967 resultados para mixture of distribution hypothesis


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This paper aims at examining the correlation structure, co-integration relationship and volatility linkage between stock and bond market indices over a period from January 1994 to June 2004. This study uses Johansen Cointegratoin test, VECM-X model and GARCH (1,1) with MDH model to examine the existence of long-term relation and volatility linkage between stock and bond market. The findings shed some light on the existence of mean-reverting pattern of correlation across different economic environments.  Findings on co-movement of stock and bond indices suggest an equilibrium relationship with short-term error correction. While evidence from volatility linkage also suggests that bond market cannot provide a meaningful explanation for conditional volatility in stock market, therefore, rejecting the mixture of distribution hypothesis.


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In this paper, the Gibbs free energy, the equation of state and the chemical potentials of polydisperse multicomponent polymer mixtures are derived. For general binary mixtures of polydisperse polymers, we also give the Gibbs free energy, the equation of


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For a binary mixture of polydisperse polymers with strong interactions, the free energy, the equation of state, the chemical potentials and the spinodal are formulated on the basis of the lattice fluid model. Further, the spinodal curves for the system wi


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The remarkable geological and evolutionary history of peninsular India has generated much interest in the patterns and processes that might have shaped the current distributions of its endemic biota. In this regard the Out of India hypothesis, which proposes that rafting peninsular India carried Gondwanan forms to Asia after the break-up of Gondwana super continent, has gained prominence. Here we have reviewed molecular studies undertaken on a range of taxa of supposedly Gondwanan origin to better understand the Out-of-India scenario. This re-evaluation of published molecular studies indicates that there is mounting evidence supporting Out-of-India scenario for various Asian taxa. Nevertheless, in many studies the evidence is inconclusive due to lack of information on the age of relevant nodes. Studies also indicate that not all Gondwanan forms of peninsular India dispersed out of India. Many of these ancient lineages are confined to peninsular India and therefore are relict Gondwanan lineages. Additionally for some taxa an Into India rather than Out-of-India scenario better explains their current distribution. To identify the Out-of-India component of Asian biota it is imperative that we understand the complex biogeographical history of India. To this end, we propose three oversimplified yet explicit phylogenetic predictions. These predictions can be tested through the use of molecular phylogenetic tools in conjunction with palaeontological and geological data.


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Many biological environments are crowded by macromolecules, organelles and cells which can impede the transport of other cells and molecules. Previous studies have sought to describe these effects using either random walk models or fractional order diffusion equations. Here we examine the transport of both a single agent and a population of agents through an environment containing obstacles of varying size and shape, whose relative densities are drawn from a specified distribution. Our simulation results for a single agent indicate that smaller obstacles are more effective at retarding transport than larger obstacles; these findings are consistent with our simulations of the collective motion of populations of agents. In an attempt to explore whether these kinds of stochastic random walk simulations can be described using a fractional order diffusion equation framework, we calibrate the solution of such a differential equation to our averaged agent density information. Our approach suggests that these kinds of commonly used differential equation models ought to be used with care since we are unable to match the solution of a fractional order diffusion equation to our data in a consistent fashion over a finite time period.


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A series of binary SB blend samples with various overall volume fraction of PS (Phi(PS)) and different discrete distribution of the block length (denoted as d(PS) or d(PB)) were prepared by mixing various asymmetric poly(styrene)-block-poly(butadiene) (SB) block copolymers with a symmetric SB block copolymer. The influences of the external solvent field, composition, and the block length distribution on the morphologies of the blends in the thin films were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The experimental results revealed that after solvent annealing, the interface of the blend thin films depended mainly on the cooperative effects of the annealing solvent and the inherently interfacial curvature of the blends. Upon exposure to the saturated vapor of cyclohexane, which has preferential affinity for the PB block, a "threshold" of Phi(PS) (approximate 0.635-0.707) was found. Below such threshold, the influence of the annealing solvent played an important role on the interfacial curvature of the blend thin film.


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Lyotropic nematics consisting of surfactant-cosurfactant water solutions may present a biaxial phase or direct U(+) <-> U(-) transitions, in different regions of the temperature-relative concentration phase diagram, for different systems and compositions. We propose that these may be related to changes of uniaxial micellar form, which may occur either smoothly or abruptly. Smooth change of cylinder-like into disc-like shapes requires a distribution of Maier-Saupe interaction constants and we consider two limiting cases for the distribution of forms: a single Gaussian and a double Gaussian. Alternatively, an abrupt change of form is described by a discontinuous distribution of interaction constants. Our results show that the dispersive distributions yield a biaxial phase, while an abrupt change of shape leads to coexistence of uniaxial phases. Fitting the theory to the experiment for the ternary system KL/decanol/D2O leads to transition lines in very good agreement with experimental results. In order to rationalise the results of the comparison, we analyse temperature and concentration form dependence, which connects micellar and experimental macroscopic parameters. Physically consistent variations of micellar asymmetry, amphiphile partitioning and volume are obtained. To the best of the authors` knowledge, this is the first truly statistical microscopic approach that is able to model experimentally observed lyotropic biaxial nematic phases.


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The incentive dilemma refers to a situation in which incentives are offered but do not work as intended. The authors suggest that, in an interorganizational context, whether a principal-provided incentive works is a function of how it is evaluated by an agent: for its contribution to the agent's bottom line (instrumental evaluation) and for the extent it is strategically aligned with the agent's direction (congruence evaluation). To further understand when incentives work, the influence of two key contextual variables-industry volatility and dependence-are examined. A field study featuring 57 semi-structured depth interviews and 386 responses from twin surveys in the information technology and brewing industries provide data for hypothesis testing. When and whether incentives work is demonstrated by certain conditions under which the agent's evaluation of an incentive has positive or negative effects on its compliance and active representation. Further, some outcomes are reversed in the high volatility condition. © 2013 Academy of Marketing Science.


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Determination of the placement and rating of transformers and feeders are the main objective of the basic distribution network planning. The bus voltage and the feeder current are two constraints which should be maintained within their standard range. The distribution network planning is hardened when the planning area is located far from the sources of power generation and the infrastructure. This is mainly as a consequence of the voltage drop, line loss and system reliability. Long distance to supply loads causes a significant amount of voltage drop across the distribution lines. Capacitors and Voltage Regulators (VRs) can be installed to decrease the voltage drop. This long distance also increases the probability of occurrence of a failure. This high probability leads the network reliability to be low. Cross-Connections (CC) and Distributed Generators (DGs) are devices which can be employed for improving system reliability. Another main factor which should be considered in planning of distribution networks (in both rural and urban areas) is load growth. For supporting this factor, transformers and feeders are conventionally upgraded which applies a large cost. Installation of DGs and capacitors in a distribution network can alleviate this issue while the other benefits are gained. In this research, a comprehensive planning is presented for the distribution networks. Since the distribution network is composed of low and medium voltage networks, both are included in this procedure. However, the main focus of this research is on the medium voltage network planning. The main objective is to minimize the investment cost, the line loss, and the reliability indices for a study timeframe and to support load growth. The investment cost is related to the distribution network elements such as the transformers, feeders, capacitors, VRs, CCs, and DGs. The voltage drop and the feeder current as the constraints are maintained within their standard range. In addition to minimizing the reliability and line loss costs, the planned network should support a continual growth of loads, which is an essential concern in planning distribution networks. In this thesis, a novel segmentation-based strategy is proposed for including this factor. Using this strategy, the computation time is significantly reduced compared with the exhaustive search method as the accuracy is still acceptable. In addition to being applicable for considering the load growth, this strategy is appropriate for inclusion of practical load characteristic (dynamic), as demonstrated in this thesis. The allocation and sizing problem has a discrete nature with several local minima. This highlights the importance of selecting a proper optimization method. Modified discrete particle swarm optimization as a heuristic method is introduced in this research to solve this complex planning problem. Discrete nonlinear programming and genetic algorithm as an analytical and a heuristic method respectively are also applied to this problem to evaluate the proposed optimization method.


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This paper presents a new method to determine feeder reconfiguration scheme considering variable load profile. The objective function consists of system losses, reliability costs and also switching costs. In order to achieve an optimal solution the proposed method compares these costs dynamically and determines when and how it is reasonable to have a switching operation. The proposed method divides a year into several equal time periods, then using particle swarm optimization (PSO), optimal candidate configurations for each period are obtained. System losses and customer interruption cost of each configuration during each period is also calculated. Then, considering switching cost from a configuration to another one, dynamic programming algorithm (DPA) is used to determine the annual reconfiguration scheme. Several test systems were used to validate the proposed method. The obtained results denote that to have an optimum solution it is necessary to compare operation costs dynamically.


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The development of Electric Energy Storage (EES) integrated with Renewable Energy Resources (RER) has increased use of optimum scheduling strategy in distribution systems. Optimum scheduling of EES can reduce cost of purchased energy by retailers while improve the reliability of customers in distribution system. This paper proposes an optimum scheduling strategy for EES and the evaluation of its impact on reliability of distribution system. Case study shows the impact of the proposed strategy on reliability indices of a distribution system.