24 resultados para misogyny
The aim of this article is to show the Western centuries-old misogynist tradition from its origins in Greece by analysing a text by the allegorical interpreter of the Bible Philo of Alexandria, his De opifico mundi, which on many occasions is read by him from a Platonic point of view. The accurate analysis of the chapters devoted to the creation of the woman by God proves to what extent it is not possible to understand this text if one does not take into account a Greek philosophical tradition which was already centuries-old.
Commentaire / Commentary
Placing issues of homophobia and anti-lesbianism on the agenda of teacher education programmes often meets with resistance from some students, and others. Such resistance is indicative of broader attempts to maintain the straight face of schooling. However, one way in which it is possible to place such issues on the agenda in schooling and teacher education is to demonstrate how these discourses impact upon all students and teachers. A current opening for raising such matters within teacher education programmes is the problematisation of the calls for more male teachers, calls that are becoming pervasive in many Western education systems. Within the drives to attract more male teachers to the profession there is usually a silence relating to the ways in which homophobia and its counterpart, misogyny, work to construct normalised notions of teachers. This paper examines the ways in which these silences perpetuate existing gender regimes in schools to the detriment of female teachers, girls, and marginalised male teachers and boys. It then suggests that teacher education programmes use this topic to demonstrate the impact of homophobia and misogyny on all involved in education.
Francis Xavier’s Letters and Writings are eloquent narratives of a journey that absorbed the Saint’s entire life. His experiences and idiosyncrasies, values and categorizations are presented in a clear literate discourse. The missionary is rarely neutral in his opinions as he sustains his unmistakable and omnipresent objective: the conversion of peoples and the expansion of the Society of Jesus. Parallel with this objective, the reader is introduced to the individuals that Xavier meets or that he summons in his epistolary discourse. Letters and Writings presents us with a structured narrative peopled by all those who are subject to and objects of Xavier’s apostolic mission, by helpful and unhelpful persons of influence, and by leading and secondary actors. What is then the position of women, in the collective sense as well as in the individual sense, in the travels and goals that are the centre of Xavier’s Letters and Writings? What is the role of women, that secondary and suppressed term in the man/woman binomial, a dichotomy similar to the civilized/savage and European/native binomials that punctuate Xavier’s narratives and the historic context of his letters? Women are not absent from his writings, but it would be naïve to argue in favour of the author’s misogyny as much as of his “profound knowledge of the female heart”, to quote from Paulo Durão in "Women in the Letters of Saint Francis Xavier" (1952), the only paper on this subject published so far. We denote four great categories of women in the Letters and Writings: European Women, Converted Women, Women Who Profess another Religion, and Women as the Agents and Objects of Sin, the latter of which traverses the other three categories. They all depend on the context, circumstances and judgements of value that the author chooses to highlight and articulate.
The current study conceptualized observer reactions to uncivil behavior towards women as an ethical behavior and examined three factors (target reaction, actor motive, and actor-target relationship) that influence these reactions. Two vignette studies with women and men undergraduate and graduate students in western Switzerland were conducted. Study 1 (N=148) was a written vignette study that assessed how the reaction of female targets to incivility and the motives of actors influenced observer reactions. Results showed that a female target's reaction influenced observers' evaluations of the harm caused by an uncivil incident, and that an actor's motive affected observers' assessments of the necessity to intervene. Study 2 (N=81) was a video vignette study that assessed the effects of the reactions by female targets to incivility and the relationship between the target and the actor on observer reactions.We found that female targets' reactions influenced observers' evaluations of harm and the perceived necessity to intervene. Furthermore, the effect of a female target's reaction on observers' evaluations of harm was moderated by the relationship between the actor and the target: a female target who laughed at the uncivil behavior was perceived as less harmed, when she and the actor had a personal relationship than when they had a professional relationship. When the female target reacted hurt or neutrally, actor-target relationship did not affect observers' evaluations of harm. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings for theory and practice.
En aquest treball s'analitza el paper que Joanot Martorell assigna a les dones en la seva novel·la Tirant lo Blanc i, en concret, les diferències que aporta respecte de la narrativa anterior. El punt d'interès s'ha centrat en la versemblança dels personatges femenins del Tirant amb la realitat de l'època de l'autor i en quina manera es reflecteix a la novel·la la misoginia que imperava durant l'epoca medieval.
Es proposa fer un estudi d'un col·loqui valencià de l'època baix medieval, molt poc conegut i emmarcat en la literatura satírica valenciana. Es contextualitza l'obra en el corrent satíric valencià de l'època i s'analitza el text i els personatges en relació als tòpics del gènere (anticlericalisme, misogínia, erotisme i incapacitat sexual). L'anàlisi dels personatges descriu tots els tipus establerts (la vídua, el vell, l'alcavota, el clergue, el burgès, etc.). L'estudi fa també un acostament comparatiu a d'altres obres satíriques de l'època en d'altres literatures, com el Decameró i Els contes de Canterbury.
Cette thèse sur l’oeuvre de Christian Bobin (1951-) porte aussi et avant tout sur le lyrisme et le désenchantement contemporains. En posant pour horizon ces deux objets de discours, j’interprète le discours éthique et poétique sur l’« enchantement simple » chez l’auteur français. Dans une perspective herméneutique, il s'agit d'éprouver l'hypothèse selon laquelle les oeuvres de Bobin véhiculent un discours poétique « répliquant » (Ricoeur) à un certain discours intellectuel dominant, s'énonçant contre lui, mais aussi en réitérant plusieurs de ses credo. La première partie annonce la posture théorique et la méthode (comparatiste), puis définit le lyrisme et le désenchantement comme horizon d’interprétation. La seconde partie, qui interroge l’identité « poéthique » (Pinson) de l’auteur (entendu comme catégorie du texte), dévoile la manière dont l’auteur prend acte du désenchantement et du nihilisme : en masculinisant le désenchantement, le reliant au logos, et en féminisant l’enchantement, l’associant au muthos. Le parti pris du temps authentique est soutenu par la valorisation de conduites et d’attitudes temporelles relevant de l’éthique de l’authenticité (Rousseau), alors que le parti pris du féminin correspond à la valorisation d’attitudes relevant de l’éthique de la bonté (Levinas). Puisque la première éthique mise sur le temps du sujet et que la seconde favorise le temps de l’autre, un premier paradoxe émerge au coeur des messages spéculatifs véhiculés, dont on prend la mesure grâce au discours de l’auteur sur le temps, les hommes, les femmes et la bonté. Dans la troisième partie, je mets au jour le grand projet éthique dont l’auteur investit son oeuvre : écrire pour prendre soin, soigner. Après avoir défini ce que j’appelle « l’écriture du care » chez Bobin, je m’attarde aux figures féminines fondatrices de l’oeuvre et constate que l’ambition est triple chez l’auteur : premièrement, prendre soin du présent, deuxièmement, protéger les femmes de la misogynie et troisièmement, revaloriser les attitudes care qui leur sont traditionnellement reconnues et comprendre, dédramatiser, esthétiser leur « folie ». Apparaît alors un second paradoxe : la valorisation simultanée de figures charnelles inscrites dans la temporalité (maternité) et de figures atemporelles, hors temps (extase). Enfin, un regard sur les « femmes à venir » bobiniennes montrera trois figures promises à la pratique du soin promue par l’auteur. Au final, c’est non seulement la poéthique bobinienne qui est mise en lumière, mais aussi des postures éthiques et poétiques centrales en Occident, que plusieurs poètes lyriques adoptent « en temps de détresse » (Hölderlin).
Abstract Introduction: This seminar is on the topic of "GamerGate", an international movement, ostensibly about "ethics in video game journalism" but which has become inextricably linked with extreme forms of online misogyny, rape and death threats towards women in the industry. It is of relevance to all Web science researchers, because it raises many issues of free speech, online governance, trolling and (not least) the representation of women in the tech industry. Our guest speaker (Mark Bernstein) is known for his criticism of the movement, and his work was featured in an article in the Guardian last week. He is a longtime collaborator in the field of hypertext and online media research, who co-orgainsed our annual international Web Science conference two years ago. Based in Boston, US, he will be speaking to us via Skype on Wednesday morning, to give us some background on the Gamergate phenomenon and to explain the recent developments regarding Wikipedia.
El desbarrancadero, published in 2001 by Colombian author Fernando Vallejo is foremost a moving story about brotherly love, but it is also a highly critical novel that lashes out on a number of phenomena such as the catholic church, the Pope and the very idea of religion. It also addresses the poverty of Colombia, its corrupt politicians, the drug trade, viral diseases and animal abuse to mention a few more subjects. This essay however, does not aim to explore any of the above mentioned matters but rather examine how women are portrayed in this novel. The objective of this investigation, based on feminist theories, is to establish the very clear presence of misogyny attitudes.
This study investigates the theme of misogyny on the works of Francisco de Quevedo and Gregório de Matos. The investigated material consists in five selected poems of each author which conform to this perspective. The objective is to establish an initial approach that indicates the prejudice against women on the poetics of both writers, in association with the historical context of the 17th century and the baroque´s aesthetics on literature
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Algumas reflexões sobre a condição da mulher brasileira da colônia às primeiras décadas do século XX
This article, about reflections on the condition of Brazilian women from the Colony to the first decades of the twentieth century, reveals the historical position of them and the attitudes and behaviors related to gender and sexuality. Subdued, it was treated as a sexual object, arousing all sorts of misogyny by men. Rebel, veiled or ostensibly, could serve their own desires. Throughout history, the Church and medical institutions which jointly accounted for, significantly, established the meaning and place of women. In Colony period, the woman is a ward from the Catholic ideology, but from the nineteenth century, after Independence, this power control arises to Medicine. The physician submits the religious discourse, naturalizing the status of women as one that breeds, namely the insertion of the medical issues of family scientifically legitimate colonial patriarchy. This is accentuated in the early twentieth century, when medicine consolidated setting standards and rules for marriage, to motherhood and family life. We note how the feminine universe was (and it is nowadays) ambivalent, with "one foot" in virtue and another in sin, with a tendency to contain and another to trespass. On the one hand we have the home and motherhood, validated in marriage, in which the woman is cared for and dependent on her husband. Reflecting on the motherhood of Virgin Mary, comes to the sacred dimension of the idealized woman saint by the Church. At the same time, however, feels the need for freedom, identity and independence, needing to give a voice to the desire to have their sexuality and all that it is due in full. The manifestation of the desire and the call for sexual satisfaction, and put in permanent conflict personal, psychological and social split between moral entrenched across generations and cultural transformations resulting from decades of the 20th Century.