967 resultados para mini-slump


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This paper reports a study carried out to develop a self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete containing a high fibre content with slurry infiltrated fibre concrete (SIFCON). The SIFCON was developed with 10% of steel fibres which are infiltrated by self-compacting cement slurry without any vibration. Traditionally, the infiltration of the slurry into the layer of fibres is carried out under intensive vibration. A two-level fractional factorial design was used to optimise the properties of cement-based slurries with four independent variables, such as dosage of silica fume, dosage of superplasticiser, sand content, and water/cement ratio (W/C). Rheometer, mini-slump test, Lombardi plate cohesion meter, J-fibre penetration test, and induced bleeding were used to assess the behaviour of fresh cement slurries. The compressive strengths at 7 and 28 days were also measured. The statistical models are valid for slurries made with W/C of 0.40 to 0.50, 50 to 100% of sand by mass of cement, 5 to 10% of silica fume by mass of cement, and SP dosage of 0.6 to 1.2% by mass of cement. This model makes it possible to evaluate the effect of individual variables on measured parameters of fresh cement slurries. The proposed models offered useful information to understand trade-offs between mix variables and compare the responses obtained from various test methods in order to optimise self-compacting SIFCON.


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Slurries with high penetrability for production of Self-consolidating Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete (SIFCON) were investigated in this study. Factorial experimental design was adopted in this investigation to assess the combined effects of five independent variables on mini-slump test, plate cohesion meter, induced bleeding test, J-fiber penetration test and compressive strength at 7 and 28 days. The independent variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosages of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity agent (VA), and water-to-binder ratio (w/b). A two-level fractional factorial statistical method was used to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the behaviour of fresh cement slurry and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 10 to 50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02 to 0.06% VA by mass of cement, 0.6 to 1.2% SP and 50 to 150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42 to 0.48 w/b. The influences of LSP, SP, VA, sand and W/B were characterised and analysed using polynomial regression which identifies the primary factors and their interactions on the measured properties. Mathematical polynomials were developed for mini-slump, plate cohesion meter, J-fiber penetration test, induced bleeding and compressive strength as functions of LSP, SP, VA, sand and w/b. The estimated results of mini-slump, induced bleeding test and compressive strength from the derived models are compared with results obtained from previously proposed models that were developed for cement paste. The proposed response models of the self-consolidating SIFCON offer useful information regarding the mix optimization to secure a highly penetration of slurry with low compressive strength


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In this paper the parameters of cement grout affecting rheological behaviour and compressive strength are investigated. Factorial experimental design was adopted in this investigation to assess the combined effects of the following factors on fluidity, rheological properties, induced bleeding and compressive strength: water/binder ratio (W/B), dosage of superplasticiser (SP), dosage of viscosity agent (VA), and proportion of limestone powder as replacement of cement (LSP). Mini-slump test, Marsh cone, Lombardi plate cohesion meter, induced bleeding test, coaxial rotating cylinder viscometer were used to evaluate the rheology of the cement grout and the compressive strengths at 7 and 28 days were measured. A two-level fractional factorial statistical model was used to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the fluidity, the rheology and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 0.35-0.42 W/B, 0.3-1.2% SP, 0.02-0.7% VA (percentage of binder) and 12-45% LSP as replacement of cement. The influences of W/B, SP, VA and LSP were characterised and analysed using polynomial regression which can identify the primary factors and their interactions on the measured properties. Mathematical polynomials were developed for mini-slump, plate cohesion meter, inducing bleeding, yield value, plastic viscosity and compressive strength as function of W/B, SP, VA and proportion of LSP. The statistical approach used highlighted the limestone powder effect and the dosage of SP and VA on the various rheological characteristics of cement grout


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The paper explores the potential of applicability of Genetic programming approach (GP), adopted in this investigation, to model the combined effects of five independent variables to predict the mini-slump, the plate cohesion meter, the induced bleeding test, the J-fiber penetration value, and the compressive strength at 7 and 28 days of self-compacting slurry infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON). The variables investigated were the proportions of limestone powder (LSP) and sand, the dosage rates of superplasticiser (SP) and viscosity modifying agent (VMA), and water-to-binder ratio (W/B). Twenty eight mixtures were made with 10-50% LSP as replacement of cement, 0.02-0.06% VMA by mass of cement, 0.6-1.2% SP and 50-150% sand (% mass of binder) and 0.42-0.48 W/B. The proposed genetic models of the self-compacting SIFCON offer useful modelling approach regarding the mix optimisation in predicting the fluidity, the cohesion, the bleeding, the penetration, and the compressive strength.


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There is an increasing need to identify the effect of mix composition on the rheological properties of composite cement pastes using simple tests to determine the fluidity, the cohesion and other mechanical properties of grouting applications such as compressive strength. This paper reviews statistical models developed using a fractional factorial design which was carried out to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the performance of composite cement paste. Such responses of fluidity included mini-slump, flow time using Marsh cone and cohesion measured by Lombardi plate meter and unit weight, and compressive strength at 3 d, 7 d and 28 d. The models are valid for mixes with 0.35 to 0.42 water-to-binder ratio (W/B), 10% to 40% of pulverised fuel ash (PFA) as replacement of cement by mass, 0.02 to 0.06% of viscosity enhancer admixture (VEA), by mass of binder, and 0.3 to 1.2% of superplasticizer (SP), by mass of binder. The derived models that enable the identification of underlying primary factors and their interactions that influence the modelled responses of composite cement paste are presented. Such parameters can be useful to reduce the test protocol needed for proportioning of composite cement paste. This paper attempts also to demonstrate the usefulness of the models to better understand trade-offs between parameters and compare the responses obtained from the various test methods which are highlighted. The multi parametric optimization is used in order to establish isoresponses for a desirability function of cement composite paste. Results indicate that the replacement of cement by PFA is compromising the early compressive strength and up 26%, the desirability function decreased.


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Applications such as soil, rock and oil-well grouting all require enormous amounts of cement and are good examples of areas where a high volume of fly ash could partially replace cement to produce low-cost, environmentally safe and durable concrete. There is an increasing need to identify the rheological properties of cement grout using a simple test to determine the fluidity, and other properties of underwater grouts such as washout resistance and compressive strength. This paper presents statistical models developed using a fractorial design which was carried out to model the influence of key parameters on properties affecting the performance of underwater grout. Such responses of fluidity included mini-slump and flow time measured by Marsh cone, washout resistance, unit weight and compressive strength. The models are valid for mixes with 0.40 to 0.60 water-to-cementitious materials ratio, 0.02 to 0.08% of anti-washout admixture, by mass of binder, and 0.6 to 1.8% of superplasticizer, by mass of cementitious materials. The grout was made with 50% of pulverized-fuel ash replacement, by mass ofcementitious materials. Also presented are the derived models that enable the identification of underlying primary factors and their interactions that influence the modelled responses of underwater cement grout. Such parameters can be useful to reduce the test protocol needed for proportioning of underwater cement grout. This paper highlighted the influence of W/CM and dosage of antiwashout admixture and superplasticizer on fluidity, washout resistance and compressive strength and attempted also to demonstrate the usefulness of the models to improve understanding of trade-offs between parameters.


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The development of artificial neural network (ANN) models to predict the rheological behavior of grouts is described is this paper and the sensitivity of such parameters to the variation in mixture ingredients is also evaluated. The input parameters of the neural network were the mixture ingredients influencing the rheological behavior of grouts, namely the cement content, fly ash, ground-granulated blast-furnace slag, limestone powder, silica fume, water-binder ratio (w/b), high-range water-reducing admixture, and viscosity-modifying agent (welan gum). The six outputs of the ANN models were the mini-slump, the apparent viscosity at low shear, and the yield stress and plastic viscosity values of the Bingham and modified Bingham models, respectively. The model is based on a multi-layer feed-forward neural network. The details of the proposed ANN with its architecture, training, and validation are presented in this paper. A database of 186 mixtures from eight different studies was developed to train and test the ANN model. The effectiveness of the trained ANN model is evaluated by comparing its responses with the experimental data that were used in the training process. The results show that the ANN model can accurately predict the mini-slump, the apparent viscosity at low shear, the yield stress, and the plastic viscosity values of the Bingham and modified Bingham models of the pseudo-plastic grouts used in the training process. The results can also predict these properties of new mixtures within the practical range of the input variables used in the training with an absolute error of 2%, 0.5%, 8%, 4%, 2%, and 1.6%, respectively. The sensitivity of the ANN model showed that the trend data obtained by the models were in good agreement with the actual experimental results, demonstrating the effect of mixture ingredients on fluidity and the rheological parameters with both the Bingham and modified Bingham models.


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The objective of this research was to optimise the rheological parameters, hardened properties, and setting times of cement grouts containing metakaolin (MTK), viscosity-modifying agent (VMA) and superplasticiser (SP). All mixes were made with water-to-binder ratio (W/B) of 0.40. The replacement of cement by MTK was varied from 6% to 20% (by mass), and dosages of SP and VMA were varied from 0.3% to 1.4%, and 0.01% and 0.06% (by mass of binder), respectively. Increased SP led to an increase in fluidity, reduction in flow time, plate cohesion, rheological parameters, and an increase in the setting times. Increased VMA demonstrated a reduction in fluidity, an increase in Marsh cone time, plate cohesion, yield stress, and plastic viscosity. Results indicate that the use of MTK increased yield stress, plastic viscosity, cohesion plate, and flow time due to the higher surface area associated with an increase in the water demand. MTK reduced mini-slump and setting times, and improved compressive strength.


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The ongoing use of various mineral additions along with chemical admixtures such as superplasticizers justifies the need for further research. Understanding and quantifying their effects and possible synergies on the fresh and hardened properties of cement-based materials is necessary, especially if some of these components are known to have a pozzolanic effect. This paper describes and models the fresh and hardened properties of cement mortars including nanosilica and fly ash, and relates their properties to the proportioning of these materials and the superplasticizer dosage. Mini-slump, Marsh cone and Lombardi cone tests were used to examine the properties of the fresh mortars, and to assess density, plastic shrinkage, and drying shrinkage up to 20 days. The equations presented in this paper make it possible to optimize mortar proportionings to the required levels of performance in both fresh and hardened states.


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The grouts used in sealing or backfilling boreholes should ideally be selected to be compatible with the insitu field instruments installed in the borehole and also be engineered to match closely the geotechnical properties of the parent soils. A stable grout can be made using cement with various proportions of bentonite. The grout stability is very important during both the liquid and set conditions. The liquid grout fluidity should be as viscous as possible to avoid segregation, yet fluid enough to be easily pumpable and fill voids and over-break in the borehole. This paper investigates the effect of bentonite on the fresh and rheological properties of cement-based grouts in order to develop a stable grout to be used in these geotechnical situations. These properties were evaluated by the mini-slump flow, marsh cone flow time, Lombardi plate cohesion meter, static bleeding, yield stress and plastic viscosity values. Additionally, the compressive strength at 3 days, 7 days and 28 days were also investigated. The key parameters investigated were the dosages of bentonite and water-to-binder ratio (W/B). Test results showed that the dosage of bentonite had a significant effect on the fluidity, rheological properties and compressive strength of grout. The increase in the dosage of bentonite led to increasing the values of flow time, plate cohesion meter, yield stress and plastic viscosity, and reducing the mini-slump results, the static bleeding and the compressive strength at 3 days, 7 days and 28 days. Conversely, the increase in W/B led to decreasing the values of flow time, plate cohesion meter, yield stress, and plastic viscosity and the compressive strength, while increasing the mini-slump results and bleeding. Some recommendations for suitable mix proportions for use in soil boreholes are made.


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Influence of admixture on the rheological behavior of high performance self-compacting paste. This research proposes to study the influence of the specific area, mould and surface texture of admixtures on the rheological behavior of high performance self-compacting paste (HPSCP). The selected admixtures are calcareous filler and basalt filler, which are industrial residues, thus contributing to sustainable development. The paste is made up of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. For this study, the water/cement ratios are fixed = 0.40 L kg(-1); silica fume/cement = 0.10 kg kg(-1); the filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement ratios are determined through Marsh cone and mini-slump tests. The results show that for same filler/cement ratios, the ratios of superplasticizer to paste with calcareous filler are significantly lower than those of paste with basalt filler. The results show that the specific area, mould and surface texture of these admixtures significantly influence the rheological behavior of HPSCP.


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This research studies the influence of the pozzolanic activity of the calcareous and basalt in the resistence behavior of the compressive strength of high performance self-compacting concrete (HPSCC). The selected aditives are the calcareous filler and basalt filler, for they are industrial residues helping that way the sustainable development. The paste of this concrete type is constituted of cement, silica fume, calcareous filler or basalt filler, water and superplasticizer additive. In this research the relationships water/cement are fixed in 0,40 kg/kg, silica fume/cement of 0,10 kg/kg and the relationships filler/cement and superplasticizer/cement are determined through of Marsh́s cone and mini-slump tests. The granular skeleton is gotten from a composition between quartzous sand and brita of basalt that presents the lesser index of emptinesses. The results show that the HPSCC with the addition of calcareous filler has greater compressive strength than what the HPSCC with addition of basalt filler in the ages of 7, 28 and 63 days. It is explained by the fact that the calcareous filler presents greater index of pozzolanic activity than the basalt filler. Besides that the relation water/fine for the HPSCC with calcareous filler is 0,27 l/kg whereas the HPSCC with basalt filler is of 0,29 l/kg.


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It is likely that effective application of cell-laden implants for cartilage defects depends on retention of implanted cells and interaction between implanted and host cells. The objectives of this study were to characterize stratified cartilaginous constructs seeded sequentially with superficial (S) and middle (M) chondrocyte subpopulations labelled with fluorescent cell tracking dye PKH26 (*) and determine the degree to which these stratified cartilaginous constructs maintain their architecture in vivo after implantation in mini-pigs for 1 week. Alginate-recovered cells were seeded sequentially to form stratified S*/M (only S cells labelled) and S*/M* (both S and M cells labelled) constructs. Full-thickness defects (4 mm diameter) were created in the patellofemoral groove of adult Yucatan mini-pigs and filled with portions of constructs or left empty. Constructs were characterized biochemically, histologically, and biomechanically, and stratification visualized and quantified, before and after implant. After 1 week, animals were sacrificed and implants retrieved. After 1 week in vivo, glycosaminoglycan and collagen content of constructs remained similar to that at implant, whereas DNA content increased. Histological analyses revealed features of an early repair response, with defects filled with tissues containing little matrix and abundant cells. Some implanted (PKH26-labeled) cells persisted in the defects, although constructs did not maintain a stratified organization. Of the labelled cells, 126 +/- 38% and 32 +/- 8% in S*/M and S*/M* constructs, respectively, were recovered. Distribution of labelled cells indicated interactions between implanted and host cells. Longer-term in vivo studies will be useful in determining whether implanted cells are sufficient to have a positive effect in repair.


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Project as a Capstone Learning Unit: Courses of the QUT Faculty of BEE seek to enable students to practice as professionals in their respective disciplines. A major part of such practice is the instigation, management,monitoring, and reporting on an urban development project. This unit offers the student a capstone learning experience near the end of their fourth year of undergraduate study. Expose the student to a set of integrated activities, each building upon the preceding, and culminating in a 'completed' project. Students apply skills and knowledge attained earlier in the course and develop new abilities for application to a real-world problem, industry or research based, to simulate the design, development and management of a project solution. These 10-12minute seminar presentations comprise the mini-conference event that are of benefit to the wider surveying and spatial science industry.