965 resultados para mobilità, wireless, QoS, VoIP, reti eterogenee
Progettazione ed implementazione di una piattaforma di cloud computing per erogare macchine virtuali, in particolare macchine utilizzate come proxy server da applicazioni VoIP
La tesi tratta del miglioramento di una simulazione VoIP in ambiente OmNet++. La simulazione è stata resa più realistica grazie all'introduzione di molteplici host mobili che si muovono attraverso un percorso casuale all'interno di uno scenario cittadino.
Despite extensive progress on the theoretical aspects of spectral efficient communication systems, hardware impairments, such as phase noise, are the key bottlenecks in next generation wireless communication systems. The presence of non-ideal oscillators at the transceiver introduces time varying phase noise and degrades the performance of the communication system. Significant research literature focuses on joint synchronization and decoding based on joint posterior distribution, which incorporate both the channel and code graph. These joint synchronization and decoding approaches operate on well designed sum-product algorithms, which involves calculating probabilistic messages iteratively passed between the channel statistical information and decoding information. Channel statistical information, generally entails a high computational complexity because its probabilistic model may involve continuous random variables. The detailed knowledge about the channel statistics for these algorithms make them an inadequate choice for real world applications due to power and computational limitations. In this thesis, novel phase estimation strategies are proposed, in which soft decision-directed iterative receivers for a separate A Posteriori Probability (APP)-based synchronization and decoding are proposed. These algorithms do not require any a priori statistical characterization of the phase noise process. The proposed approach relies on a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)-based algorithm to perform phase noise estimation and does not depend on the considered modulation/coding scheme as it only exploits the APPs of the transmitted symbols. Different variants of APP-based phase estimation are considered. The proposed algorithm has significantly lower computational complexity with respect to joint synchronization/decoding approaches at the cost of slight performance degradation. With the aim to improve the robustness of the iterative receiver, we derive a new system model for an oversampled (more than one sample per symbol interval) phase noise channel. We extend the separate APP-based synchronization and decoding algorithm to a multi-sample receiver, which exploits the received information from the channel by exchanging the information in an iterative fashion to achieve robust convergence. Two algorithms based on sliding block-wise processing with soft ISI cancellation and detection are proposed, based on the use of reliable information from the channel decoder. Dually polarized systems provide a cost-and spatial-effective solution to increase spectral efficiency and are competitive candidates for next generation wireless communication systems. A novel soft decision-directed iterative receiver, for separate APP-based synchronization and decoding, is proposed. This algorithm relies on an Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)-based cancellation of the cross polarization interference (XPI) followed by phase estimation on the polarization of interest. This iterative receiver structure is motivated from Master/Slave Phase Estimation (M/S-PE), where M-PE corresponds to the polarization of interest. The operational principle of a M/S-PE block is to improve the phase tracking performance of both polarization branches: more precisely, the M-PE block tracks the co-polar phase and the S-PE block reduces the residual phase error on the cross-polar branch. Two variants of MMSE-based phase estimation are considered; BW and PLP.
This work deals with experimental studies about VoIP conections into WiFi 802.11b networks with handoff. Indoor and outdoor network experiments are realised to take measurements for the QoS parameters delay, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The performance parameters are obtained through the use of software tools Ekiga, Iperf and Wimanager that assure, respectvely, VoIP conection simulation, trafic network generator and metric parameters acquisition for, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The avarage delay is obtained from the measured throughput and the concept of packt virtual transmition time. The experimental data are validated based on de QoS level for each metric parameter accepted as adequated by the specialized literature
O advento de novas formas multimídia tem atraído uma clientela exigente, onde preocupação não é somente com o serviço, mas também, com a qualidade que esse serviço pode ser oferecido. As WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks) tornaram-se a forma mais comum de roteamento de Internet, devido ao seu baixo custo e facilidade de implementação. Para realizar um bom roteamento é necessário um planejamento, utilizando-se modelos. Os modelos de propagação existentes na literatura fazem a predição da intensidade do sinal, mas algumas vezes não contemplam a previsão de um bom serviço. Nesse sentido a presente dissertação propõe-se a elaborar um modelo de propagação empírico indoor multi-andar que não só prediz a potência recebida, mas também faz uma previsão para algumas métricas de QoS (Quality of Service) de chamadas VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Para a elaboração do modelo proposto foram feitas campanhas de medição, em um prédio de dois andares, em pisos distintos mantendo-se a posição do ponto de acesso (PA) fixa. Estudos de geometria analítica para a contagem e agregação de perdas em pisos e paredes. Os resultados do modelo proposto foram comparados com um modelo da literatura que tem um comportamento similar, onde é possível verificar o melhor desempenho do modelo proposto, e para efeito de estudo um andar completamente simulado foi introduzido para avaliação.
Per dare supporto al traffico multimediale in una rete totalmente distribuita come le reti ad-hoc, il protocollo MAC deve fornire garanzie di QoS. L'IEEE ha sviluppato un standard per supportare le QoS chiamato 802.11e, facente parte della famiglia 802.11. Per dare supporto al QoS viene proposto un nuovo protocollo chiamato PAB che consiste in un accesso al canale preceduto da una serie di invii di burst, inviati alla stessa frequenza dei dati, che inibiscono la trasmissione di stazioni avente minore priorità. Lo scopo di questo protocollo è fornire servizi QoS, evitare starvation e fornire un accesso equo tra le stazioni.
IEEE 802.11 based wireless local area networks (WLANs) are being increasingly deployed for soft real-time control applications. However, they do not provide quality-ofservice (QoS) differentiation to meet the requirements of periodic real-time traffic flows, a unique feature of real-time control systems. This problem becomes evident particularly when the network is under congested conditions. Addressing this problem, a media access control (MAC) scheme, QoS-dif, is proposed in this paper to enable QoS differentiation in IEEE 802.11 networks for different types of periodic real-time traffic flows. It extends the IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) by introducing a QoS differentiation method to deal with different types of periodic traffic that have different QoS requirements for real-time control applications. The effectiveness of the proposed QoS-dif scheme is demonstrated through comparisons with the IEEE 802.11e EDCA mechanism.
In our earlier work ([1]) we proposed WLAN Manager (or WM) a centralised controller for QoS management of infrastructure WLANs based on the IEEE 802.11 DCF standards. The WM approach is based on queueing and scheduling packets in a device that sits between all traffic flowing between the APs and the wireline LAN, requires no changes to the AP or the STAs, and can be viewed as implementing a "Split-MAC" architecture. The objectives of WM were to manage various TCP performance related issues (such as the throughput "anomaly" when STAs associate with an AP with mixed PHY rates, and upload-download unfairness induced by finite AP buffers), and also to serve as the controller for VoIP admission control and handovers, and for other QoS management measures. In this paper we report our experiences in implementing the proposals in [1]: the insights gained, new control techniques developed, and the effectiveness of the WM approach in managing TCP performance in an infrastructure WLAN. We report results from a hybrid experiment where a physical WM manages actual TCP controlled packet flows between a server and clients, with the WLAN being simulated, and also from a small physical testbed with an actual AP.
The IEEE 802.1le medium access control (MAC) standard provides distributed service differentiation or Quality-of- Service (QoS) by employing a priority system. In 802.1 le networks, network traffic is classified into different priorities or access categories (ACs). Nodes maintain separate queues for each AC and packets at the head-of-line (HOL) of each queue contend for channel access using AC-specific parameters. Such a mechanism allows the provision of differentiated QoS where high priority, performance sensitive traffic such as voice and video applications will enjoy less delay, greater throughput and smaller loss, compared to low priority traffic (e. g. file transfer). The standard implicitly assumes that nodes are honest and will truthfully classify incoming traffic into its appropriate AC. However, in the absence of any additional mechanism, selfish users can gain enhanced performance by selectively classifying low priority traffic as high priority, potentially destroying the QoS capability of the system.
Hybrid wireless networks are extensively used in the superstores, market places, malls, etc. and provide high QoS (Quality of Service) to the end-users has become a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a policy-based transaction-aware QoS management architecture in a hybrid wireless superstore environment. The proposed scheme operates at the transaction level, for the downlink QoS management. We derive a policy for the estimation of QoS parameters, like, delay, jitter, bandwidth, availability, packet loss for every transaction before scheduling on the downlink. We also propose a QoS monitor which monitors the specified QoS and automatically adjusts the QoS according to the requirement. The proposed scheme has been simulated in hybrid wireless superstore environment and tested for various superstore transactions. The results shows that the policy-based transaction QoS management is enhance the performance and utilize network resources efficiently at the peak time of the superstore business.
The problem of delay-constrained, energy-efficient broadcast in cooperative wireless networks is NP-complete. While centralised setting allows some heuristic solutions, designing heuristics in distributed implementation poses significant challenges. This is more so in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) where nodes are deployed randomly and topology changes dynamically due to node failure/join and environment conditions. This paper demonstrates that careful design of network infrastructure can achieve guaranteed delay bounds and energy-efficiency, and even meet quality of service requirements during broadcast. The paper makes three prime contributions. First, we present an optimal lower bound on energy consumption for broadcast that is tighter than what has been previously proposed. Next, iSteiner, a lightweight, distributed and deterministic algorithm for creation of network infrastructure is discussed. iPercolate is the algorithm that exploits this structure to cooperatively broadcast information with guaranteed delivery and delay bounds, while allowing real-time traffic to pass undisturbed.