32 resultados para mindedness


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We propose a positive theory that is consistent with two important featuresof social security programs around the world: (1) they redistributeincome from young to old and (2) they induce retirement. We construct avoting model that includes a political campaign or debate prior to theelection. The model incorporates single-mindedness of the groups that donot work: while the workers divide their political capital between their age concerns and occupational concerns , the retired concentrate alltheir political capital to support their age group. In our model, theelderly end up getting transfers from the government (paid by the young)and distortionary labor income taxes induce the retirement of the elderly.In addition, our model predicts that occupational groups that work morewill tend to have more political power. The opposite is true fornon-occupational groups (such as the elderly). We provide some evidencethat supports these additional predictions.


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Maternal mind-mindedness, or the tendency to view the child as a mental agent, has been shown to predict sensitive and responsive parenting behavior. As yet the role of mind-mindedness has not been explored in the context of feeding interactions. This study evaluates the relations between maternal mind-mindedness at 6 months of infant age and subsequently observed maternal sensitivity and feeding behaviors with children at age 1 year. Maternal mind-mindedness was greater in mothers who had breast-fed compared to formula-fed. Controlling for breast-feeding, mind-mindedness at 6 months was correlated with observations of more sensitive and positive feeding behaviors at 1 year of age. Mind-mindedness was also associated with greater general maternal sensitivity in play and this general parenting sensitivity mediated the effect of mind-mindedness on more sensitive and positive feeding behaviors. Interventions to promote maternal tendency to consider their child's mental states may encourage more adaptive parental feeding behaviors. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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In order to prepare younger generations to live in a world characterized by interconnectedness, developing global and international perspectives for future teachers has been recommended by the National Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects that participation in the International Communication and Negotiation Simulation (ICONS), an Internet-based communication project has on preservice social studies teachers' global knowledge, global mindedness, and global teaching strategies. ^ The study was conducted at a public university in South Florida. A combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches was employed. Two groups of preservice social studies teachers were chosen as participants: a control group composed of 14 preservice teachers who enrolled in a global education class in the summer semester of 1998 and an experimental group that included nine preservice teachers who took the same class in the fall semester of 1998. The summer class was conducted in a traditional format, which included lectures, classroom discussions, and student presentations. The fall class incorporated a five-week Internet-based communication project. The Global Mindedness Scale (Hett, 1993) and an adapted Test of Global Knowledge (ETS, 1981) were administered upon the completion of the class. ^ Contrasting case studies were utilized to investigate the impact of participation in the ICONS on the development of preservice teachers' global pedagogy. Four preservice teachers, two selected from each group were observed and interviewed to explore how they were infusing global perspectives into social studies curriculum and instruction during a 10-week student teaching internship in the spring semester of 1999. ^ This study had three major findings. First, preservice social studies teachers from the experimental group on average scored significantly higher than those from the control group on the global knowledge test. Second, no significant difference was found between the two groups in their mean scores on the Global Mindedness Scale. Third, all four selected preservice social studies teachers were infusing global perspectives into United States and world history curriculum and instruction during their student teaching internship. Using multiple resources was the common pedagogy. The two who participated in the ICONS were more aware of using the communication feature of the Internet and the web sites that reflect more international perspectives to facilitate teaching about the world. ^ Recommendations were made for further research and for preservice studies teacher education program development. ^


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Koops, J. (2016) International mindedness: kan het positief worden gestimuleerd? Een gestructureerde samenwerkingsopdracht als onderwijskundig middel ter bevordering van de international mindedness met behulp van de computer-mediated communication tool Skype©. Augustus, 1, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit.


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Oxford University learning technologies group offer a model for effective practice in creating and using OER in research-led teaching environments where academic practice includes dissemination of research which aids/supplements teaching but is not primarily designed as a teaching resource. The University is perceived by many people to be an exclusive institution. It is certainly unique and complex, with characteristics and traditions established over 900 years. An Oxford education offers an exciting combination of privilege and open-mindedness. The role and sustainability of open education technologies in this environment is subtle. Any strategy to effectively encourage the uptake of OERs must be informed by original thinking and reflection about the culture of the organisation. The OpenSpires project was a successful initiative to establish a sustainable set of policies and workflows that would allow departments from across the University of Oxford to regularly publish high quality open content material for global reuse.


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This study compared the Spanish (Castilian) and French versions of the 16PF5 and of the NEO-PI-R in Spanish and Swiss samples. The five-factor solution for the 16PF5 only seems clear for the Castilian version, but not for the French version. Indeed, the congruence coefficients for the Tough-Mindedness and the Self-Control dimensions are low. On the other hand, the five-factor solutions are highly similar for both countries concerning the NEO-PI-R, and the congruence coefficients are above .95 for all five dimensions. The low cross-cultural replicability for the 16PF5 makes it difficult to analyze the differences at the mean level for this inventory. For the NEO-PI-R, the differences are generally very small and globally account for 2.6% of the total variance. Spaniards seem to have slightly lower scores on Actions and slightly higher scores on Dutifulness. These differences could either be due to translation problems, sample selection, or cultural differences.


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The aim of this study was to illustrate the associations of personality variables and depression. The first study population consisted of 50 patients with DSM-IV defined major depressive disorder. Subjects were randomized to receive either fluoxetine medication or short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was completed at the baseline and in the follow-up at four months. Baseline mature defense style measured with the Defense Style Questionnaire predicted favourable outcome in the fluoxetine treatment group, whereas no associations were found in psychotherapy group. The Psychological Mindedness Scale scores were not predictive for recovery in patients receiving psychotherapy or medication. The Psychological Mindedness Scale seems not to be useful in selecting optimal treatment in major depressive disorder. Harm Avoidance measured with the Temperament and Character Inventory associated with the baseline severity of the depressive state. In the fluoxetine treatment group high Reward Dependence, high Self-Directedness and high Cooperativeness were predictive for more severe depression in the four months follow-up, whereas no associations were found in the psychotherapy treatment group. It is possible that the result reflects the differences in the placebo response. The second data were derived from the Finnish Public Sector Study. These prospective studies with four years follow-up focused on the predictive value of optimism and pessimism, first, to work disability with a diagnosis of depression lasting at least 90 days and returning to work (N= 38214) , and second, to the likelihood of initiating antidepressant medication treatment lasting at least 100 days and ending the treatment (N= 29930). Results show that low optimism associates with the elevated risk of work disability and higher likelihood of antidepressant use. High pessimism associated with higher likelihood starting at least 100 days antidepressant medication and not stopping medication during the follow up. High pessimism did not seem to predict the entering to depression related work disability, but in the case of disability period it associated with the lower likelihood of returning to work. The thesis shows that personality features play a role as a vulnerability factor, and influence the onset and course of depression. Taking these factors into account more than is currently done may increase the possibilities to enhance the treatment results in depression.


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The thesis examines the competencies that enable business survival in changing business environments from the perspective of Russian and Finnish micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in the field of forest industry. Additionally, it studies the competence transformation necessary in SMEs for successful continuation of business operations when a firm considers transferring its business to another industry. The dissertation builds a holistic firm-level view of survival competencies for SMEs facing changes in their business environments. The holistic firm-level view of competencies includes both the individual-level and the firm-level perspectives, regardless of the position of the person in a firm. The findings highlight the importance of high-level individual competencies and the ability to perform versatile tasks in a firm. In addition, continuous business environment scanning, self-evaluation of personal competencies, willingness to renew and change, open-mindedness, and a readiness to network, are competencies that belong to and need to be taken care of by everybody – employees and employers - in a firm. In addition to previous competencies, an ability to manage every-day business also needs to be embedded in SME owners/managers. Furthermore, Russian SMEs seem to be more proactive in change situations, when compared with Finnish SMEs, which are used to operate in a more stable business environment. In conclusion, it can be said that the thesis adds to SME literature by introducing the concept of ‘SME-level competencies’, a combination of previously discussed organisational and networking competencies which are needed in order to survive through change. Furthermore, the thesis concludes with new competence classifications, such as operational and change competencies, which offer new information concerning the required competencies by which a firm may reduce the resistance to change that can hinder business renewal. For SME practitioners, the study suggests proper preparation and proactive operations in their business to reduce the influence of endless changes, and reminds SME owners/managers that changes are, however, a significant source of new business opportunities. For educational players, the study suggests upgrading educational and training systems by improving the training as regards attitudes towards work, and especially training in the comprehensive working abilities needed in SMEs to master diverse tasks. Finally, for public actors the study suggests providing stronger support to entrepreneurs by boosting SMEs entrepreneurial conditions and the existing business possibilities in change situations. This can be done by encouraging a legislative and entrepreneurial climate that responds better to the demands of SMEs.


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Autism is one of those human ambiguities that forces vigilant open-mindednesssometimes this open-mindedness comes without choice, for example when you become the mother of a child with autism. Recent reports indicate that Pervasive Developmental Disorders affect 1 in 150 children (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007). This also means that there are many families caring for children with autism. The purpose of this research was to explore the day to day lived experiences of mothers caring for a child with autism. With a drastic increase in children diagnosed with autism, and very little research on mothers themselves, assisting in articulating lived experiences from mothers themselves seemed like an acceptable first step. Mothers were asked to journal for a period of one month, once a week, as well as participate in a focus group. Findings from both of these techniques were analyzed using underpinnings from Amelio Giorgi and Max van Manen. General findings indicate that mothers present poignant narratives about living with their child. It becomes clear that mothers are stressed, and live a complicated and often contradictory existence. Many days are fraught with struggle, anticipation, watchful eyes, judgment and guilt. There is a constant battle waging; the one within themselves, and the one with an uninformed and uncooperative public. Given that this research contributes to an extremely small body of qualitative research on mothers, future research should continue to gain insight from mothers, without classifying or categorizing their words. Their words speak volumes. Professionals may know autism, but mothers know their children.


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"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (LL.D.)"


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Cette recherche a été entreprise au milieu d'une polémique qui a affecté beaucoup de pays occidentaux, mais était particulièrement prédominante dans la province de Québec. Cette polémique, ancrée dans le processus de globalisation, est née des accommodements reliés aux différences culturelles et était principalement due à une crise d'identité sociale. Pendant cela, les médias ont été pris d’une frénésie qui a fait en sorte qu’une culture (culte) a été ciblée plus que d’autres : l'Islam. Une discussion sur le rôle et l’identité des femmes dans l'Islam (particulièrement les femmes en hijab) a suivi. Le but de cette étude est de voir comment les féministes occidentales et musulmanes pourraient créer une solidarité en dépit de ce qu'elles voient parfois comme des différences idéologiques insurmontables. Les méthodologies utilisées pendant la recherche étaient la théorie (post)coloniale et l’approche féministe, et le corpus de connaissances était interdisciplinaire pour ensuite construire une perspective complète de la problématique. La conclusion montre que la création de cette solidarité est essentielle pour assurer les droits et les libertés des femmes (la liberté de conscience y comprise). Un élément nécessaire à cette solidarité était le dialogue interreligieux et les conditions de base qui créent un dialogue réussi sont, entre autres, l’écoute active, « l’inclusivité » et l’ouverture d’esprit. Les dialogues interreligieux sont un outil important dans une société religieusement diverse, et connaitre l'autre est fondamental pour surmonter les obstacles et favoriser la compréhension.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Étant donné que le sommeil ainsi que les problèmes intériorisés et extériorisés durant l’enfance sont associés à plusieurs aspects du développement social, affectif et cognitif de l’enfant, il apparait essentiel d’étudier ces deux indicateurs de l’autorégulation chez les enfants ainsi que de comprendre les facteurs qui contribuent à leur émergence. L’objectif général de la thèse était donc de mieux comprendre les facteurs associés au développement de l’autorégulation psychophysiologique, telle que mesurée par la qualité du sommeil de l’enfant, ainsi que l’autorégulation émotionnelle et comportementale, telle qu’indiquée par la présence de symptômes intériorisés et extériorisés chez l’enfant. La thèse est composée de deux articles de nature empirique. L’objectif du premier article de la thèse était d’examiner les liens qui existent entre quatre comportements parentaux (i.e., la sensibilité maternelle, le soutien à l’autonomie maternel, l'orientation mentale de la mère et la qualité des interactions père-enfant) et le sommeil de l’enfant, de façon longitudinale et prospective. Les trois comportements maternels ont été mesurés avec 70 dyades mère-enfant, tandis que la qualité des interactions père-enfant a été évaluée chez 41 de ces familles. À 12 mois, l’orientation mentale maternelle et la sensibilité maternelle ont été évaluées. Le soutien à l'autonomie maternel a été mesuré à 15 mois, tandis que la qualité des interactions père-enfant a été évaluée à 18 mois. Le sommeil des enfants a été mesuré à 3 et 4 ans en utilisant un agenda de sommeil rempli par la mère. Les résultats indiquaient qu’en contrôlant pour le statut socioéconomique familial et le fait d’aller en garderie ou non, la qualité des interactions mère-enfant et père-enfant est liée à la proportion de sommeil ayant lieu la nuit chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire. Le deuxième article visait à étudier les effets d’interaction entre le sommeil de l’enfant et la sensibilité maternelle en ce qui a trait au développement des problèmes intériorisés et extériorisés. À 1 et 4 ans, 55 dyades mère-enfant ont participé à deux visites à domicile. À 1 an, la sensibilité maternelle a été évaluée et les mères ont complété l’agenda du sommeil de l’enfant. À 4 ans, les mères ont rempli le Child Behavior Checklist pour évaluer les symptômes intériorisés et extériorisés chez leur enfant. Les résultats ont montré que la sensibilité maternelle interagit avec la durée du sommeil de l’enfant. Ainsi, les résultats ont indiqué une relation négative entre la sensibilité maternelle et les problèmes intériorisés et extériorisés, mais seulement chez les enfants qui dorment plus la nuit. Les résultats présentés dans les deux articles ont été discutés, ainsi que leurs implications théoriques et cliniques.


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L’étude de l’orientation mentale (OM), soit l’habileté des parents à concevoir et à traiter leur enfant comme un individu disposant d’une vie mentale autonome et active (Meins, 1997), a gagné en intérêt grâce à la démonstration de ses associations avec plusieurs sphères du développement de l’enfant, entre autres avec le style d’acquisition linguistique chez les enfants de 20 mois ainsi que le développement de la théorie de l’esprit chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire (p. ex., Meins & Fernyhough, 1999). En dépit de ces résultats, l’étude du développement du vocabulaire et des stades initiaux de la théorie de l’esprit chez les enfants a été négligée dans cette littérature. La présente thèse est composée de trois articles empiriques et vise à combler certaines lacunes de la littérature actuelle. Le premier article vise à examiner les liens longitudinaux entre l’OM maternelle et le vocabulaire expressif chez les enfants de 2 ans. Les deuxième et troisième articles ont pour but d’évaluer les relations longitudinales entre l’OM maternelle, la sécurité d’attachement des enfants et les toutes premières articulations de la théorie de l’esprit chez les enfants de 2 ans, puis 2 ans plus tard, avec la théorie de l’esprit chez les enfants de 4 ans. Les données des trois articles proviennent de cinq visites effectuées au domicile de 84 dyades mère-enfant. À 12 mois, l’OM maternelle a été mesurée lors de jeux libres mère-enfant à l’aide du système de codification de Meins et al. (2001). À 15 mois, la sécurité d’attachement de l’enfant a été mesurée par un observateur avec le Q-Sort d’attachement (Waters & Deane, 1985). À 2 ans, les mères ont évalué le langage de leur enfant à l’aide des inventaires MacArthur du développement de la communication (Dionne, Tremblay, Boivin, Laplante, & Pérusse, 2003). Finalement, la théorie de l’esprit de l’enfant a été mesurée à 2 et 4 ans à l’aide de diverses tâches expérimentales (Carlson, Mandell, & Williams, 2004). Les résultats du premier article indiquent que l’OM maternelle est associée au développement du vocabulaire expressif des enfants de 2 ans. Les résultats des deuxième et troisième articles indiquent que la compréhension des enfants de 2 et 4 ans aux tâches de théorie de l’esprit est associée à l’OM maternelle. De plus, ces deux articles ont démontré que les garçons, mais pas les filles, présentant des comportements d’attachement davantage sécures ont obtenu de meilleures performances à une tâche demandant la compréhension des perspectives visuelles de leur mère à 2 ans et de celles d’une étrangère à 4 ans. En conclusion, les résultats de la thèse suggèrent que l’utilisation que les mères font de commentaires mentaux à 12 mois semble favoriser l’acquisition de mots dans le vocabulaire expressif de leur enfant à 2 ans ainsi que le développement d’une meilleure compréhension aux tâches de théorie de l’esprit à 2 et 4 ans.