973 resultados para mobile text messages


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World’s mobile market pushes past 2 billion lines in 2005. Success in these competitive markets requires operational excellence with product and service innovation to improve the mobile performance. Mobile users very often prefer to send a mobile instant message or text messages rather than talking on a mobile. Well developed “written speech analysis” does not work not only with “verbal speech” but also with “mobile text messages”. The main purpose of our paper is, firstly, to highlight the problems of mobile text messages processing and, secondly, to show the possible ways of solving these problems.


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When designing interaction techniques for mobile devices we must ensure users are able to safely navigate through their physical environment while interacting with their mobile device. Non-speech audio has proven effective at improving interaction on mobile devices by allowing users to maintain visual focus on environmental navigation while presenting information to them via their audio channel. The research described here builds on this to create an audio-enhanced single-stroke-based text entry facility that demands as little visual resource as possible. An evaluation of the system demonstrated that users were more aware of their errors when dynamically guided by audio-feedback. The study also highlighted the effect of handwriting style and mobility on text entry; designers of handwriting recognizers and of applications involving mobile note taking can use this fundamental knowledge to further develop their systems to better support the mobility of mobile text entry.


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Mobile messaging is an integral and vital part of the mobile industry and contributes significantly to worldwide total mobile service revenues. In today’s competitive world, differentiation is a significant factor in the success of the business communication. SMS (Short Message Service) provides a powerful vehicle for service differentiation. What is missing, however, is the availability of personalized SMS messages. In particular, the exploitation of user profile information allows a selection and content delivery that meets preferences and interests for the individual. Personalization of mobile messages is important in today’s service-oriented society, and has proven to be crucial for the acceptance of services provided by the mobile telecommunication networks. In this paper we focus on user profile description and the mechanism for delivering the relevant information to the mobile user in accordance with his/her profile.


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Mobile advertising is a rapidly growing sector providing brands and marketing agencies the opportunity to connect with consumers beyond traditional and digital media and instead communicate directly on their mobile phones. Mobile advertising will be intrinsically linked with mobile search, which has transported from the internet to the mobile and is identified as an area of potential growth. The result of mobile searching show that as a general rule such search result exceed 160 characters; the dialog is required to deliver the relevant portion of a response to the mobile user. In this paper we focus initially on mobile search and mobile advert creation, and later the mechanism of interaction between the user’s request, the result of searching, advertising and dialog.


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Mobile phones have the potential of fostering political mobilisation. There is a significant political power in mobile technology. Like the Internet, mobile phones facilitate communication and rapid access to information. Compared to the Internet, however, mobile phone diffusion has reached a larger proportion of the population in most countries, and thus the impact of this new medium is conceivably greater. There are now more mobile phones in the UK than there are people (averaging at 121 mobile phones for every 100 people). In this paper, the attempt to use modern mobile technology to handle the General Election, is discussed. The pre-election advertising, election day issues, including the election news and results as they come in, and answering questions via text message regarding the results of current and/or previous general elections are considered.


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SMS (Short Message Service) is now a hugely popular and a very powerful business communication technology for mobile phones. In order to respond correctly to a free form factual question given a large collection of texts, one needs to understand the question at a level that allows determining some of constraints the question imposes on a possible answer. These constraints may include a semantic classification of the sought after answer and may even suggest using different strategies when looking for and verifying a candidate answer. In this paper we focus on various attempts to overcome the major contradiction: the technical limitations of the SMS standard, and the huge number of found information for a possible answer.


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Nonadherence to treatment is a worldwide problem among people with severe mental disorders. Patient treatment adherence may be supported with simple reminding methods e.g. text message reminders. However, there is limited evidence of its benefits. Intervention evaluation is essential in mHealth research. Therefore, this evaluative study was conducted. This study aimed to evaluate text message reminder use in encouraging patients’treatment adherence among people with antipsychotic medication. The data were collected between September 2011 and December 2013. First, a systematic literature review revealed that text message reminders were widely used in healthcare. However, its impacts were conflicting. Second, a sub-sample (n = 562) analysis showed that patients preferred humorous text message reminders and preferred to receive them in the morning, at the beginning of the week. Age, gender and marital status seemed to have different effects on the preferred amount and timing of the selected reminders. Third, a cross-sectional survey revealed that people with antipsychotic medication (n = 408) expressed overall satisfaction towards the reminder system. Finally, the evaluative design showed that patient recruitment for a randomized controlled trial concerning people with antipsychotic medication was challenging due to low rates of eligible participants. Follow-up drop-out rates varied depending on the data collection method. Participants’ demographic characteristics were associated with the risk of dropping out from the trial. This study suggests that text messages are a potential reminder system in healthcare services among people with antipsychotic medication. More research is needed to gain a comprehensive picture of the impacts and effectiveness of text message reminders.


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Background: Evidence-based medication and lifestyle modification are important for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease but are underutilized. Mobile health strategies could address this gap but existing evidence is mixed. Therefore, we piloted a pre-post study to assess the impact of patient-directed text messages as a means of improving medication adherence and modifying major health risk behaviors among coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Hainan, China.

Methods: 92 CVD patients were surveyed between June and August 2015 (before the intervention) and then between October and December 2015 (after 12 week intervention) about (a) medication use (b) smoking status,(c) fruit and vegetable consumption, and (d) physical activity uptake. Acceptability of text-messaging intervention was assessed at follow-up. Descriptive statistics, along with paired comparisons between the pre and post outcomes were conducted using both parametric (t-test) and non-parametric (Wilcoxon signed rank test) methods.

Results: The number of respondents at follow-up was 82 (89% retention rate). Significant improvements were observed for medication adherence (P<0.001) and for the number of cigarettes smoked per day (P=.022). However there was no change in the number of smokers who quitted smoking at follow-up. There were insignificant changes for physical activity (P=0.91) and fruit and vegetable consumption.


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Interactions in mobile devices normally happen in an explicit manner, which means that they are initiated by the users. Yet, users are typically unaware that they also interact implicitly with their devices. For instance, our hand pose changes naturally when we type text messages. Whilst the touchscreen captures finger touches, hand movements during this interaction however are unused. If this implicit hand movement is observed, it can be used as additional information to support or to enhance the users’ text entry experience. This thesis investigates how implicit sensing can be used to improve existing, standard interaction technique qualities. In particular, this thesis looks into enhancing front-of-device interaction through back-of-device and hand movement implicit sensing. We propose the investigation through machine learning techniques. We look into problems on how sensor data via implicit sensing can be used to predict a certain aspect of an interaction. For instance, one of the questions that this thesis attempts to answer is whether hand movement during a touch targeting task correlates with the touch position. This is a complex relationship to understand but can be best explained through machine learning. Using machine learning as a tool, such correlation can be measured, quantified, understood and used to make predictions on future touch position. Furthermore, this thesis also evaluates the predictive power of the sensor data. We show this through a number of studies. In Chapter 5 we show that probabilistic modelling of sensor inputs and recorded touch locations can be used to predict the general area of future touches on touchscreen. In Chapter 7, using SVM classifiers, we show that data from implicit sensing from general mobile interactions is user-specific. This can be used to identify users implicitly. In Chapter 6, we also show that touch interaction errors can be detected from sensor data. In our experiment, we show that there are sufficient distinguishable patterns between normal interaction signals and signals that are strongly correlated with interaction error. In all studies, we show that performance gain can be achieved by combining sensor inputs.


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Työn tavoitteena on tutkia deittipalvelun käyttäjien anonyymiaineistoa neuroverkko-opetuksessa segmentoituneiden piirrekarttojen (SOM, Self-Organizing Map) avulla. Näiden piirrekarttojen avulla on tarkoitus selvittää, löytyykö mahdollisesti selkeitä SMS- ja e-mail - käyttäjäryhmiä. Tutkimusta lähestytään perehtymällä ensin yrityksen tekniseen palvelualusta-arkkitehtuuriin ja myös varsinaiseen deittipalveluun käyttäjän kannalta.Tutkimus aloitettiin koodaamalla tietoaineisto SOM Toolbox-ohjelmalle käytettäväksi. Varsinaisia tutkimustuloksia analysoitiin valitsemalla otoksia neuroverkko-opetuksessa segmentoituneista piirrekartoista. Saadut tulokset osoittavat, ettäSOM-teknologia soveltuu hyvin sisältöpalveluiden sosioteknologiseen tutkimukseen ja sitä on myös mahdollista käyttää asiakkuudenhallinnassa erilaisten käyttäjäryhmien profilointiin.