1000 resultados para mirror test


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Psychologists have studied self-recognition in human infants as an indication of self-knowledge (Amsterdam, 1972) and the development of abstract thought processes. Gallup (1970) modified the mark test used in human infant work to examine if nonhuman primates showed similar evidence of mirror self-recognition. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and orangutans (Pongo pygmnaeus) pass the mirror self-recognition test with limited mirror training or exposure. Other species of primates, such as gorillas and monkeys, have not passed the mirror test, despite extensive mirror exposure and training (Gallup, 1979). This project examined a gorilla (G. gorilla gorilla) named Otto in the traditional mark test. Using the modified mark-test, there were more incidents of touching the marked area while Otto was in front of the mirror than when he was not in front of the mirror. These results indicated that Otto was able to show some evidence of selfawareness.


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We describe a new geometry for electrostatic actuators to be used in sensitive laser interferometers, suited for prototype and table top experiments related to gravitational wave detection with mirrors of 100 g or less. The arrangement consists of two plates at the sides of the mirror (test mass), and therefore does not reduce its clear aperture as a conventional electrostatic drive (ESD) would do. Using the sample case of the AEI-10 m prototype interferometer, we investigate the actuation range and the influence of the relative misalignment of the ESD plates with respect to the test mass. We find that in the case of the AEI-10 m prototype interferometer, this new kind of ESD could provide a range of 0.28 mu m when operated at a voltage of 1 kV. In addition, the geometry presented is shown to provide a reduction factor of about 100 in the magnitude of the actuator motion coupling to the test mass displacement. We show that therefore in the specific case of the AEI-10 m interferometer, it is possible to mount the ESD actuators directly on the optical table without spoiling the seismic isolation performance of the triple stage suspension of the main test masses.


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The goal of this prospective randomized clinical trial was to compare 2 cohorts of standardized cleft patients with regard to functional speech outcome and the presence or absence of palatal fistulae. The 2 cohorts are randomized to undergo either a conventional von Langenbeck repair with intravelar velarplasty or the double-opposing Z-plasty Furlow procedure. A prospective 2 x 2 x 2 factorial clinical trial was used in which each subject was randomly assigned to 1 of 8 different groups: 1 of 2 different lip repairs (Spina vs. Millard), 1 of 2 different palatal repair (von Langenbeck vs. Furlow), and 1 of 2 different ages at time of palatal surgery (9-12 months vs. 15-18 months). All surgeries were performed by the same 4 surgeons. A cul-de-sac test of hypernasality and a mirror test of nasal air emission were selected as primary outcome measures for velopharyngeal function. Both a surgeon and speech pathologist examined patients for the presence of palatal fistulae. In this study, the Furlow double-opposing Z-palatoplasty resulted in significantly better velopharyngeal function for speech than the von Langenbeck procedure as determined by the perceptual cul-de-sac test of hypernasality. Fistula occurrence was significantly higher for the Furlow procedure than for the von Langenbeck. Fistulas were more likely to occur in patients with wider clefts and when relaxing incisions were not used.


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This study tested whether aggressive behaviour can predict individual variation in stress responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. We used a mirror test to measure tendency to aggressive behaviour, and calculated the attack frequency and time until the first attack (latency) for each fish. One day later, we measured plasma cortisol and glucose, and two days later, we measured ventilatory frequency (VF) (pre-confinement responses). Immediately after the VF measure, we subjected the same fish to 30 min confinement, followed by measurements of cortisol, glucose, and VF (post-confinement responses). We found that post-confinement stress cortisol, glucose, and VF were higher than pre-confinement responses. Attack frequency was negatively correlated with VF and latency was positively correlated with baseline glucose and VF. Thus, we conclude that attack frequency and latency to a mirror reflection could be used to predict baseline levels of physiological stress indicators in Nile tilapia.


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Testamos o efeito do isolamento social sobre a agressividade no peixe amazônico, Astronotus ocellatus. Dez peixes juvenis foram transferidos de um aquário de agrupamento (60 x 60 x 40 cm) contendo 15 indivíduos (sem discriminação de sexo) para um aquário de isolamento (50 x 40 x 40 cm). A agressividade foi testada por meio de ataques e exibições direcionadas à imagem do peixe no espelho. O comportamento foi filmado durante 10 min em 4 momentos: 30 min, 1 dia, 5 dias e 15 dias após o isolamento. Nós analisamos a motivação agressiva por meio da latência para início do comportamento agonístico e pela freqüência dos ataques totais e específicos direcionados ao espelho. A latência para o comportamento agonístico reduziu ao longo do isolamento e houve uma tendência de aumento da freqüência de mouth fighting (um ataque de alta intensidade de agressão), mostrando-nos um aumento na motivação agressiva. Os resultados estão de acordo com os encontrados para ciclídeos juvenís de Haplochromis burtoni, mas discordam com os encontrados para Pterophylum scalare (acará bandeira). Sugerimos que o aumento da agressividade em A. ocellatus pode ser mediado pelo efeito de exposição prévia, da residência prévia ou por processos envolvendo reconhecimento de co-específicos.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Il presente studio ha indagato e valutato alcune abilità cognitive del cane: la capacità di discriminare quantità e le capacità di apprendimento mediante imitazione; quest’ultima è poi stata messa in relazione con l’attaccamento nei confronti del proprietario. Per l’esecuzione della prima indagine sono stati messi appunto due test: il primo si è basato esclusivamente sulla presentazione di uno stimolo visivo: diversi quantitativi di cibo, differenti tra loro del 50%, sono stati presentati al cane; la scelta effettuata dai soggetti testati è stata premiata con differenti tipi di rinforzo differenziale o non differenziale. Il secondo test è stato diviso in due parti: sono stati presentati al cane diversi quantitativi di cibo sempre differenti tra loro del 50% ma nella prima parte del test l’input sensoriale per il cane è stato esclusivamente uditivo mentre nella seconda parte è stato sia uditivo che visivo. Ove è stato possibile è stato applicato ai cani un cardiofrequenzimetro al fine di eseguire una valutazione delle variazioni della frequenza cardiaca nel corso del test. Lo scopo è stato quello di valutare se i soggetti testati erano in grado di discriminare la quantità maggiore. La seconda indagine ha analizzato le capacità di apprendimento di 36 soggetti che sono stati suddivisi in cani da lavoro e pet. I soggetti protagonisti dello studio hanno eseguito il Mirror Test per la valutazione dell’apprendimento per imitazione. I soggetti presi in considerazione, sono stati sottoposti a scansione termografica all’inizio ed al termine del test ed è stata rilevata la loro frequenza respiratoria nella fase iniziale e finale del test. In 11 soggetti che hanno eseguito il precedente test è stato possibile eseguire anche il Strange Situation Test per la valutazione dell’attaccamento al proprietario; i test in questione sono stati videoregistrati ed analizzati per mezzo di un software preposto (OBSERVER XT 10).


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Self-recognition has been explored in nonlinguistic organisms by recording whether individuals touch a dye-marked area on visually inaccessible parts of their face while looking in a mirror or inspect parts of their body while using the mirror's reflection. Only chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, and humans over the age of approximately 2 years consistently evidence self-directed mirror-guided behavior without experimenter training. To evaluate the inferred phylogenetic gap between hominoids and other animals, a modified dye-mark test was conducted with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), a New World monkey species. The white hair on the tamarins' head was color-dyed, thereby significantly altering a visually distinctive species-typical feature. Only individuals with dyed hair and prior mirror exposure touched their head while looking in the mirror. They looked longer in the mirror than controls, and some individuals used the mirror to observe visually inaccessible body parts. Prior failures to pass the mirror test may have been due to methodological problems, rather than to phylogenetic differences in the capacity for self-recognition. Specifically, an individual's sensitivity to experimentally modified parts of its body may depend crucially on the relative saliency of the modified part (e.g., face versus hair). Moreover, and in contrast to previous claims, we suggest that the mirror test may not be sufficient for assessing the concept of self or mental state attribution in nonlinguistic organisms.


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A cetamina é uma droga amplamente utilizada e o seu uso inadequado tem sido associado à graves consequências para a saúde humana. Embora as propriedades farmacológicas deste agente em doses terapêuticas sejam bem conhecidas, existem poucos estudos sobre os efeitos secundários induzidos por doses não-terapêuticas, incluindo os efeitos nos estados de ansiedade e agressividade. Neste contexto, os modelos animais são uma etapa importante na investigação e elucidação do mecanismo de ação a nível comportamental. O zebrafish (Danio rerio) é um novo organismo-modelo, interessante e promissor, uma vez que apresenta alta similaridade fisiológica, genética e neuroquímica com seres humanos, respostas comportamentais bem definidas e rápida absorção de compostos de interesse em meio aquoso além de apresentar uma série de vantagens em relação aos modelos mamíferos tais como manutenção de baixo custo, prática e executável em espaços reduzidos. Nesse sentido, faz-se necessário a execução de ensaios comportamentais em conjunto com análises estatísticas robustas e rápidas tais como ANOVA e Métodos Multivariados; e também o desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos sensíveis, precisos e rápidos para determinação de compostos de interesse em matrizes biológicas provenientes do animal. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram a investigação dos efeitos da cetamina sobre a ansiedade e a agressividade em zebrafish adulto empregando Testes de Claro-Escuro e Testes do Espelho e métodos estatísticos univariados (ANOVA) e multivariados (PCA, HCA e SIMCA) assim como o desenvolvimento de método analítico para determinação da cetamina em matriz biológica proveniente do animal, empregando Extração Líquido-Líquido e Cromatografia em Fase Gasosa acoplada ao Detector de Nitrogênio-Fósforo (GC-NPD). Os resultados comportamentais indicaram que a cetamina produziu um efeito significativo dose-dependente em zebrafish adulto na latência à área clara, no número de cruzamentos entre as áreas e no tempo de exploração da área clara. Os resultados das análises SIMCA e PCA mostraram uma maior similaridade entre o grupo controle e os grupos de tratamento expostos às doses mais baixas (5 e 20 mg L-1) e entre os grupos expostos às doses de 40 e 60 mg L-1. Na análise por PCA, dois componentes principais responderam por 88,74% de toda a informação do sistema, sendo que 62,59% da informação cumulativa do sistema foi descrito pela primeira componente principal. As classificações HCA e SIMCA seguiram uma evolução lógica na distribuição das amostras por classes. As doses mais altas de cetamina induziram uma distribuição mais homogênea das amostras enquanto as doses mais baixas e o controle resultaram em distribuições mais dispersas. No Teste do Espelho, a cetamina não induziu efeitos significativos no comportamento dos animais. Estes resultados sugerem que a cetamina é modulador de comportamentos ansiosos, sem efeitos indutores de agressividade. Os resultados da validação do método cromatográfico indicaram uma extração com valores de recuperação entre 33,65% e 70,89%. A curva de calibração foi linear com valor de R2 superior a 0,99. O limite de detecção (LOD) foi de 1 ng e o limite de quantificação (LOQ) foi de 5 ng. A exatidão do método cromatográfico manteve-se entre - 24,83% e - 1,258%, a precisão intra-ensaio entre 2,67 e 14,5% e a precisão inter-ensaio entre 1,93 e 13,9%.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: There are 2 main hypotheses concerning the cause of mirror movements (MM) in Kallmann syndrome (KS): abnormal development of the primary motor system, involving the ipsilateral corticospinal tract, and lack of contralateral motor cortex inhibitory mechanisms, mainly through the corpus callosum. The purpose of our study was to determine white and gray matter volume changes in a KS population by using optimized voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and to investigate the relationship between the abnormalities and the presence of MM, addressing the 2 mentioned hypotheses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: T1-weighted volumetric images from 21 patients with KS and 16 matched control subjects were analyzed with optimized VBM. Images were segmented and spatially normalized, and these deformation parameters were then applied to the original images before the second segmentation. Patients were divided into groups with and without MM, and a t test statistic was then applied on a voxel-by-voxel basis between the groups and controls to evaluate significant differences. RESULTS: When considering our hypothesis a priori, we found that 2 areas of increased gray matter volume, in the left primary motor and sensorimotor cortex, were demonstrated only in patients with MM, when compared with healthy controls. Regarding white matter alterations, no areas of altered volume involving the corpus callosum or the projection of the corticospinal tract were demonstrated. CONCLUSION: The VBM study did not show significant white matter changes in patients with KS but showed gray matter alterations in keeping with a hypertrophic response to a deficient pyramidal decussation in patients with MM. In addition, gray matter alterations were observed in patients without MM, which can represent more complex mechanisms determining the presence or absence of this symptom.


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BACKGROUND: Upper limb paresis remains a relevant challenge in stroke rehabilitation. AIM: To evaluate if adding mirror therapy (MT) to conventional therapy (CT) can improve motor recovery of the upper limb in subacute stroke patients. DESIGN: Prospective, single-center, single-blind, randomised, controlled trial. SETTING: Subacute stroke patients referred to a Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Unit between October 2009 and August 2011. POPULATION: Twenty-six subacute stroke patients (time from stroke <4 weeks) with upper limb paresis (Motricity Index â0/00¤ 77). METHODS: Patients were randomly allocated to the MT (N.=13) or to the CT group (N.=13). Both followed a comprehensive rehabilitative treatment. In addition, MT Group had 30 minutes of MT while the CT group had 30 minutes of sham therapy. Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) was the primary outcome measures. Motricity Index (MI) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) were the secondary outcome measures. RESULTS: After one month of treatment patients of both groups showed statistically significant improvements in all the variables measured (P<0.05). Moreover patients of the MT group had greater improvements in the ARAT, MI and FIM values compared to CT group (P<0.01, Glass's Î" Effect Size: 1.18). No relevant adverse event was recorded during the study. CONCLUSION: MT is a promising and easy method to improve motor recovery of the upper limb in subacute stroke patients. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: While MT use has been advocated for acute patients with no or negligible motor function, it can be usefully extended to patients who show partial motor recovery. The easiness of implementation, the low cost and the acceptability makes this therapy an useful tool in stroke rehabilitation.


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Cortical motor simulation supports the understanding of others' actions and intentions. This mechanism is thought to rely on the mirror neuron system (MNS), a brain network that is active both during action execution and observation. Indirect evidence suggests that alpha/beta suppression, an electroencephalographic (EEG) index of MNS activity, is modulated by reward. In this study we aimed to test the plasticity of the MNS by directly investigating the link between alpha/beta suppression and reward. 40 individuals from a general population sample took part in an evaluative conditioning experiment, where different neutral faces were associated with high or low reward values. In the test phase, EEG was recorded while participants viewed videoclips of happy expressions made by the conditioned faces. Alpha/beta suppression (identified using event-related desynchronisation of specific independent components) in response to rewarding faces was found to be greater than for non-rewarding faces. This result provides a mechanistic insight into the plasticity of the MNS and, more generally, into the role of reward in modulating physiological responses linked to empathy.


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The equilibrium point between blood lactate production and removal (La-min(-)) and the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) protocols have been used to evaluate exercise. During progressive exercise, blood lactate [La-](b), catecholamine and cortisol concentrations, show exponential increases at upper anaerobic threshold intensities. Since these hormones enhance blood glucose concentrations [Glc](b), this study investigated the [Glc] and [La-](b) responses during incremental tests and the possibility of considering the individual glucose threshold (IGT) and glucose minimum;(Glc(min)) in addition to IAT and La-min(-) in evaluating exercise. A group of 15 male endurance runners ran in four tests on the track 3000 m run (v(3km)); IAT and IGT- 8 x 800 m runs at velocities between 84% and 102% of v(3km); La-min(-) and Glc(min) - after lactic acidosis induced by a 500-m sprint, the subjects ran 8 x 800 m at intensities between 87% and 97% of v(3km); endurance test (ET)- 30 min at the velocity of IAT. Capillary blood (25 mu l) was collected for [La-](b) and [Glc](b) measurements. The TAT and IGT were determined by [La-](b) and [Glc](b) kinetics during the second test. The La-min(-) and Glc(min) were determined considering the lowest [La-] and [Glc](b) during the third test. No differences were observed (P < 0.05) and high correlations were obtained between the velocities at IAT [283 (SD 19) and IGT 281 (SD 21)m. min(-1); r = 0.096; P < 0.001] and between La,, [285 (SD 21)] and Glc(min) [287 (SD 20) m. min(-1) = 0.77; P < 0.05]. During ET, the [La-](b) reached 5.0 (SD 1.1) and 5.3 (SD 1.0) mmol 1(-1) at 20 and 30 min, respectively (P > 0.05). We concluded that for these subjects it was possible to evaluate the aerobic capacity by IGT and Glc(min), as well as by IAT and La-min(-).


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Die elektrische Ladung des Neutrons ist eng mit der Frage nach der Existenz der Ladungsquantisierung verknüpft: Sollte das Neutron eine Ladung tragen, kann die Ladung nicht in Einheiten der Elementarladung e quantisiert sein.rnrnIm Rahmen der Elektrodynamik und des minimalen Standardmodells ist die Quantisierung der Ladung nicht enthalten. Eine mögliche Neutronenladung würde ihnen also nicht widersprechen. Allerdings geht sie aus den Weiterentwicklungen dieser Modelle hervor. Die sogenannten Grand Unified Theories sagen die Möglichkeit des Protonenzerfalls vorher. Dieser ist nur möglich, wenn die Ladung quantisiert ist.rnrnDurch die Messung einer elektrischen Ladung des Neutrons können die verschiedenen Theorien überprüft werden.rnrnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine Apparatur entwickelt, mit der die elektrische Ladung des Neutrons gemessen werden kann. Als Grundlage diente das Prinzip einer Messung von 1988. Mit einem flüssigen Neutronenspiegel aus Fomblin ist es zum ersten mal überhaupt gelungen, einen flüssigen Spiegel für Neutronen einzusetzen. Durch diese und andere Verbesserungen konnte die Sensitivität der Apparatur um einen Faktor 5 im Vergleich zum Experimentrnvon 1988 verbessert werden. Eine mögliche Ladung des Neutrons kann mit δq_n = 2,15·10^(−20)·e/√day gemessen werden. rnrnDie Messung der elektrischen Ladung soll im Winter 2014 durchgeführt werden. Bis dahin soll die Präzision aufrnδq_n = 1,4·10^(−21)·e/√day erhöht werden.