122 resultados para montagnes


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Prenant la flore et la végétation comme des indicateurs du climat local, on fait une analyse abrégée de l'influence atlantique sur quatre montagnes portugaises, s¡tuées au sud du fleuve Tage, en plain domaine méditerranéen. Elles sont distríbuées depuis le nord-est de l‘Alentejo jusqu’a l’extreme sud-ouest du territoire.L'observation des données floristiques a montré que la dominance des espéces méditerrennes est générale, bien que entre un mínimum de 34.0% à S. Mamede et un maximum de 48.9 % à Portel. On a vérifié aussi, en commun, un trés faible degré d'endémisme, lequel atteint la valeur la plus élevée -1.2%-, dans la montagne de Monchique. 


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Mécénat texte imprimé : Cet ouvrage a été numérisé grâce à Axelle Gagnard


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Description à demi fabuleuse du monde connu des anciens Chinois, existant déjà à l'époque de Si ma Qian. Le présent texte avec notes est celui de Ge Po (276-324), préface non datée de celui-ci. Postface de Yang Shen (1488-1559). Rapport à l'Empereur, par Liu Xiu († 57 de notre ère.) qui attribue à cet ouvrage une antiquité reculée. Gravé à Xi dans la maison Xiang, d'après une édition des Song.18 sections. — Cat. imp., liv. 142, f. 1.


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Ressenya del llibre Répertoire des Thèses universitaires réalisées sur les Montagnes Rifaines (Maroc) en Français, Espagnol, Anglais et Arabe. Obra de caràcter bibliogràfic que recopila 556 tesis doctorals i memòries de 3r cicle produïdes, entre altres, a Marroc, França, Espanya, Regne Unit, Holanda, Bèlgica, Suïssa, Egipte, Algèria, Estats Units, etc., i referides a la zona nord del Marroc de les que 396 són en francès, 81 en àrab, 46 en castellà, 32 en anglès i 1 en català


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Ressenya del llibre Urbanisation et urbanisme dans les montagnes rifaines (Maroc). L’obra tracta sobre la urbanització i l’urbanisme al Marroc, zona caracteritzada per la complexitat i les problemàtiques espacials, econòmiques, socials, mediambientals, legals, etc., que comporta l’explosió urbana que ha experimentat aquest país, especialment la segona meitat del segle XX


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The KIT receptor protein-tyrosine kinase plays an important role during embryonic development. Activation of KIT is crucial for the development of various cell lineages such as melanoblasts, stem cells of the haematopoietic system, spermatogonia and intestinal cells of Cajal. In mice, many mutations in the Kit gene cause pigmentation disorders accompanied by pleiotropic effects on blood cells and male fertility. Previous work has demonstrated that dominant white Franches-Montagnes horses carry one copy of the KIT gene with the p.Y717X mutation. The targeted breeding of white horses would be ethically questionable if white horses were known to suffer from anaemia or leukopenia. The present study demonstrates that no statistically significant differences in peripheral blood parameters are detectable between dominant white and solid-coloured Franches-Montagnes horses. The data indicate that KIT mutations may have different effects in mice, pigs, and horses. The KIT p.Y717X mutation does not have a major negative effect on the haematopoietic system of dominant white horses.


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Franches-Montagnes is the only native horse breed in Switzerland, therefore special efforts should be made for ensuring its survival. The objectives of this study were to characterize the structure of this population as well as genetic variability with pedigree data, conformation traits and molecular markers. Studies were focused to clarify if this population is composed of a heavy- and a light-type subpopulation. Extended pedigree records of 3-year-old stallions (n = 68) and mares (n = 108) were available. Evaluations of body conformation traits as well as pedigree data and molecular markers did not support the two-subpopulation hypothesis. The generation interval ranged from 7.8 to 9.3 years. The complete generation equivalent was high (>12). The number of effective ancestors varied between 18.9 and 20.1, whereof 50% of the genetic variability was attributed to seven of them. Genetic contribution of Warmblood horses ranged from 36% to 42% and that of Coldblood horses from 4% to 6%. The average inbreeding coefficient reached 6%. Inbreeding effective population size was 114.5 when the average increase of the inbreeding coefficient per year since 1910 was taken. Our results suggest that bottleneck situations occurred because of selection of a small number of sire lines. Promotion of planned matings between parents that are less related is recommended in order to avoid a reduction of the genetic diversity.


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Genetic characterization helps to assure breed integrity and to assign individuals to defined populations. The objective of this study was to characterize genetic diversity in six horse breeds and to analyse the population structure of the Franches-Montagnes breed, especially with regard to the degree of introgression with Warmblood. A total of 402 alleles from 50 microsatellite loci were used. The average number of alleles per locus was significantly lower in Thoroughbreds and Arabians. Average heterozygosities between breeds ranged from 0.61 to 0.72. The overall average of the coefficient of gene differentiation because of breed differences was 0.100, with a range of 0.036-0.263. No significant correlation was found between this parameter and the number of alleles per locus. An increase in the number of homozygous loci with increasing inbreeding could not be shown for the Franches-Montagnes horses. The proportion of shared alleles, combined with the neighbour-joining method, defined clusters for Icelandic Horse, Comtois, Arabians and Franches-Montagnes. A more disparate clustering could be seen for European Warmbloods and Thoroughbreds, presumably from frequent grading-up of Warmbloods with Thoroughbreds. Grading-up effects were also observed when Bayesian and Monte Carlo resampling approaches were used for individual assignment to a given population. Individual breed assignments to defined reference populations will be very difficult when introgression has occurred. The Bayesian approach within the Franches-Montagnes breed differentiated individuals with varied proportions of Warmblood.