada, marcadas pelas variáveis controladas. Foram tecidas considerações sobre a validade e a interpretação desses testes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research aims to show how children can learn the meaning of forgiveness in order to build their autonomy and moral . Research is essential to support teachers to work morale within the classroom with their students , so that conflicts a re minimized or even eliminated . Through Piagetian clinical method was observed and interviewed students from the first year of elementary school , trying to identify those who can take a perspective other than you r own . All this in order to inve stigate the possibility of these becoming autonomous and can measure th e consequences of their actions . To develop the moral and intellectual autonomy of the students , Piaget (1994 ) shows the importance of children to act properly by choice , not by pres sure punishments or rewards , and that they have the correct answers , not because someone showed you , but because found . Through research , we found that students are able to forgive, but often requiring that the colleague is also punished in some way. Fo r in fact the children act autonomously it is necessary that the school provides situations where they can experience the cooperation , reciprocity, mutual respect , and thus gradually build their autonomy


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O Princípio da Moralidade Administrativa. Cadernos de Direito Constitucional e Ciência Política v. 6, n. 22, p. 129-132, jan./mar.1998.